Los Angeles Family

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Re: Los Angeles Family

by chubby » Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:42 am

Grouchy Sinatra wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:30 pm Mexicans run So Cal. Even in the 70s Italian wiseguys were chummimg up to the cholos. And that was when the Mexicans were just starting to establish their dominance on the streets. Numbers have only increased since.
True the Mexican mafia has every street gang of Mexican origin under their umbrella from Bakersfield to the Mexican border and they all pay taxes to the Mexican mafia. So to say they run shit is kind of understatement. There was A few gangs who held out on paying taxes such is the different groups of Maravilla gangs in East LA along with Opal Street and a few others but even they mainly fell under and got in line

Re: Los Angeles Family

by chubby » Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:39 am

Wiseguy wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:13 pm
JeremyTheJew wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:58 am FYI Armenia is in Asia. Once again making me not understand why they'd wanna join Mexicans
Armenians are considered part of Eurasian organized crime. And, when you look at many of their cases, they are similar to Russian and other Eastern European, as well as Albanian, criminal enterprises. In 2011, one Armenian in NY was identified in an indictment as a Vor. Honestly, I don't know enough to know whether "Armenian Power," as it's called, is a single organizaton or if it is an umbrella term for several Armenian groups. If I had to guess, it would be the latter given the makup and MO of other Eurasian groups.

As far as their ties with La Eme, one indictment said the connection involved the Mexicans providing protection for the Armenians in prison and the Armenians helping the Mexicans facilitate criminal activity on the outside. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if the younger generation of Armenians are attracted to the more street-gangster style of the Mexicans.
Armenian power is actually a single group. It’s actually a single street gang that was created in the little Armenia neighborhood in east Hollywood . But like I said it gets tricky because they are so clannish there is hundreds of Armenians they deal with who are not members. I hate to say it because I’m good friends with a few and they have always done right by me. But in California Los Angeles in particular Armenians have a crazy reputation for being Into all sorts of crooked shit especially fraud, I can truly say it’s not just a rumor though literally 90% of them are involved in something whether it’s Medicare fraud, credit card fraud, bank fraud. Any and everything.

Re: Los Angeles Family

by JeremyTheJew » Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:16 am

Lol ya... The little moolies do that here too.
They also offer you crack dope weed and a date tho...

Re: Los Angeles Family

by chubby » Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:02 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:57 am This is very surprising to me that Russian OC and Mex would be intertwined.... Maybe I just don't realize where Armenia is located but I think it's Europe / middle East area.

Also to have 200 plus members and associate is a almost viable family. Why join with a prison gang like le eme??

And what do u think it means to be a made member of Mexican mafia?? Probably to comitt a murders for the gang
Armenia was once part of the Soviet Union back in the day, actually it was a part of it up until 1991 (lol my friend loved talking about Armenian history). Don’t ever bring up Turks to an Armenian... you will hear about the genocide for hours.. it really did happen though I’m 1915 the Turks killed 1.5 million ethnic Armenians.... it’s north of Iran. East of turkey and south of Georgia.. and yeah them falling under the flag of the Mexican mafia has always been very strange to me... i guess it’s as simple as falling in line for protection once you’re in jail/prison.. who knows.. cause like I said they do have strong connections to Russian OC.... and ya Capone aka Hollywood mike is a made mexican mafia member... if you saw most of the high level Armenian guys on the street you would never know.. they look and present themselves as respectable high end business men... and their penchant for luxury cars is literally insane, they will drive a 350k$ car and stay in a 39$ a night hotel, this is no joke I’ve witnessed it first hand... some of the younger members though have adopted the whole Los Angeles Mexican gang member look with the shaved head’s and head tattoos and what not. I remember I met one who is probably 12 years old because I used to live a couple blocks away from Little Armenia in Los Angeles. And this 12-year-old kid was standing at the gas station offering anyone who pulled the half-price gas for cash. He had a stack full of debit cards in his hand and he would fill up your tank for like 20 bucks. I ended up shooting the shit with him for a few minutes and mixing I know he’s telling me to pull my car up and he ended up giving me free gas and anytime I would See him there at the gas station doing his household he would always fill up my tank for free. Well free to me not for someone else

Re: Los Angeles Family

by JeremyTheJew » Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:12 pm

Pegleg Joe.

Is that white boy in blood in blood out?
And also American Me?

The only white member who was also one of the top leaders as well

Re: Los Angeles Family

by Targenmantarian » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:16 pm

The younger Armenians definitely ride with the Mexicans.

The nominal leader of Armenian Power is one of the only non Mexicans to be a full carnal in LAeme...Pegleg Joe Morgan status.

Re: Los Angeles Family

by Wiseguy » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:13 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:58 am FYI Armenia is in Asia. Once again making me not understand why they'd wanna join Mexicans
Armenians are considered part of Eurasian organized crime. And, when you look at many of their cases, they are similar to Russian and other Eastern European, as well as Albanian, criminal enterprises. In 2011, one Armenian in NY was identified in an indictment as a Vor. Honestly, I don't know enough to know whether "Armenian Power," as it's called, is a single organizaton or if it is an umbrella term for several Armenian groups. If I had to guess, it would be the latter given the makup and MO of other Eurasian groups.

As far as their ties with La Eme, one indictment said the connection involved the Mexicans providing protection for the Armenians in prison and the Armenians helping the Mexicans facilitate criminal activity on the outside. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if the younger generation of Armenians are attracted to the more street-gangster style of the Mexicans.

Re: Los Angeles Family

by Grouchy Sinatra » Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:30 pm

Mexicans run So Cal. Even in the 70s Italian wiseguys were chummimg up to the cholos. And that was when the Mexicans were just starting to establish their dominance on the streets. Numbers have only increased since.

Re: Los Angeles Family

by JeremyTheJew » Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:58 am

FYI Armenia is in Asia. Once again making me not understand why they'd wanna join Mexicans

Re: Los Angeles Family

by JeremyTheJew » Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:57 am

This is very surprising to me that Russian OC and Mex would be intertwined.... Maybe I just don't realize where Armenia is located but I think it's Europe / middle East area.

Also to have 200 plus members and associate is a almost viable family. Why join with a prison gang like le eme??

And what do u think it means to be a made member of Mexican mafia?? Probably to comitt a murders for the gang

Re: Los Angeles Family

by TallGuy19 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:07 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 10:06 pm
chubby wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:35 pm
TallGuy19 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:11 pm
chubby wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:06 pm
TallGuy19 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:17 am
PaddyWhack wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:18 am When it comes to organized crime, the Russian/Armenians are much better organized then the Mexican gangs. They have had a stranglehold on the marijuana business and the dispensaries that sell it in So Cal. Also heavily involved in extortion, gambling , medical fraud..
Are you familiar with the Armenian Power gang? I came across some articles about them and found them very interesting.
I am. I have close friends who are old long standing members and know other Armenians who are obviously connected to Ap. The problem is now, that I don’t understand, once Armenian power came under the sureno flag of the Mexican mafia... lots more Armenians lately have been joining historic Hispanic street gangs instead of Ap... such as Burbank 13, 18 street, other neighborhoods from the San Fernando valley ...
I don’t really get it cause there’s enough Armenians in Los Angeles to basically hold their own, I mean in Glendale they have the highest number of Armenians outside Armenian ... and they are all connected to each other and the higher ups answer to Russian Oc since a lot of Armenians are Russian Armenian.. I’ll tell you this I’ve yet to see a group of people who literally know how to scam everything , they’re very smart in the white collar fraud area plus they have the drug connections through their Mexican connects.. and for some reason ... (I know armos hate being called middle eastern but they are) but every major pharmaceutical connection I’ve ever seen or heard of in LA it’s alwags a middle eastern , Lebanese , Syrian, Israeli, Armenian, Persian... they know how to fuck the system in every single way and it’s accepted in their culture .. I’ve been to many of their homes and met mothers, aunts, grandmothers and business performed right in the open and they see nothing wrong with it..
Do you have any idea how they are structured? An article I read about them said they have about 250 fully inducted members and hundreds of associates. They sound fairly organized and sophisticated but the story did not go into detail about their hierarchy.
It’s kind of loosely based .. like I said I have close friends who I was with daily who actually got federally indicted last February, arrested on Valentine’s Day.. the strength they have is that they heavily stick to their own.. ifs very hard to gain their trust if you’re not/ cannot speak Armenian... the guys I was around I would say were mid level.. all had multiple luxury cars. From Lexus to Maybachs And Bentley’s.. they all sold a ton of pharmaceuticals. Perks. Xannies, adderall, and one big money maker was somehow they would get a hold of expired HIV medication . That even at a pharmacy a bottle was worth like 15k.. and they would relabel them and switch the expiration date and sell them to pharmacies . When my buddy got caught he has 3.5 million worth of the aids meds. The only part that’s structured is the fraud, but even then it’s kinda free for all. But they’re good at that shit.. to the point where the guy I know would get rewritten debit cards with the peoples pins included so he could just stop at atm to a all day and pull out straight cash .. I was pretty blown away by that ... but once they get locked up they’re considered surenos and are under the Mexican mafia flag in jail/ prison ... and some of the really high up ones like I said have contacts to Russian oc. Like my buddy spoke Armenian and Russian fluently. Came to USA when he was 15.
Do Russian and Mexican OC mix together often?
In the LA Weekly article it says that the boss of Armenian Power is a made member of the Mexican Mafia.

Re: Los Angeles Family

by JeremyTheJew » Wed Feb 26, 2020 10:06 pm

chubby wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:35 pm
TallGuy19 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:11 pm
chubby wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:06 pm
TallGuy19 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:17 am
PaddyWhack wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:18 am When it comes to organized crime, the Russian/Armenians are much better organized then the Mexican gangs. They have had a stranglehold on the marijuana business and the dispensaries that sell it in So Cal. Also heavily involved in extortion, gambling , medical fraud..
Are you familiar with the Armenian Power gang? I came across some articles about them and found them very interesting.
I am. I have close friends who are old long standing members and know other Armenians who are obviously connected to Ap. The problem is now, that I don’t understand, once Armenian power came under the sureno flag of the Mexican mafia... lots more Armenians lately have been joining historic Hispanic street gangs instead of Ap... such as Burbank 13, 18 street, other neighborhoods from the San Fernando valley ...
I don’t really get it cause there’s enough Armenians in Los Angeles to basically hold their own, I mean in Glendale they have the highest number of Armenians outside Armenian ... and they are all connected to each other and the higher ups answer to Russian Oc since a lot of Armenians are Russian Armenian.. I’ll tell you this I’ve yet to see a group of people who literally know how to scam everything , they’re very smart in the white collar fraud area plus they have the drug connections through their Mexican connects.. and for some reason ... (I know armos hate being called middle eastern but they are) but every major pharmaceutical connection I’ve ever seen or heard of in LA it’s alwags a middle eastern , Lebanese , Syrian, Israeli, Armenian, Persian... they know how to fuck the system in every single way and it’s accepted in their culture .. I’ve been to many of their homes and met mothers, aunts, grandmothers and business performed right in the open and they see nothing wrong with it..
Do you have any idea how they are structured? An article I read about them said they have about 250 fully inducted members and hundreds of associates. They sound fairly organized and sophisticated but the story did not go into detail about their hierarchy.
It’s kind of loosely based .. like I said I have close friends who I was with daily who actually got federally indicted last February, arrested on Valentine’s Day.. the strength they have is that they heavily stick to their own.. ifs very hard to gain their trust if you’re not/ cannot speak Armenian... the guys I was around I would say were mid level.. all had multiple luxury cars. From Lexus to Maybachs And Bentley’s.. they all sold a ton of pharmaceuticals. Perks. Xannies, adderall, and one big money maker was somehow they would get a hold of expired HIV medication . That even at a pharmacy a bottle was worth like 15k.. and they would relabel them and switch the expiration date and sell them to pharmacies . When my buddy got caught he has 3.5 million worth of the aids meds. The only part that’s structured is the fraud, but even then it’s kinda free for all. But they’re good at that shit.. to the point where the guy I know would get rewritten debit cards with the peoples pins included so he could just stop at atm to a all day and pull out straight cash .. I was pretty blown away by that ... but once they get locked up they’re considered surenos and are under the Mexican mafia flag in jail/ prison ... and some of the really high up ones like I said have contacts to Russian oc. Like my buddy spoke Armenian and Russian fluently. Came to USA when he was 15.
Do Russian and Mexican OC mix together often?

Re: Los Angeles Family

by chubby » Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:37 pm

Re: Los Angeles Family

by chubby » Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:35 pm

TallGuy19 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:11 pm
chubby wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:06 pm
TallGuy19 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:17 am
PaddyWhack wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:18 am When it comes to organized crime, the Russian/Armenians are much better organized then the Mexican gangs. They have had a stranglehold on the marijuana business and the dispensaries that sell it in So Cal. Also heavily involved in extortion, gambling , medical fraud..
Are you familiar with the Armenian Power gang? I came across some articles about them and found them very interesting.
I am. I have close friends who are old long standing members and know other Armenians who are obviously connected to Ap. The problem is now, that I don’t understand, once Armenian power came under the sureno flag of the Mexican mafia... lots more Armenians lately have been joining historic Hispanic street gangs instead of Ap... such as Burbank 13, 18 street, other neighborhoods from the San Fernando valley ...
I don’t really get it cause there’s enough Armenians in Los Angeles to basically hold their own, I mean in Glendale they have the highest number of Armenians outside Armenian ... and they are all connected to each other and the higher ups answer to Russian Oc since a lot of Armenians are Russian Armenian.. I’ll tell you this I’ve yet to see a group of people who literally know how to scam everything , they’re very smart in the white collar fraud area plus they have the drug connections through their Mexican connects.. and for some reason ... (I know armos hate being called middle eastern but they are) but every major pharmaceutical connection I’ve ever seen or heard of in LA it’s alwags a middle eastern , Lebanese , Syrian, Israeli, Armenian, Persian... they know how to fuck the system in every single way and it’s accepted in their culture .. I’ve been to many of their homes and met mothers, aunts, grandmothers and business performed right in the open and they see nothing wrong with it..
Do you have any idea how they are structured? An article I read about them said they have about 250 fully inducted members and hundreds of associates. They sound fairly organized and sophisticated but the story did not go into detail about their hierarchy.
It’s kind of loosely based .. like I said I have close friends who I was with daily who actually got federally indicted last February, arrested on Valentine’s Day.. the strength they have is that they heavily stick to their own.. ifs very hard to gain their trust if you’re not/ cannot speak Armenian... the guys I was around I would say were mid level.. all had multiple luxury cars. From Lexus to Maybachs And Bentley’s.. they all sold a ton of pharmaceuticals. Perks. Xannies, adderall, and one big money maker was somehow they would get a hold of expired HIV medication . That even at a pharmacy a bottle was worth like 15k.. and they would relabel them and switch the expiration date and sell them to pharmacies . When my buddy got caught he has 3.5 million worth of the aids meds. The only part that’s structured is the fraud, but even then it’s kinda free for all. But they’re good at that shit.. to the point where the guy I know would get rewritten debit cards with the peoples pins included so he could just stop at atm to a all day and pull out straight cash .. I was pretty blown away by that ... but once they get locked up they’re considered surenos and are under the Mexican mafia flag in jail/ prison ... and some of the really high up ones like I said have contacts to Russian oc. Like my buddy spoke Armenian and Russian fluently. Came to USA when he was 15.

Re: Los Angeles Family

by Bklyn21 » Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:58 am

Stroccos wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:57 pm
Bklyn21 wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:56 pm
IrishDave wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:04 pm Russell "Rusty" Massetta (Has lived in Cleveland since the 80s, probably dead)

I think he's still alive. He and his personal family run a flooring company.
https://www.cleveland.com/pdextra/2010/ ... setta.html........ Here's the recent news on Massetta a few years back , I think he was connected also to some murder conspiracy with a few people I have to find which happened I think over the last few years
murder conspircay? russell dont have the balls !
Lol.. Couldn't find anything , Must've had him confused
