60-2010 top NY fam running drugs

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Re: 60-2010 top NY fam running drugs

Post by CabriniGreen »

The article I posted actually has FIVE cartels moving dope through Chicago ..
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Re: 60-2010 top NY fam running drugs

Post by Wiseguy »

CabriniGreen wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 3:11 am The article I posted actually has FIVE cartels moving dope through Chicago ..
According to the most recent DEA report, the six major cartels in Mexico are Sinaloa, Jalisco New Generation, Juarez, Gulf, Los Zetas, and Beltran-Leyva. Sinaloa, Juarez, and Beltran-Leyva were the three that were said to use Chicago as one of their hubs. That article adding Jalisco New Generation and Los Zetas could make it five of the major ones, not counting the other ones listed.
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Re: 60-2010 top NY fam running drugs


CabriniGreen wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 3:08 am @Jiggs

You are seriously my new favorite poster.... Great post my man !!
FTR, Jiggs was on the old Real Deal from way back.
Welcome to the Black Hand Jiggs!
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Re: 60-2010 top NY fam running drugs

Post by Charlie »

B. wrote: Sat May 05, 2018 8:30 pm Cicale mentions Basciano getting drugs from the Montreal crew in the 2000s and that Massino specifically reached out to Basciano after the Sciascia hit to feel him out, as he said Basciano and Sciascia had been close. Curious if Basciano was distributing heroin from Montreal earlier on as well given they were part of the same family and had drug ties later.
I honestly cannot answer as to where he was getting his dope from. That would be interesting because as JIGGS aptly put it what made a whole lot of difference where the connections you had and that includes international connections.
If you ask me my personnal opinion I wouldn't be surprised if Basciano was getting it from Montreal, you have to rememeber we are talking about the kid who was invited at the Pippo Bono wedding...Could be coincidence but at the very least my guts tell me he was on the radar of some very high level guys very early on...
Also people on the forums and elsewhere know Basciano as the former boss of the Bonannos but ask somebody from the streets who doesn't know much about LCN, Basciano was a drug guy, one of the biggest. He had a gambling op but he made millions upon millions and reached his status as a moneymaker with, mainly, drugs.
Look at the guys convicted at the (1995 it was?) trial where he was the only one acquitted, all huge heroin guys. That acquittal was huge news at the time.
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