Trafic de stupéfiants aux États-Unis: un des frères Scoppa sera extradé
Les autorités américaines l’accusent d’avoir fait partie d’un vaste réseau de trafic de drogue ... ra-extrade
Who the fuck is buying cars from Pizzi’s dealership lol it’s obviously a front but the place has been fire bombed a half dozen times in a few years, shot up and has armed guards at night
That’s the guy, Adriana. My Uncle Tony. The guy I’m going to hell for.
When Operation Dead Hand was announced in Los Angeles on Jan. 30, 2024, Sidhu and some of the other Canadians swept up in the drama were overshadowed by big allegations and better-known names.
In the United States, there were wanted fugitives linked to Mexican drug cartels and distracting mountains of cocaine surrounding the podium at the press conference; in Canada, there was a man with a notorious last name: Roberto Scoppa, brother of two leaders in a faction of the Montreal Mafia who were killed in 2019 during a mob war.
I'm seeing a lot of back-and-forth about what crew is part of La Cosa Nostra or not, what if it's just harder to prove Mafia membership nowadays? I don't think it's going to be as easy to pinpoint who is and who isn't as it used to be, going forward.
(Be warned, there is a link to the murder video and a photo of his body on the JDM article)
From the JDM article:
His (Anguiano's) murder comes just two months after that of his right-hand man, Mathieu Bélanger.
Police sources say that it was none other than Ivan Isla Anguiano who orchestrated Tamouro's murder and then took his client book. His time was running out since then, the same sources indicate.