Giancana’s killer revealed?

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Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by aleksandrored » Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:16 pm

DPG wrote: Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:41 pm Bump for young lansky
Thanks man!!!!

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by DPG » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:41 pm

Bump for young lansky

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by NothingNew44 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:31 pm

Confederate wrote: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:28 am
Villain wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:55 pm I just cant believe what some of these CIs would say just to get some attention and somehow make money...whats next? Phillys McGuire secretly controlled the Outfit and Capone is still alive?! Lol

Theres one fine testimony by Giancanas caretaker so thats it
In my opinion, Frank Calabrese Jr. is a sociopathic con man who became an F.B.I. Informant in order to keep his Father in Jail so he would not have to RETURN the $600,000 Dollars he stole from his Father's stash. He did not suddenly find Jesus under his bed and Accardo did not shoot Giancana. lol


Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by SILENT PARTNERZ » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:56 am

SonnyBlackstein wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:49 pm Americans love their conspiracy theories.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by Villain » Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:56 pm

aleksandrored wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:06 pm
Villain wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:36 pm
TommyNoto wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:01 pm From what I have read Lucky Luciano and Vito Genovese were instrumental in helpful with the WWII Sicily invasions/ landing . Once Hoover found out though he went bananas which triggered a lot of document burning .
The military planners did feel that their actions saved countless lives and their names carried an incredible amount of weight with the locals and their help .
You previously made a good point regarding the CIA probay suppressing the investigation out of obvious reasons.

Also heres the doc which i previously mentioned (its in 5 parts)
Thanks Villain, this documentary seems to be very interesting.
Yes and the story is told by people who were actually there, not by some historians or researchers

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by SonnyBlackstein » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:49 pm

Americans love their conspiracy theories.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by aleksandrored » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:06 pm

Villain wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:36 pm
TommyNoto wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:01 pm From what I have read Lucky Luciano and Vito Genovese were instrumental in helpful with the WWII Sicily invasions/ landing . Once Hoover found out though he went bananas which triggered a lot of document burning .
The military planners did feel that their actions saved countless lives and their names carried an incredible amount of weight with the locals and their help .
You previously made a good point regarding the CIA probay suppressing the investigation out of obvious reasons.

Also heres the doc which i previously mentioned (its in 5 parts)
Thanks Villain, this documentary seems to be very interesting.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by TommyNoto » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:29 am

SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:13 am
Snakes wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:47 am The Murchinson House meeting was debunked years ago. Neither Johnson or Hoover were in Dallas and Murchinson was at his ranch.
LBJ's girlfriend sounded pretty convincing during the several interviews
I have seen of her. She clearly states that she was at the house with
the men mentioned. She recounts in detail her conversation she had
with LBJ as he walks out of the closed door meeting in the house.
Was she lying? Mistaken about the date of the gathering? Maybe.
Maybe not. A lot if misinformation was put out to confuse people.
The Warren Report is one example.
I’m not sure that meeting of all those guys has been verified so at the moment I’m not taking it as fact but that could change

In the below link go far down to primary sources - (2) Gaeton Fonzi Last Investigation who was a chief HSCa investigator and wrote a great book . That Morales guy must have had insane stories , he was main guy that overthrowed or tried to numerous govts plus was a top guy in Phoenix program in Vietnam

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by Snakes » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:27 am

She was a fraud -- she can produce no evidence that she ever had a relationship with LBJ beyond her own. At any rate, LBJ was in Houston that day. Even if he was present at the party why would someone as shrewd as he was admit to a conspiracy to murder the president? It bends the realms of credibility. Additionally, Murchinson did not even own the house at the time, one of his sons did.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by SILENT PARTNERZ » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:13 am

Snakes wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:47 am The Murchinson House meeting was debunked years ago. Neither Johnson or Hoover were in Dallas and Murchinson was at his ranch.
LBJ's girlfriend sounded pretty convincing during the several interviews
I have seen of her. She clearly states that she was at the house with
the men mentioned. She recounts in detail her conversation she had
with LBJ as he walks out of the closed door meeting in the house.
Was she lying? Mistaken about the date of the gathering? Maybe.
Maybe not. A lot if misinformation was put out to confuse people.
The Warren Report is one example.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by Snakes » Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:47 am

The Murchinson House meeting was debunked years ago. Neither Johnson or Hoover were in Dallas and Murchinson was at his ranch.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by SILENT PARTNERZ » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:50 am

TommyNoto wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:47 am
SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:10 pm
Villain wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:54 pm
Frank wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:26 am So in another words are you saying that Accardo and the Outfit ordered Giancana's death, but the government ordered the local LE and FBI to not pursue the case because of Sam's past involvement with the CIA and that it would become public. Ditto for Roselli.
In some words yeah but I believe that Sam would've probably talked, followed by Roselli since he possibly already opened his mouth. That would be one part of my theory regarding the case until we receive some "new" info or maybe some which we possibly missed it (not the Calabrse Jr type of info). Almost all of the Chicago guys with the CIA connections ended up dead and I dont believe often in coincidences. And I say "almost" since one or two remained alive and well
I have studied the JFK Assassination. Dozens of people that got close to , or had info on the case, ended up dead.
I do not think you are a conspiracy nut. I think you are on target. The CIA controls situations with murder. Fact.
I agree that the CIA had a hand in suppressing an investigation as it would of had agents backtracking to the cia and mafia working arrangement over Castro assassination plots , Bay of Pigs etc and god knows what else .

I’ll have to re look at who but a very senior government employee suspected Bill Harvey (staff D head and Rome COS at time of JFKA ) was possibly involved as he was retired at the time in nearby Indy. Roselli was very friendly with both Harvey and David Morales whose direct work was foreign govt over throws / regime change and foreign political assasinations, so Roselli was in very deep with these guys and I have also read that Roselli ( or Giancona - can’t remember who ) testified to HSCA and had some regrettable name drops that could also tie Traficante with certain anti Castro Cubans affiliated w the CIA .

It’s interesting as Roselli last defense of not being involved with the JFKA was JFK sent a CIA Cuban hit team to kill Castro and Castro caught and flipped them to go back on his behalf to kill JFK ( the so called Castro did it theory ) which is probably as close to these guys admitting their involvement as you will get but interesting evolution of their what happened beliefs

I too strongly believe JFK was killed by rogue CIA agents (Harvey , Morales , David Atlee Phillips and possibly James Angleton at a minimum ) in combination with anti Castro Cubans and senior CHI, FL , NO mafia figures including Roseelli , Giancanna , Trafficante , Marcelo and Ruby at a minimum )

David Morales openly admitted to killing RFK too in front of several credIble witnessed that went on record and Harvey’s wife in an interview raved about Roselli and him being a patriot and the Kennedy’s were worse then scum .
Add to the above- the people meeting at Clint Murchinson's house in Dallas the night before the JFK hit,
which included Hoover, LBJ, etc, and you have the conspiracy. The Kennedy brothers had created so
many enemies in the U.S. power structure that they never stood a chance:
Hoover's close friend LBJ
OC bosses Marcello; Giancana; Trafficante
US military industrial complex & right wing military groups

Oswald was the 'pasty' Marcello spoke of.
No way Oswald is a lone assassin.

Please link me to the David Morales admission if you can.
I have never read that, and would very much like to.
Thanks, SP

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by Villain » Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:36 pm

TommyNoto wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:01 pm From what I have read Lucky Luciano and Vito Genovese were instrumental in helpful with the WWII Sicily invasions/ landing . Once Hoover found out though he went bananas which triggered a lot of document burning .
The military planners did feel that their actions saved countless lives and their names carried an incredible amount of weight with the locals and their help .
You previously made a good point regarding the CIA probay suppressing the investigation out of obvious reasons.

Also heres the doc which i previously mentioned (its in 5 parts)

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by Frank » Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:58 pm

rayray wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:49 pm
Pete wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:26 pm So in an interview on wgn news tonight calabrese jr claimed accardo personally killed giancana, not blasi, not spilotro. I find this highly improbable, calabrese sr made the silencer and supposedly told him accardo did it. I’m sure accardo ordered it but doubt he would do a hit at that point in his life
I call this and seriously, Calabrese Sr. even on Accardo's radar at that time?

And even if Calabrese Sr. was told to make a silencer, like would anyone tell him who it was being made for...besides...if Accardo did the deed himself he'd probably kill anyone who remotely knew anything about it...especially some nobody's at the time, in Accardo's eyes.
I don't believe Accardo did the actual hit, but had final approval of the hit. Calabrese through Angelo LaPietra is that connection. I guess your fortunate if you don't get wacked for what you know about things in the mob.

Re: Giancana’s killer revealed?

by rayray » Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:49 pm

Pete wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:26 pm So in an interview on wgn news tonight calabrese jr claimed accardo personally killed giancana, not blasi, not spilotro. I find this highly improbable, calabrese sr made the silencer and supposedly told him accardo did it. I’m sure accardo ordered it but doubt he would do a hit at that point in his life
I call this and seriously, Calabrese Sr. even on Accardo's radar at that time?

And even if Calabrese Sr. was told to make a silencer, like would anyone tell him who it was being made for...besides...if Accardo did the deed himself he'd probably kill anyone who remotely knew anything about it...especially some nobody's at the time, in Accardo's eyes.
