General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sun Mar 09, 2025 7:04 pm

B. wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 1:10 pm
PolackTony wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:16 pm The earliest that we can 100% confirm that Lombardo had been formally elevated to capo was around 1975, and it makes sense that at some point in the years after assuming that title, he would have proposed a few guys close to him.
Lombardo was a captain by August 1974 when he was also helping Accardo run the Family with Torello and Pilotta:


This is also when we learn Spilotro was definitively under Lombardo which you mentioned:

Yup, this was the reference I had been referring to earlier, of course. And it doesn't necessarily mean that Lombardo had not already been a captain for some years by this time, it's just that we can only say with certainty that he was identified as holding this position by a verified member source at this time.

My reading of the Spilotro thing is that he was almost certainly a member of the Buccieri crew as late as about 1971, when he left Chicago for Vegas (we have multiple associate sources that unequivocally placed him with that crew, including Cullotta, who we can expect to have at least known this much). By 1974, at the latest, he was reporting to Lombardo. Given the CI account that Spilotro had gotten into a serious rift with Torello over a contested promotion (which fits Torello's succession of the ailing Buccieri), he may have been transferred out of that crew for this reason.
B wrote: Also re: Torello, while it can happen where a guy is made and immediately promoted to captain / help direct the Family, Gurera's earlier identification plus Torello being not only a captain but part of the top leadership by 1974 suggests he'd been a member for some time.
Oh, for sure. Fosco's claim isn't at face value absurd or anything. But the other evidence, including an identification years prior by a contemporaneous, verified LCN source, indicates that Fosco's secondhand account was probably confused or mistaken.
B wrote: Great info, re: Patrick and Vento telling Rainone that members are made via ceremony and then have the right to run their own "crew". Tony brought up the Prio conversation where it was whispered that a guy like Campise was now an "avugad" (avvocato / advocate) which was typically used in the mafia to refer to a Commission member but we believe it was being used here to simply refer to having become a member, as a made member was indeed a general sort of avvocato (or even rappresentante) over the people under him. A member can advocate / argue for people, something associates generally can't do at least within the formal organization.
As Above, so Below. The soldier represents his associates, the captain represents his soldiers (and their associates), the boss represents the entire Family, and in his capacity as a Commission member, in turn represents other Families. Like Russian dolls. It's all avugads all the way down lol.

We know that Joe Costello was recorded addressing Giancana, in his capacity as representative/boss of the Family, as "avvocato" also, a term that is fully synonymous with rappresentante. That Chicago seems to have used this to refer to a "boss" at multiple levels of the hierarchy is important, in that it points to the vital dimension of the "chain of representation", which is not captured by the English use of "boss" -- which solely connotes the "chain of command" aspect of the organizational structure -- to gloss the original Sicilian usages. That Chicago, within the circle of actual mafia membership, seems to have emphasized the use of avvocato in these ways goes to underscore how important the "chain of representation" was to their own understanding of their organization.
B wrote: Re: "pensions", never seen any info on Chicago having anything like this except what Valachi said about compensation for not dealing drugs but when Bomp visited St. Louis in 1968 he was told by Tony Giordano that the elderly members there were on some kind of payroll.
Good reminder on Bomp's claim about STL. As I noted above, given that the mafia is a type of mutual aid society, we can expect that things like this may well have been done, at least in some Families at some times. STL was, of course, an extremely conservative Family, and had a small and dwindling membership by the time that Bomp was told this by Giordano, so if Giordano was maintaining some of the elder members as a gesture of respect, it wouldn't be a big undertaking.

This reminded me that there was *one* reference to a (probable) Chicago member receiving a "pension". Frank "Afe" Mulea, a likely made member of the Prio crew who died in 1978. Mulea had been in very poor health for a number of years by that point, and a CI in the early 1970s had claimed that he was totally dependent on "government and hoodlum pensions". This was sort of a special case of a guy who was very sick and broke, living off the VA, and I can totally see Prio and DiBella having thrown money his way to take care of him (again, presumably as an ad hoc and personal gesture rather than a systematic entitlement that all or most members could expect to enjoy).

B wrote: Another apparent Chicago reference from Valachi is Maranzano telling him the murder of "Don Antonio" was one of the infractions Masseria committed that led to the war. This was almost certainly Antonio Lombardo and complements Gentile's claim that Masseria directed Capone to kill Lombardo and Aiello.
Agreed that this was almost certainly Tony Lombardo, though it's unclear that Valachi actually knew who he was.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by funkster » Sun Mar 09, 2025 4:37 pm

He must have been confused, because the elderly members on a payroll is what he indicated Valachi said essentially.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by B. » Sun Mar 09, 2025 1:10 pm

PolackTony wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:16 pm The earliest that we can 100% confirm that Lombardo had been formally elevated to capo was around 1975, and it makes sense that at some point in the years after assuming that title, he would have proposed a few guys close to him.
Lombardo was a captain by August 1974 when he was also helping Accardo run the Family with Torello and Pilotta:


This is also when we learn Spilotro was definitively under Lombardo which you mentioned:


Also re: Torello, while it can happen where a guy is made and immediately promoted to captain / help direct the Family, Gurera's earlier identification plus Torello being not only a captain but part of the top leadership by 1974 suggests he'd been a member for some time.


Great info, re: Patrick and Vento telling Rainone that members are made via ceremony and then have the right to run their own "crew". Tony brought up the Prio conversation where it was whispered that a guy like Campise was now an "avugad" (avvocato / advocate) which was typically used in the mafia to refer to a Commission member but we believe it was being used here to simply refer to having become a member, as a made member was indeed a general sort of avvocato (or even rappresentante) over the people under him. A member can advocate / argue for people, something associates generally can't do at least within the formal organization.


Re: "pensions", never seen any info on Chicago having anything like this except what Valachi said about compensation for not dealing drugs but when Bomp visited St. Louis in 1968 he was told by Tony Giordano that the elderly members there were on some kind of payroll.

Another apparent Chicago reference from Valachi is Maranzano telling him the murder of "Don Antonio" was one of the infractions Masseria committed that led to the war. This was almost certainly Antonio Lombardo and complements Gentile's claim that Masseria directed Capone to kill Lombardo and Aiello.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sun Mar 09, 2025 12:41 pm

funkster wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 11:21 am Funny this is coming up, in a recent live RJ brought this up with DiLeonardo asking if NY had something similar (obvious no), and claims that it was in Valachi's testimony that this was done in Chicago. I haven't studied Valachi's testimony closely, so no idea if he actually said that but find it hard to believe if he did that he was correct.
I don't know what RJ said. But the only thing that Valachi said about Chicago was the claim that they paid members who had been involved in narcotics to get out of that racket around the time that he said that the Commission decreed its "ban" on narcotics in the late 50s.




And this is pretty much the only thing that Valachi said about Chicago, at all. That he had heard that their members who had previously been involved in drugs were paid as recompense to get out of that racket, and that later some were found to still have been involved and were killed.

My read is that the exact sum of $200-$250 on a weekly stipend part of this claim is probably an embellishment (telephone game between guys in the Genovese Family telling each other stuff like "oh, in Chicago they're paying guys to get out of dope, they should do the same here for us"). Note that Valachi states that he was told by someone who he clearly felt was knowledgeable that Chicago was using some income from extortion to replace the lost earnings for the members who had been involved in narcotics. This is probably the kernel of truth, that guys who had been into dope were given rights to some street tax revenues as a way of making up for their lost earning potential from narcotics (rather than, say, the Chicago outfit having had accountants and a payroll that was apportioning weekly stipends indefinitely to members, or whatever someone might have tried to baselessly claim about this at some point in past discussions).

Valachi himself had basically no ties to Chicago, though, obviously, there were guys in his Family whom he knew who did.
  • He was aware that his friend Sebastiano "Buster" Domingo had fled Chicago and joined up with Maranzano in NYC.
  • He knew that Joe Aiello was Maranzano's man in Chicago and kicking up large sums of money to Maranzano until the Capone faction killed Aiello.
  • Luciano had wanted Valachi to testify before the first Commission meeting in 1931 in Chicago to present the evidence that Maranzano was justifiably murdered for plotting to kill guys -- Valachi said that he asked to not go and that Bobby Doyle Santuccio went in his stead.
  • He was aware that Chicago had one Family, unlike NYC, and estimated that they had around 150 members. He had no clue what territories outside of Chicago itself they might have controlled. Despite repeated questioning along these lines by the Senators at the 1963 hearings, Valachi affirmed that not only did he have no idea about such things, he had theretofore never even heard of places like Omaha and Des Moines ("Where is that, Senator?")
  • He had once passed through Chicago on his way to Hot Springs, AR, but said that he made no contacts with LCN affiliates in Chicago as he had no such contacts.
  • Vito Genovese had wanted to hold the 1957 national meeting in Chicago, while Magaddino successfully argued for it to be held in Appalachin. Genovese thus blamed Magaddino for the meeting having been raided, as he believed that this would not have occurred had it been held in Chicago.
  • He admitted to having met two of the Fischetti brothers, whom he also stated that he knew to have been LCN members. These seem to have been the only Chicago members that he had been introduced to. He noted that while he thought he had met a guy named "Tony Accardo" while incarcerated in Atlanta, he did not believe this was the Chicago member, as the guy whom he recalled meeting did not resemble photos that he had been shown of JB Accardo (and we, of course, know that Accardo was never incarcerated anyway).
And that's really it for Valachi's attested knowledge about Chicago (he knew even less about Detroit, of which he said he knew nothing at all apart from there being a Family there, while he seems to have been unaware that there even was a Family in KC). The Peter Maas Valachi book does not add any other mentions of Chicago to the above either.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by funkster » Sun Mar 09, 2025 11:21 am

Funny this is coming up, in a recent live RJ brought this up with DiLeonardo asking if NY had something similar (obvious no), and claims that it was in Valachi's testimony that this was done in Chicago. I haven't studied Valachi's testimony closely, so no idea if he actually said that but find it hard to believe if he did that he was correct.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sat Mar 08, 2025 11:30 pm

Coloboy wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:02 pm
PolackTony wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 4:49 pm
Interestingly, Rainone also told the feds that:
"he had been told by Leonard Patrick [...] and by Joseph 'Singing Joe' Vento (also associated with the Outfit) that a made member went through an initiation ceremony and had to be sponsored by another made member. Patrick and Vento also told Rainone that being made gave an individual the right to run his own crew and to share in the profits of the Outfit. He was told to avoid made members and was told by Patrick and Vento that Matassa was a made member".
It’s interesting, you laid it out here and I’ve seen reference to it before, but it does seem that at least historically, one of the big aspects of becoming made was that you were entitled to some kind of stake of the overall outfit profits in some way. That alone would make that designation a pretty big deal. A “shareholder” if you will.

One of you guys will know, but I recall a made guy in a family outside of Chicago (nyc?) , sometime in the 1960s maybe, talking about how he liked the way that they ran things, even including having older retired members on some type of “pension” plan for lack of a better word.

One has to wonder if any of these types of anrrangements exist to this day.
Not in the position right now to give a fully detailed response, but this is one of those questions that IMO can lend itself to exaggeration or confusion.

A made guy is granted certain rights, privileges, and prerogatives that accrue to members — one of which is access to a type of social capital that has serious value in that world (and this was by no means limited just to the immediate criminal subculture, as we know).

Another benefit that accrued was a general prerogative to make claims on operators of specific black/gray market activities, or to enter into extortionate relationships with legitimate business operators — so long as they hadn’t already been claimed by another made guy (in other words, various “street tax”‘arrangements). And, as Patrick told Rainone, a made guy can have his own “crew” of associates, who engage in various remunerative illegal activities, essentially under his “license”. A made guy in this position is of course expected to hand over a portion of the revenues that he collects through the exercise of these prerogatives to his captain (this could be, say, a flat 10%, though I believe it could also vary depending on specific arrangements or the racket involved, if his captain was bankrolling his operations and thus entitled to a specific ROI, etc).

The latter is what I read “share in the profits of the Outfit” to refer to (also worth attending to the fact that this was itself not a verbatim quote from Rainone, who was himself relaying things told to him by other — more knowledgeable — non-members. We don’t know what Rainone actually said, or what Patrick in turn verbatim told him, just O’Rourke’s summary of Rainone’s statements). And of course this isn’t any different than how things were typically handled in any other Family.

And of course they all share in the benefits that the Family as a whole collectively enjoys (access to specific remunerative opportunities in a partnership with your captain, social capital/prestige which can translate into all sorts of licit and illicit opportunities for you and your friends/relatives, protection/representation under the mafia’s quasi-state like sphere of influence). Rather than, say, the soldiers actually receive some periodic dividend of the net proceeds of a centralized, joint venture in the way that the shareholders of an actual joint stock corporation would. Maybe people online have tried to claim that Chicago did something like this, but as with a lot of these things, there just isn’t good evidence for it, IMO (and of course I’m not talking about some old, possibly apocryphal, claim about how Capone in the 1920s paid his men salaries or whatever).

In this light it’s worth emphasizing that when Nick Calabrese testified, he didn’t attest to any sort of explicit “profit sharing” program or anything of the sort. Just that one was afforded enhanced opportunities to earn (along the lines of what I noted above). And Nick, of course, was talking about the exact same time period as the Rainone statement.



And this is pretty much all Nick said about the subject. You join the mafia, you are now all “brothers”, you are part of this highly selective secret society (“that whatever you want to call it”), this affords you more opportunities to earn money and also an enhanced degree of protection under the mafia’s own legal-juridical system.

The informant you’re thinking of might have been a Lucchese associate who was a CI in the 1960s (his name escapes me at the moment). He said something along the lines of Chicago paying something like a pension to retired members, IIRC, and a few other things that may have reflected what guys in NYC *thought about* Chicago rather than substantive intel (in that I don’t believe there was any reason to think this guy had any personal knowledge or direct ties to Chicago himself; he also wasn’t even a member in NYC either).

Some Chicago CIs made some vague statements to this effect as well, but nothing substantive. Hard to say based on this how common such things, if done, might’ve been (the mafia’s origins are very much along the lines of a mutual aid society, so such things wouldn’t be far from that model). I’m inclined to read it as like when a member’s family gets taken care of when he’s in prison (as Nick C said Marcello made sure to have happen for him). In other words, a lot more ad hoc and personal rather than a systematic entitlement. These guys weren’t running the Social Security Administration by any means.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Snakes » Sat Mar 08, 2025 11:05 pm

7digits wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 11:00 pm
PolackTony wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:47 am
7digits wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:18 pm Polack Tony and others…..

Does anyone think there were any making ceromonies during the 70s and early 80s prior to 83??
IMO I say no because otherwise people like Infelice, Marcello and the Calabrese brothers would have been made already.
We know there was one in ‘76. This one may have been large as it was presumably the first ceremony held following the elevation of Aiuppa to boss (and typically a new boss will hold a ceremony following his installation; hence a large ceremony having been held in ‘56 when Giancana was elevated and one being held in 1988, following Carlisi’s ascent; we would thus expect a significant ceremony to have been held sometime in the mid-70s). Vic “Popeye” Arrigo, who was a CI, told the FBI that he had been proposed for membership at an upcoming ceremony by Caesar DiVarco at this time, and further noted that DiVarco told him that Chicago was opening its books after having been closed “for many years” (Snakes and I have discussed this previously on the board; Arrigo doesn’t seem to have actually wound up getting inducted and it’s quite possible that this was due to the fact that he testified at this time in a FL case against some Tampa guys he was working with).

Obviously, this aligned with NYC reopening their books, though we don’t know if this was a coincidence, in that after Giancana fled the country and Battaglia was imprisoned, Chicago was in leadership crisis for several years, with Accardo and Ricca forced to step up and serve as acting bosses in the interim. For this reason, it’s likely that there had been no new members brought in for at least 10 years by ‘76.

A Milwaukee member informant confirmed that Chicago held a ceremony in ‘76 and also reported that Frank Balistrieri went down to Chicago to be introduced to the inductees (this informant *may* have been Vincent Maniaci, though we don’t know this for a fact). Unfortunately, the names of the members inducted at this time are not known. There are known members where we really don’t know when they were made who *could* well have been made at this time (Joe Andriacchi is one who comes to mind at the moment, another is Toots Caruso).

Oh wow ok.. I wasn’t aware that there was a ceremony in 1976
Do we know who was made in the ceremony and who sponsored each inductee
We don't have any details but made some educated guesses a page or two ago.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by 7digits » Sat Mar 08, 2025 11:00 pm

PolackTony wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:47 am
7digits wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:18 pm Polack Tony and others…..

Does anyone think there were any making ceromonies during the 70s and early 80s prior to 83??
IMO I say no because otherwise people like Infelice, Marcello and the Calabrese brothers would have been made already.
We know there was one in ‘76. This one may have been large as it was presumably the first ceremony held following the elevation of Aiuppa to boss (and typically a new boss will hold a ceremony following his installation; hence a large ceremony having been held in ‘56 when Giancana was elevated and one being held in 1988, following Carlisi’s ascent; we would thus expect a significant ceremony to have been held sometime in the mid-70s). Vic “Popeye” Arrigo, who was a CI, told the FBI that he had been proposed for membership at an upcoming ceremony by Caesar DiVarco at this time, and further noted that DiVarco told him that Chicago was opening its books after having been closed “for many years” (Snakes and I have discussed this previously on the board; Arrigo doesn’t seem to have actually wound up getting inducted and it’s quite possible that this was due to the fact that he testified at this time in a FL case against some Tampa guys he was working with).

Obviously, this aligned with NYC reopening their books, though we don’t know if this was a coincidence, in that after Giancana fled the country and Battaglia was imprisoned, Chicago was in leadership crisis for several years, with Accardo and Ricca forced to step up and serve as acting bosses in the interim. For this reason, it’s likely that there had been no new members brought in for at least 10 years by ‘76.

A Milwaukee member informant confirmed that Chicago held a ceremony in ‘76 and also reported that Frank Balistrieri went down to Chicago to be introduced to the inductees (this informant *may* have been Vincent Maniaci, though we don’t know this for a fact). Unfortunately, the names of the members inducted at this time are not known. There are known members where we really don’t know when they were made who *could* well have been made at this time (Joe Andriacchi is one who comes to mind at the moment, another is Toots Caruso).

Oh wow ok.. I wasn’t aware that there was a ceremony in 1976
Do we know who was made in the ceremony and who sponsored each inductee

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Coloboy » Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:02 pm

PolackTony wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 4:49 pm I don't know that the following has been discussed on the board before.

Prior to Nick Calabrese turning CW in 2002, we know that Chicago LCN associate CI Teddy DeRose had told the FBI in the early 1960s that induction of new members "always [involved] a ceremony".

As we all know, in 1989, Lenny Patrick's enforcer Mario Rainone flipped and ran to the Feds after he became convinced that the outfit was trying to kill him in an attempt to muscle Patrick out of his remaining rackets.

In the late 1990s, Chicago LCN member Johnny Matassa was ousted from his position as President of LIUNA Local 2 on the charges of being a "made member" of the Chicago outfit (revealing Matassa's status to the public for the first time).

John J O'Rourke, investigator for the LIUNA Inspector General's Office, was a longtime FBI agent working OC in the Chicago FO. He began working for the Cook County Sheriff's office and LIUNA upon his retirement from the FBI in 1995. In his affidavit presented to the LIUNA hearings to oust Matassa from his position, O'Rourke discussed the evidence used to determine Matassa's status in the outfit, citing multiple CW and CI sources who spoke about Matassa's ties to the organization and his relationships to organized crime activities.

One of them was Rainone, who along with Jimmy LaValley (who flipped the next year, in 1990) and an unnamed LCN associate CI, specifically told the Feds that they understood Matassa to have been a made guy.

Interestingly, Rainone also told the feds that:
"he had been told by Leonard Patrick [...] and by Joseph 'Singing Joe' Vento (also associated with the Outfit) that a made member went through an initiation ceremony and had to be sponsored by another made member. Patrick and Vento also told Rainone that being made gave an individual the right to run his own crew and to share in the profits of the Outfit. He was told to avoid made members and was told by Patrick and Vento that Matassa was a made member".
While it has been noted previously that Patrick was keen to warn his "crew" to avoid made guys (and for good reason, as Patrick worked for the aged Gus Alex, and if their people ran afoul of any made guys they may not have been in much of a position to help them; the is exactly the scenario that Rainone apparently became convinced was occurring when he flipped), I don't know if it has been noted that Rainone was aware of the ceremony (though it's unclear that he would have known exactly what this entailed, of course).
It’s interesting, you laid it out here and I’ve seen reference to it before, but it does seem that at least historically, one of the big aspects of becoming made was that you were entitled to some kind of stake of the overall outfit profits in some way. That alone would make that designation a pretty big deal. A “shareholder” if you will.

One of you guys will know, but I recall a made guy in a family outside of Chicago (nyc?) , sometime in the 1960s maybe, talking about how he liked the way that they ran things, even including having older retired members on some type of “pension” plan for lack of a better word.

One has to wonder if any of these types of anrrangements exist to this day.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sat Mar 08, 2025 4:49 pm

I don't know that the following has been discussed on the board before.

Prior to Nick Calabrese turning CW in 2002, we know that Chicago LCN associate CI Teddy DeRose had told the FBI in the early 1960s that induction of new members "always [involved] a ceremony".

As we all know, in 1989, Lenny Patrick's enforcer Mario Rainone flipped and ran to the Feds after he became convinced that the outfit was trying to kill him in an attempt to muscle Patrick out of his remaining rackets.

In the late 1990s, Chicago LCN member Johnny Matassa was ousted from his position as President of LIUNA Local 2 on the charges of being a "made member" of the Chicago outfit (revealing Matassa's status to the public for the first time).

John J O'Rourke, investigator for the LIUNA Inspector General's Office, was a longtime FBI agent working OC in the Chicago FO. He began working for the Cook County Sheriff's office and LIUNA upon his retirement from the FBI in 1995. In his affidavit presented to the LIUNA hearings to oust Matassa from his position, O'Rourke discussed the evidence used to determine Matassa's status in the outfit, citing multiple CW and CI sources who spoke about Matassa's ties to the organization and his relationships to organized crime activities.

One of them was Rainone, who along with Jimmy LaValley (who flipped the next year, in 1990) and an unnamed LCN associate CI, specifically told the Feds that they understood Matassa to have been a made guy.

Interestingly, Rainone also told the feds that:
"he had been told by Leonard Patrick [...] and by Joseph 'Singing Joe' Vento (also associated with the Outfit) that a made member went through an initiation ceremony and had to be sponsored by another made member. Patrick and Vento also told Rainone that being made gave an individual the right to run his own crew and to share in the profits of the Outfit. He was told to avoid made members and was told by Patrick and Vento that Matassa was a made member".
While it has been noted previously that Patrick was keen to warn his "crew" to avoid made guys (and for good reason, as Patrick worked for the aged Gus Alex, and if their people ran afoul of any made guys they may not have been in much of a position to help them; the is exactly the scenario that Rainone apparently became convinced was occurring when he flipped), I don't know if it has been noted that Rainone was aware of the ceremony (though it's unclear that he would have known exactly what this entailed, of course).

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sat Mar 08, 2025 1:01 pm

funkster wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:20 pm
PolackTony wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 11:33 pm
NickyEyes1 wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:05 pm Bridgeport Italians are very insular. They often don't even get along with other Italians from different parts of the city. For some reason I always get a Brooklyn vibe when I'm in Bridgeport
100%. Very clannish and suspicious of outsiders. When I’m in Armour Square, on the side streets in particular, I often get this like gut feeling that I’m being watched. Sort of creepy and tense feeling. Funny that you bring up the Brooklyn comparison in that, like Bensonhurst, Armour Square/Bridgeport has had a big influx of Chinese.
Absolutely. It's extremely quiet in these areas.
We had a little exchange about the clannish and insular nature that one sees even today among Italians from the Chinatown/Armour Square/Bridgeport area.

From the same 1996 LaMantia case that I posted from above. In their investigations of the 26th St crew in the 1980s/90s, the FBI justified their use of bugs/wiretaps at ONIAC and Gino's Tavern in light of the fact that they were otherwise unable to get any access into this group: clannishness, suspicion of/hostility to outsiders showing up in the neighborhood, guys who would communicate in Sicilian and/or Calabrese, etc. For decades, this community was basically like a fortified island on the Near Southside, and the Chicago adage of "we don't want nobody dat nobody sent" was turned up to 11 in a world where literally everyone was a known quantity, from families that had all known each other since arriving in the US (and then back in Italy for paesani from the same hometowns). Even by Chicago standards, a very difficult group to penetrate for outsiders. Prior to Nick C flipping, the primary sources that the Feds had for the activities of this group were non-Italians (Mara, Gallas, Sam "Guy" Bills), which I don't think is incidental given the extremely tight knit nature of the Italian community there (and even Nick C was himself not from this community, FWIW).


Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Tonyd621 » Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:07 pm

The government uses alias when they publish a book. Not the criminals. I call bullshit

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Patrickgold » Fri Mar 07, 2025 5:15 pm

PPPP wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:54 pm
Patrickgold wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:11 pm New podcast called crookcounty. It’s supposedly about a Chicago hit man nobody knew about. His name is Kenny “the kid” Tekiela. Anybody hear of him?
Anybody listen to this yet? Listened to the first 3 episodes so far. After consulting with an attorney they use aliases for all the Outfit members. So it makes it even harder to verify. The podcast is heavy handed and just okay, IMO. But they lay it on pretty thick that this Ken Tekiela was a hitter for The Outfit and he ran whorehouses.

They mention, IIRC, he started working in the early 80's for a made guy who was the son of Chicago's Chop Shop king. Who would that be? Whose son? Al Pilotto's? Jimmy Catura's? Later he goes on to say he then worked for another made guy who was a crew boss who was a well kept gangster. And who ran all the whorehouses for the outfit in the unincorporated parts of cook, dupage and kane counties.

Starting in episode 3 they are start to get into more of the day to day mafia/outfit stuff. The first 2 eps are more about the family and personal lives.
The fact that he is using aliases turned me off. I probably won’t finish watching it. Why is he using aliases if the guys are already dead? If they were real outfit guys like he claims it’s not like he needs to change their names. He’s probably doing it because he knows there will be blow back that he never knew the guys and their families will verify it.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Fri Mar 07, 2025 4:58 pm

PPPP wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:54 pm
Patrickgold wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:11 pm New podcast called crookcounty. It’s supposedly about a Chicago hit man nobody knew about. His name is Kenny “the kid” Tekiela. Anybody hear of him?
They mention, IIRC, he started working in the early 80's for a made guy who was the son of Chicago's Chop Shop king. Who would that be? Whose son? Al Pilotto's? Jimmy Catura's? Later he goes on to say he then worked for another made guy who was a crew boss who was a well kept gangster. And who ran all the whorehouses for the outfit in the unincorporated parts of cook, dupage and kane counties.
My guess is that they were referring to Catuara. He had one son, Carmelo “Carl” Catuara. Carl Catuara was not at all unknown to Federal investigators, but I’ve never seen anything that would suggest that he was a made guy (not that this necessarily means that he was not made, of course).

Carl Catuara was a longtime employee of the IL Secretary of State’s office, under which he managed a drivers license facility on the Westside of Chicago. In 1989, he was questioned by Federal investigators because of personal and financial ties to an executive of an armored car company that operated an armored vehicle from which over $2mil in coins belonging to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago were stolen. In 1996, it was also revealed that Carl Catuara was a target of Operation Silver Shovel, a major Federal investigation of political corruption in Chicago in the 90s. In 1993, FBI mole John Christopher had purchased two drivers licenses from Carl Catuara under a false name; Catuara was summarily fired from his position with the State of IL, but died soon after.

While the Chicago press reported in coverage of both events that he was the son of Jimmy Catuara, Carl himself was never described as an associate, member, or otherwise affiliated with the outfit.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Fri Mar 07, 2025 4:31 pm

Tonyd621 wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 2:18 pm
PPPP wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:54 pm
Patrickgold wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:11 pm New podcast called crookcounty. It’s supposedly about a Chicago hit man nobody knew about. His name is Kenny “the kid” Tekiela. Anybody hear of him?
Anybody listen to this yet? Listened to the first 3 episodes so far. After consulting with an attorney they use aliases for all the Outfit members. So it makes it even harder to verify. The podcast is heavy handed and just okay, IMO. But they lay it on pretty thick that this Ken Tekiela was a hitter for The Outfit and he ran whorehouses.

They mention, IIRC, he started working in the early 80's for a made guy who was the son of Chicago's Chop Shop king. Who would that be? Whose son? Al Pilotto's? Jimmy Catura's? Later he goes on to say he then worked for another made guy who was a crew boss who was a well kept gangster. And who ran all the whorehouses for the outfit in the unincorporated parts of cook, dupage and kane counties.

Starting in episode 3 they are start to get into more of the day to day mafia/outfit stuff. The first 2 eps are more about the family and personal lives.
I am skeptical. I am not nearly as well -versed as others in Chicago but I tried to look up court cases on him. I found two, and both were him responding to an emergency as a paramedic in '89' and '91.' There has to be some documentation linking him to being associated with the Outfit. If he can't even produce it... I think he's lying, imo
Yeah, the guy was in fact a firefighter in suburban DuPage County. For the rest of the various claims being made about him now… who knows. There were certainly guys, both members and associates, whose LCN affiliation was never known publicly. There were also of course many more guys who were not formally affiliated in any meaningful way but were on the periphery of it (various hoodlums and crooks, some of whom may at times have worked for or with guys who were connected, others who paid street tax to connected guys, etc).

There are also a bunch of people online who say all sorts of stuff, some of it intentionally false and some of it just honestly mistaken or erroneous (true for any area with this subject, but there’s a whole universe of mythology and a sort of cottage industry of stuff particular to Chicago).

Given the scope of the internet today, there are just going to be way more people talking stuff (again, whether outright bullshit or just confused/mistaken) than there were actual, affiliated outfit guys about whom we otherwise have no clue (the ratio, we can presume, is some order of magnitude).

I haven’t listened to all of this podcast but many of the claims sound, if not outright false, at least exaggerated.

As always, with any claim regarding an object of inquiry that by its nature is opaque to outsiders, the question is: according to whom? Any claim is contingent on the quality of source (can we say with any certainty that the claim even originated with someone who would be the position to know such things? Is there any objective documentation process through which the claim was produced or transmitted, or is it just “some guy said”?). Without being able to at least establish these things, we just have a bunch of claims that could be true, could be total horseshit, or could be some unknown mix of both (along with exaggeration, lack of context, etc etc).
