Canada is like Europe

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Re: Canada is like Europe

by luciang » Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:32 am

CabriniGreen wrote: Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:56 am
luciang wrote: Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:29 am
CabriniGreen wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:51 am
luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the gouvernmant
Does Romania factor into the greater OC landscape? Serious question here....
In a way, yes...but they're not big players outside of the country.
They are the biggest in prostitution on the whole continent though, they have massive organised begging rings(the movie Filantropica is very educational and entertaining about this subject... it's on YouTube with subtitles), pick pocket rings, the biggest in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and more.
There is a group associated with the 'Ndrangheta, but a small one.
But they generally picked up the things that the likes of the Italian mafia aren't interested in anymore.

Inside of Romania they're organised more like the Sicilian mafia used to be, doing big bits in real estate and construction in general, backed up by the corrupt government.
Are they also present in Rome? I feel like I might have heard about a pressence there....
Oh, yeah, massive massive presence in Rome
Italy was easier to penetrate for Romanians, because our languages are very similar
But every major city within the European Union is full of them
I was in Paris in may, was browsing a shop and when I came out there was this begger and a guy in a suit came to him and asked him in Romanian "are you with Relu's crew?"😂

Re: Canada is like Europe

by OcSleeper » Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:54 am

I did I just didn't have a reply. I see the comparison you're making between Montreal and Messina in that specfic paragraph.

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:56 am

luciang wrote: Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:29 am
CabriniGreen wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:51 am
luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the gouvernmant
Does Romania factor into the greater OC landscape? Serious question here....
In a way, yes...but they're not big players outside of the country.
They are the biggest in prostitution on the whole continent though, they have massive organised begging rings(the movie Filantropica is very educational and entertaining about this subject... it's on YouTube with subtitles), pick pocket rings, the biggest in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and more.
There is a group associated with the 'Ndrangheta, but a small one.
But they generally picked up the things that the likes of the Italian mafia aren't interested in anymore.

Inside of Romania they're organised more like the Sicilian mafia used to be, doing big bits in real estate and construction in general, backed up by the corrupt government.
Are they also present in Rome? I feel like I might have heard about a pressence there....

Re: Canada is like Europe

by luciang » Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:29 am

CabriniGreen wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:51 am
luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the gouvernmant
Does Romania factor into the greater OC landscape? Serious question here....
In a way, yes...but they're not big players outside of the country.
They are the biggest in prostitution on the whole continent though, they have massive organised begging rings(the movie Filantropica is very educational and entertaining about this subject... it's on YouTube with subtitles), pick pocket rings, the biggest in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and more.
There is a group associated with the 'Ndrangheta, but a small one.
But they generally picked up the things that the likes of the Italian mafia aren't interested in anymore.

Inside of Romania they're organised more like the Sicilian mafia used to be, doing big bits in real estate and construction in general, backed up by the corrupt government.

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:24 am

OcSleeper wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:40 pm
CabriniGreen wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:38 pm This the type of shit you end up debating... I'm never mind on this one...
Then just answer my how so. I'm not sure I see the comparison you see based off that article you shared.
Don't know if you caught my reply..... does this sound similar to Montreal in your opinion?

Cosa Nostra and the division of the areas in the Messina capital
In the capital, a “cell” of the Cosa Nostra in Catania was reported to be operating, attributable to the Romeo-Santapaola family, capable of coexisting with other clans mainly oriented in drug trafficking and in the management of clandestine bets;

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:15 pm

Chopper wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:46 pm
CabriniGreen wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:43 am
luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the government
Nah. I meant Europe. I started off with a report, a Global Assessment of OC, and in this report, it stated the biggest type of fraud perpetrated during the pandemic time period was Sicilian mafia diverting EUROPEAN UNION funds, not Italian funds, but European Union agricultural subsidies. Does this not take place in Europe? Fuck it ... let's just say

Yall can be so weird. It's like if I said Cosa Nostra is the most potent OC force in North America, and the response is, "North America doesn't exist as a country,
America is 50 independent states and Canada is its own nation..." like... What? Jesus What's next... a spelling bee?
Jezus Christ what are you, retarded? You don’t understand there’s a difference between countries? You think OC in fucking Denmark is the same as in Italy? Law enforcement? It’s not, and Europe is not a country.
Bro.. are you too stupid to understand the real players in European OC arnt confined to one country? This is why it's a European Union problem, because it takes LE cooperation across countries to actually combat them.

I still don't believe you even read the article...
Beyond the Cell of the Santapaolo family, you got like 6 or so independent OC crime groups in Messina. And similar to Canada, most of these are linked together via drug trafficking.

I mean..... you over here talking about OC in Denmark.... struggling to make what stupid point exactly?

Re: Canada is like Europe

by Chopper » Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:46 pm

CabriniGreen wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:43 am
luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the government
Nah. I meant Europe. I started off with a report, a Global Assessment of OC, and in this report, it stated the biggest type of fraud perpetrated during the pandemic time period was Sicilian mafia diverting EUROPEAN UNION funds, not Italian funds, but European Union agricultural subsidies. Does this not take place in Europe? Fuck it ... let's just say

Yall can be so weird. It's like if I said Cosa Nostra is the most potent OC force in North America, and the response is, "North America doesn't exist as a country,
America is 50 independent states and Canada is its own nation..." like... What? Jesus What's next... a spelling bee?
Jezus Christ what are you, retarded? You don’t understand there’s a difference between countries? You think OC in fucking Denmark is the same as in Italy? Law enforcement? It’s not, and Europe is not a country.

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:51 am

luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the gouvernmant
Does Romania factor into the greater OC landscape? Serious question here....

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:43 am

luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the government
Nah. I meant Europe. I started off with a report, a Global Assessment of OC, and in this report, it stated the biggest type of fraud perpetrated during the pandemic time period was Sicilian mafia diverting EUROPEAN UNION funds, not Italian funds, but European Union agricultural subsidies. Does this not take place in Europe? Fuck it ... let's just say

Yall can be so weird. It's like if I said Cosa Nostra is the most potent OC force in North America, and the response is, "North America doesn't exist as a country,
America is 50 independent states and Canada is its own nation..." like... What? Jesus What's next... a spelling bee?

Re: Canada is like Europe

by Strax » Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:12 am

luciang wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the gouvernmant
Eastern Europe is totally different when it comes to organized crime,they are basically extended arm of government used for whatever they are needed,here in Serbia most powerful organized crime members are very close to president , there are pictures of them and president's son together in night clubs etc.

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 pm

Like.bro...... I don't even think they clicked the link....

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:28 pm

How about this little bit... does it sound familiar at all?

Cosa Nostra and the division of the areas in the Messina capital
In the capital, a “cell” of the Cosa Nostra in Catania was reported to be operating, attributable to the Romeo-Santapaola family, capable of coexisting with other clans mainly oriented in drug trafficking and in the management of clandestine bets;

Re: Canada is like Europe

by OcSleeper » Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:40 pm

CabriniGreen wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:38 pm This the type of shit you end up debating... I'm never mind on this one...
Then just answer my how so. I'm not sure I see the comparison you see based off that article you shared.

Re: Canada is like Europe

by CabriniGreen » Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:38 pm

Chopper wrote: Tue Nov 08, 2022 7:36 am ‘Europe’ does not exist, not as a country anyway. It’s 51 different countries, and there are huge differences between them. Especially when it comes to laws, prisons and OC, which I assume you are getting at.
This is exactly why I bailed on this.... I don't feel like defending nonsense.... like Europe doesn't exist..

This the type of shit you end up debating... I'm never mind on this one...

Re: Canada is like Europe

by luciang » Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:31 am

I'm pretty sure you mean it's like Italy, the gangs in every country are completely diferent to each other, in style of operation, organisation and ways of making profits. Even a small country like Romania (where I originally come from) has it's own separate type, very closely connected to people high up in the gouvernmant
