Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

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Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by Yonkers103 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:05 am

CornerBoy wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:08 am
chubby wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:47 pm I also heard in another thread that jr. got caught with like a bundle of dope and syringes. That’s the mindstayw of someone who would lie and make themselves underboss .. a guy strung out on dope ..
Underboss banging junk in his veins. disgraziata. lol. Can you picture Neil Dellacroce meeting a yam in a parking lot for a few bundles w his nose running and shaking.

Chubby= you know your stuff
This is another BS story. Spirito jr never got knocked with dope maybe someone else in the family with same last name but anyone familiar with the bx guys could tell you that’s not a real story the kids not a junkie , another lie going around is that Salerno is a “nephew” he has blood relations to the Luke’s but not the nose. He may call himself his nephew but there is no blood. I think from what I heard Aiello is his real nephew by blood but not Salerno

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by JohnnyS » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:52 am

chubby wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:53 pm
JohnnyS wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:56 pm The Spirito jr story is most likely exaggerated but it seems true. Pennisi said there were sit downs over it, the Lucchese admin demanded a list of names that Spirito jr had straightened out. Joe C jr handed the list over and reintroduced Spirito jr to the Luccheses as a friend.
Just reading the link posted above it’s an insane read.. seems like the bonnanos at that point where all over the place... I think Saunders and porky should have had full control of the family, bottom line ... they’re both earners, not too old, and they seem pretty saavy...
the whole baldalamenti and Mancuso shit just seemed dumb....
and now supposedly Mancuso shelved basically anyone who could old an admin spot... porky , Saunders , Vito and Joe Grimaldi ... there’s 4 people he shelved which politically seems retarded.. especially since porky is a huge earner
Yeah they had leadership problems after DiFiore was indicted and Mancuso's pick John Palazzolo was violating his parole. According to Pennisi Joe C was a very good boss, he credited him for bringing peace between the Bonannos and Luccheses and said he brought to stability to the Bonannos. Well liked guy.

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by CabriniGreen » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:32 am

newera_212 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:34 pm
Pogo The Clown wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:20 pm During that 2013-2015 period the Bonannos made about 22 new members. Pennisi was probably just exaggerating that they were all Spirito's friends.

taking the Spirito story out of it, that stat alone in and of itself is actually pretty crazy. its miraculous how these guys ebb and flow. to think what happened with Basciano...huge blow...and Massino before even bigger blow...both of those “crippling” events werent even that long ago, really. yet they manage to replenish and keep it moving.

Would it be safe to say the Bonnanos have been the “most indicted” family of recent times? or of all time? look at the last 20 years the laundry list of made guys who have been indicted. plus, every single iteration of their administration has gotten popped since Massino. Mancuso was locked up for his entire reign basically, and for good measure they managed to indict his nephew and his personal underboss/street boss/whatever he was (Palazzolo). Just about every crew in the family has gone through an indictment too more or less, minus the Ridgewood guys. its really crazy. for lack of a better word they seem to be the most active family. feels like every other year, at least, something big is going on with them
I really dont think anything of them making 22 guys. It's nothing really. I think what it is, is people see it as, the Bonnanos found 22 new arch criminal badasses.

They are just crooks, at the end of the day. To me, anyway.... you can make 22 guys, the button doesnt give em criminal acumen or respect, that shit has to be built in the street, day by day, brick by brick...

But that's just me....

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by CornerBoy » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:11 am

Amershire_Ed wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:25 am
slimshady_007 wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:39 pm Who’s this Joseph Scopo? Is he related to the Scopos from the Colombo family?
Scopo is the one Ronnie G had a beef with. Scopo got to Ft Dix, where Ronnie was, and Ronnie came to his cell and said “you’re coming outside and I’m putting you in the fucking hospital.” And Scopo wouldn’t leave his cell lol. Apparently a week later Bruno Indelicato announced to everyone on the visiting room floor that Ronnie had Scopo too scared to leave his cell. Hootie said it was a big embarrassment for the Gambino Family.
I don't get that mindset- especially if you're in the camp at FT Dix or even the east or west. any violence will prob result in you doing to SHU and potentially moved to harder joint

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by CornerBoy » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:08 am

chubby wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:47 pm I also heard in another thread that jr. got caught with like a bundle of dope and syringes. That’s the mindstayw of someone who would lie and make themselves underboss .. a guy strung out on dope ..
Underboss banging junk in his veins. disgraziata. lol. Can you picture Neil Dellacroce meeting a yam in a parking lot for a few bundles w his nose running and shaking.

Chubby= you know your stuff

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by Ravens410 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:10 am

Nose should be smart. Joe C and Porky are admin material. Shutting out the Sicilian faction with the Grimaldi’s? No reason for them to get shelved

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by chin_gigante » Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:19 am

Spirito Jr was made by 2012 (and according to Capeci was an acting captain by December 2012) so he would've been 29 or 30 at the very oldest when he got straightened out. So if he's made sometime between 2012 and the incident with Seccafico in 2005 then he could've been anywhere from 23 to 30. Then holding an administration position by 2014 (when he would have been 31 or 32), either as street boss (according to Carrube) or acting underboss (per Pennisi). Lovaglio also testified that one of the Spiritos was "a consigliere for a day". The Gang Land article that quotes it doesn't specify whether he meant Jr or Sr but I'd assume Jr due to his father's incarceration. So that's potentially three member sources (two of them Bonannos) putting him in the administration for a time. That makes him the youngest administration member I can think of in a long time. Barney Bellomo was 33 when he became the Genovese acting boss in 1990. Joey Merlino was 32 when he became Philly's underboss in 1994. Sal Montagna would've been about 35 when he became Bonanno acting boss.

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by newera_212 » Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:34 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:20 pm During that 2013-2015 period the Bonannos made about 22 new members. Pennisi was probably just exaggerating that they were all Spirito's friends.

taking the Spirito story out of it, that stat alone in and of itself is actually pretty crazy. its miraculous how these guys ebb and flow. to think what happened with Basciano...huge blow...and Massino before even bigger blow...both of those “crippling” events werent even that long ago, really. yet they manage to replenish and keep it moving.

Would it be safe to say the Bonnanos have been the “most indicted” family of recent times? or of all time? look at the last 20 years the laundry list of made guys who have been indicted. plus, every single iteration of their administration has gotten popped since Massino. Mancuso was locked up for his entire reign basically, and for good measure they managed to indict his nephew and his personal underboss/street boss/whatever he was (Palazzolo). Just about every crew in the family has gone through an indictment too more or less, minus the Ridgewood guys. its really crazy. for lack of a better word they seem to be the most active family. feels like every other year, at least, something big is going on with them

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:20 pm

During that 2013-2015 period the Bonannos made about 22 new members. Pennisi was probably just exaggerating that they were all Spirito's friends.


Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by chubby » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:55 pm

Yonkers103 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:52 pm Ok so your saying he straightened out “20” of his closest friends. Let’s say that’s exaggerating a bit so let’s knock that number down by 50% so that would be 10 guys. Can anyone on this site even name 2 of these so called close friends of his that we are talking about here? My point is that your taking these 2 scumbag rats as if there word is bond. This guy JP and gene are 2 fuckin clowns trying to make a dollar off of their bullshit mostly made up stories. It’s like the movie Donnie brasco, only about 10% of that movie was actually true the rest was just to tell a story
That’s what I was thinking .. how would it even be possible to make 20 people ???? And go around introducing them as made??? I just don’t even see how that’s physically possible .. that’s why I was so confused and was thinking it would be nearly an impossibility

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by chubby » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:53 pm

JohnnyS wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:56 pm The Spirito jr story is most likely exaggerated but it seems true. Pennisi said there were sit downs over it, the Lucchese admin demanded a list of names that Spirito jr had straightened out. Joe C jr handed the list over and reintroduced Spirito jr to the Luccheses as a friend.
Just reading the link posted above it’s an insane read.. seems like the bonnanos at that point where all over the place... I think Saunders and porky should have had full control of the family, bottom line ... they’re both earners, not too old, and they seem pretty saavy...
the whole baldalamenti and Mancuso shit just seemed dumb....
and now supposedly Mancuso shelved basically anyone who could old an admin spot... porky , Saunders , Vito and Joe Grimaldi ... there’s 4 people he shelved which politically seems retarded.. especially since porky is a huge earner

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by Yonkers103 » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:52 pm

Ok so your saying he straightened out “20” of his closest friends. Let’s say that’s exaggerating a bit so let’s knock that number down by 50% so that would be 10 guys. Can anyone on this site even name 2 of these so called close friends of his that we are talking about here? My point is that your taking these 2 scumbag rats as if there word is bond. This guy JP and gene are 2 fuckin clowns trying to make a dollar off of their bullshit mostly made up stories. It’s like the movie Donnie brasco, only about 10% of that movie was actually true the rest was just to tell a story

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by CabriniGreen » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:44 pm

JohnnyS wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:56 pm The Spirito jr story is most likely exaggerated but it seems true. Pennisi said there were sit downs over it, the Lucchese admin demanded a list of names that Spirito jr had straightened out. Joe C jr handed the list over and reintroduced Spirito jr to the Luccheses as a friend.
Exactly, you beat me to it my man...

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by CabriniGreen » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:43 pm

Yonkers103 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:25 am
chubby wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:27 pm
Pmac2 wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:06 pm Probaly 1 of the dozens of guys spirito jr made from the bronx in 2013 2014.that guy pennisi says he just claimed he was appointed acting underboss and made all his friends from the bronx and family's kinda went with it
That story is fucking insane...and doesn’t even make sense. I know his dad Johnny Joe is very respected... but it’s not like he’s I’m prison holding the boss title like vic or persico were.. so when jr. came down and said he got bumped to underboss , no one asked any fucking questions??? Obviously the only person who could have upped him was the actual boss, or acting boss... and I’m sure they had to get word of this?? So that part confuses me,, it’s not like Johnny Joe sr, can just promote his son to underboss ....
And then to turn around and make like 20 of his friends??? What were they sitting around role playing The Godfather?? Who the fuck performed these ceremonies? And who from the administration was there???? You can’t be serious that just Johnny Joe jr himself was the only person from the ds
Ily at these ceremonies??? And how do the rest of the bonnanos think when all the sudden they’re getting Introduced to 30 younger guys as “friends” that they’ve never met a day in their lives??? I honestly don’t see how this was possible at all... I would love to hear more detail about it..
Look obviously I’m kind of familiar with the bronx and throgs neck area. I don’t claim to know everything about everyone but I can tell you that basciano jr is 1000% not made and all that bullshit about spirito jr is bullshit! How many young guys are really straightened out In the bronx? 3 at best??? So that story about all his friends is complete BS. And from what I’ve heard out of the few young guys Aiello is the most respected because he carries himself like an old school kind of guy and he showed he can take a pinch which now days means something. Other then him who else is there? Spirito jr and Frankie boy Salerno? So where are all these so called friends?? It’s all BS and spirito is no junkie that’s a whole other lie in itself.
So you are saying Pennissi has told his first BOLD FACE LIE? This is coming from a made guy, and it's why I brought up Cammarano producing the names for the Luchesses. Apparently this shit did happen.... I mean do we have proof it didnt?

Re: Youngest active made guys in New York and Philly?

by JohnnyS » Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:56 pm

The Spirito jr story is most likely exaggerated but it seems true. Pennisi said there were sit downs over it, the Lucchese admin demanded a list of names that Spirito jr had straightened out. Joe C jr handed the list over and reintroduced Spirito jr to the Luccheses as a friend.
