William Cutolo

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Re: William Cutolo

by newera_212 » Wed May 01, 2019 8:59 pm

Mikeymike12 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:50 pm Deross was a dirt bag for what he did after Cutolo was killed. Was Deross his closest guy? What happen to (I forgot his name Cutolo’s driver / bodyguard That got shot in the leg few months later in Coney Island.... wasn’t he really close to Cutolo too?
totally agree, by all accounts it was deplorable how DeRoss immediately handled things. but at the same time, those accounts are from Bill Junior who had an axe to grind to say the least. who knows how much time had really passed between Bill Sr. going missing and when DeRoss started showing up looking for money. Junior makes it sound like it happened the day after Senior went missing, which if true is very suspect. and if it were true DeRoss was hitting on and eventually threatening Senior's daughters, thats horrible too. then again these guys are scumbags...

but if a little time did pass, from a business perspective and from how these guys operate it wasnt too far out of bounds for DeRoss to do what he did- "no one knows where your Dad is and we need his loan records to make sure we stay on top of collections and make sure we dont skip a beat" - compound that with DeRoss being a family friend and it could be spun to look like he was just keeping the Cutolo (and Colombo) family interests in tact while they "figured out" what happened to Senior. i can imagine these guys probably thought they were real slick, lol

afaik - wasnt DeRoss the best man at Cutolo's wedding? or the other way around?

i wonder what would have happened to the Colombos if they never killed Bill. even AFTER the war, in the later half of the 90s going into 2000s they were doing a lot of wild, heat-drawing shit like clipping associates, killing a cop, killing Bill, a broad day shooting on Bill's crew member. these guys really had a throw back approach to problem solving

Re: William Cutolo

by gohnjotti » Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:30 am

slimshady_007 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:01 am Im surprised the Colombos didn’t also try to clip Wild Bill’s son.
It's a really confusing case, and at face value Little Allie Boy looks like half a retard for handling that situation so poorly. But I think his decision in keeping William Cutolo Jr. in the mix was to deflect suspicion that both himself and Jackie DeRoss committed the hit. In a Commission meeting, for instance, Little Allie Boy told the others at the meeting that he believed William Cutolo Sr. was on the lam, and he'd "pop up" soon.

I don't think they realized how obvious their role in the murder was. I think they expected Peggy and William Jr. to accept the fact that Wild Bill was on the lam due to the long-term investigation that was ongoing against him.

Re: William Cutolo

by slimshady_007 » Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:01 am

Im surprised the Colombos didn’t also try to clip Wild Bill’s son.

Re: William Cutolo

by gohnjotti » Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:17 am

Joseph ‘Joe Camp’ Campanella was Cutolos onetime acting capo and right-hand-man who was shot in 2001 because he expressed his anger towards Cutolos death. He was shot by Vincent ‘Chickie’ DeMartino and Giovanni ‘John the Barber’ Floridia IIRC, and was coordinated by DeRoss’ nephew Carmine ‘Skippy’ DeRoss.

Re: William Cutolo

by Mikeymike12 » Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:50 pm

Deross was a dirt bag for what he did after Cutolo was killed. Was Deross his closest guy? What happen to (I forgot his name Cutolo’s driver / bodyguard That got shot in the leg few months later in Coney Island.... wasn’t he really close to Cutolo too?

Re: William Cutolo

by gohnjotti » Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:08 am

slimshady_007 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:40 am
gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:16 am
Mikeymike12 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:11 pm Ha yeah bunch of Caps.

Wonder if any of his guys have been made lately ..... did that crew break ? Or someone else the captain of what is left of it
The crew reported directly to John DeRoss, presumably until his imprisonment. After that, we're not sure. One former crew member (John Cerbone) reports to Staten Island capo Joseph Amato, and it's possible Amato took over anybody based in Staten Island. Another former crew member, Vito Difalco, might report to Teddy Persico Jr. but that's speculation.
But wasn’t DeRoss underboss and not capo?
Yep, and Cutolo was underboss too. But he still had a crew report directly to him, a crew that DeRoss took over.

Gang Land News, Feb. 15, 2001:
Last March (2000), said (FBI agent Gary) Pontecorvo, (William) Cutolo Jr. reported that (Alphonse) Persico, then serving 15 months for weapons possession, funneled orders to him through (John 'Jackie') DeRoss, who had taken over Wild Bill's crew when he disappeared. In June (1999), he reported that DeRoss said he had been promoted to family underboss.

Gang Land News, May 31, 2001:
Acting family boss Alphonse Persico, a dozen members of Wild Bill's crew, and John (Jackie) DeRoss, the Colombo capo who took it over and assumed his post as family underboss, all await trial on racketeering charges stemming primarily from young Cutolo's undercover work.
During one such discussion Cutolo had with DeRoss about a crew member, an exasperated DeRoss stammered that the associate couldn't talk about him like that: "I’m his captain, I’m his captain."

Re: William Cutolo

by slimshady_007 » Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:40 am

gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:16 am
Mikeymike12 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:11 pm Ha yeah bunch of Caps.

Wonder if any of his guys have been made lately ..... did that crew break ? Or someone else the captain of what is left of it
The crew reported directly to John DeRoss, presumably until his imprisonment. After that, we're not sure. One former crew member (John Cerbone) reports to Staten Island capo Joseph Amato, and it's possible Amato took over anybody based in Staten Island. Another former crew member, Vito Difalco, might report to Teddy Persico Jr. but that's speculation.
But wasn’t DeRoss underboss and not capo?

Re: William Cutolo

by gohnjotti » Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:16 am

Mikeymike12 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:11 pm Ha yeah bunch of Caps.

Wonder if any of his guys have been made lately ..... did that crew break ? Or someone else the captain of what is left of it
The crew reported directly to John DeRoss, presumably until his imprisonment. After that, we're not sure. One former crew member (John Cerbone) reports to Staten Island capo Joseph Amato, and it's possible Amato took over anybody based in Staten Island. Another former crew member, Vito Difalco, might report to Teddy Persico Jr. but that's speculation.

Re: William Cutolo

by Mikeymike12 » Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:11 pm

Ha yeah bunch of Caps.

Wonder if any of his guys have been made lately ..... did that crew break ? Or someone else the captain of what is left of it

Re: William Cutolo

by JeremyTheJew » Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:02 pm

Mikeymike12 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:24 pm What happen to Bill C Jr ? He only posted 11times and then stopped?

What happen to all these guys in wild bills crew?
what was that his forum name?
i remmember kt being like his name and wrote in all caps

Re: William Cutolo

by Mikeymike12 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:24 pm

What happen to Bill C Jr ? He only posted 11times and then stopped?

What happen to all these guys in wild bills crew?

Re: William Cutolo

by JeremyTheJew » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:27 pm

i tried to search for billy jnr posts....

his user name was like his name almost.
does anyone remmember his handle?

he use to write in all caps

Re: RE: Re: William Cutolo

by Nicholas » Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:15 pm

B. wrote: Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:52 pm

What was Jr's username?

Re: William Cutolo

by dixiemafia » Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:31 am

Confederate wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:43 pmF.Y.I. there are plenty of white people (of Italian Descent) in the Southern States
C'mon, you know we have never seen any eye-talians around here! (banjo music playing in the background while I kiss my sister that don't exist)

Re: William Cutolo

by Confederate » Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:43 pm

It was dropped 8 months ago when these postings were made in this thread. lol
F.Y.I. there are plenty of white people (of Italian Descent) in the Southern States.
