Joe Massino Howard beach?

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Re: Joe Massino Howard beach?

Post by newera_212 »

I think we can all agree on the fact that going after rats - after they testify - is as stupid as it gets - there is zero benefit. I don't think it's arguable whether or not there are guys capable of doing it, but we all know it doesn't happen, probably won't ever happen, and we all know the dozens of reasons why.

If there was any one person who'd be an exception to that rule, to throw all logic out the window, to take that risk - it would be Massino. I can't think of really anyone else.

They'd be almost obligated to at least try and do something if Massino were openly moving around throughout Queens regularly. They've risked a lot more, for a lot less. There were people mad enough at simple perceived disrespect and possible thieving that they hit a guy at a bus stop while the sun was rising. You guys really don't think they'd go after Massino if given the chance (especially if Massino was living in NYC)?

Theres a lot of theoretically in this thread, but I seriously wonder if Massino still has a security detail / handlers right now in 2021. They've gotten all they can get from him. It's doubtful he'll be at any more trials. Do you guys think the government still has money and resources dedicated to protecting him around the clock? I want to lean towards no, personally. Besides maybe a petty check equivalent to what a normal guy his age would be drawing from SSI, I doubt the government is doing anything for him at this point. Seems like a huge waste of money and time otherwise.
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