Supposed Detroit Mob Las Vegas Murder Contract 1964

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Supposed Detroit Mob Las Vegas Murder Contract 1964

Post by Adam »

So I came across this a while ago but I'm not really sure what to make of it. I think I mentioned it on another forum a few years ago but didn't get any info. So there's an FBI file from the 1960s that says this about a supposed Las Vegas murder contract that the Detroit family got to help Moe Dalitz in 1964. Here's the text:

"Source advised on June 3, 1964 that some individual in Las Vegas, Nevada, "opened up" on the syndicate there and was furnishing a lot of information to federal law enforcement, probably the Internal Revenue Service. He referred to this individual as a "connection guy" and said that this individual was giving out information on MOE DALITZ and activities of the Desert Inn, Las Vegas gambling casino.

Source advised that a "contract" was put on the individual and that the "contract" was given to the Detroit syndicate. He said that the younger element in the Detroit "outfit" has been trying to break in on the Las Vegas scene for a long time and apparently this "contract" was given to the Detroit group as a concession to it.

Source said that about a week or ten days prior to June 3, 1964 BOBBY JOHNS drove EDDIE GUARELLA to Las Vegas to participate in this "hit". JOHNS, GUARELLA, MIKE POLIZZI and TONY "SHRIEKY" THOMAS went from Detroit to "clip" this individual. JOHNS and GUARELLA returned to Detoit on May 31, 1964 or June 1, 1964."

So, that's it. Its surprisingly specific but it never mentions an actual murder taking place or the name of the person who was the intended victim. So does anyone know of an individual who was killed or disappeared that may have had any connection to Dalitz in the 1960s in Vegas? If the story is true that Detroit sent out people to do a murder Guarella and Thomas make sense, but Polizzi would be a surprise. Not really known as a hitter. I will note that this is right around the time that Polizzi and Anthony Zerilli were trying to get a hidden interest in the Frontier casino. I'll also note that in Fratianno's book he does relate a story of Bompensiero telling Fratianno about Polizzi getting Bompensiero to kill a guy that Bomp knew and burying him and that Bompensiero would be given a piece of the Frontier for it. That story would be unrelated but I've never been sure if that story was true or not. The only Detroit guy that Bomp might have known who disappeared around that time was Paul Cimino. But he definitely wasn't a Vegas connection guy. He was a narcotics guy. But I'm curious if anyone has any info on who the intended 1964 victim might have been.

Adam R.
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