Montreal: Intercepted Texts

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Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by OcSleeper » ... ultIndex=4

A series of excerpts from the intercepted text messages between Steven D’Addario and Giuseppe Colapelle;

RD/old/Frenchman/ppp/pppp is Desjardins
pigtail/pra/prada is Mirarchi
tinman/tin/steel/ny/nancy is Montagna
frosty/frost is one of the Arcuri brothers
mg is Moreno Gallo
cillon/lurch/L is Lorenzo Lopresti

September 25, 2011 (with reference to a wedding that the victim Montagna was attending in Laval):

D’Addario: 00:27:01: All those guys are enjoying themselves at wedding at palace in laval


D’Addario: 00:33:49: Just know frosty and tinman are there

D’Addario: 00:42:51: At what time u wanna do this? 1pm? ?? Its best time! Drunk and late

Colapelle: 00:43:01: Are u crazy not them there gone already

Colapelle: 00:43:31: Bro those guys are not drinkers especially not right now they ate and left

Colapelle: 00:51:09: Bro I don’t know what to say or do I’m like really lost these guys are sleeping we have to act us first and wake everyone up

D’Addario: 00:52:00: That’s why I tell u! If u wait for them u guys are all gone!

Colapelle: 00:57:54: Bro at this time not even worth telling him anything we have to get ready and do it they sleeping looks like

Colapelle: 01:00:40: Fuck man if we would just of know earlier we can set up

D’Addario: 01:01:53: I told u you gotta have a team on stand by

Colapelle: 01:04:37: Ya well I’m telling couch tomorrow we set up

D’Addario: 01:05:02:  K

Colapelle: 15:15:53: I’m going to tell him now about last night so he sees they are sleeping

D’Addario: 15:16:26:  K

September 26, 2011

D’Addario: 18:20:13: How many times u want me to ask??? What kind of hekp u want!!!

Colapelle: 18:30:18: 1000 percent help make u understamd exactly what he knows and how so we judge everyone right and do what has to be done

October 13, 2011

D’Addario: 18:55:09: They’re meeting at 9!  Could chance that’s the place I told u…can u have someone tomo there early just to check?

Colapelle: 18:55:48: K

D’Addario: 19:02:53: Make sure pls u have at least one guy to see if that’s the office cause at least well know forr next time when they meet and he tells us its at office we know its there and u setup gameplan!

Colapelle: 19:03:26: Yes I know that and I’m thinking

Colapelle: 19:04:01: But if there parked inside will be hard to know unless we park outside and check if they comein parking lot

D’Addario: 19:04:13: There’s nothing to think! Tell him to have a few spotters there and after that my friend has a plan and we take it from there! So pls

Colapelle: 19:04:20: Where the fuck is this nancy guy staying

Colapelle: 19:04:32: Ok cool

D’Addario: 19:05:19: Yes I know…u know what. Lurch drives so u will know if cars pull in underground that means they’re there!

Colapelle: 19:08:33: Prada hasn’t answered I’m waiting
D’Addario: 19:09:17: Ok

Colapelle: 19:20:15: Can u check and see if he can gps the rim or if its east at least

D’Addario: 19:20:42:  Yeah he’s working on that as we speak

Colapelle: 19:21:18: K cool wow bro if he can gps nancy rim that’s what we need

Colapelle: 20:04:00: Has he gained any info

D’Addario: 20:07:19: Yup going to meet him tomo morning

Colapelle: 20:08:22: Bro tomorrow morning is the meet what yup

Colapelle: 20:09:28: Do we know what anyone is driving besides the flex

D’Addario: 20:18:13: The cherok from L!

Colapelle: 20:18:29:  K

Colapelle: 23:30:54: What’s up

D’Addario: 23:31:57: Dick

Colapelle: 23:32:15:  Nothing new       

D’Addario: 23:38:17: Ya we know where L lives 

Colapelle 23:38:36: Ya I know that tooo

Colapelle: 23:38:46: U want the address

D’Addario: 23:39:07: Why didn’t u tell me?

Colapelle: 23:39:41: Bro cause he’s really not the first choice will make everyone hide more

Colapelle: 23:39:58: There on him to see where he goes at all time

D’Addario: 23:41:10: So they. Should know his office! That’s the place he always meets steel

Colapelle: 23:42:14: Bro it might be code for a place

D’Addario: 23:43:03: What code! They go to his office everytime! That’s what we need to find out! Tell his guys to find that place and ill tell u plan tomo

Colapelle: 23:43:36: K cool I told them to check that place for tomorrow


October 19, 2011

D’Addario: 15:13:38: Ouff do I have to explain everything to u!!!! I said I missed his message so that was before around 130-2


October 25, 2011

D’Addario: 18:14:35: Ok but christ he’s meeting all kinds of ppl! What does it take!  Do u want me to tell u where he is or else ill save my time and his time!!!! I’m in the fuclen dark here and all I get is we need to know where they are asap!!! So if ur not gonna do anything I’m gonna tell him to drop it!!!

Colapelle: 18:15:48: Bro u fucking nuts or what man can u fucking stop freaking on me u tell me and I tell them and I pump it up believe me fuck I want this over and fast

D’Addario: 18:18:08: Ok but u don’t tell me if they’re on it or not! U gotta ask cause u have no clue how long this is for us to decript everything and read every single message that comes in!

Colapelle:18:18:39: Bro I understand but that’s what it is man for now

Colapelle:18:20:17: I tell him everything bro


October 29, 2011

D’Addario: 19:30:09: Ouff we missunderstood a message! He sent a guy away…tinman is in town…he’s going to eat at a resto at old port with 2 other guys…we don’t know where but its old port

November 1, 2011

D’Addario: 15:57:56: Ouff I thought you had guys on him…u guys are gonna have to start doing ur share or else this is going no where at all! They won’t mention any location on rims all we know is when and who! But if u guys wait for a miracle then forget it won’t happen they’re too carefull! U have no clue how long and tiring it is to read every single message one by one cause its not the way u think we read them! Its a whole process and each message is long for us to open!

D’Addario: 15:59:03: Tinman wrote "430 by your park!!! " So it has to be dtown where he lives then

Colapelle: 15:59:06: Yes I understand that and I told u they are on it,they are going to the park and I will go check another one

November 15, 2011
D’Addario:18:52:05: Tinhead meeting mg at 8…I don’t know if its gonna be at that cafe
Colapelle: 18:52:25: K cool thx and welcome back lol

Colapelle: 18:57:18: This guy today his rim on and off


D’Addario: 19:07:16: Bro u know him not me! What u want me to answer u! I’m tired of all this! I don’t know what kind of a sick game he’s playing but I’m fedup and so is my friend! They want hekp we’ve been trying our best but if all they want is scoop then tell him to go read newspaper! Fedup of everything! Frenchman is back yesterday and he’s talking to them! We don’t even know what the fuck is going on! All we know is that its fucken exhausting and no one doing nothing about it! Maybe someone has to go down for them to understand!

Colapelle: 19:11:05: What are they saying old and tinman he has no choice to answer bro I’m being super honest with u and I’m frustrated like u

Colapelle: 19:12:29: Bro I feel like fwd the message u just send me.tell R these guys are weird man. I tell u everything

D’Addario: 19:13:25: Ur funny! I tell him to go read newspaper!

Colapelle: 19:37:42: Be ya I’m funny

Colapelle: 19:39:28: Bro I feel like telling him they spoke about old and they have to get to work again

D’Addario: 20:36:38:  Well u don’t have to invent it I just downloaded the message! Pretty clear they wanna get to pig tail cause he’s gonna revenge his partner pppp and his mentality is with $ everything gets done!

Colapelle: 20:56:25:   Who was he saying that too tinman to who frosty

D’Addario: 20:57:01:  Come see me its mental message! Ouff at least now pra is gonna move his ass!

Colapelle: 20:57:41:  Just tell me between who and who

D’Addario: 20:58:11:  Frost and tin…talking about ppp and pra

Colapelle: 20:58:54:  Bro let them talk copy and paste bro so I send to him let’s make him move

Colapelle: 21:01:07:  Do they talk about mg

November 20, 2011

Colapelle: 19:22:06:  French guy called him back only later at night tinman and they said they would speak monday

Furthermore, on November 16, 2011 (at 11:49:31), D’Addario transferred to Colapelle, intercepted messages from the Montagna clan in which reference was made to pigtail and the issue of "her goal is to reven her ppppp".

On December 15, 2011 (at 22:56:12) - after the alleged murder on November 24, 2011 - D’Addario continued to transfer to Colapelle, intercepted messages from the Montagna clan, including the following excerpts:
…Anyway, the guy who got our friend he is french right?  And # 1 yesterday was asking me about the capo our friend made over there. He wanted to know if you feel he is 100% with us. He said he’s just trying to figure out who is who because he said our friend never would have went to meeting unprepared unless he trusted the guy 100%. He just thought it was strange that the capo was away those couple of days. …Ok. We are going on whatever you tell us. If you trust the cap than so do we. We are just trying to make sure noone is playing both sides understand? The thing that don’t make sense to us is even if he trusted driver why go to see a guy who was accusing you of trying to get him and not going there with guys and being prepared incase of a settup. We knew our friend very well and it just doesn’t seem like something he would do. This guy was accusing him of trying to kill him. Why in the world would you go to a meeting alone?

• Montagna was out in public at the wedding with one of the Arcuri brothers 9 days after shooting Desjardins, or at least being believed go have been behind the Desjardins shooting. Do we know what wedding Montagna attended on September 25, 2011? I don't recall any being covered at the time.
• They were trying to place a tracker on Montagna's vehicle.
• on October 13th Lorenzo LoPresti wasn't considered a main target. They didn't want to hit him and drive everyone else underground. Lorenzo was killed 11 days later.
• There was some frustration in the Desjardins-Mirarchi camp among D'Addario and Colapelle over inaction and being left in the dark -possibly because of Lorenzo's murder after being told he wasn't a main target-
• Colapelle seems to jokingly(?) suggest saying Montagna's camp is talking about Desjardins so Desjardins-Mirarchi will act.
• D'Addario responds its clear Montagna is targeting Mirarchi because they know he's trying to get back at them for hitting Desjardins.
• Colapelle asks for the messages to show Mirarchi/Desjardins to make them act.

On December 15th, 2011 D'Addario intercepted a message between the remaining Montagna camp. It appears to be between someone in Montreal and someone elsewhere (guessing NY).

• They inquire about about who killed Montagna, referring to Desjardins.
• #1 was asking about the capo their friend (Montagna) made over there (Montreal)
  - If Montagna was making guys captains in Montreal it could show he still held rank in the Bonannos. When Vincent Asaro told his cousin that Montagna was murder he said "They killed a guy in Canada, Sal Montagna, one of the bosses from New York"
- Four days after Montagna was killed Domenico Agostino texted Hansley Lee Joseph "People in New York believe in the code. Not only did they kill a capo, but a capo from an important family,”
- So both Montreal figures and NY figures regard Montagna as a "capo from New York"
- Interesting Agostino says people in New York believe in the code. To make that distinction could imply people in Montreal don't. Similar to what Scoppa said. But both almost certainly were non members.
- I assume this text came from a NYC Bonanno so #1 could be possibly be Joe Bosco or Vincent Badalamenti since they were reported to be running the family at the time. Could be someone else for all we know.
  - The capo Montagna made could be Moreno Gallo. The book Cellular 8002 vs Mafia states Montagna offered Di Maulo the position of "Godfather of Montreal" but he declined so Montagna turned to Gallo. Gallo was a suspected Bonanno member prior to Montagna's arrival to Monteal.
  - There was some suspicion on whether this capo could still be trusted. He was oddly missing in the days around Montagna was murdered.
Last edited by OcSleeper on Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by B. »

Those texts look like SonnyBlackstein posts.

I am of the same mind as you. There's reason to suspect Montagna was still a leader/representative of the Bonanno admin in some capacity given he only lost his acting boss role (in NYC at least) due to deportation. Maybe Montagna was officially a capodecina but an acting or de facto part of the Bonanno admin or a panel after he left the US. "Capo" literally means boss and was used that way traditionally but I assume these guys were using it in today's popular sense though can't say for sure since Paolo Violi used "capo di paese" to discuss Sicilian bosses and Montagna was the acting boss until 2009.

We have the references too to several Montagna allies as candidates for the "godfather" role in Montreal (probably capodecina) with Montagna's blessing but he doesn't seem to have been a candidate himself despite being the one directing their faction.
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by CabriniGreen »

Just going off what's been said by cooperators, his power in NY was shakey, at best.

I think he tried to use Montreal to solidify a wider power base....

I think his strength came from his association to Sciascia and the Sicilian MAFIA component of the Bonnano Sicilian faction, Renaud had him as the messenger for Sciascia to Montreal. ( And yet, he didn't truly replace LoPresti because by this time, their hold on the drug supply was weakening..where did Renda fit in?)

But the Bonnano sicilians arnt the ruling/dominant clan like in the Gambinos, they are just one of several factions. Also, still weakened by the Pizza Connection bust. Not quite as robust as the Inzerillo linked people.

I don't buy into the Godfather of Montreal thing. I think precisely, one of the biggest mistakes we mob watchers have made is mistaking Vito's considerable charisma, for AUTHORITY. This has been a deep error, I think.

When I listen to Arrilotta, he gives I think some valuable insight. He speaks about how he was like the Central reference for OC in his area. How to outsiders, it was HIS " crew", like they answered to him. He said in actuality, they were his friends and business partners, and didn't wait on him for direction and were assertive and aggressive in the streets. I don't think the Hells, the other Bikers, Irish, Lebanese, French Canadians, gangs, they don't all fall in line just because a guy got a title. It was all about the operations bringing everyone to the TABLE, literally.

Those Canadian charts that show the Rizzutos in the center with various crime figures orbiting around them? I think these are actually very accurate charts...
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by B. »

The jury's still out on what Montagna's run 2006-2009 was like. He at least kept the Family together and likely played a big role keeping Mancuso in power / securing him as boss. Mancuso may in turn have encouraged/authorized Montagna's actions in Montreal. Thanks to Chin we know Massino and Basciano had a conversation about Montreal requesting that a major NYC construction contractor be placed on record with Montagna for reasons unknown so there was association and apparently good-will between Montagna and Montreal-based members circa 2004-2005.

I agree with the last few paragraphs of your post Cabrini. "Godfather" is an annoying term that is guaranteed to cause confusion. Desjardins responded to the article that used it by saying he couldn't be the "godfather" because he wasn't Italian, which indicates what was being referred to was the capodecina position.

You're right that people often mistake charisma/influence/publicity for an official rank. Vito Rizzuto was to our knowledge an acting captain who turned down the position of official captain. Good point about him more likely being friends and business partners with his associates rather than an authoritarian.
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by antimafia »


Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by Guest »

OcSleeper wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:16 pm ... ultIndex=4

A series of excerpts from the intercepted text messages between Steven D’Addario and Giuseppe Colapelle;

RD/old/Frenchman/ppp/pppp is Desjardins
pigtail/pra/prada is Mirarchi
tinman/tin/steel/ny/nancy is Montagna
frosty/frost is one of the Arcuri brothers
mg is Moreno Gallo
cillon/lurch/L is Lorenzo Lopresti

September 25, 2011 (with reference to a wedding that the victim Montagna was attending in Laval):

D’Addario: 00:27:01: All those guys are enjoying themselves at wedding at palace in laval


D’Addario: 00:33:49: Just know frosty and tinman are there

D’Addario: 00:42:51: At what time u wanna do this? 1pm? ?? Its best time! Drunk and late

Colapelle: 00:43:01: Are u crazy not them there gone already

Colapelle: 00:43:31: Bro those guys are not drinkers especially not right now they ate and left

Colapelle: 00:51:09: Bro I don’t know what to say or do I’m like really lost these guys are sleeping we have to act us first and wake everyone up

D’Addario: 00:52:00: That’s why I tell u! If u wait for them u guys are all gone!

Colapelle: 00:57:54: Bro at this time not even worth telling him anything we have to get ready and do it they sleeping looks like

Colapelle: 01:00:40: Fuck man if we would just of know earlier we can set up

D’Addario: 01:01:53: I told u you gotta have a team on stand by

Colapelle: 01:04:37: Ya well I’m telling couch tomorrow we set up

D’Addario: 01:05:02:  K

Colapelle: 15:15:53: I’m going to tell him now about last night so he sees they are sleeping

D’Addario: 15:16:26:  K

September 26, 2011

D’Addario: 18:20:13: How many times u want me to ask??? What kind of hekp u want!!!

Colapelle: 18:30:18: 1000 percent help make u understamd exactly what he knows and how so we judge everyone right and do what has to be done

October 13, 2011

D’Addario: 18:55:09: They’re meeting at 9!  Could chance that’s the place I told u…can u have someone tomo there early just to check?

Colapelle: 18:55:48: K

D’Addario: 19:02:53: Make sure pls u have at least one guy to see if that’s the office cause at least well know forr next time when they meet and he tells us its at office we know its there and u setup gameplan!

Colapelle: 19:03:26: Yes I know that and I’m thinking

Colapelle: 19:04:01: But if there parked inside will be hard to know unless we park outside and check if they comein parking lot

D’Addario: 19:04:13: There’s nothing to think! Tell him to have a few spotters there and after that my friend has a plan and we take it from there! So pls

Colapelle: 19:04:20: Where the fuck is this nancy guy staying

Colapelle: 19:04:32: Ok cool

D’Addario: 19:05:19: Yes I know…u know what. Lurch drives so u will know if cars pull in underground that means they’re there!

Colapelle: 19:08:33: Prada hasn’t answered I’m waiting
D’Addario: 19:09:17: Ok

Colapelle: 19:20:15: Can u check and see if he can gps the rim or if its east at least

D’Addario: 19:20:42:  Yeah he’s working on that as we speak

Colapelle: 19:21:18: K cool wow bro if he can gps nancy rim that’s what we need

Colapelle: 20:04:00: Has he gained any info

D’Addario: 20:07:19: Yup going to meet him tomo morning

Colapelle: 20:08:22: Bro tomorrow morning is the meet what yup

Colapelle: 20:09:28: Do we know what anyone is driving besides the flex

D’Addario: 20:18:13: The cherok from L!

Colapelle: 20:18:29:  K

Colapelle: 23:30:54: What’s up

D’Addario: 23:31:57: Dick

Colapelle: 23:32:15:  Nothing new       

D’Addario: 23:38:17: Ya we know where L lives 

Colapelle 23:38:36: Ya I know that tooo

Colapelle: 23:38:46: U want the address

D’Addario: 23:39:07: Why didn’t u tell me?

Colapelle: 23:39:41: Bro cause he’s really not the first choice will make everyone hide more

Colapelle: 23:39:58: There on him to see where he goes at all time

D’Addario: 23:41:10: So they. Should know his office! That’s the place he always meets steel

Colapelle: 23:42:14: Bro it might be code for a place

D’Addario: 23:43:03: What code! They go to his office everytime! That’s what we need to find out! Tell his guys to find that place and ill tell u plan tomo

Colapelle: 23:43:36: K cool I told them to check that place for tomorrow


October 19, 2011

D’Addario: 15:13:38: Ouff do I have to explain everything to u!!!! I said I missed his message so that was before around 130-2


October 25, 2011

D’Addario: 18:14:35: Ok but christ he’s meeting all kinds of ppl! What does it take!  Do u want me to tell u where he is or else ill save my time and his time!!!! I’m in the fuclen dark here and all I get is we need to know where they are asap!!! So if ur not gonna do anything I’m gonna tell him to drop it!!!

Colapelle: 18:15:48: Bro u fucking nuts or what man can u fucking stop freaking on me u tell me and I tell them and I pump it up believe me fuck I want this over and fast

D’Addario: 18:18:08: Ok but u don’t tell me if they’re on it or not! U gotta ask cause u have no clue how long this is for us to decript everything and read every single message that comes in!

Colapelle:18:18:39: Bro I understand but that’s what it is man for now

Colapelle:18:20:17: I tell him everything bro


October 29, 2011

D’Addario: 19:30:09: Ouff we missunderstood a message! He sent a guy away…tinman is in town…he’s going to eat at a resto at old port with 2 other guys…we don’t know where but its old port

November 1, 2011

D’Addario: 15:57:56: Ouff I thought you had guys on him…u guys are gonna have to start doing ur share or else this is going no where at all! They won’t mention any location on rims all we know is when and who! But if u guys wait for a miracle then forget it won’t happen they’re too carefull! U have no clue how long and tiring it is to read every single message one by one cause its not the way u think we read them! Its a whole process and each message is long for us to open!

D’Addario: 15:59:03: Tinman wrote "430 by your park!!! " So it has to be dtown where he lives then

Colapelle: 15:59:06: Yes I understand that and I told u they are on it,they are going to the park and I will go check another one

November 15, 2011
D’Addario:18:52:05: Tinhead meeting mg at 8…I don’t know if its gonna be at that cafe
Colapelle: 18:52:25: K cool thx and welcome back lol

Colapelle: 18:57:18: This guy today his rim on and off


D’Addario: 19:07:16: Bro u know him not me! What u want me to answer u! I’m tired of all this! I don’t know what kind of a sick game he’s playing but I’m fedup and so is my friend! They want hekp we’ve been trying our best but if all they want is scoop then tell him to go read newspaper! Fedup of everything! Frenchman is back yesterday and he’s talking to them! We don’t even know what the fuck is going on! All we know is that its fucken exhausting and no one doing nothing about it! Maybe someone has to go down for them to understand!

Colapelle: 19:11:05: What are they saying old and tinman he has no choice to answer bro I’m being super honest with u and I’m frustrated like u

Colapelle: 19:12:29: Bro I feel like fwd the message u just send me.tell R these guys are weird man. I tell u everything

D’Addario: 19:13:25: Ur funny! I tell him to go read newspaper!

Colapelle: 19:37:42: Be ya I’m funny

Colapelle: 19:39:28: Bro I feel like telling him they spoke about old and they have to get to work again

D’Addario: 20:36:38:  Well u don’t have to invent it I just downloaded the message! Pretty clear they wanna get to pig tail cause he’s gonna revenge his partner pppp and his mentality is with $ everything gets done!

Colapelle: 20:56:25:   Who was he saying that too tinman to who frosty

D’Addario: 20:57:01:  Come see me its mental message! Ouff at least now pra is gonna move his ass!

Colapelle: 20:57:41:  Just tell me between who and who

D’Addario: 20:58:11:  Frost and tin…talking about ppp and pra

Colapelle: 20:58:54:  Bro let them talk copy and paste bro so I send to him let’s make him move

Colapelle: 21:01:07:  Do they talk about mg

November 20, 2011

Colapelle: 19:22:06:  French guy called him back only later at night tinman and they said they would speak monday

Furthermore, on November 16, 2011 (at 11:49:31), D’Addario transferred to Colapelle, intercepted messages from the Montagna clan in which reference was made to pigtail and the issue of "her goal is to reven her ppppp".

On December 15, 2011 (at 22:56:12) - after the alleged murder on November 24, 2011 - D’Addario continued to transfer to Colapelle, intercepted messages from the Montagna clan, including the following excerpts:
…Anyway, the guy who got our friend he is french right?  And # 1 yesterday was asking me about the capo our friend made over there. He wanted to know if you feel he is 100% with us. He said he’s just trying to figure out who is who because he said our friend never would have went to meeting unprepared unless he trusted the guy 100%. He just thought it was strange that the capo was away those couple of days. …Ok. We are going on whatever you tell us. If you trust the cap than so do we. We are just trying to make sure noone is playing both sides understand? The thing that don’t make sense to us is even if he trusted driver why go to see a guy who was accusing you of trying to get him and not going there with guys and being prepared incase of a settup. We knew our friend very well and it just doesn’t seem like something he would do. This guy was accusing him of trying to kill him. Why in the world would you go to a meeting alone?

• Montagna was out in public at the wedding with one of the Arcuri brothers 9 days after shooting Desjardins, or at least being believed go have been behind the Desjardins shooting. Do we know what wedding Montagna attended on September 25, 2011? I don't recall any being covered at the time.
• They were trying to place a tracker on Montagna's vehicle.
• on October 13th Lorenzo LoPresti wasn't considered a main target. They didn't want to hit him and drive everyone else underground. Lorenzo was killed 11 days later.
• There was some frustration in the Desjardins-Mirarchi camp among D'Addario and Colapelle over inaction and being left in the dark -possibly because of Lorenzo's murder after being told he wasn't a main target-
• Colapelle seems to jokingly(?) suggest saying Montagna's camp is talking about Desjardins so Desjardins-Mirarchi will act.
• D'Addario responds its clear Montagna is targeting Mirarchi because they know he's trying to get back at them for hitting Desjardins.
• Colapelle asks for the messages to show Mirarchi/Desjardins to make them act.

On December 15th, 2011 D'Addario intercepted a message between the remaining Montagna camp. It appears to be between someone in Montreal and someone elsewhere (guessing NY).

• They inquire about about who killed Montagna, referring to Desjardins.
• #1 was asking about the capo their friend (Montagna) made over there (Montreal)
  - If Montagna was making guys captains in Montreal it could show he still held rank in the Bonannos. When Vincent Asaro told his cousin that Montagna was murder he said "They killed a guy in Canada, Sal Montagna, one of the bosses from New York"
- Four days after Montagna was killed Domenico Agostino texted Hansley Lee Joseph "People in New York believe in the code. Not only did they kill a capo, but a capo from an important family,”
- So both Montreal figures and NY figures regard Montagna as a "capo from New York"
- Interesting Agostino says people in New York believe in the code. To make that distinction could imply people in Montreal don't. Similar to what Scoppa said. But both almost certainly were non members.
- I assume this text came from a NYC Bonanno so #1 could be possibly be Joe Bosco or Vincent Badalamenti since they were reported to be running the family at the time. Could be someone else for all we know.
  - The capo Montagna made could be Moreno Gallo. The book Cellular 8002 vs Mafia states Montagna offered Di Maulo the position of "Godfather of Montreal" but he declined so Montagna turned to Gallo. Gallo was a suspected Bonanno member prior to Montagna's arrival to Monteal.
  - There was some suspicion on whether this capo could still be trusted. He was oddly missing in the days around Montagna was murdered.
So Lopresti was backing Montagna or stayed loyal to Rizzutos?
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by John W »

So I’m assuming the man called Foti in the article is Jonathan Massari but we still don’t know the identity of Brad Pitt/The Frenchman?
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by B. »

Montagna still officially holding the title of capodecina of a separate crew from the Montreal decina would fit what Todaro told Violi about making history by being the first admin member of a US Family in Canada.

Years before we knew the Violi-Luppinos were confirmed as current Buffalo members it was said that Montagna went to Ontario and met with them. Was that ever confirmed?

We know the Buffalo Family firmly believes in formal protocol and the Bonannos honored this with the Morena situation, so it seems Buffalo may have supported Montagna at least politically if it's true there was contact between them. I don't know how true that meeting ended up being though.
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by CabriniGreen »

B. wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:33 pm The jury's still out on what Montagna's run 2006-2009 was like. He at least kept the Family together and likely played a big role keeping Mancuso in power / securing him as boss. Mancuso may in turn have encouraged/authorized Montagna's actions in Montreal. Thanks to Chin we know Massino and Basciano had a conversation about Montreal requesting that a major NYC construction contractor be placed on record with Montagna for reasons unknown so there was association and apparently good-will between Montagna and Montreal-based members circa 2004-2005.

I had a different take on all that.....

First off, I'm probably wrong, but Basciano gave Vertuccio, ( what was his name again?) to Mancuso, and directed him to give Mancuso 6k a month? Is that right?

In terms of binding other gangsters to you, to give them financial or political ( advancement in rank) incentive to support your new regime, this is not that dissimilar a strategy to Cammarano giving interest free loans to buy loyalty. So I saw this as Basciano buying Mancuso off buy assigning him a big earner.

Second, this to me was like, Basciano reassigning Massinos interest, clear indication he didn't think Massino was coming back.

Third, Montagna should have been the one who Basciano and Indelicato send to reactivate the pipeline with Vito. And actually,...... before I mispeak, did he? I really don't see him as plugged like that. Hes was social with these people, but he wasn't getting money with them.

Lastly, I saw Basciano making a convenient excuse as to why he was poaching Massinos earner. " Oh.... Canada wanted him for something..." lol... he knows Massino can't check......he did the drugs behind his back.... Massino I don't believe had a back channel up there....

Like bruh..... Canada wanted him....... WHO? Who is Canada? Nick Rizzuto? The construction was his thing, no way he request something FOR Montagnas benefit..... I don't see it.

I always felt the Bonnanos should have had active interest in the Construction and gambling up there. But when Basciano ask Massinos permission to use the contractor....HE ( PUN INTENDED..LOL) VITOS it!! They had a whole cabal of contractors up there.... why would they NEED this guy? Did the Bonnanos ever arrange for one of their Canadian contractors to build in NY? COULD they even DO that? I ask because historically, they were cut out of the Concrete Club and most of the big union rackets.
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by Pmac2 »

Who the fuck was steven dadarrio and this Giuseppe c. Guy. ? Like to just just mass murdering a group of connected guys in Montreal. They sound like nuts bugs just casually texting each other on updates about killing people. Who are they?
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by motorfab »

Pmac2 wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:18 am Who the fuck was steven dadarrio and this Giuseppe c. Guy. ? Like to just just mass murdering a group of connected guys in Montreal. They sound like nuts bugs just casually texting each other on updates about killing people. Who are they?
Steven D'Addario & Giuseppe Colapelle were 2 Montreal mobsters connected with Dejardins & Mirarchi. Colapelle was also a friend of Giuseppe De Vito and killed in 2012. I think D'Addario is currently in prison.

Both were involved in Salvatore Montagna's murder.
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by Teflon Dom »

B. wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:30 pm Those texts look like SonnyBlackstein posts.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by OcSleeper »

I just found these text messages interesting because if the person behind the messages was a Bonanno and #1 refers to Bonanno leadership it's the first time I've seen it shown that Montagna still had some authority in the family since he made a captain in Montreal. Asaro comments on him as one of the bosses but doesn't really say if it was meaning in the past tense when he served as acting boss or presently and Agostino is most likely a non member so his comment to another outsider doesn't hold much weight.
Guest wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:39 pm So Lopresti was backing Montagna or stayed loyal to Rizzutos?
LoPresti joined up with Montagna.
Pmac2 wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:18 am Who the fuck was steven dadarrio and this Giuseppe c. Guy. ? Like to just just mass murdering a group of connected guys in Montreal. They sound like nuts bugs just casually texting each other on updates about killing people. Who are they?
motorfab wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:09 am Steven D'Addario & Giuseppe Colapelle were 2 Montreal mobsters connected with Dejardins & Mirarchi. Colapelle was also a friend of Giuseppe De Vito and killed in 2012. I think D'Addario is currently in prison.

Both were involved in Salvatore Montagna's murder.
He's been out of prison for awhile now. Last report we had on him was a dinner in May, 2021 with Del Balso, Pizzi, Barberio, the top Montreal HA members. ... permis.php
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Re: Montreal: Intercepted Texts

Post by Newyorkempire »

OcSleeper wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 3:12 pm I just found these text messages interesting because if the person behind the messages was a Bonanno and #1 refers to Bonanno leadership it's the first time I've seen it shown that Montagna still had some authority in the family since he made a captain in Montreal. Asaro comments on him as one of the bosses but doesn't really say if it was meaning in the past tense when he served as acting boss or presently and Agostino is most likely a non member so his comment to another outsider doesn't hold much weight.
Guest wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:39 pm So Lopresti was backing Montagna or stayed loyal to Rizzutos?
LoPresti joined up with Montagna.
Pmac2 wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:18 am Who the fuck was steven dadarrio and this Giuseppe c. Guy. ? Like to just just mass murdering a group of connected guys in Montreal. They sound like nuts bugs just casually texting each other on updates about killing people. Who are they?
motorfab wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:09 am Steven D'Addario & Giuseppe Colapelle were 2 Montreal mobsters connected with Dejardins & Mirarchi. Colapelle was also a friend of Giuseppe De Vito and killed in 2012. I think D'Addario is currently in prison.

Both were involved in Salvatore Montagna's murder.
He's been out of prison for awhile now. Last report we had on him was a dinner in May, 2021 with Del Balso, Pizzi, Barberio, the top Montreal HA members. ... permis.php
Curious Lopresti would side that way as his father was on top with the Rizzutos before his death
"Dont leave me alone with your wife."
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