Gift buttons for the terminally ill

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Men Of Mayhem
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Gift buttons for the terminally ill

Post by B. »

Another topic got me thinking about buttons given out of respect, especially for the terminally ill.

JD mentioned how John Arcaro of the Bonannos was made in 2001 when he was dying, and he did die later that same year.

There is also the story Gravano told about Joe Paruta being made by the Gambinos on his deathbed.

Any other examples of this or situations in the same ballpark? It might seem like a waste, but the family knows they will be getting the button back soon when the guy passes away.

The closest "other" situation I can think of would be guys who were made right before getting a heavy prison sentence (i.e. life). In that case it's more of a waste as the guy will still be filling up a roster spot. I suppose this could be done out of respect, but also to reward a guy for not turning witness. Can't really think of examples offhand, maybe Joe Testa in the Luccheses.
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Re: Gift buttons for the terminally ill

Post by Ivan »

Ronnie Carabbia was made by Cleveland after he went away for killing Danny Greene in order to help secure his loyalty. He did get paroled eventually, around 2002 or so.
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Re: Gift buttons for the terminally ill

Post by cavita »

According to FBI files, Joe DiGirolamo, who was a trusted associate for the Rockford LCN for years was dying of cancer and was made "for the honor" in May 1965. DiGirolamo eventually died the following December.
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