Yeah, like you're the spokesperson for most Italians. You go to Sicily, and have never really traveled around much of Italy in all regions: North, Central, and the South.Tag wrote:I guarantee you many italians don't give a crap about Garibaldi, Mazzini, and/or La Marmora, either way, to begin with, let alone hating on them.
Many modern day Southern Italian people do dislike and hate Garibaldi, Mazzini, and La Marmora. It's very odd you're claiming otherwise since this is pretty well known, and even Southern Italian people in the past did not like them.
In mostly all of the regions of Southern Italy but especially Calabria, Puglia, Campania, Basilicata, and Sicly people consider Garibaldi, Mazzini, and La Marmora to be thieves, killers, and not people to be celebrated. Most Southern Italian people also really do not like the Italian mafias, or bigoted Northern Italians who don't like Southern Italians either.
I don't take your word on any of what you post as being factual since you're an American, and not Italian. This includes both being an American culturally, and being born and raised here in the United States. Plus you don't study history, politics, or Italian cultural/historical beliefs aside from the false myths you believe like:
"All Sicilian people are related to or can trace back their ancestry to someone who was in the mafia." which is not true at all, and only a mafia fangirl like you would believe this.
Roughly translating newspaper articles about the mafia is not studying history, politics, or Italian culture.
Your husband is Italian but he might as well be considered American now since he's been here for enough time. If you're only going by him and both of your families when it comes to the opinion that most Southern Italians both past and present don't care about Garibaldi, Mazzini, and La Marmora and don't hate them then you need to get out more.