Bonanno 1960s chart

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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

Chris Christie wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:30 pm Reached out to my compaesan James Buccellato and I'm trying to get him to join. I sent you guys an introduction-ary text and we should try and do a conference call together. He, unlike myself, has the bloodlines.
Very excited. I'm sure to learn a lot from this.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Angelo Santino »

And he's sure to learn alot from you. I'm all about bringing people together to expand the knowledge base. I have no ego in this.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

Updated list of names:

Members: 135
Adamo, Anthony
Adamo, Michael
Alfano, Nicolo
Alese, Pietro
Andaloro, Rosario "Russ"
Angelino, Michael "Mike Angelo"(died 5/63)
Aquaro, John
Asaro, Giuseppe Sr(died 5/63)
Asaro, Jerome "Jerry"
Asaro, Joseph Vincent "Josie"
Asaro, Vincenzo
Badalamenti, Antonio
Barranca, Stefano
Battaglia, Charles "Charlie Bats"
Bello, Antonio
Bivona, Carmelo
Bruno, Salvatore
Bonanno, Joseph
Bonanno, Salvatore "Bill"
Bonomo, Frank
Bonventre, Giovanni
Bonventre, Martin
Bonventre, Pietro
Bonventre, Vito
Buccellato, Giuseppe
Bucci, Romeo
Busciglio, Antonino "Nino"
Buttafuoco, Nicholas
Cacioppo, Antonio
Cannone, Stefano
Capasso, Vincent "Jimmy Fort Lee"
Caruso, Angelo
Carlino, Liborio “Leo”
Castello, Nicholas
Colio, Nicola “Zio Cola”
Consolo, Michael
Cotroni, Frank “Le Gros”
Cotroni, Giuseppe “Pep”
Cotroni, Vincenzo “Vic”
Cosenza, Michael
Crisci, Anthony
Crociata, Pietro "Skinny Pete"
D'Angelo, Epifano "Frank/Fauney"
D'Angelo, Gaetano "Thomas/Smitty"
D'Angelo, Jerome "Jerry"
Dara, WIlliam
Dasti, Frank
DeFilippo, Patrick
DeFilippo, Vito
DeMarinis, Alfonse "Big Al"
DiCocco, Paul "Legs"
DiBella, John
DiFilippi, Joseph
DiGiovanna, Anthony "Tony DeJohn"
DiGregorio, Gaspar
DiGregorio, Matteo
DiIorio, Nicola “Cola
DiMaria, Joseph
DiStefano, Nicholas
Domingo, Antonio
Evola, Natale
Farrugia, Salvatore
Fiordilino, Giovanni
Galante, Carmine "Lilo"
Gallo, Ciro
Garofalo, Frank
Genovese, Joseph
Giaccone, Philip "Phil Lucky"
Giardina, Elia “Leo”
Giganti, Pasquale “Cha Cha”
Giglio, Salvatore
Greco, Louis
Grimaldi, Giuseppe
Ippolito, Salvatore
LaBruzzo, Frank
Leone, Anthony
Licata, Pietro
Licata, Vito
Licovelli, Vito
Lisi, Gaetano "Tony"
Lucido, Anthony
Marangello, Nicholas "Nicky Glasses"
Marchese, Salvatore
Mari, Frank
Messina, Anthony "Pat"
Messina, Joseph
Mione, Gaspare
Mirabile, Salvatore "Toto"
Morales, John "Johnny Burns"
Morales, Rosario "Sally Burns"
Morsellino, Vincenzo
Mule, Vito
Notaro, Joseph
Passalacqua, Peter
Petrone, Giovanni “John Petrone”
Pollastrino, Armando "Buddy"
Prisinzano, Angelo "Little Moe"
Prisinzano, Frank
Raimondi, Anthony
Rastelli, Philip
Renda, Calogero
Riela, Antonio
Rizzuto, Antonio
Rizzuto, Nicolo
Restivo, Biaggio
Sabella, Domenico
Sabella, Dominick
Sabella, Michael
Salvo, Angelo
Scardino, Thomas
Sciacca, Joseph
Sciacca, Paul
Sciortino, Peter
Sciuto, Anthony
Silionote, Russell
Silionote, Steve
Simari, Carl "Buddy"
Sinacore, Frank
Sinacore, Joseph
Soccio, Vincenzo
Sorrentino, Salvatore
Spadaro, Antonio
Spadaro, Joseph
Tagliagambe, Mario
Tarantola, Vincent
Tartamella, Francesco
Tartamella, John
Tartamella, Sereno "Bobby T"
Valvo, Benjamin
Valvo, Matteo
Vigneri, Anthony
Violi, Paolo
Zaffarano, Michael
Zicarelli, Joseph "Bayonne Joe"
Zirpoli, Pasquale

Suspected: 37
Allegato, Michael
Adamo, Peter
Bucaro, Andrew "Curly"
Campanella, Mario
Candela, John
Caradonna, Vito
Castello, Angelo
Cinquemani, Peter
Cocolicchio, Giuseppe “Big Pep”
Cosoleto, Pasquale
Curatolo, Antonio
Crociata, Francesco
D’Angelo, Anthony “Scotty”
DiGregorio, Anthony
DePasquale, Iganzio
DePasquale, Natale
DePasquale, Vincenzo
DiGregorio, Bartolomeo
Garofalo, Vincenzo
Genna, Leonardo
Lanzo, Angelo
Lapi, Angelo
Lorenzo, Nicholas "Nicky Red"
Manfre, Santo
Mastraccio, Diodato
Mastricola, Joseph
Mistretta, Frank
Messina, Frank
Musillo, Charles
Monte, Angelo
Mule, Felix
Parisi, Anthony
Puma, Joseph
Saputo, Giuseppe
Scordato, John
Silinote, Giuseppe
Sparaco, Angelo

171 names as of right now.

Names I’m considering removing:
Caccamise, Salvatore(Seems young to have been made, and I don’t know if he was affiliated with the family yet)
Giarrusso, Sam(Harold Konigsberg said he wasn’t made)
Pizzo, Giuseppe*(Shows up on the senate 1980s charts. Haven’t seen him mentioned other places, can’t find any information on him)
Signorelli, Vincenzo*(JD has him as “possibly Magaddino”, don’t know where he was based, or anything about him)

Any input/thoughts/edits are welcome.
Last edited by thekiduknow on Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Antiliar »

Impressive list.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

Amazing job. Saputo should be in suspected if we're going to include him at all.

Going back to Angelo Lapi, in an old message from JD he said he came across info that Lapi was one of the young guys made in the 1950s. Maybe keep him on as suspected at least.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

Thanks guys.

I'll move Saputo to suspected.

Interesting about Lapi, so if he was made in the 1950s he must have transferred to the Genovese family as HK pointed out. Is there any information that he was actually inducted my the Genoveses? Or does he just show up on membership lists?
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by motorfab »

Great list kid, my only observation is about Montreal, I think Di Iorio should be in the suspect members because 1963 is a bit early for him to be made (think he was later in the 60's). You included Mastraccio in it, but Mastraccio was an old timer with Jimmy Soccio, Cola Di Iorio started his career under them.

Otherwise I have more or less the same names as you

Giaccone was made in 1963?
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

motorfab wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:29 pm Great list kid, my only observation is about Montreal, I think Di Iorio should be in the suspect members because 1963 is a bit early for him to be made (think he was later in the 60's). You included Mastraccio in it, but Mastraccio was an old timer with Jimmy Soccio, Cola Di Iorio started his career under them.

Otherwise I have more or less the same names as you

Giaccone was made in 1963?
Thanks for the correction, I'll move Di Iorio.

So, would Mastraccio be a suspected member? Did I read it right?

Yup, he was apparently sponsored by Giovanni Bonventre. He also got pulled into one of the Bonanno grand juries.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by motorfab »

Yeah for Mastraccio, even if I think he was definitely made, don't think I ever saw him officialy listed as members by the feds or on tape, so just to be cautious it's better to put him in the suspected members.

Thanks for the info on Giaccone
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Angelo Santino »

Salut to a great 6:47:00 minute call between B., TheKidUKnow, PolackTony, James Buccellato and myself. I learned alot and wow, for everything I know about this subject there's a million things that I don't. And for what I think I know, you guys all bring fresh interpretations and additions that make me refine existing beliefs. It was an honor and a pleasure to be in conversation with such knowledgeable people.

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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

Yeah, it's not a true Bonanno discussion without the great JimmyB.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Angelo Santino »

I'm going to figure out how to start recording calls and maybe start a Black Hand Podcast. Of course we've have to review them after having them and take out what we don't want being shared. But I think it would be a fresh take of nerdy academics against interviewers and former members who have youtube presences. Just a thought.

The season finale can end with getting Wiseguy on a call as the Final Boss. :mrgreen:
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

It's a great idea.

Would be next level to get Wiseguy on the line.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Angelo Santino »

B. wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:02 am It's a great idea.

Would be next level to get Wiseguy on the line.
Agreed. He might be hesitant about giving up his number, but if you join google voice you get a free phone number that works through wifi if that's an issue for him or anyone else hesitant.

I think Tony and Fat Sal would get along famously and want to get them on a call. As would a call between Sal, Mike and James, myself- between all of us we represent Trapani, Palermo and Agrigento. 4 Sigs = 16 opinions.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

Just need a Corleonese in there. On second thought, maybe not.

James has a great POV on this stuff. Reiterating what he's said before and we talked about tonight, it does sound like the Bonanno-Magaddino-Bonventre clan's dominance in Castellammare was short-term. Joe Bonanno made his clan out to be the biggest show in town, and that was true in the US, but there are a lot of other prominent families/clans in CDG who don't get as much attention.

The big mystery to me is still the Ingaglias/Ingoglias. Top leaders of the CDG Family circa 1896 and I've seen the surname on some manifests with CDG mafiosi and maybe in a family tree here or there, but kind of surprising they don't show up around the US like all the other surnames from 1896. Not a single one ID'd as a suspected Bonanno member despite us scouring for names.
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