Musky Salow ?

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Musky Salow ?

Post by nitro »

have anybody information about a Boxing manager named Jospeh Morris (Musky) Salow ? He was also a Loanshark and Bookmaker. I'm not sure but a think he was from Connecticut. He managed Teddy (Redtop) Davis, Sammy Walker and Bob Foster.

Maybe he was associate with a family ?
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Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:46 am

Re: Musky Salow ?

Post by nitro »

Hi guys,

some new information.
Most used name is Morris (Mushky) Salow. (I guess 1919-96).
He was from Hartford, Conn. In late 1940's,50's, 60's. He was involed in gambling. He runs a gambling house.
He manages different Boxer. In New York City didn't get a boxing manager's license because LCN links.
At this time he gets most attention.

1972 he had contract to German underworld. Why he was in Hamburg is unknown maybe boxing or gambling.. But the same figure started a gambling network between European and USA.

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