Philly 1982 Photo Help

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Angelo Santino
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

Here it is. Back in the 80's the FBI used to be able to write off tacks.


Here, for mood and effect...

Leonetti: "Quiet, quiet. Ahem, ahem... He taught me as much as anybody, even more than my own father, and even if I wasn't going to rat against him in 5 years, I'd be standing here saying, to our new boss. Salut."
Napoli: "To Nicky"...
Click click.......
Testa: "To Nicky!"...
Click click.......
Manna: "Salut!"
Click... Click...
*Cut to James Maher looking at recent photos, zoom in on Phil Testa's picture, which gets thrown into the trash. Scarfo gets moved up and "Consigliere" is crossed out and Boss written next to it. Fade to black...
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by jimmyb »

[quote="Chris Christie"]Thanks. I appreciate all the help. JerryB sent me a few.

In searching online, I came across something of interest on

Celeste Morello's Reviews. She always had a habit of trashing her legitimate sources (and alienating the living ones) all the while doing documentaries where she gets wet describing Salvie's big dreamy eyes in high school.

I once spoke to Anastasia after the second one came out and asked if he read them. He pretended he hadn't and got tight lipped when I mentioned Morello. At the time I was praising them to him and he said something like: Yeah, she thinks she knows everything. The way she trashes people, there's really probably no love lost between them. If I had known I wouldn't have mentioned it.[quote="Chris Christie"]

You're absolutely right about this. I talked to her once and she was real condescending. She does not think highly of Anastasia and Sean Patrick Griffin (author of the excellent book Black Brothers Inc.). She was getting a real attitude w/me (for no reason mind you), so I pointed out how she misspelled "Buccellato" in one of her books. She actually told me I was the one who had it wrong!

Ultimately it's no big deal, it was just weird. Seems like 99% of the time you talk to or correspond with other researchers, everyone is really cool. She was the exception.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Ivan »

Guys that chart is awesome. Really really nice work by all involved, thanks for putting it together.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

Yeah, without Pogo, Chucky and B that wouldn't be possible. JerryB helped with the photos. I'm going to take a crack at the Stanfa years next. Then I'd like to skip ahead and try and collaborate on a current one. We know it's a mess but I believe we have most of the players and their status (prison and out) and even if we don't have all the ranks or are unsure we can kinda build a raw one. I'm game if you guys are.

Anyways.. Finished Scott's book. It was a good read. 9 out of 10. A page turner. You can tell Phil already had an idea of what he was going to write and Scott was there to kinda narrate things and incorporate the facts into Leonetti's story.

It's not perfect. I never read "solider" so much in my life and for those who are quite retentive, Caponigro and Ciancaglini were listed as Sicilians. Luciano is the LCN founder but those are irrelevant to Leonetti's story. Leonetti pulls a Gravano in that he justifies everything he did by following the rules. They make themselves out to be humble at heart reluctant participants to something they thought was good and honorable but turns into something evil, but due to their intense loyalty and honor they try and make it work. Personalities like that don't usually rise to a managerial level-- I'll leave it at that. And I notice Leonetti doesn't cover the million he stole from Scarfo's hidden safe which the FBI assisted him in doing. But once you factor that in you can understand how he was able to buy a 44 ft boat a few years after being released... Scott told me he believes Leonetti has no remorse, just an intense hatred for his uncle- and that shows in the book, especially towards the end. But Leonetti put his "all" into this book, he shared his thoughts on all the current players as recent as 2014.

Another must read! And something else to take away regarding Scott Burnstein-- he was chosen by Anastasia to write the book, he entrusted him with it and shared his notes and played I believe as a copy editor (Scott correct me if I'm wrong) in the process. If GA writes another mob book, it will probably be with Burnstein, he's George's heir apparent.

I don't buy many mafia books, I think the last one I bought was Five Families or FBN book, one of them two. I'm glad I bought this one! B.'s word was enough for me and he was right. I give it a 9 out of 10. Solider and the 1931 shit aside and a few minor errors, it was a terrific take- like B. said- from the apex of Philly at the time. But Leonetti makes himself out to be a saint, to be expected, but he also wrote this as a "Go Fuck Yourself" to Scarfo. If he could have had that as the title he would have. I'm hoping it pisses Scarfo off to write his own take on things.

Some things I found interesting:
-Scarfo hated his uncles- the Piccolos so to Leonetti it made no sense to elevate them, so Leonetti seen it as Nicky stating "I don't need no consigliere" like a Manna.
-L. Merlino's gradual breakaway even while he was a captain.
-Scarfo's close relationship with Napoli (at least in the beginning.)
-Scarfo Jr (after Scarfo went to prison and was in tension with Merlino) allegedly told his uncle over the phone: "Merlino and Ciancaglini have 6 or 7 guys and I have Uncle Anthony." That made me laugh. Because that collaborates with what Fresolone said. (I might make a chart during this era at some point.)
Last edited by Angelo Santino on Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Chris Christie wrote:he shared his thoughts on all the current players as recent as 2014.

What did he say about the current players? Thanks.

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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

Pogo The Clown wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:he shared his thoughts on all the current players as recent as 2014.

What did he say about the current players? Thanks.

He gave a paragragh about each of them. I'm going to probably re-read it but off the top of my head: his cousin Nicky Jr is smart but not a gangster and due to his father being an evil asshole he was nearly murdered and will now probably spend a significant part of his life in prison while he was allegedly paying the bills for comatose Mark and his dying mother. Leonetti makes Scarfo Jr out to be the tragic figure in this story, I couldn't help myself but feel for the kid (assuming Leonetti's take is accurate, and "kid"? I'm half his age). But again, this could be a big fuck you to Scarfo. Scarfo's power has diminished, but his intense hatred for his nephew hasn't. I don't imagine Scarfo Jr or the other relatives mentioned that they spoke to Phil. So for Phil to spill all this out that he's in touch with them and that Scarfo Jr even forgave him, I see that as a big fuck you to his uncle. And that probably stands to damage what little relationship father and son have at that point. Maybe Leonetti did that as a fuck you, or maybe he's trying to break Scarfo Jr away from the senior for the "kid's" own sake. Scott would be a good one to ask.

Ok what else. Joe Pung, Faffy Innarella, Vince Iannece are all boss material (but he hopes they go straight). Narducci (I thinkkk) was in Florida at the time and Leonetti claims they were smart enough to leave. Merlino is a fucking punk and a jerk off and a cunt and a motherfucker who they would have killed if it wasn't for Chuckie Merlino being his father. Merlino didn't grow up in La Cosa Nostra like Leonetti and the older guys so he doesn't know it and what remains today is just a glorified street gang. And that Merlino is always out for himself. Same shit.

2 takeaways: I don't know how connected to info Leonetti is, but like Fresolone I sure he kept up to date on it with the books and articles. So Leonetti has kinda formed his opinion along those lines on some things. Like Stanfa, he did not know the guy, so much of what he summarized about him was his own speculation from what he read. But interestingly, he claims Gravano told him that Gotti gave in to the "Sicilian Gambino faction" for Stanfa's benefit. Robert Bissacia told Piccolo he was no longer acting boss, John Stanfa was the new boss and he could go to consig or under.

Another thing about the Piccolos. According to Leonetti, after Monte was murdered the position was vacant until a few months after Scarfo got home, he then chose his uncle Nick (whom he hated according to Leonetti) and later in in *I think* 1986 or 87 or 88 he officially replaced him with Tony Buck. But Leonetti was not "in" on that, so he most likely got the information second hand, either by reading or talking to an FBI agenet.

He also punked Merlino by traveling to Philly and getting a gun and letting Merlino know where he was and to come and see him. Merlino told the messenger something like "Fuck you rat" and never came. Everyone close to Merlino who hates Merlino makes him out to be a pussy. Fucking his name Colombo informant with the clubs in Miami, Alite did the same and Leonetti does also. But personally, I think it's an "age" thing to look disdainfully on the next generation. I'm not Merlino advocate, but none of those guys in his inner circle ever flipped on him. He must he doing something right to have remained boss (which I'm hesitant about believing is true but the FBI knows more than me 99.99% of the time) even while in prison for 12 years, Leonetti/Scarfo lasted half that time and by Leonetti's own words the org. was falling apart by 86 anyway.

Second: every informant claims "the life" has gone by the wayside, that it wasn't what it was, that it went from a thing of honor to a thing of betrayal, yadda yadda yadda. Francesco Siino, the boss of bosses of Palermo in the 1890's turned informant and said the same thing. So did Valachi to an extent, Gravano laid it on heavy, and of course the Mafia officially disbanded once Joe Bonanno decided to leave, with Leonetti it's no different. He makes the Philadelphia Mafia out to be some decent organization except for the devil reincarnate that is his uncle who wants to kill everybody and once even threatened to bring a crew from NY to kill the entire Philly Family. He makes Scarfo out to be a 24/7 Scarface final Scene "Ok Sosa, ju wanna fuck with me. Orale!" guy.

ALSO... alot of it jives with Anastasia's books (But Anastasia was involved) so there isn't many contraditions, just more emphasis on certain things. But one thing was "The Elbow" consisting of Ciangcaglino, Testa, Leonetti, the Merlinos and Scarfo receiving proceeds from the street tax. Scarfo got half, the other guys divided the rest. But later after Ciancaglini is in jail, Leonetti narrates that only Scarfo, Leonetti and the Merlinos constituted The Elbow at a later date, so we can assume Ciagcaglini was excluded once he went to prison. And after Scarfo demoted the Merlinos they were out and Scarfo began taking Leonetti's cut too. That really could explain why the Ciancaglini and Merlino children grew to hate Scarfo. Alot of experts and informants agree everything boils down to money, this could be one example. And given Philly's blue collar traits, they weren't millionaires and their families probably could have used some help.

Maybe Chucky knows more and can elaborate.
Last edited by Angelo Santino on Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Ivan »

Pogo The Clown wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:he shared his thoughts on all the current players as recent as 2014.

What did he say about the current players? Thanks.
The things that stand out for me are that he has zero respect for Merlino ("Who could take orders from him?"), thinks Ligambi is a good guy, and claims that Phil Narducci is the real deal and the guy to watch out for.

Pogo read the book, like Chris said it's a page turner and very hard to put down.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

Ivan wrote:
Pogo The Clown wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:he shared his thoughts on all the current players as recent as 2014.

What did he say about the current players? Thanks.
The things that stand out for me are that he has zero respect for Merlino ("Who could take orders from him?"), thinks Ligambi is a good guy, and claims that Phil Narducci is the real deal and the guy to watch out for.

Pogo read the book, like Chris said it's a page turner and very hard to put down.

Pogo, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't read it. You would extract a ton from it, despite that Leonetti compares Scarfo to Adolf Hitler. And not in a good way. :P
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

jimmyb wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:Thanks. I appreciate all the help. JerryB sent me a few.

In searching online, I came across something of interest on

Celeste Morello's Reviews. She always had a habit of trashing her legitimate sources (and alienating the living ones) all the while doing documentaries where she gets wet describing Salvie's big dreamy eyes in high school.

I once spoke to Anastasia after the second one came out and asked if he read them. He pretended he hadn't and got tight lipped when I mentioned Morello. At the time I was praising them to him and he said something like: Yeah, she thinks she knows everything. The way she trashes people, there's really probably no love lost between them. If I had known I wouldn't have mentioned it.
Chris Christie wrote:
You're absolutely right about this. I talked to her once and she was real condescending. She does not think highly of Anastasia and Sean Patrick Griffin (author of the excellent book Black Brothers Inc.). She was getting a real attitude w/me (for no reason mind you), so I pointed out how she misspelled "Buccellato" in one of her books. She actually told me I was the one who had it wrong!

Ultimately it's no big deal, it was just weird. Seems like 99% of the time you talk to or correspond with other researchers, everyone is really cool. She was the exception.
If me and my Wrecking Crew: Antiliar, Lennert, JCB and a Zip were to work on Philly, we could expand and correct on Morello's thesis and make it our own. It's been ten years, alot more information has come out since then, and in another ten years I imagine Our article will be obsolete. It's a growing story with no final definitive answer. If and when we/I are obsoleted, I'll be delightful to learn more. I wish there was someone who could answer some questions. As you know, this shit is a web and when you try and connect it, it turns into a satellite view of ATT connections. It's confusing stuff! People like us, with a moral obligation to the truth, we do the best we can but are limited with what resources we have. In ten more years I imagine more resources will be available then ever before and all of us so-called experts will loo back on 2015 and think how little we really knew. It's a growth in progress.... And I'm looking forward to your work on early Detroit.

But I ask: do you see any major significant in 1931, apart from the story of Luciano? When you look at all the facts, the hierarchy was in place since 1885 at least, they had general assemblies and commissions (lobbyists) of bosses who sat on it. The change in 1931 went from a Boss of bosses presiding over this national arrangement (which I have proof has been in existence since before 1910 but after 1905 (kinda when travel became easier in the US) to a NY-based commission of bosses which would hold national meetings every 5 years... But at the local level in cities, 1931 had very little significance from the Cast War and more with the end of prohibition and a renewed focus on illegal gambling. Some of the guys who were smart enough to not waste their bootlegging profits invested in legitimate businesses or used the gains to expand their illegal ones. But NOTHING was formed. If there wasn't no hierarchy prior to 1931 and everyone was a bunch of dumb idiots before Lucky showed them the wave, how come they dominated the bootlegging racket at a national level the ten years prior to its alleged formation? And during the Cast War, with Maranano allegedly having 400 members and Masseria 600, if they had no hierarchy did they use a fucking bullhorn? How this relates to Detroit is that it seems to go back to the Giannolas, all these "independant" gangs in the 1920's all came up under them and were later seen as under one group after the 1930's. I don't see them splitting up into separate groups and then reforming 10 years later. Maybe this deserves another thread, If you are way ahead of me I'm willing to hear your expertise or I can wait for the book. Congrats on that!
Last edited by Angelo Santino on Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Chris Christie wrote:ALSO... alot of it jives with Anastasia's books (But Anastasia was involved) so there isn't many contraditions, just more emphasis on certain things. But one thing was "The Elbow" consisting of Ciangcaglino, Testa, Leonetti, the Merlinos and Scarfo receiving proceeds from the street tax. Scarfo got half, the other guys divided the rest. But later after Ciancaglini is in jail, Leonetti narrates that only Scarfo, Leonetti and the Merlinos constituted The Elbow at a later date, so we can assume Ciagcaglini was excluded once he went to prison. And after Scarfo demoted the Merlinos they were out and Scarfo began taking Leonetti's cut too. That really could explain why the Ciancaglini and Merlino children grew to hate Scarfo. Alot of experts and informants agree everything boils down to money, this could be one example. And given Philly's blue collar traits, they weren't millionaires and their families probably could have used some help.

Let me add that this is in conflict with DelGiorno's info. Here is his testimony on the division of "The Elbow".

Q: After Salvatore Merlino and Larry Merlino were taken down in early 1986, did the division of the shake or elbow change?
A: Yes
Q: How did it change?
A: It was split between Scarfo, Leonetti, Faffy, me, Ciancaglini still got his end. He gave Joe Grande 400 a month. He gave the blade [Virgilio] 200 a month, gave Nicky Whip 200 a month, and he gave Salvatore Scafidi 200 a month.
Q: When you say "He," who are you talking about giving those people that money per month?
A: Scarfo.

Also ineresting tidbit about Bobby Bisacia telling Tony Piccolo that he had to step down.

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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

Pogo The Clown wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:ALSO... alot of it jives with Anastasia's books (But Anastasia was involved) so there isn't many contraditions, just more emphasis on certain things. But one thing was "The Elbow" consisting of Ciangcaglino, Testa, Leonetti, the Merlinos and Scarfo receiving proceeds from the street tax. Scarfo got half, the other guys divided the rest. But later after Ciancaglini is in jail, Leonetti narrates that only Scarfo, Leonetti and the Merlinos constituted The Elbow at a later date, so we can assume Ciagcaglini was excluded once he went to prison. And after Scarfo demoted the Merlinos they were out and Scarfo began taking Leonetti's cut too. That really could explain why the Ciancaglini and Merlino children grew to hate Scarfo. Alot of experts and informants agree everything boils down to money, this could be one example. And given Philly's blue collar traits, they weren't millionaires and their families probably could have used some help.

Let me add that this is in conflict with DelGiorno's info. Here is his testimony on the division of "The Elbow".

Q: After Salvatore Merlino and Larry Merlino were taken down in early 1986, did the division of the shake or elbow change?
A: Yes
Q: How did it change?
A: It was split between Scarfo, Leonetti, Faffy, me, Ciancaglini still got his end. He gave Joe Grande 400 a month. He gave the blade [Virgilio] 200 a month, gave Nicky Whip 200 a month, and he gave Salvatore Scafidi 200 a month.
Q: When you say "He," who are you talking about giving those people that money per month?
A: Scarfo.

Also ineresting tidbit about Bobby Bisacia telling Tony Piccolo that he had to step down.

Leonetti theorized that this was the Gambino's way of "taking back" Philly from the Genoveses when Scarfo was aligned with the Genovese which would give them an edge in the commission. There was no commission at the time. And Gigante wasn't the capo di tutti capi of the commission (the book has errors, again, this is about Philly. I"m a 1900's guy, if I were to quickly point out someone modern, chances are someone who focuses on the modern stuff would disagree and have written it differently. So again, it's about Philly from Leonetti's POV. He goes into alot, all the other stuff is window dressing. But it needed that just like Valachi's script needed Peter Mass.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Angelo Santino »

Chris Christie wrote:
Pogo The Clown wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:ALSO... alot of it jives with Anastasia's books (But Anastasia was involved) so there isn't many contraditions, just more emphasis on certain things. But one thing was "The Elbow" consisting of Ciangcaglino, Testa, Leonetti, the Merlinos and Scarfo receiving proceeds from the street tax. Scarfo got half, the other guys divided the rest. But later after Ciancaglini is in jail, Leonetti narrates that only Scarfo, Leonetti and the Merlinos constituted The Elbow at a later date, so we can assume Ciagcaglini was excluded once he went to prison. And after Scarfo demoted the Merlinos they were out and Scarfo began taking Leonetti's cut too. That really could explain why the Ciancaglini and Merlino children grew to hate Scarfo. Alot of experts and informants agree everything boils down to money, this could be one example. And given Philly's blue collar traits, they weren't millionaires and their families probably could have used some help.

Let me add that this is in conflict with DelGiorno's info. Here is his testimony on the division of "The Elbow".

Q: After Salvatore Merlino and Larry Merlino were taken down in early 1986, did the division of the shake or elbow change?
A: Yes
Q: How did it change?
A: It was split between Scarfo, Leonetti, Faffy, me, Ciancaglini still got his end. He gave Joe Grande 400 a month. He gave the blade [Virgilio] 200 a month, gave Nicky Whip 200 a month, and he gave Salvatore Scafidi 200 a month.
Q: When you say "He," who are you talking about giving those people that money per month?
A: Scarfo.

Also ineresting tidbit about Bobby Bisacia telling Tony Piccolo that he had to step down.

Leonetti theorized that this was the Gambino's way of "taking back" Philly from the Genoveses when Scarfo was aligned with the Genovese which would give them an edge in the commission. There was no commission at the time. And Gigante wasn't the capo di tutti capi of the commission (the book has errors, again, this is about Philly. I"m a 1900's guy, if I were to quickly point out someone modern, chances are someone who focuses on the modern stuff would disagree and have written it differently. So again, it's about Philly from Leonetti's POV. He goes into alot, all the other stuff is window dressing. But it needed that just like Valachi's script needed Peter Mass.
And also, you might read it have a totally different take from me. You might say: Leonetti's claims coincide with DelGiorno's and Caramandi's versions. I noticed that too, but again, all these sources were filtered through Anastasia. I love GA, I spoke to him on the phone and if I met him I'd shake his hand and buy him a drink. But I respectfully have some disagreements with his work, not based on my own opinion or how I think things happened, but based on other evidence from sources I've encountered. But I thank Scott Burnstein and I thank Anastasia for making the Leonetti Project happen. WE needed this!

But I endorse this book to you that I'm willing to do this. If you have an ipad or kindle you can download it for 9 or 12 bucks. If you hate it or feel it was a waste of time. I'll paypal Soliai the amount you spent (less than 15) and he can send to you. I don't think your destitute but that's how far I'm willing to endorse this book, from one Seeker of Knowledge to Another, it's a must read!
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Wiseguy »

Chris Christie wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Pogo The Clown wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:he shared his thoughts on all the current players as recent as 2014.

What did he say about the current players? Thanks.
The things that stand out for me are that he has zero respect for Merlino ("Who could take orders from him?"), thinks Ligambi is a good guy, and claims that Phil Narducci is the real deal and the guy to watch out for.

Pogo read the book, like Chris said it's a page turner and very hard to put down.

Pogo, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't read it. You would extract a ton from it, despite that Leonetti compares Scarfo to Adolf Hitler. And not in a good way. :P
I would agree. The Leonetti book is worth checking out. It's a fast read and provides a unique inside to that era.
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Sol »

Chris Christie wrote:Here it is. Back in the 80's the FBI used to be able to write off tacks.


Here, for mood and effect...

Leonetti: "Quiet, quiet. Ahem, ahem... He taught me as much as anybody, even more than my own father, and even if I wasn't going to rat against him in 5 years, I'd be standing here saying, to our new boss. Salut."
Napoli: "To Nicky"...
Click click.......
Testa: "To Nicky!"...
Click click.......
Manna: "Salut!"
Click... Click...
*Cut to James Maher looking at recent photos, zoom in on Phil Testa's picture, which gets thrown into the trash. Scarfo gets moved up and "Consigliere" is crossed out and Boss written next to it. Fade to black...
Awesome new philly Chart Chirs, also thank you to all those who helped Chris put this together, great job guys.......Soliai
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Re: Philly 1982 Photo Help

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Did Leonetti give his thughts on other current top guy's like Mazzone, Borgesi, Angelina, Ciancaglini, Lancelotti, Massimino, Anthony Staino etc? He probably never met most of them but I was curious. Thanks.

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