Maxie's Genovese Profiles

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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Btw: I don’t mind constructive criticism at all, in fact I welcome it! ..... what I don’t like or welcome is nasty and insulting forms of criticism, designed to insult and detract from my reputation and profile info.....which is how you and Bert address me..... so maybe if you guys changed up on your “bedside manner” and talked in a gentlemanly fashion, I’d be more receptive and nice back!... No? Just food for thought HK!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »

No one is jealous of you, it's that what you put up is untrue or very inaccurate, but you have said you are educating us, and how great you are. You also will not give sources once in a while. For example, Phil Tartaglia was never arrested for heroin, but you say he was arrested many times for it. The only time I saw anything linking him to drugs it was a mistake on a MaryFarrell document (They confused him with Detective Phillip Tartaglia of New York) Show some proof he was busted for drugs. He never was, so you can't. You said he attacked a cop, but got it all wrong, I even had to give the cops name and info on him. You do the vaguest research, then make stuff up. You have him as dead when he was alive.

In another profile you said Vince Sicilaino was nicknamed "The Sicilian" which he wasn't. That's minor.
You go back and forth saying people are envious, and you are great, throwing in a million exclamation points as you do. Then you say you don't mind criticism. You're playing games and having fun at the expense of any truth.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »


"During a verbal argument, Tartaglia lost his temper (which he was famous for), and actually “struck” another “good fellow”. This created a major problem for him. After a series of “meets” where higher ups pled his case, and asked to spare his life, Philly was banned from the New York area (actually he was banished indefinitely). He was also stripped of all his rackets and any “action” he had going in New York. He lost everything and had to start all over. Luckily he had an “ace in the hole” named Stuey Unger.

He and Stu relocated out to Las Vegas, and the rest is history as they say. Philly recreated himself, concentrating on “nursing” Stuey who was Philly’s “cash cow” in future years. Being that both men loved - eating and breathing - gambling, they were in heaven!"

Ungar moved to Las Vegas in 1976, Tartaglia did not leave New York till many years later, so he did not take Ungar with him.
I have never seen anything about him hitting a made guy, who did he hit? When? Over what? I don't think it ever happened.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:07 pm No one is jealous of you, it's that what you put up is untrue or very inaccurate, but you have said you are educating us, and how great you are. You also will not give sources once in a while. For example, Phil Tartaglia was never arrested for heroin, but you say he was arrested many times for it. The only time I saw anything linking him to drugs it was a mistake on a MaryFarrell document (They confused him with Detective Phillip Tartaglia of New York) Show some proof he was busted for drugs. He never was, so you can't. You said he attacked a cop, but got it all wrong, I even had to give the cops name and info on him. You do the vaguest research, then make stuff up. You have him as dead when he was alive.

In another profile you said Vince Sicilaino was nicknamed "The Sicilian" which he wasn't. That's minor.
You go back and forth saying people are envious, and you are great, throwing in a million exclamation points as you do. Then you say you don't mind criticism. You're playing games and having fun at the expense of any truth.
Bill Feather listed him as dead by 95 or something’s but I never said he was def dead by a specific date.... as far as drugs, Philly went on the lam
Years ago during a big narcotics pinch of others (that I had read). I stated I didn’t know the dispostion of that case because I didn’t find any follow up info on it. I never gave specifics ... again because I didn’t def know. Thirdly, Philly DID get pinched for beating a cop. I pulled it up on a NYC newspaper for the stated year on our forum search engine for newspapers..... and I have personal knowledge of him raising his hands often, and to another good guy..... these things I say are true. If they are wrong, then bill feather is wrong, the NYC news and search engine that produced it are wrong, etc

I have put up info in over 203 or 204 profiles. Most of it “dead on”! But YOU and HK don’t want me to be correct, no matter how much good stuff I put up, you’ll both nit pick any little thing anywhere in any post I put up..... so tell me fella’s what’s the point? You just wanna argue? Constantly? I personally don’t have the patience for this baloney! ...... WHY IN GODS GOOD NAME .... do you two still read every single word and post I put up with such enthusiasm and gusto .... and try and attack me in a sarcastic and nasty way? If you think I’m full of BS why not just ignore me and NOT READ my stuff? Why do you torture yourselves like this? .....and me by default? Lol.... I just don’t get it. Let whoever likes my stuff to enjoy them..... I have a lot of fans on here that compliment my posts very often (as I’m sure you’re aware), and you guys go the other way if you see me post something as long as you don’t like me! WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY?

PS: and as far as Philly goes, I hope he is still alive. Like I posted, he lived in Vegas. I haven’t seen him in years (gotta be over 30+ years)..... so I really don’t know if he’s alive or dead. I actually DO think he passed away though. But I could (I hope) for philly’s sake he is alive. He was always in good shape, so who knows. But he’s in his 90’s if he is alive
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »

I did not say he was not busted for fighting a cop, I pointed out that it was not an attack by the cop, with him defending himself and almost losing an eye. I won't comment on your profiles anymore.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:15 pm Maxie:

"During a verbal argument, Tartaglia lost his temper (which he was famous for), and actually “struck” another “good fellow”. This created a major problem for him. After a series of “meets” where higher ups pled his case, and asked to spare his life, Philly was banned from the New York area (actually he was banished indefinitely). He was also stripped of all his rackets and any “action” he had going in New York. He lost everything and had to start all over. Luckily he had an “ace in the hole” named Stuey Unger.

He and Stu relocated out to Las Vegas, and the rest is history as they say. Philly recreated himself, concentrating on “nursing” Stuey who was Philly’s “cash cow” in future years. Being that both men loved - eating and breathing - gambling, they were in heaven!"

Ungar moved to Las Vegas in 1976, Tartaglia did not leave New York till many years later, so he did not take Ungar with him.
I have never seen anything about him hitting a made guy, who did he hit? When? Over what? I don't think it ever happened.

Bert, guys are NOT GONNA HEAR THAT STORY UNDERSTAND ME?..... you think they post those kinds stories in the news? Or on forums like this? Lol.... you kidding me right? When I say something is “SINGULAR” in nature, that means that the public (and even many so-called wise guys don’t know these stories or info)..... NOW, what’s next? You gonna ask me HOW I KNOW? ...... THAT is none of your business, and not for public exposure! Be happy that your even “graced” to hear the stories.

You can either choose to believe them or not!... I couldn’t care less either way. No skin off my nose...... I know that what I say is gospel! ..... and if it sounds like I’m full of myself, well what can I say? I know what I know, period!

And I respect your choice to choose your “reading material” as you wish!

Note: if I really told you how I know these things I print, you would either NOT believe me or realize your serious errors and trip over yourself to apologize for your insults and disrespect! ......(maybe another day ok)? Until then, you choose!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

On the MMCharts, on the 1950-1970 Bonanno chart he actually lists Tartaglia as 1995* for a dod. - so why am I a liar?.... I said he probably died in the 1990’s-2000’s. I thought that was a safe print. If he’s still alive it’s news to me. But I didn’t “lie” as you state.

If it’s wrong it’s wrong, but it’s not my fault.... “don’t kill the messenger”
Check [Mafia Membership Charts - [Bonanno 1950-1970]
The Fulton Search engine for old NY newspapers listed the exact stories I printed about his arrest for assaulting the cop in 1954 with his own billy club after trying for his revolver - so how am I a liar?
Check [Thursday, August 19, 1954 - “The Queens Ledger”] and the [Tuesday December 14, 1954 - The LI Star Journal]..... among other newspapers to carry the story

The same NY newspapers reported that in 1960 he was one of two arrested for a $24,000 brinks armored truck heist where two guards were shot, one paralyzed..... so how did I lie on that one?

Check: [Wednesday April 20, 1960 edition - The Brooklyn NY-World Telegram]

Note: type his name on Fulton Search and you can confirm ALL I’ve stated above. Ok!!
His addresses, activities, card-games he owned (and where), many of his associates, and other “pedigree” info is all accurate..... so where did I lie about any of that?
As far as he and Stu relocating out to Vegas, I never said they left on a plane together, only that they both relocated out there and stayed hooked up. In fact Philly actually had a joint apartment with Stu for awhile.... can’t they have flied back and forth to NYC as required? Of course! ....... so how’d I lie? I didn’t book their plane flights if that’s what you’re asking! Lol
And as far as the other “sensitive” info..... ALL OF THAT I know from personal knowledge,.... and as I stated earlier, I actually knew Philly, and was in his company at least 6-8 times many years back..... THAT YOU CANT FACT CHECK!
And of 204 profiles I’ve printed, depending on the amount of info out there, and if I knew the person and/or have personal knowledge of them, my profiles could be 99% all publicly documented information, or could be 50% my personal knowledge and 50% public info...... each profile of different and I approach and write it up different.

And you either “accept” my info or not!!...... it’s that simple! But to keep this “attack up” against me is silly. There are plenty of my “fans” and followers that thoroughly enjoy what I print..... and it’s all non-fiction an real.... not “fictional” bs like maybe some on here have done in previous years.

In info I put forth that is personal, tell me please, how do/can I convince you, HK, or anyone else for that matter?...... the answer is I cannot. You either accept what I write or don’t, period!

I don’t know if you or HK come from NYC or live in another state or country even. But as a “dyed in the wool NYC guy” all my life, and between my age, and the areas and people I’ve traveled with, gives me a very unique prospective indeed!..... one that I know is definitely “beyond” your comprehension. (and I do not say that to be cruel or nasty, it’s just a fact).... period!

IMO: you cannot understand much of what I put forth because you do not have anywhere near my experience in life and “the streets” of NYC. We will always have this dis-connect because of it (obviously)

Ps: I know you’ll probably now say that I’m a liar and trying to “hide” behind the “BS” of my so-called “experience”. But what else can I say..... my truth is my truth! As far as explaining my “pedigree”, that’s personal and I don’t feel the need to go further with it!....... Remember fellows, I’m not applying for a job! Take the leap of faith or not. That parts up to you!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »

I did not say you lied about him being arrested, I said you did not have the story right, the lies are him having multiple drug arrests. I corrected some of what you wrote, you took it as an attack. You see a small clip from a news story, and turn it into something else as you did in the robbery case. You hung out with him, but never heard any stories from him or know anything about him.

And this from you:
you cannot understand much of what I put forth because you do not have anywhere near my experience in life and “the streets” of NYC. We will always have this dis-connect because of it (obviously)

Now you're guy who had "Life in the streets" and "experiences" in the mob life. Yeah, right. So you knew these guys, were "In the life" yet get your info from MarryFarrell, online charts, and old news stories.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

PAOLO (CHARLIE THE WOP) FRACCACRETA - born in 1898 (Naples, Italy). FBI # 1215348, NYCPD # E-6608. He originally lived in Lower Manhattan. Relocated out to the Corona, Queens area by the 1950’s. He lived at (40-18 Junction Blvd). He later resided in the Flushing section at (49-27 168th Street).

Listed by (LE) as at least a Genovese associate, if not inducted member of the family. A little known mob figure active in the Downtown Manhattan, Greenwich Village section. He was listed several times in newspapers on articles about the mob. And listed in the FBN “Mafia Book”, U.S. Senate Hearings testimony (1983), among other periodicals.

He was close to, and most probably affiliated with, the crew headed by Anthony (Tony Bender) Strollo, before his disappearance.

Probably tied into the “Neapolitan faction” of the Family with Genovese, Miranda, Carillo, Brescio, etc.

Activity: said to have operated a “factoring” or “lending” firm and was the president of (Fraccacreta Holding Corp.), that was a front for “shylock” loans. He was also said to have “fronted” for Strollo and other higher-ups in several legitimate ventures. His Fraccacreta Holding Corp., was said to hold mortgages on numerous establishments owned or controlled by Strollo and other mafiosi.


Known associates (all Genovese affiliated) included:
Michele (Mike) Miranda
Anthony Strollo
Vincent (Vinny Bruno) Mauro
Lorenzo (Chappy) Brescio
Frank (The Hawk) Borelli

........ all important and well placed, veteran members of that family.

He had a limited, known arrest record dating from 1934 including:
doing business under a fraudulent name
NYS liquor law violations
Internal Revenue violations
Burglary and grand larceny

In 1944, Fraccacreta was charged with burglary and grand larceny in the theft of $800. in liquor cases stolen from a tavern in Corona. The tavern was previously owned by his son, who subsequently had sold the business several months earlier. Fraccacreta was accused of using a passkey to methodically steal case after case of liquor over a several month period.

The charges was later dropped. And the complainant was asked if any “pressure” was brought to bear on him to rescind his complaint. He denied it.

Being born in the late 1800’s, Fraccacreta’s background was never well documented. And aside from the above posted info, little else was publicly known about his activities.

Some websites list him as dying in Florida in 1974...... no dod confirmed.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by Super »

Hey max loving the work . Have u got any more on Mauro he's mentioned a little in valachis book and seen a few bits about him anything about him after his prison sentence. Also pretty much a ghost to me Phil lucky jr and joe dito jr.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by Super »

Sorry doto jr
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Super wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:04 pmSorry doto jr
I’ll see ok super
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Super wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:04 pmSorry doto jr
Sorry Super, but I haven’t been able to gather enough on him for a solid post.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by Super »

I know there's quite a few like that made men for years and nothing known just how they want it. Great write up on pg been trying to research him for years. Who you got next in pipeline buddy . Anything on Mario gigantes son.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Super wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:34 pm I know there's quite a few like that made men for years and nothing known just how they want it. Great write up on pg been trying to research him for years. Who you got next in pipeline buddy . Anything on Mario gigantes son.
Who are you referring to as pg?
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