Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

MICHAEL (BIG NOSE MIKE) FIORE - born 1914. Believed to have originated in the Bronx. By the late 1950’s he resided in Hicksville (1 Field Place).

Occupation: owned-operated the Rent-A-Rama Auto Rental agency in Great Neck, NY.

Activities: bookmaking, policy.

Known arrest record (8 arrests) for: possession of a dangerous weapon (twice), burglary, bookmaking (four times), assault. Convicted of possession of a weapon (19 months in a reformatory), bookmaking (5 times).......

Note: [this arrest record may not be correct. (LE) may have “sealed” certain arrests so as to keep his informant status a secret]

(LE) had him listed as a Lucchese “associate”.....But in truth he would navigate around, associating and becoming friendly with members of multiple families including the Bonanno and Colombo groups. LE would periodically subpoena him to appear before mob grand juries, and list his name in Newsday and NY Daily News during mob “exposes” and series on the mob to “validate” him with various mobsters.

As an example, in an extensive five-day series on mob infiltration on LI in 1969, he was listed among the varied mob figures. (all the while he was a rat).

Note: [it was later learned that he had been a paid federal informant for years. Believed to have worked with the Secret Service, FBN (Narcotics Bureau), FBI, and other local authorities to “trap” and “set-up” various mob figures as he could over the years]

In October 1970, he “set up” two Bonanno affiliated mob associates and supposed “friends” of his for the Secret Service. (Pasquale Cioffi and Eugene R. Ciuzio).

Note: what I listed below is the “word for word” excerpts from trial testimony and appeal info..... Read for yourself:

“The Government's evidence was as follows: On October 2, 1970, Michael Fiore, an acquaintance of Cioffi and Ciuzio, met them at Cioffi's barber shop in Plainview, N. Y. Cioffi told Fiore he had some counterfeit stamps and money and asked if Fiore knew anyone who would take the contraband out of the country. Cioffi then handed him a sheet of 100 6cents stamps and a $100 bill and told him to give the stamps to "your man" and see if he was interested.”
“Shortly thereafter Fiore met with Secret Service Agent Daniel Marchitello and two other investigators. He told Marchitello that Cioffi and Ciuzio were selling counterfeit stamps and showed him the 100 stamp sample. Marchitello took 50 and gave the other 50 back to Fiore. That evening Marchitello and Fiore met Cioffi and Ciuzio outside the barber shop. Fiore introduced Marchitello as "my man here from Cuba," and the defendants agreed to speak with him. Cioffi said he had $500,000 worth of counterfeit 6cents stamps and asked if Marchitello could obtain a perforating machine. After a brief negotiation over the price, Ciuzio agreed to a figure of 1 1/2cents per stamp if Marchitello would buy a large number and take them out of the country. During the discussion, Cioffi indicated that in addition to the stamps, he could produce between $5,000,000 and $15,000,000 of counterfeit currency. If Marchitello would agree to purchase the stamps, Cioffi told him, he would not require him to put up any "front money" for the currency. Marchitello then asked Cioffi for a sample sheet to try on his perforating machine and Cioffi sent Ciuzio to pick one up. Cioffi told Marchitello he wanted a commitment on the stamp purchase as soon as possible; Marchitello agreed to contact his own people and get back to Cioffi later. Ciuzio then returned, handed Marchitello a sheet of 400 counterfeit 6cents stamps, and demanded an answer by 11 A.M. the next day. Because he feared possible interference with another agent's investigation, Marchitello never reestablished contact with either Cioffi or Ciuzio.”
Cioffi and Ciuzio was eventually indicted, tried and convicted on Fiore’s testimony!
They had attacked Fiore's testimony on the ground that there was bad blood between Cioffi and Fiore because Fiore had refused to repay $2,000 that Cioffi had lent him. But they were convicted anyway by the court.

“Big Nose Mike Fiore” was also instrumental in helping to “nail”
several additional mobsters to the cross for narcotics trafficking. His “informing” and “information” helped lead to the “Operation Flanker” indictments of 1970-71 against the likes of John Malizia, Ralph Esposito (Colombo associates).... and Michele Casale (Bonanno Capo) and Bonanno Boss Paul Sciacca himself. They were all charged with “heroin conspiracy”. But eventually all the charges were dropped....... (possibly because of Fiore being a less than “stellar” prosecution witness)

He also gave information on Robert Falvo (a Colombo soldier) which was leading to a grand larceny and bankruptcy fraud indictment for the “bust out” by Falvo of the Great Neck auto-rental agency that they were partners in - Rent-A-Rama Auto Rentals. (Falvo had invested money with Fiore).

Note: [only Falvo going “on the lam” to Europe for over five years made the indictment collapse. By that time the “star witness” Fiore the “rat”, had fled into either the “witness protection program” or the feds decided his testimony was faulty - choosing not to use him in further cases]

After the 1970-1971 period, with his public exposure as an “informant” now well known, Fiore disappeared into thin air, never to be heard form again!
“Big Nose Mike” Fiore was another scurvy low-life “Rodent” who crawled back into the woodwork where all rats should stay!

Footnote: [all the mob guys he helped get indicted, to the best of my knowledge, were all exonerated, with their cases dismissed or thrown out. Cioffi and Ciuzio I’m not positive of, but they may have overturned their convictions also on appeal! .......hopefully they did!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

ANTONIO (MARO ANTONIO) ORLANDINO - born 1912. Resided for years out in Hicksville in Long Island (2 Ferndale Drive).

Activity: narcotics trafficking (heroin).

Identified as a Lucchese “associate” by the FBN (Federal Narcotics Bureau).

He was described by federal authorities (FBN), as a key figure in a multi-million dollar heroin network that operated throughout the 1950’s era. The ring was specifically based out of the Nassau County area.

With no “priors”, he was the perfect person to conduct an operation of this type. Little known to LE, he looked like a “regular Joe” who went to work everyday as a lowly stock clerk, maintaining a very low profile, while conducting a massive narcotics ring.

In 1959 it all came crashing down. He was arrested with 27 additional minions (including his brother Philip and his wife - $50,000. cash was found in his home), for heading this operation.
This bust made the front page of newspapers across the country.
Federal agents and metropolitan area police made raids in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Nassau to “corral” the 27 suspects.
During the raids authorities also confiscated 32 pounds of pure heroin valued at over $3,600,000. on the street. The raids climaxed a two year investigation.
Also indicted were William Spinola, William Bentvena (is this Billy Bats?) and Joseph (Jojo) Manfredi.
LE stated that it was the second largest seizure of heroin ever in the United States.
He was eventually indicted and convicted for narcotics possession and distribution. Orlandino received a (10) year federal sentence. He maintained his Hicksville home as a mailing address while he served out his prison term.

He was never previously identified before his arrest, and no more was ever heard from him again! was as if he suddenly appeared out of thin air.... and faded back into the woodwork thereafter!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN - born 1916 in NYC. By 1959, he had relocated to a split-level home in Jericho (57 Merry Lane) in Nassau County, LI.

Identified as a longtime Lucchese “associate” and a close underling of “Capo” and future boss Antonio (Tony Ducks) Corallo. Goldstein specialized in corruption in the labor movement.

Activities: labor (union) racketeering, extortion, bookmaking.

He was the former president of Local #239 - International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Independent). This local specialized in organizing companies in the automobile industry and ancillary firms.....He was charged with extortion in a drive to organize a Nassau auto-parts firm.

Sammy Goldstein was active in gambling rackets in both New York City and Miami, Florida, where he operated as a bookmaker with Jewish mob associates.

Arrest record [six arrests] both in NY and Miami for: unlawful entry, possession of gambling equipment (twice), bribery, extortion, bookmaking.
He was convicted of: unlawful entry, possessing gambling equipment (twice), bribery (2-one year terms), and extortion (suspended 3-5 year jail term). Never jailed.

Associates: Corallo, John Dioguardi, Harry Davidoff.

In the 1950’s (I believe in 1957) and 1960’s Goldstein was subpoenaed to testify before the U.S. Senate Hearings on infiltration of the labor movement. He was actually seated at the same panel table with Corallo (televised) as they were asked questions about their labor activities in various labor-locals and industries they were suspected of corrupting.

By the early-mid 1970’s Goldstein was keeping a lower profile (he may have even moved to Florida)..... he certainly had sold his Jericho home and moved off Long Island, and back to Queens, after bad newspaper exposure and harassment by the Nassau District Attorney Cahn targeted him for investigation.

No more info was available on Goldstein and no dod was available!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

SOLOMON (CREW CUT) MARGOLIES - born 1932. Longtime resident of the Five-Towns section in Nassau County (6111 Arbuckle Ave., Cedarhurst).

Activities: bookmaking, policy, lay-off service.

Margolies was an important New York City bookie and a central figure of a nationwide gambling “lay-off” ring for bookmakers of which top bookmaker David Budin was also a member.

Associates: David Budin, Gilbert Lee Beckley, Milty Wekar, Sam Jacobson.

He had been arrested for: assault, bookmaking (seven times), conspiracy to make book, and maintaining a gambling establishment.
He had been convicted of: bookmaking (twice), maintaining a gambling establishment, conspiracy. But never jailed.

Margolies was a key operator among the “Jewish” gambling set in New York and Miami, Florida.

No further information available in his later years. No dod.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Batter up!........ next on deck: Larry (The Fixer) Knohl.... stay tuned folks, same bat time, same bat channel! 😝
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

LAWRENCE (LARRY THE FIXER) KNOHL - born 1906 in NYC. FBI #763742. A resident of Long Beach (75 E. Beech Street) LI, since the early 1950’s.

A notorious “confidence man” and swindler originally based in New York City. He was said to have been a friend,
minion and the front man of mob boss Francesco (Frank Costello) Castiglia, and later he was “associated” with John (Dio) Dioguardi, Gaetano Lucchese and other top hoodlums. Also affiliated over the years with financial racketeers such as Louis Ostrer (a Dioguardi follower).

Activities: embezzler, bribery, stock frauds, check fraud, influence peddler, tax evasion, bankruptcy frauds.

Legitimate/Semi-legitimate activities - he has owned or had interests in (throughout the United States):

11 race horses in New Orleans, LA.
a resort farm in Nanuet, N.Y. (Rockland County)
Oil well investments
extensive real estate holdings in Long Beach, Long Island
a publishing company
General Oglethorpe Hotel - Savannah, GA.
Cambridge Glass Co. - Cambridge, Ohio
Plantation Yacht Club - Plantation Key, FLA.
James Morrison Mfg., Co. Ltd. - Toronto, Canada
an “amusement park”
several investments and companies in Miami Beach.

Knohl had a long criminal record: grand larceny (thrice), embezzlement, making a false statement, income-tax evasion (twice), securities law violations, criminally receiving stolen property, and influencing witnesses.
He had a conviction for: embezzlement (15-month sentence).

In January 1939, Knohl was convicted of violating the “National Bankruptcy Act” and sentenced to fifteen months in the federal prison at Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary.

In 1952, Knohl was the subject of a bribery investigation as a result of allegedly acting as a go-between in a income-tax scandal involving T. Lamar Caudle, a former Assistant United States Attorney General.

Arrested for income-tax evasion in 1954, Knohl’s subsequent trial ended in a hung jury in 1956.

In 1954, Knohl was indicted by a Brooklyn federal grand jury on income-tax evasion charges for defrauding the U.S. government of $210,796. he owed in payment of income tax liability.

In 1966, he was indicted for attempting to influence Kay B. Fuller, a witness under subpoena to a grand jury. He received five years.

In 1970, he was already serving a five year jail sentence for jury tampering, when he was re-indicted
on grand larceny charges.

He was accused of fleecing Geanette Daratz, the widow of a convicted bookmaker and loanshark of $33,500. in connection with the planned purchase of a motel.....That same year he was tried by jury and again convicted.

Law enforcement finally caught up to “Larry the Fixer” after decades of chasing him to no avail or solid punishment..... but by the late 1960’s, he was serving multiple prison sentences!

I don’t know what the final outcome was with him or his dod! (or if he even survived prison)
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

PETER (MR. BREAD) LO CASCIO - born 1916. Originally from Prince Street down in “Little Italy”. As a young boy (by 1930) the family relocated to the (99-15 37th Avenue) Corona, Queens area. As a middle aged man he relocated out to (218 Audley Court) in Copiague, LI.

Note: [he later married the sister of Angelo (The Gyp) DiCarlo of New Jersey]
The brother of “capo di decina” Carmine (Willy the Wop) Lo Cascio, a major heroin importer-distributor for the Lucchese Family.
Peter was identified by local police and federal agents as a “soldier” in his brothers regime.
Legitimate interests were said to include a hidden ownership in a Long Island construction firm and Queens restaurant.

Criminal Record: possession of untaxed liquor (twice), conspiracy, operating a still, possession of heroin and morphine, attempted forgery, and assault.
He was convicted of: conspiracy (two years), possession of heroin and morphine (four years).

Always in his brothers shadow, Pete was a minion and close associate of his more influential brother Carmine, who was considered a vicious hoodlum, voracious heroin peddler and killer!

In 1935, Locascio was arrested for transporting 10 gallons of alcohol in a truck on Flushing Avenue in Maspeth, Queens. A detective says he stopped Locascio after he violated a traffic ordinance and the detective found 2-five gallons cans of alcohol in the back seat.

In 1939, when he was 22 years old, he was nabbed with 80 gallons of alcohol in a Corona, Queens garage (98-08 37th Avenue). Arrested with him was Angelo Greco for possession of 237 five-gallon cans of alcohol in his home (99-15 37th Avenue - they lived in the same apartment building).
According to the Attorney General, they are both members of a large-scale alcohol bootleg ring.
He served two years in federal prison for operating a still.

In 1949, a $1,000,000. Drug Ring was smashed with the arrest of Peter Locascio who was charged with illegal possession of narcotics after agents raided his home (80-24 217th Street) in Queens Village and found a $1,000,000. (heroin and morphine) narcotics “cache” hidden behind a sliding wall behind a sink. The drugs, scales and drug paraphernalia were hidden in two suitcases and a gallon jug.
The detectives also brought in his brother Carmine (called William) who lived at (37-27 88th Street) in Jackson Heights for questioning. He was later released from custody.
“Mr. Bread” received four years in prison for this incident!

After serving his several prison stints, he seems to have faded from the scene, either voluntarily or by the design of others in the Luchese hierarchy.

No more was heard from him! I believe he died approximately 1980 or so! it would appear that “Mr. Bread” closed down his bakery! 😝
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:57 pm PETER (MR. BREAD) LO CASCIO - born 1916. Originally from Prince Street down in “Little Italy”. As a young boy (by 1930) the family relocated to the (99-15 37th Avenue) Corona, Queens area. As a middle aged man he relocated out to (218 Audley Court) in Copiague, LI.

Note: [he later married the sister of Angelo (The Gyp) DiCarlo of New Jersey]
The brother of “capo di decina” Carmine (Willy the Wop) Lo Cascio, a major heroin importer-distributor for the Lucchese Family.
Peter was identified by local police and federal agents as a “soldier” in his brothers regime.
Legitimate interests were said to include a hidden ownership in a Long Island construction firm and Queens restaurant.

Criminal Record: possession of untaxed liquor (twice), conspiracy, operating a still, possession of heroin and morphine, attempted forgery, and assault.
He was convicted of: conspiracy (two years), possession of heroin and morphine (four years).

Always in his brothers shadow, Pete was a minion and close associate of his more influential brother Carmine, who was considered a vicious hoodlum, voracious heroin peddler and killer!

In 1935, Locascio was arrested for transporting 10 gallons of alcohol in a truck on Flushing Avenue in Maspeth, Queens. A detective says he stopped Locascio after he violated a traffic ordinance and the detective found 2-five gallons cans of alcohol in the back seat.

In 1939, when he was 22 years old, he was nabbed with 80 gallons of alcohol in a Corona, Queens garage (98-08 37th Avenue). Arrested with him was Angelo Greco for possession of 237 five-gallon cans of alcohol in his home (99-15 37th Avenue - they lived in the same apartment building).
According to the Attorney General, they are both members of a large-scale alcohol bootleg ring.
He served two years in federal prison for operating a still.

In 1949, a $1,000,000. Drug Ring was smashed with the arrest of Peter Locascio who was charged with illegal possession of narcotics after agents raided his home (80-24 217th Street) in Queens Village and found a $1,000,000. (heroin and morphine) narcotics “cache” hidden behind a sliding wall behind a sink. The drugs, scales and drug paraphernalia were hidden in two suitcases and a gallon jug.
The detectives also brought in his brother Carmine (called William) who lived at (37-27 88th Street) in Jackson Heights for questioning. He was later released from custody.
“Mr. Bread” received four years in prison for this incident!

After serving his several prison stints, he seems to have faded from the scene, either voluntarily or by the design of others in the Luchese hierarchy.

No more was heard from him! I believe he died approximately 1980 or so! it would appear that “Mr. Bread” closed down his bakery! 😝
Just checked MMC - he stated that Locascio died in 1997. I have no reason to refute it. So I guess it’s 1997 fella’s.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

As per your request, here’s Panica.... hope you enjoy reading about him
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

VICTOR (VIC) PANICA - born 1924. Resided for many years in the Queens area (146-22 35th Ave., Flushing). Has resided alternately in Whitestone and Malba sections (141-17 11th Ave).
FBI # 3986567, NYCPD # B-219169.

Arrest record commences 1943 for: assault and robbery, gambling, murder, violating federal narcotics laws (at least twice).

Activities: large-scale narcotics (heroin) import and distribution, strong-arm, extortion, murder.

Associates: his brother Michael (Butchie), Andimo and Michael Pappadio (his cousins), Nicholas (The Baron) Bonina, Vincent (Bruno) Mauro, Michael Altimari, Frank DeSimone, Albert Pierro, Nicholas Christopher.

He was known in the underworld and by (LE) as a contract killer for the family, an “enforcer” who had performed several murders on orders from the hierarchy.

Listed by the FBI and FNB as a longtime veteran (inducted) soldier in the Lucchese Family.

Panica may have been involved with Altimari in a shooting in a Queens pizzeria in the later 1950’s.

In 1961, he was indicted and convicted for narcotics trafficking (multiple sales of heroin) over a period of several years, since at least 1959. Also convicted were were Altimari and Bonina. He received 5 years in prison.

In 1969, he was one of many Lucchese mob figures highlighted in “New York Magazine”.

Either his son or nephew may be an official and head of Local #731 - Excavators Union in Astoria, Queens.

In 1972, federal agents seized 86 kilo’s of heroin and arrested four people said to be in the “upper echelons of narcotics importers”. They included a man said to be a prominent member of the old Lucchese, now Tramunti crime family. Although a huge shipment, two weeks prior agents had seized a whopping 385 pounds of heroin in Miami.
After several months of surveillance, agents saw Victor Panica and Nick Christopher place a large suitcase in the truck of a Cadillac in Palisades, NJ., with the agents following them driving into Manhattan. When agents attempted to stop the men, a car chase ensured, with the men abandoning the auto in the Bronx, continuing with a foot chase, Panica into a bar, ordered a drink and claimed he had been there for a hour..... he and Christopher was arrested. Narcotics agents found 44 pounds of heroin, $150,000. in neatly wrapped bundles of $100’s and $50’s and a .25 caliber automatic in the truck.
Panica—whom they described as a “middle to upper level” member of the Tramunti underworld family and a “major financier for many illicit enterprises, primarily narcotics”.
Agents then obtained a search warrant and went back to 455 Ninth Street in Palisades Park, where Panica and Christopher had allegedly placed the suitcase in the trunk of the Cadillac.
Agents found another 42 pounds of heroin there concealed in a carton under four bottles of French champagne. They arrested Albert Pierro, 44, who lives at the Ninth Street address, and Frank De Simone, 39, at his home at 486 Salem Street, Paramus, N.J.
The weight of the champagne combined with that of the heroin, supervising agent Casey said, was about the same as the weight stamped on the outside of the cardboard box for a full case of champagne — 25 kilograms, or about 55 pounds.
Panica was convicted and got 20 years plus 6 years “special” parole afterwards.

No information on when Panica was released from prison. He died in 2005.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Super wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:29 pm Great write ups maxie anything on the other vario brothers, tommy dioguardi , lasalle brothers, vic panica thanks
Good morning Super..... as per your request, here’s Vic Panica ok pal! ...... enjoy!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

CHARLES (CHARLIE BRODY) DI PALERMO - born 1925 in the “Little Italy” (246 Elizabeth St) section on the (LES)..... (They each were born and lived their entire lives in the same 246 and later 260 Elizabeth Street apartment buildings). aka: “Charlie Beck”. FBI # 4532585, NYPD # B-239114.

“Charlie Brody” operated primarily in the downtown New York section of the city (the 4th and 6th wards). When he was younger, he would also make trips to Florida and Montreal as required to facilitate their narcotics network.

One of five brothers, at least four of whom were all “born hoodlums”, all inducted members of the Gagliano/Lucchese Family. They served in the downtown regime of the family - “The Prince Street Crew”, of which brother “Joe Beck” was the longtime “capo di decina” for decades.

Criminal record dates to 1945 for: burglary, perjury, burglary tools, federal alcohol tax-law violations, unlawful entry, forgery, conspiracy (twice), federal narcotics law violations (twice).

At one time, he owned a pizzeria up in the Bronx at (301 E. 170th St) - “College Pizza”.......a misnomer for him, because he and his brothers were never interested or held ownership in any legitimate business ventures! They were strictly hoodlums, through and through!

Associates: as the kid brother of “Joe Beck” - Charlie rubbed shoulders with virtually most major mafiosi of his day...... his brothers, Vito Genovese, Natale Evola, Carmine Galante, Joe Bonanno, Vincent Potenza, Mike Sabella, Florio Isabella, the Cotroni brothers of Montreal, etc.

Operated alternately from a candy store and later from private clubs (21 and 46 Prince St) and a few doors down a pizzeria, “Ray’s” Pizza of 27 Prince Street (owned by Ralph Cuomo - a Family soldier), one of the most famous pizza parlors in New York City.
With his older brothers (Petey Beck, Tony Beck and Joe Beck) and later John “Johnny Brody” Sorrentino - (his son-in-law and a Family soldier), and Ralph “Raffie” Cuomo - (also believed related by marriage), the “Beck Brothers” operated a large-scale narcotics network on and off for decades.
Also active in virtually all types of rackets: gambling, shylocking, extortion, alcohol bootlegging, counterfeiting (money, travelers checks, stocks-bonds, credit cards, etc), robberies, thefts......but heroin (and other drugs) were their first love. Their “stock in trade” so to speak!
The name “Di Palermo” is synonymous with narcotics! They were among the most voracious narcotics merchants and “dealers of death” in the entire country all their lives! And although brother Joe may have led the brood, Charlie was right there with him, side by side, in nearly every scheme and racket!
Note: [I cannot stress that enough. The Di Palermo’s were “dyed in the wool” hoodlums from birth, and no crime or racket was off the table for them]
In the 1940’s, he was involved with his brother Joe and many others in a complex alcohol bootlegging network (although years after the repeal of prohibition in 1931, bootlegging was still a money-maker because of the heavy taxes levied on the liquor industry). He was one of dozens indicted for federal alcohol-tax violations.

In the late 1940’s and early 1950, he was again involved with his brother Joe and Petey in a large counterfeiting operation (travelers checks).

In 1959, “Charlie and Joe Beck” were among a slew of top mafiosi caught in one of the largest and most well publicized narcotics trials of the day. Vito Genovese, Carmine Galante, Natale Evola, Andimo Pappadio, etc., were among the defendants.
All were convicted. Charlie Di Palermo received a 12 year sentence.

In 1986, he was among 38 people arrested in an early morning drug sweep of Lower Manhattan for a massive “retail” narcotics operation run by the Di Palermo’s in the “Alphabet City”, area off Houston Street encompassing Avenue “A” thru Avenue “D”, and First Street up through approximately Twelfth St., and the (LES) section which included Rivington St., Ridge St., Stanton St., Ludlow St., and surrounding areas (at the time, among the most drug infested areas of the city). DEA officials allege this ring supplied almost all the heroin sold in these areas, and a third of all heroin sales in the metropolitan area.
The arrests in NYC and LI culminated a 2-1/2 year undercover operation that traced “street sales” of over “$2-billion dollars” annually to a handful of Mafia leaders.
Named “Operation Pressure Point”, this large-scale police investigation started in 1984, and proved the “street dealers” were not independent drug dealers, but part of a large organized, Mafia backed-network. There were nine “sub networks” that provided enough heroin to supple 90-100,000 addicts a year (or one-sixth) of the heroin sold in the United States. Daily street sales were said to average $30,000.-$100,000.

Prosecutors believed that they took down the network from “top to bottom”, including the main “wholesalers” Joseph (78 years old) and Charles Di Palermo (61 years old) - the heads of the ring, and Gus Sperling (22 years old) - son of notorious drug merchant Herbie Sperling, John “Johnny Brody” Sorrentino and Gaetano Recupero.

The ring reputedly sold 1,000 kilograms of heroin per year.

Even after serving multiple lengthy prison terms in his lifetime, Charlie was said to have stayed active till nearly the very end.
After sixty-plus years of toiling in the most heartless and viscious of underworld rackets known to mankind (the heroin trade), and creating legions of zombie-like addicts and innumerable human misery..... Mr. ”Charlie Brody” Di Palermo passed away in 2009..... Charlie, in concert with his brothers, had left an indelible black mark across the city of New York for decades to come!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by Super »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:28 am
Super wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:29 pm Great write ups maxie anything on the other vario brothers, tommy dioguardi , lasalle brothers, vic panica thanks
Good morning Super..... as per your request, here’s Vic Panica ok pal! ...... enjoy!
Thanks max read a little about him back in the day most recent I read was about him turning up at Michael paps house the day of the hit really appreciate it max thank you sir.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

It’s my pleasure Super!..... so far, we did Tommy Dio, Steve and Vito LaSalle and now Panica for ya. I’ll try and get to the Vario’s soon ok. I would have done Paulie already except that he was so friggin active, my post research and writing will take a year of Sunday’s! Lol...... so I gotta try and input the info but reduce the overall post so it’s not a manuscript ya know! Lol 🤪
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by Super »

Really enjoying your work max I've got a list of hundreds for you ha keep em coming buddy great as usual another pat on the back for the garment topic
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