Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

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Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by JCB1977 » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:43 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 6:09 am
Adam wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:29 am Well, its Michael Franzese. It was interesting. I like him trying to explain how murder wasnt common. But Him having any idea about anything happening with Hoffas body is silly. That and Pistone taking down a hundred guys. Thats another one that bothers me.
He hints that Hoffa's body was dumped in a deep body of water - one of the nearby lakes I assume. Probably just gossip he heard over the years. I suspect very few people knew what what really happened to Hoffa at the time and even less do now.
The people that knew with 100% certainty are already dead. But a chuckle O’Brien knows more than he has let on.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by frankiep » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:19 am

Guys a bull shitter.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by SILENT PARTNERZ » Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:44 am

Confederate wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:39 pm
SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:46 pm
Wiseguy wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:25 pm
Frank wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:14 pmAlso remember Tony Zerilli about 6 years ago said the body was buried on a farm owned by Tocco. I thought that was the real deal, but LE found nothing. With Zerilli being the former underboss of the family and former acting boss, you would think he would know. He didn't. He was in prison at the time. So all the people involved didn't tell anyone anything. That's why they were never caught. I believe the body was burned at a Detroit mob funeral home.
I wouldn't be surprised if you could count on one hand the number of guys who were involved and/or knew exactly what happened to Hoffa.

I automatically discount any story of his body being taken out of the Detroit area. They had any number of ways to dispose of him without risking getting caught by taking his body to some distance place.
Yes. After getting killed, he was either incinerated at that garbage station, or incinerated at
the funeral home - both in Metro Detroit.
If Hoffa had requested to be cremated after he died, then at least he got something out of it. :lol:
:) I hope they did not send Joan the bill.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Confederate » Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:39 pm

SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:46 pm
Wiseguy wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:25 pm
Frank wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:14 pmAlso remember Tony Zerilli about 6 years ago said the body was buried on a farm owned by Tocco. I thought that was the real deal, but LE found nothing. With Zerilli being the former underboss of the family and former acting boss, you would think he would know. He didn't. He was in prison at the time. So all the people involved didn't tell anyone anything. That's why they were never caught. I believe the body was burned at a Detroit mob funeral home.
I wouldn't be surprised if you could count on one hand the number of guys who were involved and/or knew exactly what happened to Hoffa.

I automatically discount any story of his body being taken out of the Detroit area. They had any number of ways to dispose of him without risking getting caught by taking his body to some distance place.
Yes. After getting killed, he was either incinerated at that garbage station, or incinerated at
the funeral home - both in Metro Detroit.
If Hoffa had requested to be cremated after he died, then at least he got something out of it. :lol:

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by SILENT PARTNERZ » Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:46 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:25 pm
Frank wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:14 pmAlso remember Tony Zerilli about 6 years ago said the body was buried on a farm owned by Tocco. I thought that was the real deal, but LE found nothing. With Zerilli being the former underboss of the family and former acting boss, you would think he would know. He didn't. He was in prison at the time. So all the people involved didn't tell anyone anything. That's why they were never caught. I believe the body was burned at a Detroit mob funeral home.
I wouldn't be surprised if you could count on one hand the number of guys who were involved and/or knew exactly what happened to Hoffa.

I automatically discount any story of his body being taken out of the Detroit area. They had any number of ways to dispose of him without risking getting caught by taking his body to some distance place.
Yes. After getting killed, he was either incinerated at that garbage station, or incinerated at
the funeral home - both in Metro Detroit.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Doobeez » Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:29 pm

WG’s last paragraph says it all and I concur.

I’m my opinion, ive always leaned towards them mixing his remains into the cement foundation for the GM building. But, Tony Jack’s “Good morning, Jimmy” in front of civilians was either a humble brag or he’s trying to shine ol his image a bit.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Wiseguy » Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:25 pm

Frank wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:14 pmAlso remember Tony Zerilli about 6 years ago said the body was buried on a farm owned by Tocco. I thought that was the real deal, but LE found nothing. With Zerilli being the former underboss of the family and former acting boss, you would think he would know. He didn't. He was in prison at the time. So all the people involved didn't tell anyone anything. That's why they were never caught. I believe the body was burned at a Detroit mob funeral home.
I wouldn't be surprised if you could count on one hand the number of guys who were involved and/or knew exactly what happened to Hoffa.

I automatically discount any story of his body being taken out of the Detroit area. They had any number of ways to dispose of him without risking getting caught by taking his body to some distance place.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Frank » Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:02 pm

I'm not saying that Franzese is lying, more like he is just repeating what he herd. Probably syndicate members guessing or speculating. I think LE has a good idea of who's involved in the hit, but have no proof or evidence. It would be safe to say that it was a Commission ordered hit, carried out by Detroit, and Genovese mobsters along with Sheeran and Chucky O'Brien.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Frank » Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:14 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 1:45 pm It’s Been 43 Years Since He Vanished. Where Is Jimmy Hoffa?
We definitely know of eight places where he isn't six feet under.
By Evan Bleier
July 30, 2018

Since he disappeared on July 30, 1975, there’s perhaps no name that has been more synonymous with unsolved missing persons cases than Jimmy Hoffa.

Hoffa, whose career in union politics took him to the presidency of the Brotherhood of Teamsters to prison to his current location (parts unknown), had plans to meet with Mafia bosses Anthony “Tony Jack” Giacalone and Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano on the 30th.

Dressed in a blue shirt and dark pants, he called his wife Josephine from a Detroit-area pay phone in Bloomfield Township to say the two mobsters didn’t show for the afternoon meeting. That — as far as we know— was the last time anyone ever heard from the longtime union leader and, given that he was declared dead in 1982, the last time anyone ever will.

Since he disappeared, stories — now all 99.9 percent debunked — about where Hoffa wound up after placing that call have become as plentiful as hypotheses about what the Journey-backed final scene of The Sopranos was really all about.

Here are eight of ’em.

No. 1: Detroit, Michigan: In a 2011 book he co-wrote with a journalist, a self-described “chauffeur and goon for mob bosses” claimed that Hoffa was buried under the downtown Detroit headquarter of General Motors. Driver Marvin Elkind — who claimed Hoffa as a client — said he came across the info during 1985 Teamsters conference in Detroit. Elkind said he was walking near the GM headquarters with a group that included mob boss Anthony Giacalone. As they passed GM, Giacalone allegedly nodded toward the building’s foundation and said, “Say good morning to Jimmy Hoffa, boys.”

No. 2: East Rutherford, New Jersey – In a 1989 interview with Playboy, hitman-turned-state’s witness Donald “Tony the Greek” Frankos suggested Hoffa had been dismembered and buried near the west end zone in Giants Stadium. Frankos went on to say he actually watched a game from the section, 107, underneath which Hoffa was supposedly buried, even joking about it with a friend. While never given much credence, the theory was officially debunked when the stadium was torn down in 2010 and Jimmy Hoffa’s bones were nowhere to be found.

No. 3: Gardena, California – Shortly after he vanished, rumors surfaced Hoffa may have had a dispute during a negotiation with a Gardena businessman at a Teamsters hangout and had been murdered. According to conspiracy theories, Hoffa was then buried in the foundation of a poker club and restaurant nearby. In 2000, Larry Flynt excavated the property and reopened it as the Hustler Casino. If anyone would’ve made news out of finding Hoffa’s remains, it was Larry Flynt. No dead Teamster there.

No. 4: Staten Island, New York – When The Sopranos was popular in the mid-2000s, a woman who claimed her family history was used as the model for the show also claimed her late husband said he murdered Hoffa and dumped him under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Lynda Milito said she and her husband Louie were arguing while driving over the bridge when he told her he’d killed Hoffa in Detroit and eventually dumped him near a stanchion supporting the bridge. Unfortunately, Louie pulled a vanishing act of his own two weeks after the conversation and couldn’t confirm the story.

No. 5: The Everglades, Florida – While testifying in 1982, Hoffa’s former bodyguard told a newspaper that his ex-boss was shot with an electric stun gun, killed, shredded, and dumped into the Florida Everglades to become alligator food. Charlie Allen said Hoffa’s body was brought to the swamp in a steel drum after it had been ground up at an ironworks. Allen entered witness protection shortly after his testimony but continued to tell his story, leading authorities to conclude it likely wasn’t true.

No. 6: Japan: In a book he wrote after interviewing Richard “The Iceman” Kuklinski, author Philip Carlo claimed the notoriously cold-blooded mob killer said he bumped off Hoffa for $40,000. After allegedly stabbing Hoffa in the head with a hunting knife, Kuklinski drove back to New Jersey junkyard with Hoffa in the trunk of his car. Once there, the car was crushed and sold overseas as scrap metal.

No. 7: Jersey City, New Jersey – According to investigative reporter Dan Moldea, the owner of a toxic waste site under the Pulaski Skyway told him Hoffa’s body had been dumped in a 55-gallon drum on the site. Before his death, Phillip “Brother” Muscato told Moldea the FBI had searched the property under the Pulaski for three months after getting a tip about the body dump. Muscato alleged Hoffa had been brought to the Garden State after being shot dead on a farm in Wixom, Michigan.

No. 8: Springfield, ? – We have the least info about this theory, but it’s a colorful one.

http://www.realclearlife.com/history/it ... -hoffa-is/
Also remember Tony Zerilli about 6 years ago said the body was buried on a farm owned by Tocco. I thought that was the real deal, but LE found nothing. With Zerilli being the former underboss of the family and former acting boss, you would think he would know. He didn't. He was in prison at the time. So all the people involved didn't tell anyone anything. That's why they were never caught. I believe the body was burned at a Detroit mob funeral home.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Wiseguy » Mon Jul 30, 2018 1:45 pm

It’s Been 43 Years Since He Vanished. Where Is Jimmy Hoffa?
We definitely know of eight places where he isn't six feet under.
By Evan Bleier
July 30, 2018

Since he disappeared on July 30, 1975, there’s perhaps no name that has been more synonymous with unsolved missing persons cases than Jimmy Hoffa.

Hoffa, whose career in union politics took him to the presidency of the Brotherhood of Teamsters to prison to his current location (parts unknown), had plans to meet with Mafia bosses Anthony “Tony Jack” Giacalone and Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano on the 30th.

Dressed in a blue shirt and dark pants, he called his wife Josephine from a Detroit-area pay phone in Bloomfield Township to say the two mobsters didn’t show for the afternoon meeting. That — as far as we know— was the last time anyone ever heard from the longtime union leader and, given that he was declared dead in 1982, the last time anyone ever will.

Since he disappeared, stories — now all 99.9 percent debunked — about where Hoffa wound up after placing that call have become as plentiful as hypotheses about what the Journey-backed final scene of The Sopranos was really all about.

Here are eight of ’em.

No. 1: Detroit, Michigan: In a 2011 book he co-wrote with a journalist, a self-described “chauffeur and goon for mob bosses” claimed that Hoffa was buried under the downtown Detroit headquarter of General Motors. Driver Marvin Elkind — who claimed Hoffa as a client — said he came across the info during 1985 Teamsters conference in Detroit. Elkind said he was walking near the GM headquarters with a group that included mob boss Anthony Giacalone. As they passed GM, Giacalone allegedly nodded toward the building’s foundation and said, “Say good morning to Jimmy Hoffa, boys.”

No. 2: East Rutherford, New Jersey – In a 1989 interview with Playboy, hitman-turned-state’s witness Donald “Tony the Greek” Frankos suggested Hoffa had been dismembered and buried near the west end zone in Giants Stadium. Frankos went on to say he actually watched a game from the section, 107, underneath which Hoffa was supposedly buried, even joking about it with a friend. While never given much credence, the theory was officially debunked when the stadium was torn down in 2010 and Jimmy Hoffa’s bones were nowhere to be found.

No. 3: Gardena, California – Shortly after he vanished, rumors surfaced Hoffa may have had a dispute during a negotiation with a Gardena businessman at a Teamsters hangout and had been murdered. According to conspiracy theories, Hoffa was then buried in the foundation of a poker club and restaurant nearby. In 2000, Larry Flynt excavated the property and reopened it as the Hustler Casino. If anyone would’ve made news out of finding Hoffa’s remains, it was Larry Flynt. No dead Teamster there.

No. 4: Staten Island, New York – When The Sopranos was popular in the mid-2000s, a woman who claimed her family history was used as the model for the show also claimed her late husband said he murdered Hoffa and dumped him under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Lynda Milito said she and her husband Louie were arguing while driving over the bridge when he told her he’d killed Hoffa in Detroit and eventually dumped him near a stanchion supporting the bridge. Unfortunately, Louie pulled a vanishing act of his own two weeks after the conversation and couldn’t confirm the story.

No. 5: The Everglades, Florida – While testifying in 1982, Hoffa’s former bodyguard told a newspaper that his ex-boss was shot with an electric stun gun, killed, shredded, and dumped into the Florida Everglades to become alligator food. Charlie Allen said Hoffa’s body was brought to the swamp in a steel drum after it had been ground up at an ironworks. Allen entered witness protection shortly after his testimony but continued to tell his story, leading authorities to conclude it likely wasn’t true.

No. 6: Japan: In a book he wrote after interviewing Richard “The Iceman” Kuklinski, author Philip Carlo claimed the notoriously cold-blooded mob killer said he bumped off Hoffa for $40,000. After allegedly stabbing Hoffa in the head with a hunting knife, Kuklinski drove back to New Jersey junkyard with Hoffa in the trunk of his car. Once there, the car was crushed and sold overseas as scrap metal.

No. 7: Jersey City, New Jersey – According to investigative reporter Dan Moldea, the owner of a toxic waste site under the Pulaski Skyway told him Hoffa’s body had been dumped in a 55-gallon drum on the site. Before his death, Phillip “Brother” Muscato told Moldea the FBI had searched the property under the Pulaski for three months after getting a tip about the body dump. Muscato alleged Hoffa had been brought to the Garden State after being shot dead on a farm in Wixom, Michigan.

No. 8: Springfield, ? – We have the least info about this theory, but it’s a colorful one.

http://www.realclearlife.com/history/it ... -hoffa-is/

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by gohnjotti » Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:37 am

BillyBrizzi wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:45 pm
dixiemafia wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:01 pm There is no way that dipshit knows about the Hoffa murder.
There is only one guy still out there that I am 100% sure of who has the true story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... 7tvcr5P0MM

And the Hoffa story is just one of many mob stories of which only this great man knows all the specifics and intricacies..
I'm glad we finally have answers. Thanks Billy.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Adam » Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:22 pm

And I wish I knew how to spell "jest" correctly.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by Adam » Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:08 pm

BillyBrizzi wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:45 pm
dixiemafia wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:01 pm There is no way that dipshit knows about the Hoffa murder.
There is only one guy still out there that I am 100% sure of who has the true story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... 7tvcr5P0MM

And the Hoffa story is just one of many mob stories of which only this great man knows all the specifics and intricacies..
This is you speaking in gest right? Just checking.

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by BillyBrizzi » Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:45 pm

dixiemafia wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:01 pm There is no way that dipshit knows about the Hoffa murder.
There is only one guy still out there that I am 100% sure of who has the true story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... 7tvcr5P0MM

And the Hoffa story is just one of many mob stories of which only this great man knows all the specifics and intricacies..

Re: Michael Franzese tells about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Assassination and Much More

by dixiemafia » Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:01 pm

There is no way that dipshit knows about the Hoffa murder.
