Vegas Skim

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Re: Vegas Skim

by dixiemafia » Mon May 28, 2018 11:39 am

I think Hill was actually from Alabama. She definitely got around and was definitely a hooker at various points in her life.

Re: Vegas Skim

by Villain » Mon May 28, 2018 8:47 am

Frank wrote: Mon May 28, 2018 8:28 am
Villain wrote: Mon May 28, 2018 1:51 am
JeremyTheJew wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 8:35 pm he.never talked about Chicago taking part as much as NYC. even in the beginning.
Bonanno didnt get along with Giancana and as a matter of fact, according to several wiretaps Giancana pushed for Bonannos murder and even Accardo shared the same opinion previous of that. Story goes that Ricca was the one who allegedly kept the peace and theres one convo from him in which he understood some of Bonannos actions except for the one where he refused to explain himself in front of the commission. Maybe im wrong but I think that Bill was also the one who confirmed this story, meaning Ricca accepted a meeting with them and later cancelled the contract on the Bonanno fam. I also remember something like Bill being very impressed from Riccas style of handling things and labeled him a true Don.
What is the time period of this info. The hit on the Bonannos would be between the Bonanno plot and Giancana loosing his position as boss. Accardo wanted Bonanno whacked pre 1957??
I meant previous of the Bonanno conflict such as the late 50s ... na_bonanno ... boli_ricca

Re: Vegas Skim

by Frank » Mon May 28, 2018 8:28 am

Villain wrote: Mon May 28, 2018 1:51 am
JeremyTheJew wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 8:35 pm he.never talked about Chicago taking part as much as NYC. even in the beginning.
Bonanno didnt get along with Giancana and as a matter of fact, according to several wiretaps Giancana pushed for Bonannos murder and even Accardo shared the same opinion previous of that. Story goes that Ricca was the one who allegedly kept the peace and theres one convo from him in which he understood some of Bonannos actions except for the one where he refused to explain himself in front of the commission. Maybe im wrong but I think that Bill was also the one who confirmed this story, meaning Ricca accepted a meeting with them and later cancelled the contract on the Bonanno fam. I also remember something like Bill being very impressed from Riccas style of handling things and labeled him a true Don.
What is the time period of this info. The hit on the Bonannos would be between the Bonanno plot and Giancana loosing his position as boss. Accardo wanted Bonanno whacked pre 1957??

Re: Vegas Skim

by Confederate » Mon May 28, 2018 3:35 am

Villain wrote: Mon May 28, 2018 1:51 am
JeremyTheJew wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 8:35 pm he.never talked about Chicago taking part as much as NYC. even in the beginning.
Bonanno didnt get along with Giancana and as a matter of fact, according to several wiretaps Giancana pushed for Bonannos murder and even Accardo shared the same opinion previous of that. Story goes that Ricca was the one who allegedly kept the peace and theres one convo from him in which he understood some of Bonannos actions except for the one where he refused to explain himself in front of the commission. Maybe im wrong but I think that Bill was also the one who confirmed this story, meaning Ricca accepted a meeting with them and later cancelled the contract on the Bonanno fam. I also remember something like Bill being very impressed from Riccas style of handling things and labeled him a true Don.
Bill Bonnano was impressed with Paul Ricca because Ricca basically HELPED save his father's life. Arizona was open territory but it was out West and Giancana hated Bonnano for going there in the first place from what I read. Ricca basically overuled Giancana pushing for Bonnano's assasination. Joe Bonano was NOT a popular figure in New York or Chicago. LOL

Re: Vegas Skim

by Villain » Mon May 28, 2018 1:51 am

JeremyTheJew wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 8:35 pm he.never talked about Chicago taking part as much as NYC. even in the beginning.
Bonanno didnt get along with Giancana and as a matter of fact, according to several wiretaps Giancana pushed for Bonannos murder and even Accardo shared the same opinion previous of that. Story goes that Ricca was the one who allegedly kept the peace and theres one convo from him in which he understood some of Bonannos actions except for the one where he refused to explain himself in front of the commission. Maybe im wrong but I think that Bill was also the one who confirmed this story, meaning Ricca accepted a meeting with them and later cancelled the contract on the Bonanno fam. I also remember something like Bill being very impressed from Riccas style of handling things and labeled him a true Don.

Re: Vegas Skim

by Frank » Sun May 27, 2018 10:07 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 12:43 pm because Dalitz loved Hill ?? I think that's pretty far fetched... but boy did she get around.

under gus Alex escort service, Joey Adonis, Siegel, and then someone from the outfit after.
Yes she did get around. Didn't Lanskey's daughter state that Siegel was killed for disrespecting Lucky Luciano? I believe she wrote a book and said her dad told her that.

Re: Vegas Skim

by JeremyTheJew » Sun May 27, 2018 8:35 pm

Joe Bonanno wrote there was official commision meetings every 6 years. I think it was 6?? or maybe 5 but the years were just a odd number bc he made the years chapters in his book. he.never talked about Chicago taking part as much as NYC. even in the beginning.

i do remmember the story where Lucchese supposedly had to beg Bonanno for his life at the mercy of Albert Anastasia.

Re: Vegas Skim

by Wiseguy » Sun May 27, 2018 12:57 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 12:49 pm
Villain wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 7:20 am We dont know that for sure, after all one of the guys who took over the Flamingo right after Sieges murder was Outfit associate Gus Greenbaum, so this means that the Chi crowd might've previously invested in the same joint

So it was Gus Greenbaum WITH a Lansky associates??

That's a interesting connection there... I'm sure chi has a lot more connections then we know about w Ny
Back then the families around the country had stronger ties and more interaction with each other than they do today.

Re: Vegas Skim

by JeremyTheJew » Sun May 27, 2018 12:49 pm

Villain wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 7:20 am We dont know that for sure, after all one of the guys who took over the Flamingo right after Sieges murder was Outfit associate Gus Greenbaum, so this means that the Chi crowd might've previously invested in the same joint

So it was Gus Greenbaum WITH a Lansky associates??

That's a interesting connection there... I'm sure chi has a lot more connections then we know about w Ny

Re: Vegas Skim

by JeremyTheJew » Sun May 27, 2018 12:43 pm

because Dalitz loved Hill ?? I think that's pretty far fetched... but boy did she get around.

under gus Alex escort service, Joey Adonis, Siegel, and then someone from the outfit after.

Re: Vegas Skim

by Frank » Sun May 27, 2018 10:01 am

I've read different a few different versions of the Siegel hit. One has Chicago as the ones who insisted on the hit. Another interesting one had More Dalitz putting the hit on Siegel, because Dalitz still loved Virginia Hill.

Re: Vegas Skim

by Villain » Sun May 27, 2018 7:20 am

We dont know that for sure, after all one of the guys who took over the Flamingo right after Sieges murder was Outfit associate Gus Greenbaum, so this means that the Chi crowd might've previously invested in the same joint

Re: Vegas Skim

by Confederate » Sat May 26, 2018 9:50 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Sat May 26, 2018 9:35 pm
JeremyTheJew wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 10:53 am
Lupara wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 9:26 am I think you confuse Dragna with Cohen. In the movie Bugsy has Dragna, then powerful boss of a mid sized mob family in its heyday, crawling on the floor making pig sounds. Absolutely ridiculous scene. For the rest the movie was pretty decent although it should have incorporated Bugsy's life before Vegas.
yes yes. Cohen. not dragna.
and he made him bark like a dog.
"How wow! Bow wow! YOU THINK YOU CAN STEAL FROM ME!?!? Charlie Luciano Meyer Lansky AND ME!!!" was that whole scenario made up?? they claimed that Mikey Cohen came in and robbed a casino of theirs (and NYC) for 60g. really he only stole 50. so they stole another 10 9ff top.
anyways, they made it look like thats why bugsy went to LA. then bc Dragna stole he belittled him and pushed him aside and informed him he was going to work with Cohen.
idk if my question was clear lol.
was Siegel sent to LA to help Dragna w the Cohen situation??
Cohen and Siegel did start working together so idk if the Bugsy version of why he became friends w Cohen was real or not.

did Chicago have money in Siegels original start up money for Flamingo?
No, that was all New York money from my understanding in 1947.

Re: Vegas Skim

by JeremyTheJew » Sat May 26, 2018 9:35 pm

JeremyTheJew wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 10:53 am
Lupara wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 9:26 am I think you confuse Dragna with Cohen. In the movie Bugsy has Dragna, then powerful boss of a mid sized mob family in its heyday, crawling on the floor making pig sounds. Absolutely ridiculous scene. For the rest the movie was pretty decent although it should have incorporated Bugsy's life before Vegas.
yes yes. Cohen. not dragna.
and he made him bark like a dog.
"How wow! Bow wow! YOU THINK YOU CAN STEAL FROM ME!?!? Charlie Luciano Meyer Lansky AND ME!!!" was that whole scenario made up?? they claimed that Mikey Cohen came in and robbed a casino of theirs (and NYC) for 60g. really he only stole 50. so they stole another 10 9ff top.
anyways, they made it look like thats why bugsy went to LA. then bc Dragna stole he belittled him and pushed him aside and informed him he was going to work with Cohen.
idk if my question was clear lol.
was Siegel sent to LA to help Dragna w the Cohen situation??
Cohen and Siegel did start working together so idk if the Bugsy version of why he became friends w Cohen was real or not.

did Chicago have money in Siegels original start up money for Flamingo?

Re: Vegas Skim

by Pierino1978 » Sat May 26, 2018 5:48 pm

Plus the Genovese's had ties with the Teamsters as well which the Gambinos never had..
