by Fughedaboutit » Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:49 pm
dixiemafia wrote: ↑Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:27 am
To be fair, Cicale gains a lot by saying things like that because he knows at least in our circles Montreal is a hot topic. I also don't believe him, and Massino/Vitale were back and forth it seems too. Didn't Massino say Sonny Black was killed over a power grab? Massino was known to clilp folks over any reason, but I believe it was over the Brasco embarrassment. So I would say the truth is somewhere in between.
Lupara, wasn't Sciascia distantly kin to Rizzuto? I could have sworn it said somewhere they were cousins in one of the Montreal books but I could be wrong.
But I think what Fughedaboutit was getting at was Cicale acts honorable and reliable but after all he was scummy enough to go after someone's kids. I don't know how deep Vinny's kids were but wouldn't they have been untouchable if Vinny was out? I don't think he was saying they were "innocent kids" but it shows just how nasty and rotten he can be. Hard to take his word as gospel when you would do that, tells me that you will say anything to get it printed.
Yeah I mean, after he ratted...he tried to extort them off the pretense of getting their father out of jail, when that was never even a possibility.
But the guy just wanted the chance to call mobsters scumbags I guess

[quote=dixiemafia post_id=54127 time=1499797649 user_id=166]
To be fair, Cicale gains a lot by saying things like that because he knows at least in our circles Montreal is a hot topic. I also don't believe him, and Massino/Vitale were back and forth it seems too. Didn't Massino say Sonny Black was killed over a power grab? Massino was known to clilp folks over any reason, but I believe it was over the Brasco embarrassment. So I would say the truth is somewhere in between.
Lupara, wasn't Sciascia distantly kin to Rizzuto? I could have sworn it said somewhere they were cousins in one of the Montreal books but I could be wrong.
But I think what Fughedaboutit was getting at was Cicale acts honorable and reliable but after all he was scummy enough to go after someone's kids. I don't know how deep Vinny's kids were but wouldn't they have been untouchable if Vinny was out? I don't think he was saying they were "innocent kids" but it shows just how nasty and rotten he can be. Hard to take his word as gospel when you would do that, tells me that you will say anything to get it printed.
Yeah I mean, after he ratted...he tried to extort them off the pretense of getting their father out of jail, when that was never even a possibility.
But the guy just wanted the chance to call mobsters scumbags I guess