This Thing Of Ours
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by OlBlueEyesClub » Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:53 am
Rocco wrote:phatmatress777 wrote:Mukremin wrote:Thanks for sharing. It looks like a personal beef yeah, no known relation to the mob and with a drug past. The drug thing should be enough anyways. Could it be just the OC squad stumbled upon it while investigating? Imo any drug person with a history like that would have taken the money... Very odd. ... Drug addicts cause of addictions is because we are selfish self centered egotistical people.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk They could have freaked out and just split without the money when he realized he just shot and killed someone. People that have never killed before all act differently. Its possible he just freaked out and split and it was suppose to be a robbery. He is not cooperating so who knows? I don't think its OC related though.
phatmatress777 wrote:Mukremin wrote:Thanks for sharing. It looks like a personal beef yeah, no known relation to the mob and with a drug past. The drug thing should be enough anyways. Could it be just the OC squad stumbled upon it while investigating? Imo any drug person with a history like that would have taken the money... Very odd. ... Drug addicts cause of addictions is because we are selfish self centered egotistical people.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mukremin wrote:Thanks for sharing. It looks like a personal beef yeah, no known relation to the mob and with a drug past. The drug thing should be enough anyways. Could it be just the OC squad stumbled upon it while investigating?
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:25 pm
by Rocco » Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:02 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:14 pm
Mukremin wrote:phatmatress777 wrote:Mukremin wrote:Thanks for sharing. It looks like a personal beef yeah, no known relation to the mob and with a drug past. The drug thing should be enough anyways. Could it be just the OC squad stumbled upon it while investigating? Imo any drug person with a history like that would have taken the money... Very odd. ... Drug addicts cause of addictions is because we are selfish self centered egotistical people.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Interesting conversation lads. Never have thought about it like this. It gave me a different view that's for certain. Respect.
by Mukremin » Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:51 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:31 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:26 pm
Chris Christie wrote:phatmatress777 wrote:But the only way the son will get better is if he wants to... I had to hit rock bottom my family was done with me I was in all sorts of legal troubles I was homeless I was a shitty human being. I would rob swindle and steal whatever I could. I hated the person looking back at me in the mirror. It took a lot of work to get to where I'm at today but it was well worth it. Recovery is something that cannot be forced. If a drug addict doesn't want help they will just simply piss on it and go on about they're addiction. Let the mother know it is possible and to not give up hope but perhaps try some tough love. Idk if she's an enabler but mine were and that really fueled my addiction. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk We are friends offline of this forum, what I would like to do - if you're willing - is for me to visit the person and while there give you a call so you can advise her. Her main concern will be for her child, how to help him, what to do. I've already explained to her the obvious - that she's done all she could - but its a subject matter I'm not very knowledgeable on. She attends meetings and realizes that by helping him with anything that she is enabling him and that he is a manipulator, but is still unable to do anything about it. This woman is a generally nice person and she is getting up there in age and needs to focus on her own health rather than that of her mid-40 year old son who's been an addict for more than three decades.
phatmatress777 wrote:But the only way the son will get better is if he wants to... I had to hit rock bottom my family was done with me I was in all sorts of legal troubles I was homeless I was a shitty human being. I would rob swindle and steal whatever I could. I hated the person looking back at me in the mirror. It took a lot of work to get to where I'm at today but it was well worth it. Recovery is something that cannot be forced. If a drug addict doesn't want help they will just simply piss on it and go on about they're addiction. Let the mother know it is possible and to not give up hope but perhaps try some tough love. Idk if she's an enabler but mine were and that really fueled my addiction. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
by Angelo Santino » Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:23 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:44 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:40 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:39 pm
Chris Christie wrote:phatmatress777 wrote:Mukremin wrote:Thanks for sharing. It looks like a personal beef yeah, no known relation to the mob and with a drug past. The drug thing should be enough anyways. Could it be just the OC squad stumbled upon it while investigating? Imo any drug person with a history like that would have taken the money... Very odd. ... Drug addicts cause of addictions is because we are selfish self centered egotistical people.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk If you could, can you go into more detail? I know someone who's son is an addict and cannot seem to get his life together. The mother, a friend of mine, is beside herself and feels somewhat. responsible.
by Angelo Santino » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:28 pm
by phatmatress777 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:34 pm
by Mukremin » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:14 am
by B. » Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:52 am
Pogo The Clown wrote:Capeci really should be doing more of these obituaries. Every column should include a mention of any made members who have died. A lot of times these members die and it flies under the radar.