Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

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Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by DPG » Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:19 pm

I said something along the lines of this topic years ago on RD, it was promptly shit on.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by B. » Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:40 am

brianwellbrock wrote:Why would he feel though he had to do it on the sneak? While I dont subscribe to the Bloodthirsty Scarfo theories he certinately didnt have any qualms abouy people getting killed. Im sure a simple "I think this guys a rat" directly to Scarfo wouldve been it for a nobody like Jr.
No idea. I'd have to check but I think Forline was involved in drugs and was allegedly killed over a drug deal. Since it was never proven that DelGiorno killed him and he never admitted to it I don't know if he was even involved or what the motivation would have been.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by brianwellbrock » Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:27 pm

Why would he feel though he had to do it on the sneak? While I dont subscribe to the Bloodthirsty Scarfo theories he certinately didnt have any qualms abouy people getting killed. Im sure a simple "I think this guys a rat" directly to Scarfo wouldve been it for a nobody like Jr.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by B. » Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:19 pm

Nope, you're right. It was Frank "JR" Forline. He had been an associate of Joe Ciancaglini who then ended up in the DelGiorno crew and was killed under mysterious circumstances in a parking lot outside the city. It was believed at the time that DelGiorno was responsible.

His nephew Anthony Forline was Bobby DelGiorno'sfriend who helped Bobby escape the program briefly, but they got into a bar fight and Forline shot a guy dead in self-defense. The families were pretty intertwined.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by brianwellbrock » Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:35 pm

Frank Fiorlini? In 1985 I believe. The guy was a drug dealer and found trunked. I may have him mixed up with the guy in 83 that got whacked on orders from Chickie right before he went to prison.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Chucky » Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:02 pm

Didn't Scarfo also suspect that DelGiorno killed somebody on the sneak?

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Pogo The Clown » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:33 pm

"There's your son. Your fucking son was gonna kill ya." One of Delgiorno's sons after he found out tht Nicky Milano was o the hit team. Apparently some time before DelGiorno had put down his son and told him that Milano was like a real son to him. He sounds like a real douche bag.


Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by B. » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:26 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote:
B. wrote:DelGiorno was definitely being stalked by a hit team and LE later confirmed that to him, apparently.

Yeah the Feds discovered 4 guy's surveilling his house. One of them was Nicky Whip Milano. I believe Tory Scafadi was another one. If my memory is right Anthony Pungitore Jr. was in on it as well.

Yeah, it was actually Bobby DelGiorno who saw those guys tailing him when he was driving his dad's car and when he pulled into the driveway he said they slowly pulled by and two of them hid their faces and one of them awkwardly tried to wave, something like that. It was apparently an out of the way street.

In the book about DelGiorno, Bobby also said that LE told their family it was Milano, Scafidi, and maybe Pungitore who were on the hit squad. I think that was after Leonetti flipped, so the info may have come from him, not sure.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Pogo The Clown » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:20 pm

B. wrote:DelGiorno was definitely being stalked by a hit team and LE later confirmed that to him, apparently.

Yeah the Feds discovered 4 guy's surveilling his house. One of them was Nicky Whip Milano. I believe Tory Scafadi was another one. If my memory is right Anthony Pungitore Jr. was in on it as well.


Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by B. » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:11 pm

willychichi wrote:
brianwellbrock wrote:Yeah people dont realize cause they want to believe everything George Anastasia says but Scarfo did not violate any rules so to speak. And really nobody can say shit about Savlie because the boss ordered it. He was within his right to demand tribute from Riccobene so when he balked thats what happens. And whether the reason is good or not if the boss orders a hit than thats it. Scarfos paranoia may of led to Del or Crow flipping, them both knowing Scardo didnt fuck around so when they both fucked up they knew they would get it hence them running to Law Enforcement. But believe me nobody flipped becquse Salvie was killed, in fact everyone in Testas murder benefited monetarily and some got made down to Tore Scaffifi who was given 500 a week to run a numbers office as a reward for his role. So dont let that bullshit fool anyone
Thanks for the insights BW
Nothing ever came out to indicate they were going to kill Caramandi. He was on the outs because he had brought a suspected informant (which turned out to be true) around and specifically took him to family gatherings when Scarfo had told him not to. But even then, I don't think Leonetti or anyone ever confirmed a murder contract. Caramandi flipped because Martorano told him Scarfo would kill him, but Martorano was instigating problems from prison because he had a high chance of getting an appeal (which he did, much later) and was believed to have his sights on the top spot.

DelGiorno was definitely being stalked by a hit team and LE later confirmed that to him, apparently. He had been recorded saying very negative things about Scarfo and the regime and had overall behaved very recklessly while drunk, all of which had apparently leaked out to Scarfo.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Rocco » Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:02 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote:I guess other women couldn't resist Salvy's big brown eyes. :mrgreen:

He had a low IQ but a Big Cock.... :shock:

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Pogo The Clown » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:05 am

I guess other women couldn't resist Salvy's big brown eyes. :mrgreen:


Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by brianwellbrock » Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:41 am

Chucky wrote:Brian, Merlino tolerated Testa sleeping with other women and smacking around his daughter as long as he did the right thing. Instead Testa embarrasses the Merlino's by dumping the girl a few weeks before the wedding and badmouthing the daughter around town.

Ok, so Testa wasnt the loyal guy who got burnt. A cocky son of a bitch who thought he could shit all over the underboss.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Chucky » Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:41 am


Yeah they got a few things going on in the Northeast, but mainly South Philly as far where they live and where their "base of operations" are. They move around the city though, especially with the gentrification shit going on.

Re: Genovese leadership and their control of Philly

by Chucky » Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:37 am

Brian, Merlino tolerated Testa sleeping with other women and smacking around his daughter as long as he did the right thing. Instead Testa embarrasses the Merlino's by dumping the girl a few weeks before the wedding and badmouthing the daughter around town.
