General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Coloboy » Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:08 pm

I know most of you have read this 1972 FBI memo, but I find it interesting for one primary reason. ... 292973.pdf

Accardo explicitly states that “he will remain top leader of organized crime, and Ricca will not be replaced”

This certainly lends credence to the fact that whatever positions Accardo and Ricca held prior to Aiuppa truly stepping up, were “official” positions. Meaning they were officially recognized as the top authorities in the hierarchy. It certainly seems that prior to his death, Ricca was truly sharing power with Accardo as is often discussed . It seems likely that this was the case for the entire period post Giancana and up until Aiuppa.

I suppose the question remains as to whether Accardos position remained “official “after Aiuppa stepped up.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Coloboy » Sun Sep 22, 2024 12:39 pm

B. wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:34 pm Excellent post, Coloboy.

The only major addition/amendment is that Chicago is confirmed to have had a formal consiglio (council), a body found in the Sicilian mafia and most early US Families that included the administration, select captains, and even elder soldiers or former leaders who no longer held official rank in the hierarchy. This body voted on matters of life and death, policy, and other issues relevant to the organization's inner-workings and had an elected chairman or secretary who presided over the consiglio's activities. This wasn't a part of the top-down hierarchy that issued direct orders or involved itself in the standard of chain of command but the hierarchy was nonetheless reflected in the consiglio even though it didn't define it.

People have long been aware of Chicago's "board of directors" or a "panel" but this was confirmed by Frank Bompensiero via Phil Alderisio to be a formal consiglio, the very same body reported by sources in other Families and overseas. Those who sat on the consiglio were thus consiglieri and the chairman/secretary was akin to what we'd call official consigliere in other Families who utilized only one.

A big issue with Chicago exceptionalism and the insistence that Chicago was "different" is that those making these claims very rarely if ever have the comparative framework or broader knowledge of the mafia phenomenon as a whole to make that judgment and are often interpreting/misinterpreting info that is vague to begin with. I say that not as a slight, as it's an overwhelming amount of info to consume, but it takes on a different dimension when someone dismisses actual evidence or tries to force a narrative. Unfortunately those narratives are particularly popular with Chicago.
Thanks, B. Good reminder about the Consiglio or BOD.

I’ve always felt that that is exactly what the famous “last supper” photo shows. The Board of Directors getting together for a meeting.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Newyorkempire » Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:04 am

Antiliar wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2024 1:07 am
Newyorkempire wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:30 pm
PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:02 am
NorthBuffalo wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:32 pm I highly doubt any of the 'only a made guy can introduce another made guy' stuff ever existed there.
From Nicky Calabrese’s testimony:

It's amico not amigo so this testimony transcript is totally worthless
That's not how it works. A one letter mistake doesn't cancel out an entire document. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater is an overreaction and it's not how research is done. Almost every court transcript has mistakes, whether it's a typo from the court reporter by hitting the wrong key or not knowing how to spell a word, or a witness not pronouncing a word correctly. You have to accept that reality and work around it by being familiar with the subject and carefully reading the context.
So was the transfer by an agent the issue though? I'm not believing that Nick Calabrese thought it was Portuguese

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Antiliar » Sun Sep 22, 2024 1:07 am

Newyorkempire wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:30 pm
PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:02 am
NorthBuffalo wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:32 pm I highly doubt any of the 'only a made guy can introduce another made guy' stuff ever existed there.
From Nicky Calabrese’s testimony:

It's amico not amigo so this testimony transcript is totally worthless
That's not how it works. A one letter mistake doesn't cancel out an entire document. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater is an overreaction and it's not how research is done. Almost every court transcript has mistakes, whether it's a typo from the court reporter by hitting the wrong key or not knowing how to spell a word, or a witness not pronouncing a word correctly. You have to accept that reality and work around it by being familiar with the subject and carefully reading the context.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Newyorkempire » Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:54 pm

PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:30 pm
Newyorkempire wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:13 pm
PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:47 pm It's actually "amigo", given that it's Portuguese.
Who speaks Portuguese?? Wtf
It’s a reference to Fish Cafaro who for some reason believed that the phrase “amico nostro” was of Portuguese derivation.
That's embarrassing

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:30 pm

Newyorkempire wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:13 pm
PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:47 pm It's actually "amigo", given that it's Portuguese.
Who speaks Portuguese?? Wtf
It’s a reference to Fish Cafaro who for some reason believed that the phrase “amico nostro” was of Portuguese derivation.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Newyorkempire » Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:13 pm

PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:47 pm It's actually "amigo", given that it's Portuguese.
Who speaks Portuguese?? Wtf

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:47 pm

It's actually "amigo", given that it's Portuguese.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Newyorkempire » Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:30 pm

PolackTony wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:02 am
NorthBuffalo wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:32 pm I highly doubt any of the 'only a made guy can introduce another made guy' stuff ever existed there.
From Nicky Calabrese’s testimony:

It's amico not amigo so this testimony transcript is totally worthless

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by PolackTony » Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:02 am

NorthBuffalo wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:32 pm I highly doubt any of the 'only a made guy can introduce another made guy' stuff ever existed there.
From Nicky Calabrese’s testimony:


Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by B. » Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:34 pm

Excellent post, Coloboy.

The only major addition/amendment is that Chicago is confirmed to have had a formal consiglio (council), a body found in the Sicilian mafia and most early US Families that included the administration, select captains, and even elder soldiers or former leaders who no longer held official rank in the hierarchy. This body voted on matters of life and death, policy, and other issues relevant to the organization's inner-workings and had an elected chairman or secretary who presided over the consiglio's activities. This wasn't a part of the top-down hierarchy that issued direct orders or involved itself in the standard of chain of command but the hierarchy was nonetheless reflected in the consiglio even though it didn't define it.

People have long been aware of Chicago's "board of directors" or a "panel" but this was confirmed by Frank Bompensiero via Phil Alderisio to be a formal consiglio, the very same body reported by sources in other Families and overseas. Those who sat on the consiglio were thus consiglieri and the chairman/secretary was akin to what we'd call official consigliere in other Families who utilized only one.

A big issue with Chicago exceptionalism and the insistence that Chicago was "different" is that those making these claims very rarely if ever have the comparative framework or broader knowledge of the mafia phenomenon as a whole to make that judgment and are often interpreting/misinterpreting info that is vague to begin with. I say that not as a slight, as it's an overwhelming amount of info to consume, but it takes on a different dimension when someone dismisses actual evidence or tries to force a narrative. Unfortunately those narratives are particularly popular with Chicago.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by NorthBuffalo » Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:05 pm

Snakes - I promise to check that out as I'm always thirsty for more knowledge from you guys. I did read Gus Russo and thought he made the point about Chicago's individuality quite clear.

Re: The numbers argument - its interesting that if Calabrese and the 'Christmas Tree' analogy is true - they never measured strength on numbers in the first place and smaller numbers today could mean this is exactly what its been designed to do.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by pat_marcy » Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:05 pm

Well I can only apologise for making you guys go over old conversations. As I said I’m new to this and still finding my feet but i really appreciate you guys getting back to me and filling me in with info that I could find elsewhere I looked. Thanks again!

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Coloboy » Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:38 pm

pat_marcy wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:21 pm If I want to ask any further questions what forum is the best to do it in? Or best forum to go through for its history and making ceremonies etc
At the risk of groans from the regulars, and because it's Friday, I have the time, and I love talking about the outfit, I'm going to lay out a general understanding that may help you wrap your head around some history and membership numbers.

Warning: If you already have a lot of outfit knowledge, this post isn't really for you :)

We know from first hand intel that even at it's peak in the 50's/60's, the Outfit likely never had more than 100 fully initiated, made members. At first glance that could be surprising given the organization's "stature" and storied history. However, the key words here are fully initiated members. Thanks to many of the very folks you see commenting on these forums (not me), , we have a much better, although still tenuous, understanding of how the outfit was actually structured.

The criminal organization known as the Chicago Oufit, at it's peak, was likely a network of something like 800-1500 people. Before everyone gets all worked up, I'm referring to the extended criminal enterprise that was overseen by the Chicago family. (this could include independent criminals who were paying street tax, or people who did work for the outfit on a contract type basis). At the core of this vast network, was the element which truly ran the organization and set it's rules and culture. This element was the no more than 100 guys mentioned before, or the actual LCN "Mafia" family at the heart of things. While this was debated for a long time, it has become clear that the outfit was more traditional in some of these mafia elements than had been previously thought, and at various times (or perhaps for most of it's existence), employed things like formal making ceremonies and inductions, and participated extensively in the national commission.

Historically, the Outfit, and many of of other midwestern LCN families, were much more stringent about inducting members. It seemingly came after years of networking/knowing the right people, earning for the family, and building trust. Many researchers would say that the NYC structure of membership is actually the exception and not the rule, and that the more restrictive, closed network type setup that the outfit used, was actually the more common practice employed by the majority of the 26 or so FBI identified mafia families around the country.

This is all to say that while the outfit might have only had 100 members or less, the actual organization it oversaw was much larger.

(On this note, and this is pure speculation, but when today's guesses are thrown around of somewhere between 15-30 made members, my opinion is that this constitutes an organization in 2024 that likely has somewhere around 50-75 guys actually working for or "around" it, if that makes sense.)

While crew structures have continually shifted, during the peak era we know the most about (1960's-1980's), it appears there were about 7 distinct "crews", or groups within the outfit, each overseen by a capo, or "area boss", as it has been referred to. It appears these capos had a lot of autonomy, and were generally free to run their crews as they saw fit. Many have discussed that the crews in the outfit at it's peak were much more akin to mini mafia families, and could comprise an extended network of criminals of perhaps up to 100 people on their own.

The 7 capos reported up to a central administration, the constitution of which has been debated ad nauseum, so I'm not going to get into detail on that. The general sense is that there was typically an underboss, a boss, some type of "top boss/consigliere/senior advisor" type role, and other specialty roles such as political operatives (Gus Alex, Jake Guzik, Murray Humphries), who although they were not initiated members, enjoyed a high stature and worked with/reported directly to the bosses/administration.

That is all to say that the smaller nature of the outfit, particularly at it's peak, was primarily by design. Even in the more modern era, we have a made member (Frank Calabrese Sr.) in a taped conversation, talking about how the outfit was going to endeavor to be more like a "christmas tree" in it's structure...... I.E fewer members, more money for everyone, and tighter controls.

Hope that helps.

Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

by Snakes » Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:35 pm

NorthBuffalo wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:32 pm My personal view is that Chicago already had its own thing in motion well prior to Luciano - and they continued doing things their way throughout the rest of the century until modern day. Guys like Murray Humphreys and Ralph Pierce appear to have been literal overseers of multiple italians who were 'made.' It always seems the ceremony came and went based on the boss and each crew acted similar to an independent family. I highly doubt any of the 'only a made guy can introduce another made guy' stuff ever existed there.

My two cents and from what I hear from people in Chicago I consider informed is that the Outfit is dead - the remnants are largely independent crews. There is no formal boss and while there are working relationships between crews with sporadic old school busts here and there, its largely a thing of the past. However, the guys who do exist today in Chicago are quite interesting.
I think a lot of what you mentioned in the first paragraph has been disproven in this thread and in the Chicago eps of the Mob Archeologists. I'd highly recommend the latter if you haven't seen them. We've even come to the conclusion that Chicago was more bound by LCN-traditions than some of the other east-coast families. Additional, early informants make it very explicit that non-Italians cannot hold leadership positions but are still consulted on specialized or important matters.
