Garbage Business

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Re: Garbage Business

by Garbageman » Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:33 pm

Cheech wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:25 pm
Garbageman wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:48 pm
newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.

I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
Hey guys. I still lurk around here, however I am so long out of the loop, my people have all either passed on, moved on or low-key (like me). I live in the woods off the unibomber these days. Just me and my 30 years of tools, equipment, welders, torches and a bunch of dogs and chickens.

That "franchise" system the city and BIC (with the Burger King Manager in Charge) concocted is the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard. It's so insulting, that it's sort of hysterical, actually.

Imagine, the billions that was spent over the last 70 years "rescuing" the city from "the tentacles of organized crime" with their property rights schemes and route ownership, only to copy that exact plan into a legal, government controlled and owned scheme and change the name property rights to franchising. MAN YOU GOTTA LOVE THE BALLS ON THESE NYC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!!

Hope all is well, buddy. Good to see you post.
Hey Cheech! All good here! Still 50 miles from NYC but not for long. Hopefully

Re: Garbage Business

by Cheech » Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:25 pm

Garbageman wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:48 pm
newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.

I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
Hey guys. I still lurk around here, however I am so long out of the loop, my people have all either passed on, moved on or low-key (like me). I live in the woods off the unibomber these days. Just me and my 30 years of tools, equipment, welders, torches and a bunch of dogs and chickens.

That "franchise" system the city and BIC (with the Burger King Manager in Charge) concocted is the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard. It's so insulting, that it's sort of hysterical, actually.

Imagine, the billions that was spent over the last 70 years "rescuing" the city from "the tentacles of organized crime" with their property rights schemes and route ownership, only to copy that exact plan into a legal, government controlled and owned scheme and change the name property rights to franchising. MAN YOU GOTTA LOVE THE BALLS ON THESE NYC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!!

Hope all is well, buddy. Good to see you post.

Re: Garbage Business

by gohnjotti » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:29 pm

Great responses Wiseguy and Nizar. That V. Garafalo Carting company was owned by Colombo associates Angelo and Vincent Garafalo back in 1969.

Re: Garbage Business

by nizarsoccer » Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:23 am

Wiseguy wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:05 am
gohnjotti wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:12 pm From what I have heard on this forum and elsewhere, the Colombos are still involved in garbage hauling in Long Island. That racket has existed for the Colombos since the 1960s, when they had near-complete control over certain townships and there were the infamous "garbage wars" between feuding Colombos and Gambinos (this was not an inter-family war, I have seen plenty of cases where Colombo guys were attacking each other over routes). Andrew Russo came to be the head of the Colombo garbage rackets into the 1980s and 1990s. Considering Russo was effectively barred from the garbage hauling industry way back in the '60s and continued to exert control through front men and front companies, it's hard to argue he magically disappeared.

Oh yeah, and Tommy Gioeli's brother Jack is a member of the Syosset Sanitation Board and was the town sanitation commissioner in the late '80s. I'm sure that's just a coincidence...
Jack Gioeli's brother is certainly interesting. I know there was that 2018 case involving V Garafolo carting defrauding Smithtown on Long Island. The company was denied a license to operate in NYC back in 2004. Which again, shows what waste hauling opportunities there have been for the mob over the last couple decades have been more in the outlying areas surrounding NYC.

That said, that's the only recent example I can think of. While there was some involvement (including as you said with Andy Russo), even looking over the all the years, the Colombos didn't seem to have that much stake in the garbage business, relatively speaking. At some point, Long Island seemed to be primarily the territory of the Luccheses. And I seem to remember reading somewhere that about money from the LI rackets going the Gambino's way only because they controlled IBT Local 813.
Colombo's lost major influence over garbage on Long Island in the late 1970s (which coincided with the rise of the Lucchese's/Avellino). The Colombo's through Sal Spatarella and other associates held sway over the Suffolk Cartman’s Association, but control was waning after Spaterlla went to prison in the mid-1970s. When he came out in 1977 he tried to hit back against those who stole his routes (including other Colombo associates like the Garafolo) and "Gambino/Local 813" aligned carters. Avellino's garbage trucks were also torched. Spatarella and his group of carters formed a new association (the Suffolk Solid Waste Association) and tried to get a new garbage union going (Brotherhood of Cartmen [Carters] and Haulers of North America). Spaterella died of a heart attack early in to 1977 and from then his "rebel" group withered away despite some early support from Andrew Russo. Eventually Local 813 ended up signing all the carters back, and a new association was formed (Private Sanitation Industry Association of Nassau/Suffolk) this time led by Avellino who skillfully networked with larger carters (and probably used his LCN affiliation) to become the new leader. It also helped that he was much "fairer" compared to previous LCN representatives like Spatarella/Aniello Mancuso from the Gambino's. Guys like Dennis Hickey and Frank Carione represented some vestiges of Colombo influence, but in 1986, a newspaper article described Russo as a major figure in the carting industry in the past tense. The 1989 civil RICO case only solidified that even more given the Colombo Family was not named as a defendants (even though some previously Colombo-aligned carters did appear as individual corporate defendants in the suit).

Re: Garbage Business

by Wiseguy » Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:05 am

gohnjotti wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:12 pm From what I have heard on this forum and elsewhere, the Colombos are still involved in garbage hauling in Long Island. That racket has existed for the Colombos since the 1960s, when they had near-complete control over certain townships and there were the infamous "garbage wars" between feuding Colombos and Gambinos (this was not an inter-family war, I have seen plenty of cases where Colombo guys were attacking each other over routes). Andrew Russo came to be the head of the Colombo garbage rackets into the 1980s and 1990s. Considering Russo was effectively barred from the garbage hauling industry way back in the '60s and continued to exert control through front men and front companies, it's hard to argue he magically disappeared.

Oh yeah, and Tommy Gioeli's brother Jack is a member of the Syosset Sanitation Board and was the town sanitation commissioner in the late '80s. I'm sure that's just a coincidence...
Jack Gioeli's brother is certainly interesting. I know there was that 2018 case involving V Garafolo carting defrauding Smithtown on Long Island. The company was denied a license to operate in NYC back in 2004. Which again, shows what waste hauling opportunities there have been for the mob over the last couple decades have been more in the outlying areas surrounding NYC.

That said, that's the only recent example I can think of. While there was some involvement (including as you said with Andy Russo), even looking over the all the years, the Colombos didn't seem to have that much stake in the garbage business, relatively speaking. At some point, Long Island seemed to be primarily the territory of the Luccheses. And I seem to remember reading somewhere that about money from the LI rackets going the Gambino's way only because they controlled IBT Local 813.

Re: Garbage Business

by gohnjotti » Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:12 pm

From what I have heard on this forum and elsewhere, the Colombos are still involved in garbage hauling in Long Island. That racket has existed for the Colombos since the 1960s, when they had near-complete control over certain townships and there were the infamous "garbage wars" between feuding Colombos and Gambinos (this was not an inter-family war, I have seen plenty of cases where Colombo guys were attacking each other over routes). Andrew Russo came to be the head of the Colombo garbage rackets into the 1980s and 1990s. Considering Russo was effectively barred from the garbage hauling industry way back in the '60s and continued to exert control through front men and front companies, it's hard to argue he magically disappeared.

Oh yeah, and Tommy Gioeli's brother Jack is a member of the Syosset Sanitation Board and was the town sanitation commissioner in the late '80s. I'm sure that's just a coincidence...

Re: Garbage Business

by Garbageman » Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:38 pm

nizarsoccer wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:47 pm
Garbageman wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:48 pm
newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.

I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
Hey guys. I still lurk around here, however I am so long out of the loop, my people have all either passed on, moved on or low-key (like me). I live in the woods off the unibomber these days. Just me and my 30 years of tools, equipment, welders, torches and a bunch of dogs and chickens.

That "franchise" system the city and BIC (with the Burger King Manager in Charge) concocted is the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard. It's so insulting, that it's sort of hysterical, actually.

Imagine, the billions that was spent over the last 70 years "rescuing" the city from "the tentacles of organized crime" with their property rights schemes and route ownership, only to copy that exact plan into a legal, government controlled and owned scheme and change the name property rights to franchising. MAN YOU GOTTA LOVE THE BALLS ON THESE NYC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!!
Well it shouldn't be surprising. Peter Reuter explained that waste collection inherently produces a cartel structure in the form of a customer allocation agreement or a territorial-based divide. That's a by-product of an immobile customer that has the service provider come to their fixed location. Some industries are just natural monopolies, duopolies or cartel-like and thus need government regulation to prevent price-gouging.
Gee, when you say it that way, it almost seems believable that public servants with ultimate authority wouldn't abuse it. 😆

Re: Garbage Business

by nizarsoccer » Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:47 pm

Garbageman wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:48 pm
newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.

I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
Hey guys. I still lurk around here, however I am so long out of the loop, my people have all either passed on, moved on or low-key (like me). I live in the woods off the unibomber these days. Just me and my 30 years of tools, equipment, welders, torches and a bunch of dogs and chickens.

That "franchise" system the city and BIC (with the Burger King Manager in Charge) concocted is the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard. It's so insulting, that it's sort of hysterical, actually.

Imagine, the billions that was spent over the last 70 years "rescuing" the city from "the tentacles of organized crime" with their property rights schemes and route ownership, only to copy that exact plan into a legal, government controlled and owned scheme and change the name property rights to franchising. MAN YOU GOTTA LOVE THE BALLS ON THESE NYC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!!
Well it shouldn't be surprising. Peter Reuter explained that waste collection inherently produces a cartel structure in the form of a customer allocation agreement or a territorial-based divide. That's a by-product of an immobile customer that has the service provider come to their fixed location. Some industries are just natural monopolies, duopolies or cartel-like and thus need government regulation to prevent price-gouging.

Re: Garbage Business

by Garbageman » Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:48 pm

newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.

I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
Hey guys. I still lurk around here, however I am so long out of the loop, my people have all either passed on, moved on or low-key (like me). I live in the woods off the unibomber these days. Just me and my 30 years of tools, equipment, welders, torches and a bunch of dogs and chickens.

That "franchise" system the city and BIC (with the Burger King Manager in Charge) concocted is the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard. It's so insulting, that it's sort of hysterical, actually.

Imagine, the billions that was spent over the last 70 years "rescuing" the city from "the tentacles of organized crime" with their property rights schemes and route ownership, only to copy that exact plan into a legal, government controlled and owned scheme and change the name property rights to franchising. MAN YOU GOTTA LOVE THE BALLS ON THESE NYC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!!

Re: Garbage Business

by Wiseguy » Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:31 am

newera_212 wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:06 pmYou're exactly right - that's the article I was referring to; the breakdown of the modern biz and the blips about Bernardone and Local 124. Great article. There was another article (jesus...with my memory and how I get things mixed up, it could very well be the same one) that had similar info and an interactive map of a low paid waste hauler. Like a night-in-the-life of one of the guys driving the trucks. Happen to remember that one as well? lol
That was also a Pro-Publica article, I believe. It was a series.
Awesome work on breaking down that list of companies who will remain. I'm assuming that some of those companies just bought up a bunch of smaller ones semi-recently? Otherwise it's crazy to think that a company with trucks, operations, and long-set routes would just be told they can essentially no longer operate. They sold to other companies who had a better chance at bidding within the new system perhaps?
There has been a lot of buy-outs, merging, and consolidation in NYC over the past 25 years. A 2018 report said there were over 100 companies serving the market. Just the first phase of the new commercial zone reform has cut that more than half. And that will but cut down even more when the final selections are made, as I don't think there's enough contracts for all 50 companies. Maybe some of them can find work elsewhere in the metro area but I would think a lot of them would fold, as they just can't afford to sit around for 10+ years waiting for new bidding.
CornerBoy wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:55 amWhat time period does this book cover?
The investigation was in the 1990's, though the book also goes into previous years, the mob's history in the industry, and what led up to the case.

Re: Garbage Business

by CornerBoy » Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:55 am

Wiseguy wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:49 pm
Shellackhead wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:43 pmWho were some guys that got involved & made a lot of money out of this racket?
Jimmy Failla, Joseph Francolino, Alphonse Malangone, Mario Gigante, Angelo Ponte, Sal Avellino, and many others. Like Dr031718 said above, if you read the book Takedown by Rick Cowan, it goes pretty in depth to the whole thing and many of those involved.
Phil Baretti, Patti Pecoraro, Angelo Vulpis, Galante up North, Nick Ratenni, 5 bros carting,

What time period does this book cover?

Re: Garbage Business

by newera_212 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:06 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 3:11 pm
newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.
You're referring to the Pro Publica articles on the NYC garbage industry. They mentioned Bernardone in relation to IUJAT Local 124, one of those independent or rogue locals the mob created or moved in on after being removed from the IBT, etc. That local represented Sanitation Salvage before the company shut down. What limited mob involvement there has been in NYC over the last 20-25 years has been mostly the Genovese family.
I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
That's it. Plan to cut waste hauling traffic in half by creating 20 zones that split up the 5 boroughs. Each zone can have up to 3 haulers screened and selected by the city. Contracts last for 10 years, if I remember right, with an option to extend. The first screening process has whittled the candidates down to the 50 companies above. And it will be whittled down even more when they pick the ones who actually get the contracts.
Awesome & informative reply, for sure. Thank you for that.

You're exactly right - that's the article I was referring to; the breakdown of the modern biz and the blips about Bernardone and Local 124. Great article. There was another article (jesus...with my memory and how I get things mixed up, it could very well be the same one) that had similar info and an interactive map of a low paid waste hauler. Like a night-in-the-life of one of the guys driving the trucks. Happen to remember that one as well? lol

Glad to know I remembered the new City rules as well. I met someone at an in-laws over COVID by happenstance who happened to be 2nd generation in the business, from Brooklyn, much older than me. Didn't ask him anything about LCN type stuff but asked him what the industry was like today, and that's when he gave a breakdown (and a tirade) on the newly proposed rules.

I have mixed feelings on what the City is trying to do. I guess what I don't understand is why they didn't do this years ago when they tried to basically de-cartel'ify the business. I know the environmental and logistical reasonings behind it play much better today (and an argument about why it's needed could be made better, today) - I guess the system had to change at some point. But, it almost feels like ripping the bandaid off and the rich just getting richer.

Awesome work on breaking down that list of companies who will remain. I'm assuming that some of those companies just bought up a bunch of smaller ones semi-recently? Otherwise it's crazy to think that a company with trucks, operations, and long-set routes would just be told they can essentially no longer operate. They sold to other companies who had a better chance at bidding within the new system perhaps?

All these weird long standing byzantine systems in some things operate that would just operate like normal anywhere else...are part of why everything is so expensive. But I don't trust the end result of getting rid of these systems will benefit the consumer. The savings never trickles down. And part of me likes how wacky and insane some of those systems are, begrudgingly. Arguments long ago about the crazy garbage system, the taxi medallion system, rental brokerages, soo many things - were that if they didn't exist, things would be cheaper and better. Highly doubtful that it's fact and the consumer, customer, small biz, are going to see any difference. At best they'll pay the same for less service.

Re: Garbage Business

by Wiseguy » Sat Mar 25, 2023 3:11 pm

newera_212 wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.
You're referring to the Pro Publica articles on the NYC garbage industry. They mentioned Bernardone in relation to IUJAT Local 124, one of those independent or rogue locals the mob created or moved in on after being removed from the IBT, etc. That local represented Sanitation Salvage before the company shut down. What limited mob involvement there has been in NYC over the last 20-25 years has been mostly the Genovese family.
I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation
That's it. Plan to cut waste hauling traffic in half by creating 20 zones that split up the 5 boroughs. Each zone can have up to 3 haulers screened and selected by the city. Contracts last for 10 years, if I remember right, with an option to extend. The first screening process has whittled the candidates down to the 50 companies above. And it will be whittled down even more when they pick the ones who actually get the contracts.

Re: Garbage Business

by newera_212 » Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:41 pm

I remember reading an article recently (past few years), an investigative piece centered around drivers/hauler's low wages, tough working conditions, and mandatory membership of paper locals that don't do shit - that mentioned Genovese member James "Jamie" Bernardone . So he's apparently involved with modern day garbage. Since Genovese member Hippy Zanfardino is apparently close with him, and has been alleged to extort a hauling company in the past, I would assume he probably has some involvement today as well.

Definitely need Garbageman to come on and give a breakdown, especially of the more modern day stuff.

I was under the impression that in an effort to make everything more 'fair' and environmentally conscious, the City was getting ride of the byzantine route system and dividing up the map into literal territories , and making companies re-apply for the new routes. Also limiting the number of routes a company can have (or essentially landlocking them into a specific territory). To prevent a company from having a route that transverses all of Brooklyn, then going into the City, then back into Brooklyn etc... while another company is doing something similar picking up garbage for businesses on the other side of the street on the same route. I was told this over the height of COVID by someone who works in the industry. Not sure of the details, accuracy, or plans for implementation

Re: Garbage Business

by Wiseguy » Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:34 pm

CabriniGreen wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 9:20 pmNice might be a fun game... pin the carting company on the mobster....
I don't think there would be many. Law enforcement and industry regulations did a good job of removing the mob out of the NYC waste hauling business. The newer commercial zones will only tighten things even more. It's why most of the mob presence in waste hauling we saw in the 2000's was outside the 5 boroughs, i.e. in Long Island, Westchester, SW Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Where the mob has had a more significant presence in recent years is in hauling construction and demolition materials, which is more an extension of its presence in the construction industry.
BensonhurstGuy wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:42 am Private sanitation here in Brooklyn is not nearly as wide spread as the 80s and 90s. But no way have they been totally pushed out. You people saying it’s all waste management now are saying this from a keyboard in the Midwest. Store fronts businesses pick ups are def still there as well as construction. Go try and open up a store on Flatbush Ave and see the sanit guy who comes in. Some hipster I met who moved here From Alabama was shocked The guys who walked in on park side ave and told me. I said welcome to brooklyn.
I don’t usually post cause you know it alls In Missouri immediately reply Ur 2 cents btw lol

