Boston sports betting bust

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Re: Boston sports betting bust

by East Bronx » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:03 pm

Wiseguy wrote:As I've said before, I'm happy to take certain long time, proven local guys at their word if it's something that doesn't conflict with the feds. East Bronx (pizzaboy) is one of those. But if the feds do disagree, as he'll tell you, we'll just have to disagree.
Well, thank you, Wiseguy. And we do often agree to disagree out of respect for one another. And that being said, I continually give you your due on the other boards as one of the all time great researchers, and Pogo as the King of the Chart Makers. And you've seen those posts with your own eyes, so you know I'm not just jerking you guys off.

So we can agree to disagree here, or you can take me at my word. I've gotten to know this kid quite well, and we have some mutual friends in Fairfield County. He's actually 35 years old, but I have a terrible habit of referring to anyone younger than I am as a kid. Anyway, all I'm going to say is that Cheech isn't just a statistician or a gambler obsessed with oddsmaking. He knows his way around a sportsbook. If he doesn't want to name names, that's his business. But that's the nature of these boards. We've seen so many bullshit artists come and go that you can never actually be sure who you're talking to. But just like I know you as a straight shooter and a researcher, I know Cheech as well. And like I said, he knows his way around a sportsbook.

@ Soliai: I apologize for my absence. I sent you a pm. Things are finally looking up for my Dad, so I'll be posting more often very soon.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Angelo Santino » Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:14 pm

Cheech does have a pretty extensive bookmaking background. He could teach a university class on it. And as for street guys, 98 times out of 100 it's bullshit. Pogo knows, he's been here since 2000 or 2001 like I have. You learn to filter that shit out. Honestly in all this time the only legitimate street guy that I've come across has been Dan.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by AG777 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:24 pm

Very true Wiseguy, we are not on the street. Fair enough. These forums have people from all walks of life but just a handful of real neighborhood street guys. I trust them. I also believe that you along with other researchers on here are extremely valuable and I trust what you write as being factual to the best of your knowledge.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Wiseguy » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:54 pm

AG777 wrote:
Do you want to know why we believe Cheech? Some of us go by someone's word and rep. Now, on the street all you got is your reputation. So if you have been around street guys like some of us have and that life you take the guy's WORD for it. Your word and rep is EVERYTHING, It's all you got. That's why it's hard for most researchers to believe these guys They don't come to you with facts on paper. But you researchers should not DISMISS what they have to say. It's information.

Ivy you don't feel comfortable with taking the guys word for it and that's okay. You firmly believe what the FBI documents as completely true while at times some of us question them. Also, Cheech is not a wannabe or a bullshitter. His reputation on the boards shows us this. Nobody is wrong here. Let's get that straight. Telling people what they should and should not believe is much too complicated.

I like you Ivy so I'm just trying to answer your question. You do make an excellent point about why throw common sense out the window to trust somebody's WORD. Well, it's part of our upbringing to do so, it's instilled in us. Hope that makes sense.
But we're not "on the street," are we? We're online. So your "a street guy's word and rep is everything he's got" point doesn't really apply here. And, as both Pogo and I keep saying, self-described street guys on the forums are a dime a dozen.

And I didn't just dismiss what Cheech said. I asked him to provide more info about how he is in a position to know more than the feds here. He wouldn't (or couldn't) answer.

As I've said before, I'm happy to take certain long time, proven local guys at their word if it's something that doesn't conflict with the feds. East Bronx (pizzaboy) is one of those. But if the feds do disagree, as he'll tell you, we'll just have to disagree.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by AG777 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:33 pm

joeycigars wrote:I saw this movie ......The ending sucks

:lol: Yeah I get it. Probably best for everyone to just get back on track with the thread.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by joeycigars » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:27 pm

I saw this movie ......The ending sucks

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by AG777 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:17 am

And we don't throw common sense out the window :lol: but we you know what I mean ha ha

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by AG777 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:13 am

Wiseguy wrote:
Pogo The Clown wrote:Ok lets say he knows about bookmaking. What does that have to do with what we are talking about? I never even said anything about bookmaking.

Not only that but it's not Cheech's word vs Pogo's. Or Cheech's word vs Wiseguy's.

It's Cheech's word vs the Feds and information presented in court.

And this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Why are so many here so quick to give Cheech the benefit of the doubt while so quick to think the Feds could be mistaken? Especially those who have been on these boards for years and have seen bullshiters come and go like Pogo and I have.

Maybe if they knew who Cheech was but my guess is they dont. Maybe if Cheech had provided more information about how and why he could be in a position to know what he's claiming. But he hasnt. Just that "lives it" and he's here to tell us all about it online.

Bottom line, up to this point in this thread, there is NO reason to believe Cheech over the Feds. None. Zero. Zilch.

Seriously, some of you guys want so much to believe we have inside info that you'll throw all common sense out the window. But oh well. There's always been people like this on the boards and there always will be.
Do you want to know why we believe Cheech? Some of us go by someone's word and rep. Now, on the street all you got is your reputation. So if you have been around street guys like some of us have and that life you take the guy's WORD for it. Your word and rep is EVERYTHING, It's all you got. That's why it's hard for most researchers to believe these guys They don't come to you with facts on paper. But you researchers should not DISMISS what they have to say. It's information.

Ivy you don't feel comfortable with taking the guys word for it and that's okay. You firmly believe what the FBI documents as completely true while at times some of us question them. Also, Cheech is not a wannabe or a bullshitter. His reputation on the boards shows us this. Nobody is wrong here. Let's get that straight. Telling people what they should and should not believe is much too complicated.

I like you Ivy so I'm just trying to answer your question. You do make an excellent point about why throw common sense out the window to trust somebody's WORD. Well, it's part of our upbringing to do so, it's instilled in us. Hope that makes sense.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by joeycigars » Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:48 am

Pogo The Clown wrote:Every so called "street guy" that has ever been on these forums has been exposed over time. Either as outright bullshiters or vastly exagerating their knowledge and position. The "I'm a street guy and your not" and the "I know, take my word for it" stuff just doesn't cut it anymore for most of us.

P.S. Check out my new rap. :mrgreen:



Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Dellacroce » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:43 am

Wiseguy wrote:
Pogo The Clown wrote:Ok lets say he knows about bookmaking. What does that have to do with what we are talking about? I never even said anything about bookmaking.

Not only that but it's not Cheech's word vs Pogo's. Or Cheech's word vs Wiseguy's.

It's Cheech's word vs the Feds and information presented in court.

And this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Why are so many here so quick to give Cheech the benefit of the doubt while so quick to think the Feds could be mistaken? Especially those who have been on these boards for years and have seen bullshiters come and go like Pogo and I have.

Maybe if they knew who Cheech was but my guess is they dont. Maybe if Cheech had provided more information about how and why he could be in a position to know what he's claiming. But he hasnt. Just that "lives it" and he's here to tell us all about it online.

Bottom line, up to this point in this thread, there is NO reason to believe Cheech over the Feds. None. Zero. Zilch.

Seriously, some of you guys want so much to believe we have inside info that you'll throw all common sense out the window. But oh well. There's always been people like this on the boards and there always will be.
Don't we all know who cheech is? I seem to recall him posting his facebook page in the past, and on a separate occasion on the old board posted his full name and phone number in a heated beef with Jbell. :lol:

this ofcourse has nothing to do with the argument at hand, it just reminded me of it and I though it was kinda funny.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Wiseguy » Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:34 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote:Ok lets say he knows about bookmaking. What does that have to do with what we are talking about? I never even said anything about bookmaking.

Not only that but it's not Cheech's word vs Pogo's. Or Cheech's word vs Wiseguy's.

It's Cheech's word vs the Feds and information presented in court.

And this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Why are so many here so quick to give Cheech the benefit of the doubt while so quick to think the Feds could be mistaken? Especially those who have been on these boards for years and have seen bullshiters come and go like Pogo and I have.

Maybe if they knew who Cheech was but my guess is they dont. Maybe if Cheech had provided more information about how and why he could be in a position to know what he's claiming. But he hasnt. Just that "lives it" and he's here to tell us all about it online.

Bottom line, up to this point in this thread, there is NO reason to believe Cheech over the Feds. None. Zero. Zilch.

Seriously, some of you guys want so much to believe we have inside info that you'll throw all common sense out the window. But oh well. There's always been people like this on the boards and there always will be.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:54 pm

Ok lets say he knows about bookmaking. What does that have to do with what we are talking about? I never even said anything about bookmaking.


Re: Boston sports betting bust

by NickyEyes1 » Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:21 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote:
Cheech wrote:Not sure why I am in that category.

I actually was speaking generally. However it is funny you coming on here saying 'you live it'. That immediately got a chuckle out of me considering all the people that have come on here claiming to be mobsters.

All due respect pogo, you're one of the top contributors on this site. But when it comes to bookmaking I'm gonna take the word of cheech over you. He clearly knows his shit and there's a lot more to it then the reports you read online. He's proved himself time and time again on the subject.

Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:25 pm

Cheech wrote:Not sure why I am in that category.

I actually was speaking generally. However it is funny you coming on here saying 'you live it'. That immediately got a chuckle out of me considering all the people that have come on here claiming to be mobsters.


Re: Boston sports betting bust

by Five Felonies » Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:31 pm

i think we also need to make a distinction between people disagreeing with the fbi or other law enforcement agencies on smaller things such as a guy being made or not or in this case who owns/operates a betting site with the silly claims of the past like pittsburg having 20+ members and other shit like that. like it or not, law enforcement is not perfect and if they were there would be no organized crime. i get the practice of going with the official cover, but at he same time it gets annoying when the most recent fbi headline it taken as 100% correct and everything else is just dismissed, especially in these types of cases where the claims going against the official story are far from outrageous.
