Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

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Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by TonyBombassolo » Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:49 am

Yes, he was.

Shallow is quite the character.

He was a partner of Richard Cain, mid-1950's, then he got fired from the force in 1971 (it seems kind of a bs reason he got fired). At this point, him and Cain start engaging in crime, they kill Shirley C. Mavigliano in 1972 per FBI interrogations, and then it looks like Shallow starts to give up info to the FBI.

I have documents showing him working with people like Paul DiCaro, Butch Petrocelli, Anthony Gallichio, Joseph Russo, James Palaggi Sr, and many others doing everything from hijacking to home invasions to stick ups, mostly big jobs for jewels or big trailer loads.

April 1981 I have Shallow's firing from 1971 being overturned on appeal and by September he is fully cooperating with the FBI.

Some of his stuff is in some of these Ronnie Jarrett files. ... ew=theater

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by SolarSolano » Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:06 am

Gerald Shallow was a cop right?

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by TonyBombassolo » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:40 am

my belief is, after exhausting research, that DiCaro was just a burglar, and that the Gallichio/Mara hit on Brown wasn't sanctioned and DiCaro had no authority to issue it, regardless of Mara's testimony

would love any other info anyone can provide especially on some of the questions like Joe Zito etc

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by Snakes » Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:06 pm

Patrickgold wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:59 pm
Snakes wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:54 pm
TonyBombassolo wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:52 pm The evidence I saw about DiCaro supports that patrickgold, what I can't understand is how can Richard Mara testify that DiCaro ordered Gallichio and him to kill Brown. It was good advice, Brown would later rat on the entire world (so would Mara), but its odd that Gallichio would take an order like that given his pedigree with Inendino. Thats kind of why I made the initial post, the FBI evidence paints the same picture (associate/thief) but then a guy gets up in court under oath and says he's green-lighting people for other mafia associates to knock down.
Inendino was just starting a long prison term around this time period so it could have been DiCaro trying to throw his weight around in his absence.
Also, I doubt Jimmy I was made at the time. He was an associate working with Aleman and the rest of the Wild Bunch doing burglaries and hits among other things. Dicaro was a master thief. Today he is a well respected restaurant manager that rubs elbows with everyone from celebrities to high level city officials. Well at least he did before Cafe Bionda closed. It might reopen.
Yeah, I don't think Inendino was made until he got out. However, he was close to Turk, so that probably gave him more rub than your average hood.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by Patrickgold » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:59 pm

Snakes wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:54 pm
TonyBombassolo wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:52 pm The evidence I saw about DiCaro supports that patrickgold, what I can't understand is how can Richard Mara testify that DiCaro ordered Gallichio and him to kill Brown. It was good advice, Brown would later rat on the entire world (so would Mara), but its odd that Gallichio would take an order like that given his pedigree with Inendino. Thats kind of why I made the initial post, the FBI evidence paints the same picture (associate/thief) but then a guy gets up in court under oath and says he's green-lighting people for other mafia associates to knock down.
Inendino was just starting a long prison term around this time period so it could have been DiCaro trying to throw his weight around in his absence.
Also, I doubt Jimmy I was made at the time. He was an associate working with Aleman and the rest of the Wild Bunch doing burglaries and hits among other things. Dicaro was a master thief. Today he is a well respected restaurant manager that rubs elbows with everyone from celebrities to high level city officials. Well at least he did before Cafe Bionda closed. It might reopen.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by TonyBombassolo » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:57 pm

thats not a bad theory at all snakes

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by Snakes » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:54 pm

TonyBombassolo wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:52 pm The evidence I saw about DiCaro supports that patrickgold, what I can't understand is how can Richard Mara testify that DiCaro ordered Gallichio and him to kill Brown. It was good advice, Brown would later rat on the entire world (so would Mara), but its odd that Gallichio would take an order like that given his pedigree with Inendino. Thats kind of why I made the initial post, the FBI evidence paints the same picture (associate/thief) but then a guy gets up in court under oath and says he's green-lighting people for other mafia associates to knock down.
Inendino was just starting a long prison term around this time period so it could have been DiCaro trying to throw his weight around in his absence.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by Snakes » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:53 pm

TonyBombassolo wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:23 pm Yeah, I still can't figure out how DiCaro is giving Gallichio orders to whack people without having a rabbi we don't know about.
Sometimes these guys went into business for themselves. I guess they figured they wouldn't get found out. However, you always have the Richard Ortiz situation where he killed Leo Manfredi, which was even worse as Manfredi was probably made. Nick Gio was another guy who did a hit on the sneak when he killed that hairdresser that owed him money.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by TonyBombassolo » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:52 pm

The evidence I saw about DiCaro supports that patrickgold, what I can't understand is how can Richard Mara testify that DiCaro ordered Gallichio and him to kill Brown. It was good advice, Brown would later rat on the entire world (so would Mara), but its odd that Gallichio would take an order like that given his pedigree with Inendino. Thats kind of why I made the initial post, the FBI evidence paints the same picture (associate/thief) but then a guy gets up in court under oath and says he's green-lighting people for other mafia associates to knock down.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by Patrickgold » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:42 pm

PolackTony wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:03 pm
TonyBombassolo wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:23 pm How does Paul DiCaro rank ahead of someone Inendino is related to, we don't even know what crew Paul is in. Was Paul's father in the Outfit?
Paul's father was Emanuel DiCaro, younger brother of Specs and Spider. So far as I can recall, I haven't ever seen his name mentioned as a connected guy, let alone made.
Paulie DiCaro? He was very close with Ronnie Jarrett. I’m pretty sure he grew up in Bridgeport. As far as I know, he was strictly a burglar for the Outfit. He didn’t do hits or anything else as far as I know. As for being made, I highly doubt it. He was definitely an associate.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by TonyBombassolo » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:23 pm

Yeah, I still can't figure out how DiCaro is giving Gallichio orders to whack people without having a rabbi we don't know about.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by PolackTony » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:03 pm

TonyBombassolo wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:23 pm How does Paul DiCaro rank ahead of someone Inendino is related to, we don't even know what crew Paul is in. Was Paul's father in the Outfit?
Paul's father was Emanuel DiCaro, younger brother of Specs and Spider. So far as I can recall, I haven't ever seen his name mentioned as a connected guy, let alone made.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by PolackTony » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:57 pm

Snakes wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:04 pm
PolackTony wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:40 pm
PolackTony wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:15 pm
Snakes wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:01 pm Martha was Charles's granddaughter. Not sure of Paul's exact relation -- maybe a nephew. Charles also had a son named Paul who had a son named Paul, Jr. but they weren't the same Paul DiCaro that was involved in the 1970s robbery ring.

Rocco LaMantia getting away with Martha's murder tells me that Specs wasn't a made guy and probably had no pull by 1980. He was under Ralph Pierce on the South Side and was probably put on the shelf or forgotten after Pierce died.
Based on my files/records, Martha Agnes DiCaro was born in Chicago 1959 to Paul Joseph DiCaro and Mavis Henry (a 'Medigan from Iowa). This Paul DiCaro (born 1928) was the son of Charles Benjamin "Specs" DiCaro and Martha Rizzo and as Snakes notes was not the same Paul DiCaro as the one OP was asking about. Specs DiCaro (born 1912) and his brother Joseph "Spider" DiCaro (born 1916) were born in Chicago to Francesco Paolo "Paul" Di Caro and Carolina Spicuzza. Carolina was from Termini Imerese, where she was married to Francesco. Francesco's naturalization documents give his place of birth as "Palermo", but I think it's very likely that he was actually born in Caltanissetta (1880) to Agostino Di Caro and Maria Frangele. When Francesco arrived in the US in 1902 at Boston, he gave his last residence at Termini.
SolarSolano wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:13 pm Martha was the granddaughter of Charles Specs DiCarlo - she was not a chinatown resident, she lived in Cicero. Her father was Paul DiCaro - son of Specs.

Martha was raised in Chinatown, where all these DiCaros lived, and then moved to Cicero though she retained her personal relationship to Rocco LaMantia from the old neighborhood, obviously.

The Paul DiCaro that OP was asking about was the nephew of Specs and Spider, however. He was born 1941 in Chicago to Emanuel DiCaro (younger brother of Specs and Spider) and Jennie Bertucci. If Paul wasn't made, it certainly wasn't from lack of pedigree. Given that both Specs and Spider were still alive when Martha was killed, I wonder how far the DiCaros must've fallen off by this point.
Another layer is that these families were possibly interrelated or connected at some level prior to Rocky and Martha, beyond just the Chinatown/Bridgeport neighborhood and Outfit connections. The LaMantias were also from Termini and there were DiCaros and Lamantias from Palermo province intermarried in Chicago, though I wasn't able to establish a direct link to any of the figures under discussion here.
I'm not sure that these ancestral ties meant much to Outfit guys in the 70s. They had never been sticklers for tradition in structure or in making guys so two guys being from the same part of Sicily or Italy probably didn't mean as much either. Neighborhood ties were probably much more important at this time, not to mention who you knew or reported to. DiCaro had been around for a long time and may have just knew when he had to suck on it and take it.
Sure, but neighborhood ties were at least partly derived -- in origin -- from regional/familial/compaesani ties. Even in my generation, Italian kids that I grew up with were quite cognizant as to whether they were Sicilian, Calabres', Napolitan', Bares', etc. At the least, the LaMantia and DiCaro families would've almost certainly considered themselves compaesani, given that all of these guys grew up around their older relatives who were direct from Sicily and specifically Termini. They were very likely close to each other long before Rocky Lamantia and Martha DiCaro hooked up.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by Snakes » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:04 pm

PolackTony wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:40 pm
PolackTony wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:15 pm
Snakes wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:01 pm Martha was Charles's granddaughter. Not sure of Paul's exact relation -- maybe a nephew. Charles also had a son named Paul who had a son named Paul, Jr. but they weren't the same Paul DiCaro that was involved in the 1970s robbery ring.

Rocco LaMantia getting away with Martha's murder tells me that Specs wasn't a made guy and probably had no pull by 1980. He was under Ralph Pierce on the South Side and was probably put on the shelf or forgotten after Pierce died.
Based on my files/records, Martha Agnes DiCaro was born in Chicago 1959 to Paul Joseph DiCaro and Mavis Henry (a 'Medigan from Iowa). This Paul DiCaro (born 1928) was the son of Charles Benjamin "Specs" DiCaro and Martha Rizzo and as Snakes notes was not the same Paul DiCaro as the one OP was asking about. Specs DiCaro (born 1912) and his brother Joseph "Spider" DiCaro (born 1916) were born in Chicago to Francesco Paolo "Paul" Di Caro and Carolina Spicuzza. Carolina was from Termini Imerese, where she was married to Francesco. Francesco's naturalization documents give his place of birth as "Palermo", but I think it's very likely that he was actually born in Caltanissetta (1880) to Agostino Di Caro and Maria Frangele. When Francesco arrived in the US in 1902 at Boston, he gave his last residence at Termini.
SolarSolano wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:13 pm Martha was the granddaughter of Charles Specs DiCarlo - she was not a chinatown resident, she lived in Cicero. Her father was Paul DiCaro - son of Specs.

Martha was raised in Chinatown, where all these DiCaros lived, and then moved to Cicero though she retained her personal relationship to Rocco LaMantia from the old neighborhood, obviously.

The Paul DiCaro that OP was asking about was the nephew of Specs and Spider, however. He was born 1941 in Chicago to Emanuel DiCaro (younger brother of Specs and Spider) and Jennie Bertucci. If Paul wasn't made, it certainly wasn't from lack of pedigree. Given that both Specs and Spider were still alive when Martha was killed, I wonder how far the DiCaros must've fallen off by this point.
Another layer is that these families were possibly interrelated or connected at some level prior to Rocky and Martha, beyond just the Chinatown/Bridgeport neighborhood and Outfit connections. The LaMantias were also from Termini and there were DiCaros and Lamantias from Palermo province intermarried in Chicago, though I wasn't able to establish a direct link to any of the figures under discussion here.
I'm not sure that these ancestral ties meant much to Outfit guys in the 70s. They had never been sticklers for tradition in structure or in making guys so two guys being from the same part of Sicily or Italy probably didn't mean as much either. Neighborhood ties were probably much more important at this time, not to mention who you knew or reported to. DiCaro had been around for a long time and may have just knew when he had to suck on it and take it.

Re: Paul DiCaro - Chicago Outfit

by TonyBombassolo » Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:53 pm

Also, who is Joe Rodriguez aka Joe Zito? He worked with both Ronnie Jarrett and Paul DiCaro. Everything I have found indicates he worked with the crew and was killed in a Chicago alley in April 1978. The only person who fits that bill however is Johnny McDonald April 14, 1978.

Here is the Paul DiCaro book which documents DiCaro working with Gerald T. Shallow who is another incredible POS that I am still digging into. ... &q&f=false
