Greg Scarpa Jr

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Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Bklyn21 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:29 am

Amershire_Ed wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:30 pm
Timmoffat wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm I guess he’s pretty sick and was planning on living at his sisters to basically die according to Larry mazza now that he won his compassionate release. He basically has been ostracized ever since beating up Vic amuso. Anyone read Mafia Son? I’m thinking about ordering it.
I know Gotti got lumped up in prison but that was nowhere near what happened to Amuso. Amuso ran his mouth to Scarpa Jr and he literally almost got beat to death. That’s gotta be the only time that’s happened to the boss of a family. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t hurt Amuso’s status. According to Pennisi, his word is still law with the Luke’s. I know it was 25 yrs ago but you gotta be really respected to survive a humiliation like that.
I totally agree ! Amuso almost died, literally ! Got a major beat down from one of the most notorious Rats in Lcn history and is still heavily respected like a God ! Nothing ever came out about any revenge plots or murder contracts behind bars so......?? Its funny too how so many guys in Scarpa's old neighborhood, Bensonhurst talk about Scarpa glowingly to this day ! I don't get it ......

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Amershire_Ed » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:23 pm

Should also note that the Feds didn’t really believe Scarpa when he came to them with stories of Yousef’s future terror activities. They thought he was just looking to cut his time. But I mean, Yousef was KSMs fucking nephew. He was admired by UBL. I’m not saying 9/11 *doesnt* happen if the Feds took that chatter a little more seriously but damn it couldn’t have hurt.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Amershire_Ed » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:05 pm

Uncle Pete wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:30 pm Didn’t know Vic got beat up that badly. Was the source for that Scarpas book?
It was in a book written by a former US attorney John Kroger that worked on a bunch of mob cases. He worked on the Enron case too.

Apparently the initial story was that it was a one punch knockout, but Kroger said it was much worse. This was at MCC Manhattan in 1995. They crossed paths and basically Amuso started giving Scarpa Jr shit about his father being an informant. And apparently what set Scarpa Jr off was when Amuso said “I bet the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Kroger said when Amuso said that, Scarpa Jr grabbed Amuso’s head and was beating it against a metal pole or something. Then he cracked him over the head with some other object. Amuso was bloodied and completely unconscious. He got hauled off on a stretcher to the prison hospital.

Amuso put a contract on him and the Feds had to move Scarpa Jr to a different part of MCC Manhattan. That’s why he was in a cell with the terrorist Ramzi Yousef. They were both in a sort of PC. Yousuf apparently admired the mafia and trusted Scarpa Jr because he figured they both shared the same hatred for the US govt. So he started spilling his guts to Scarpa Jr about all these future plans. Had Scarpa Jr never beaten the piss out Amuso, the govt would’ve never known about terrorist activities Yusuf and his ppl were planning. Really fucking wild.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Uncle Pete » Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:30 pm

Didn’t know Vic got beat up that badly. Was the source for that Scarpas book?

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Amershire_Ed » Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:22 pm

And not just a boss but one that seems highly respected across the mob landscape.

Wasn’t Pennisi running around with a made guy in the Luke’s that picked a fight with someone and then proceeded to get his ass kicked? And then he ended up going back to kill the guy to avenge his honor? I could be totally butchering the story but I thought that’s what happened.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Pmac2 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:14 am

Conflicting stories about how bad amuse got beat up but it really dont matter in the lcn world he still the boss...

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Amershire_Ed » Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:15 am

bluehouse wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:32 am
Amershire_Ed wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:30 pm
Timmoffat wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm I guess he’s pretty sick and was planning on living at his sisters to basically die according to Larry mazza now that he won his compassionate release. He basically has been ostracized ever since beating up Vic amuso. Anyone read Mafia Son? I’m thinking about ordering it.
I know Gotti got lumped up in prison but that was nowhere near what happened to Amuso. Amuso ran his mouth to Scarpa Jr and he literally almost got beat to death. That’s gotta be the only time that’s happened to the boss of a family. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t hurt Amuso’s status. According to Pennisi, his word is still law with the Luke’s. I know it was 25 yrs ago but you gotta be really respected to survive a humiliation like that.
Its not a humiliation he got beat up by a guy 15 years younger what was he supposed to do?
Honestly he probably shouldn’t have initiated the altercation by talking shit about Scarpa Jr and his father. Typically you are right—a guy in his 40s beating up a man in his 60s would be seen as some punk sucker shit. But if the guy in his 60s approaches the guy in his 40s and starts talking about him and his family in a disparaging and threatening way....then I dunno. Maybe “humiliation” is the wrong word. But it definitely showed weakness on Amuso’s part. He was unconscious, bloody, and carried out on a fucking stretcher. All because he saw Scarpa Jr and wanted to be a tough guy.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Pmac2 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:07 am

yaeh amuso in 1995 was 60ty something so if a guy in his mid 40tys beats you up he looks like the sucker. i wonder if greg jr in the last decade or so even asscoiated with other mob guys in prison. probaly not but he never told on any mob guys i believe.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by bluehouse » Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:32 am

Amershire_Ed wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:30 pm
Timmoffat wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm I guess he’s pretty sick and was planning on living at his sisters to basically die according to Larry mazza now that he won his compassionate release. He basically has been ostracized ever since beating up Vic amuso. Anyone read Mafia Son? I’m thinking about ordering it.
I know Gotti got lumped up in prison but that was nowhere near what happened to Amuso. Amuso ran his mouth to Scarpa Jr and he literally almost got beat to death. That’s gotta be the only time that’s happened to the boss of a family. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t hurt Amuso’s status. According to Pennisi, his word is still law with the Luke’s. I know it was 25 yrs ago but you gotta be really respected to survive a humiliation like that.
Its not a humiliation he got beat up by a guy 15 years younger what was he supposed to do?As powerful as Carlo Gambino was if he ever ended up going to prison and some 25 year old decided to beat the fuck out of him there was nothing carlo could do.Streets and jail are 2 different things.Theres lots of stories about MMA fighters and boxers getting fucked with at clubs people ganging up on them but how many stories are there of people fucking with mob bosses in a club.In jail its the opposite a pro mma or boxer could stike more fear than an 80 year old vic amuso

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Amershire_Ed » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:30 pm

Timmoffat wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm I guess he’s pretty sick and was planning on living at his sisters to basically die according to Larry mazza now that he won his compassionate release. He basically has been ostracized ever since beating up Vic amuso. Anyone read Mafia Son? I’m thinking about ordering it.
I know Gotti got lumped up in prison but that was nowhere near what happened to Amuso. Amuso ran his mouth to Scarpa Jr and he literally almost got beat to death. That’s gotta be the only time that’s happened to the boss of a family. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t hurt Amuso’s status. According to Pennisi, his word is still law with the Luke’s. I know it was 25 yrs ago but you gotta be really respected to survive a humiliation like that.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Ryan98366 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:14 pm

Timmoffat wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm I guess he’s pretty sick and was planning on living at his sisters to basically die according to Larry mazza now that he won his compassionate release. He basically has been ostracized ever since beating up Vic amuso. Anyone read Mafia Son? I’m thinking about ordering it.
I read it. It was interesting but you can tell the whole purpose of the book was for him to get released. It felt like the author was just singing his praises. It had an overarching purpose. I don't think he told all....he kept a lot hidden.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by dack2001 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:59 pm

I read it. I thought it was good.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by JoeCamel » Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm

I guess he’s pretty sick and was planning on living at his sisters to basically die according to Larry mazza now that he won his compassionate release. He basically has been ostracized ever since beating up Vic amuso. Anyone read Mafia Son? I’m thinking about ordering it.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by TallGuy19 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:26 am

He provided the FBI with information on Al-Qaeda bomb-maker Ramzi Yousef and revealed that there were hidden explosives in Terry Nichols' old house while he was in prison. He was also willing to testify about his dad's relationship with Lin DeVecchio, until the government decided that they had to discredit him in order to avoid having their Colombo war prosecutions overturned.

Once Scarpa Sr. was outed as a long-time informant, it seems like Junior kind of realized that the Mafia was bullshit and decided to do what he could to get out of prison. In Deal with the Devil he is very angry and resentful toward his dad for getting him involved in the mob.

Re: Greg Scarpa Jr

by Tonyd621 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:36 am

There's a picture of him on reddit r/Mafia from 2 days ago
