powerful non italians within

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Re: powerful non italians within

by Makelaiusiwk » Sat Jul 29, 2023 7:01 am

He wasn’t made

Re: powerful non italians within

by davidf1989 » Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:08 am

how about Bumpy Johnson, Nicky Barnes or Frank Lucas? As they did work with the Mafia.

Re: powerful non italians within

by Pogo The Clown » Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:00 pm

Massino didn't whack Duane Leisenheimer. He flipped and testified against Massino at his trial.


Re: powerful non italians within

by Extortion » Tue Mar 30, 2021 7:51 pm

I guess Jerry Zimmerman was a pretty powerful guy with the Colombos in the 70s and 80s. He was with Sonny F.
There was that guy that Massino whacked that was a childhood friend...Leisenheimer? Duane Leisenhiemer? I don't know how powerful this guy was but he was close with the boss so he was a boss' man type guy.
We all know that Chicago had a ton of powerful non italian associates.
Shondir Burns - Cleveland - Jewish Loanshark
Johnson of Bumpy - Dark associate with the westside

Re: powerful non italians within

by nmj1199 » Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:56 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote:
Peppermint wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:16 pm Apparently they supplied the gangsters they contracted with all kinds of crazy gadgets, and training. Really makes you wonder who actually was responsible for killing Kennedy. Could have been Lee Harvey, or the CIA, or maybe it was the mob. I mean after all they did basically render two made hitmen into trained assassins, they were specifically being trained to take out the leader of another country, so why couldn’t that training apply to assassinating Kennedy?

Could the mob change the parade route? Or eliminate the protection for the President? Could the mob send Oswald to Russia and get him back? Get the FBl, the CIA and the Dallas Police to mess up the investigation? Get the Warren Commission appointed to cover it up? Wreck the autopsy? Influence the national media to go to sleep? Since when has the mob used anything but .38's for hits up close? The mob wouldn't have the guts or the power for something of this magnitude. Assassins need payrolls, schedules, times, orders. This was a military-style ambush. A coup d'état with Lyndon Johnson waiting in the wings.

They could supply the patsy, and kill him afterwards.

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Re: powerful non italians within

by davidf1989 » Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:02 am

How about Joe the German Watts who was part of Gotti's inner circle and was a backup shooter in the Castellano hit?

Re: powerful non italians within

by aleksandrored » Thu May 07, 2020 4:26 pm

Frank Sheeran of the Bufalino family :lol:

Re: powerful non italians within

by Confederate » Wed May 06, 2020 8:18 pm

Top Level guys: Jake Guzik, Murray Humphreys, Gus Alex of the Chicago Outfit.
High level guys: Ralph Pierce, Les Kruse, Eddie Vogel, Lenny Patrick, of the Chicago Outfit.

Re: powerful non italians within

by JCB1977 » Wed May 06, 2020 7:57 pm

Milton "Maishe" Rockman, Cleveland. Consigliere for decades to his brother in law John Scalish.

Re: powerful non italians within

by SantoClaus » Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:43 am

Great information bro! Thanks again!

Curious if by Mason/Illuminati if you mean Kennedy/Rockefeller type?

Also, what if at all regarding P2/Illuminati/Vatican in Italia...different from the rest of the planet??🌎

Re: powerful non italians within

by Peppermint » Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:21 pm

SantoClaus wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:29 pm OMG!! Thanks for the insight, I would of never considered that the parade workers, were on the take. Just adds to the whole story!!

Does Ari Onassis play into this at all? Relationship with Jackie Kennedy prior to marrying her, the hatred between him and RFK? Also, whether Onassis was moving heroin, with/for the Mob. Killing JFK/RFK.

Poet Allen Ginsberg has a poem...’Hadda be playing on a jukebox”...reference to all this.

Hope this makes sense...thanks!!
I actually didn’t even consider it myself until Pogo’s quote. Then it dawned on me, all those people involved in that Parade in Dallas that day, other than the Government employees (and thinking about it, maybe some of them too) are all city workers, and union members. Probably wouldn’t be the first time they mobilized an entire Union in order to push an agenda. And maybe, could be his father’s bootlegging days, or prior relationships Jackie had with a mobster, could be anything. Perhaps Johnson contracted a hit against Kennedy and it was a straight up coup, there are a thousand different theories and I know less about Bobby than I do John. I just know Bobby Kennedy was as well affiliated the same as his brother JFK was. Johnson kept pressing for the war, and Bobby was trying to run against him to end it, Bobby was extremely popular and probably would have won. I theorize that ending the war would have cut off the Mob’s access to the Golden Triangle, where they made all the heroin during that time, so to keep their patsy Johnson in power and the war waging on, they assassinated Bobby. But that theory can be debunked with Nixon’s rise, and Johnson refusing to seek re-election, maybe the mob lost it’s political influence by the 70’s? I have no idea.

But the mob involvement in politics, according to other theories is why the Masonic “illuminati” types hate the mob. A bunch of nobody Italians descending from some poor villages in Italy, coming around and exerting all this raw influence upon the society Freemasonry basically built.
The mob has been stepping on the toes of the elites since Prohibition. Ironically enough, my grandfather on my Mother’s side of the family is a Freemason, and he once beat the shit out of a made man and threw him down the stairs. My grandmother, his wife, had this brother who I only know as “Great Uncle Gino” was apparently this Mafia Captain and he had the hit the made man my grandfather equalized cancelled as a favor to his sister. This is all alleged, unlike my Great Grandfather Louie Lombardi on my father’s side, there is no proof such a “Uncle Gino” even exists and I only ever heard about him after both my grandfather and grandmother on my mother’s side passed away and I only ever heard the story once from my mother’s brother. Maybe I could get my Grandmother’s maiden name, and inquire about it in the general mob question thread, but yeah that’s besides the point.

I also don’t know if such a feud behind the curtains existed between Masonic types and the Mob, these are just things I picked up during my time over the years researching a variety of conspiracy theories. Came across this alleged feud while looking into conspiracies about Kennedy and the Mob. Just sharing other things I’ve come across pertaining to this.

Re: powerful non italians within

by Confederate » Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:55 am

Grouchy Sinatra wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:39 pm No I haven't. Only seen him at games and sometimes pretty close as I always got to the Giants/Dodger games early. He always waved at the booing fans at Candlestick.
Did you enjoy seeing the Giants play at Candlestick Park? Oakland is relatively close so it wasn't a far drive for you. :)

Re: powerful non italians within

by SantoClaus » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:30 pm

Here is the cover by RATM...same poem I believe..


Re: powerful non italians within

by SantoClaus » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:29 pm

OMG!! Thanks for the insight, I would of never considered that the parade workers, were on the take. Just adds to the whole story!!

Does Ari Onassis play into this at all? Relationship with Jackie Kennedy prior to marrying her, the hatred between him and RFK? Also, whether Onassis was moving heroin, with/for the Mob. Killing JFK/RFK.

Poet Allen Ginsberg has a poem...’Hadda be playing on a jukebox”...reference to all this.

Hope this makes sense...thanks!!

Re: powerful non italians within

by Peppermint » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:03 pm

SantoClaus wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:14 am I read it in either a book on Trafficante or Marcello, that they wanted to do it in a state they controlled. They agreed on Florida, but the weather was horrible, so they moved it to Texas the next week, cause Marcello controlled that state.

If true, think of the depth of influence/network to be able to shift the murder of the president of USA, from one week to another, and pull it off.
Although I never heard anything about this in particular, I don’t see why not. Like I was going to say to Pogo before he told me he was just quoting a movie with his reply to my post, all the people involved in preparing that parade, and participating in that parade, that wasn’t a government employee, were all unionized workers or city planners and these are groups of people the mob has always notoriously had in their pockets.

Plus, if that is true, it makes total sense. I can imagine taking a clean sniper shot, regardless of how in-depth you were trained to take out a world leader, is something that’s not easy to do in shitty weather. Gotta deal with the wind messing up bullet projectory, among other things.
Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:03 am
Peppermint wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:16 pm
queensnyer wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:53 am
Peppermint wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:17 am I could make the argument that John F. Kennedy, was the most powerful non-Italian associate in the mob, ever. His father was a boot-legger during the time of probation, and supplied many mobbed up speakeasies with booze, and his father’s mob debt followed their family for multiple generations, and I am sure to some degree it still does today.

The Kennedy’s both Jackie and John, were frequent visitors at my great grandfather’s night club, The Peppermint Lounge, which he ran as a front for Johnny Biello and the Genovese family. They were such avid regulars, than upon moving into the White House, Jackie arranged to have a Peppermint Lounge sign displayed on the White House interior walls. Some say it was the Genovese family, perhaps even the Outfit, although I suspect it was the Genovese family considered he would often attend one of their establishments. That used their influence, and pull to get him elected but obviously that has never been proven.

There are multiple accounts of Kennedy and the CIA contracting the Mafia in the midst of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, to assassinate Castro. A simple Google search will show you tons of articles, documentation, and books all about this.

Also, JFK and Frank Sinatra were swing partners who would take turns having sex with Marilyn Monroe after hopping from mob bar to mob bar. Anyway...
ive heard that before...its very interesting,,, definitely wouldn't go on today. not smart or powerful enough, and also completely different world than those times
Yeah definitely a thing of the past, you’ll never see another President elected with sponsorship from the mob ever again, that’s for sure.

Apparently they supplied the gangsters they contracted with all kinds of crazy gadgets, and training. Really makes you wonder who actually was responsible for killing Kennedy. Could have been Lee Harvey, or the CIA, or maybe it was the mob. I mean after all they did basically render two made hitmen into trained assassins, they were specifically being trained to take out the leader of another country, so why couldn’t that training apply to assassinating Kennedy?

Just food for thought, don’t forget, his father’s mob debt followed that family for generations. They may have even been responsible for assassinating his brother Bobby too. Too bad my great grandfather isn’t still living, he probably knew a thing or two about this during his time running the Peppermint. I hope I can make it to my Aunt’s still this summer, so I can get access to the photo of him with Jackie. They all knew each other personally.
I have zero reason to think or believe it was anyone else but the Mafia that hit both brothers ! The Mafia at this point in time was a Powerhouse and basically rivaled the US government and controlled the entire country on numerous levels
It’s definitely one of the many many theories that make the most sense. There are just so many factors in the mob’s theorized involvement, that are just too much to be coincidence. Like how they hired the mob, and trained them to assassinate Castro, then just some short time later Kennedy is killed instead, and then another short time after the second Kennedy is killed. And if Kennedy was affiliated, there is no doubt Johnson wasn’t, and so if this is the case, then they definitely colluded with Johnson.

My question though, is why would the mob kill Kennedy? I can’t imagine it was just from the debt his father piled up from his boot legging days. Because as President, Kennedy could have finally paid the mob off. Something else must have happened.
