Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

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Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by scott22 » Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:57 am

The above link wiseguy posted is from my podcast. We did this intv. before the recent run in with the law.

The podcast is through Entercom (formerly CBSRadio) and is called Original Gangsters or just The OG. I think you guys will like it (even those who aren't my biggest fans lol) because of the guests.

Scott Burnstein

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by Wiseguy » Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:35 pm

Looks like he did a 30 minute radio interview. ... d-out-life

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by chubby » Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:30 am

Here’s exactly what’s printed on the fbi report word for work.

Ape coal agent Clint Hedges . While conducting surveillance at the red rose pizzaria . 1060 Kain street , Springfield, mass. Was approached by Adolfo Bruno. Bruno is familiar with the identity of special agent Hedges and initiated the following conversation with him on February 12, 2002.
Bruno welcomes SA Hedges to the restaurant and questioned why the writer was there. Writer advised that he had stopped by to see who was attending the Luis Garcia election party. Bruno laughed and advised “ Cliff you work too much I don’t really know Garcia, but hear he is a good guy . Bruno stated that he was only stopping by to get a pizza and not attending the party.
After general conversation about his family and former agents Mike Smith and Charlie Mononagle , Bruno thanked thanked writer for how writer treated him during several of Bruno’s arrests. Bruno stated that he is working hard at the restaurant, and getting prepared for golf, as he was planning a trip to Florida in the near future.
Bruno questioned writer about the ongoing investigation by the fbi targeting the city, and why the fbi was not targeting the Puerto Rican drug dealers in the South End. “This type of investigation is giving my son Victor some bad press and now no one wants to go downtown with the gangs and the recent fights. Bruno went on to state “ if you guys would turn your heads for a few weeks we would take care of them.” Bruno reminisced about the old days “ Cliff, I can remember when we could leave our doors open and not worry about our woman, not anymore .”
Bruno advised that he was no longer involved in gambling, “too much work. He advised that he was just involved in the restaurant as he anticipates business doubling once the hall of fame opens.
Bruno questioned writer if he should talk to Anthony Ardolino as Bruno was aware he was a main target of the fbi’s investigation. Bruno stated that Andolinos father was a good guy, but his sons were “wannabe gangsters”. Writer advised Bruno that this was not a good idea . Bruno stated “ if I see him I will talk to him, he is getting too big for his own good .” Once again writer advised Bruno not to do this. Bruno smiles and acknowledged SA Hedges request.
Writer then asked if Bruno had any thoughts on Baba Scibelli and Emilio Fusco, Bruno advised he did not care for Fusco as he was with Carmine (manzi), and was “made” while Bruno was in jail. “ it’s not like the old days Cliff , he should not have done that when I was away... Fusco is a hothead, and I hear you have some bad tapes of him talking. A lot of shit”. “He is too young and needs to learn how to respect people”. Writer noticed as Bruno talked about Fusco he shook his head as in disgust. Bruno went on to state that he thought BAba might have a problem with the machines.
Writer advised Bruno that he had received information during a recent interview, which may indicate that there has been or currently is a threat against Bruno’s life. Writer explained to Bruno that he is obligated to advise Bruno regarding information that may be life threatening to Bruno. Writer advised that Chris Berte, ( Bruno acknowledged he knew Berte was in the witness protection program and referred to Berte as “a RAT” for the government) and Carmine Manzi wanted to put a hit on Bruno, Manzi wanted to take over Bruno’s business, and that the two of them never got along . Writer advised Bruno he was telling him this information, as writer believed that the threat was real and current. Bruno acknowledged the information and thanked writer for telling him.
As Bruno was attempting to leave an elder white male walked up, Bruno introduced him to writer as “Fitz”. Writer later learned that “Fitz” is Fasto Zabani. After saying goodbye to writer, Bruno went to the bar and was observed utilizing the cordless telephone behind the bar for 10-15 minutes. Bruno subsequently departed the location..

Ok so that’s word for word the whole actual fbi document that they went waiving around .

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by Fughedaboutit » Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:26 am

Hmmm yeah it sounds more like a slip of the tongue or getting too comfortable with the agent as was stated by chubby, doesn't seem like he was on the books just steadily giving up info on crimes and structure

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by givememysocks » Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:41 pm

Fughedaboutit wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:36 pm This was a confirmed fact? I thought he was just seen speaking with agents or something of the sort? Not that he was actually ratting people out? Any links you can provide?
From gangland March 31st 2011

A mob hitman pulled the trigger, but it was a colossal law enforcement foul-up that led directly to the assassination of Adolfo (Big Al) Bruno, the Genovese capo who ran the crime family’s Springfield, Massachusetts rackets, court documents and testimony at the ongoing murder trial has revealed.

Bruno’s fate was sealed, court testimony has shown, when federal officials let slip tell-tale information stating that Bruno had provided a secret insider tip to the FBI about Genovese family affairs. The disclosure was contained in a pre-sentence report submitted to a Massachusetts federal judge to help him determine an appropriate sentence for wiseguy Emilio Fusco for a 2003 conviction.

The damning words were a single paragraph of a 100-plus-page report compiled by a federal probation officer. But the words were irrefutable evidence for the Genovese family that Bruno had violated his most solemn Mafia oath: He had talked.

The offending 30-word paragraph states that on February 12, 2001, “Al Bruno confirmed” to FBI Agent Clifford Hedges “that Fusco had been ‘made’ while Bruno was in jail.”

As required, the report, known as a PSR, was provided to the defendant. A stunned Fusco quickly relayed the alarming information to his gangland cronies.

Fusco was outraged, said cooperating witness Anthony (Bingy) Arillotta, who testified last week. “You’re not going to believe what this guy Bruno did. I just found out he ratted me out, he ratted me out. He, he’s a rat,” the Italian-born Fusco complained, Arillotta testified, adding, “He was upset. He wanted to make a beef against Bruno.”

According to Felix Tranghese, another Genovese turncoat who testified this week, the document ultimately reached Nigro who is alleged to have given the order to “take care of Bruno.”

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by chubby » Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:15 pm

chubby wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:09 pm
Fughedaboutit wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:36 pm
givememysocks wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.
This was a confirmed fact? I thought he was just seen speaking with agents or something of the sort? Not that he was actually ratting people out? Any links you can provide?
If you check the link I posted above. The masslive one.. it talks all about it with the now retired FBI agent and it even has the real paperwork in the article where you can real everything the agent stated that Bruno told him during their encounter. Check it out it’s pretty interesting shit.
The agent even straight said... he wasn’t an informant I think he just got too comfortable and said some things to me he shouldn’t have type of shit, and there’s absolutely no reason for the agent to protect him if he was fully cooperating... he’s not an ex agent and Bruno’s dead so there would be no reason to keep it a secret if he really was giving people up. Which he wasn’t. He basically was pissed that when he was locked up someone else in Springfield basically stepped way out of bounds and got fusco made while Bruno was locked up and obviously felt some sort of way like since he’s the skipper they should have waited and that only he has say over decisions like that.. that’s basically what was said. Just him venting about how the young’s guys are disrespectful and shits all fucked up and it’s nothing like the old days..

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by chubby » Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:09 pm

Fughedaboutit wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:36 pm
givememysocks wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.
This was a confirmed fact? I thought he was just seen speaking with agents or something of the sort? Not that he was actually ratting people out? Any links you can provide?
If you check the link I posted above. The masslive one.. it talks all about it with the now retired FBI agent and it even has the real paperwork in the article where you can real everything the agent stated that Bruno told him during their encounter. Check it out it’s pretty interesting shit.

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by Fughedaboutit » Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:36 pm

givememysocks wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.
This was a confirmed fact? I thought he was just seen speaking with agents or something of the sort? Not that he was actually ratting people out? Any links you can provide?

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by Fughedaboutit » Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:35 pm

maxiestern11 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:37 am
chubby wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:26 am I wonder how many mornings he wakes up and rolls over and goes “fuck my life”... plotting to kill Bruno was so fucking retarded... Bruno seemed to treat them pretty well and and bingy was already in next position to be captain once Bruno died or retired.... one thing I find strange is when bingy and Felix flipped how come none of them implicated any of the Springfield crew members that got caught up more recently for trying to shake down the tow truck driver for tribute? Obviously calvanese had to be active back then, as with Ralph santaniello... and you think there would of had to be mention of Ralph’s father who was supposedly Bruno’s number 2 for a long time, Amadeo. Even though it’s said him and Bruno had a fall out and me moved to Florida and came back one Bruno was dead. Just weird to me when they got ducked for clipping Bruno only people you heard about was bingy, Felix and the geas brothers.... wonder why no one else got rapped up into it? Was calvanese taking a time out thoSe years just sipping his methadone and chilling or what ?
At one time, the Springfield crew was a well-orchestrated respected outfit, and Cufari and All the Scibelli’s were top guys and very much liked by all, hoodlums and towns people alike. Even Al Bruno was liked (he was actually a very decent guy), as far as I know.
Then this idiot Arillotta came along and completely screwed up a good thing. What took Scibelli to develop over many decades, this punk destroyed in a few short years..... but do you know who I really blame? ...... Artie Nigro and company for giving this Arillotta the confidence to think he could even do something like that.... that it would be accepted and even “sanctioned”! It’s a sin!

I’m actually VERY SURPRISED, that the Genovese hierarchy would not step in and have more experienced “cooler heads” prevail and put a stop to Nigro, Arillotta and the other conspirators. Sad!
Well, that is the sad part, that the Genovese higher ups gave it the green light. It is more their fault than anyone else's I would think. They should have had the knowledge to put a stop to it, instead they gave it the go.

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by maxiestern11 » Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:34 pm

chubby wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 6:47 pm
givememysocks wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.
I heard Bruno was friendly with the agents and would have friendly small talk with them or whatever... but with shit like this is can be so many things.. did the agent just put that in the report and claimed he got it from Bruno to make himself seem more credible??? Was he doing it to spread misinformation and stir shit up for bruno? I have no fucking clue... let’s say Bruno had a random encounter with the agent and did admit to the guy that fusco was made... if he did that do I agree with it and think it was ok for Bruno to do? Fuck no, eventhough him just confirming fusco was made doesn’t implicate anyone in a crime or said anything that could get anyone jammed up, but regardless it’s obvious Bruno was not a fucking rat.. if he was it would have been blasted on every east coast newspaper after he got hit... do I think he fucked up and got a little to friendly with the agent and probably did nod his head when the agent was quizzing him about fusco? Yes. Was it wrong, yes. Was Bruno actively meeting an fbi handler and giving up everything everyone was doing every week? Fuck no.... I don’t know I don’t know any of these guys personally, im decades younger and not from that area.. but from what I’ve heard, when Bruno’s discussed I’ve never heard the general consensus of him being a rat... and I have heard of people talk about that paper work being questionable......
I agree

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by chubby » Sun Aug 04, 2019 6:56 pm ... dolfo.html

Pretty good article all about the agent and whether Bruno was an fbi informant or not...

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by chubby » Sun Aug 04, 2019 6:47 pm

givememysocks wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.
I heard Bruno was friendly with the agents and would have friendly small talk with them or whatever... but with shit like this is can be so many things.. did the agent just put that in the report and claimed he got it from Bruno to make himself seem more credible??? Was he doing it to spread misinformation and stir shit up for bruno? I have no fucking clue... let’s say Bruno had a random encounter with the agent and did admit to the guy that fusco was made... if he did that do I agree with it and think it was ok for Bruno to do? Fuck no, eventhough him just confirming fusco was made doesn’t implicate anyone in a crime or said anything that could get anyone jammed up, but regardless it’s obvious Bruno was not a fucking rat.. if he was it would have been blasted on every east coast newspaper after he got hit... do I think he fucked up and got a little to friendly with the agent and probably did nod his head when the agent was quizzing him about fusco? Yes. Was it wrong, yes. Was Bruno actively meeting an fbi handler and giving up everything everyone was doing every week? Fuck no.... I don’t know I don’t know any of these guys personally, im decades younger and not from that area.. but from what I’ve heard, when Bruno’s discussed I’ve never heard the general consensus of him being a rat... and I have heard of people talk about that paper work being questionable......

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by maxiestern11 » Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:48 pm

givememysocks wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.
I did see that..... but that makes it sound like he was a rat, in which case he deserved to get clipped of course.
But I know those 302’s and how agents will or can write them up sometimes. And although maybe not even meaning to, the wording makes it sound like Bruno is giving info, but isn’t really..... many FBI agents will use your words against you to look bad and/or just to make it sound like they’re doing their job of “interviewing” a subject and “pulling” key info out of you..... I have actually reviewed 302’s that I personally know what was said, and although the “info” did come out during the conversation with the agent, it didn’t come out the way he wrote it down.
I’m not trying to exonerate Bruno by any stretch of the imagination, but I think they may have used his innocent words against him!.
......that’s why savvy guys are told to have “ZERO” conversation with agents or LE if they come calling! Because they’ll stick it right in your ass if they can! ....
Not to mention that’s it’s a federal crime if they catch you in a lie!..... lot of guys don’t realize that!
..... in my heart, personally, if DONT think Bruno was a Rat! I think Arillotta and others used that as a half-assed excuse to clip him and take power!

Am I sure? Of course no one can be, but it just doesn’t feel right in my gut the way I read it. (And with Massino, Casso, Cafaro and a ton of others flipping, who could know for sure right? .... anything is possible I guess!)

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by givememysocks » Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:30 pm

maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm And clipped a good guy for no reason!
Bruno was passing info to the FBI. Someone fucked up big time and didnt redact his name from court files that implicated Emilio Fusco as a made man. Fuscos lawyer got a hold of it and passed it to Nigro.

Re: Anthony Arilotta Lemonade

by maxiestern11 » Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:31 pm

chubby wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:12 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:18 pm
chubby wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:43 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:37 am
chubby wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:26 am I wonder how many mornings he wakes up and rolls over and goes “fuck my life”... plotting to kill Bruno was so fucking retarded... Bruno seemed to treat them pretty well and and bingy was already in next position to be captain once Bruno died or retired.... one thing I find strange is when bingy and Felix flipped how come none of them implicated any of the Springfield crew members that got caught up more recently for trying to shake down the tow truck driver for tribute? Obviously calvanese had to be active back then, as with Ralph santaniello... and you think there would of had to be mention of Ralph’s father who was supposedly Bruno’s number 2 for a long time, Amadeo. Even though it’s said him and Bruno had a fall out and me moved to Florida and came back one Bruno was dead. Just weird to me when they got ducked for clipping Bruno only people you heard about was bingy, Felix and the geas brothers.... wonder why no one else got rapped up into it? Was calvanese taking a time out thoSe years just sipping his methadone and chilling or what ?
At one time, the Springfield crew was a well-orchestrated respected outfit, and Cufari and All the Scibelli’s were top guys and very much liked by all, hoodlums and towns people alike. Even Al Bruno was liked (he was actually a very decent guy), as far as I know.
Then this idiot Arillotta came along and completely screwed up a good thing. What took Scibelli to develop over many decades, this punk destroyed in a few short years..... but do you know who I really blame? ...... Artie Nigro and company for giving this Arillotta the confidence to think he could even do something like that.... that it would be accepted and even “sanctioned”! It’s a sin!

I’m actually VERY SURPRISED, that the Genovese hierarchy would not step in and have more experienced “cooler heads” prevail and put a stop to Nigro, Arillotta and the other conspirators. Sad!
I fully agree... honestly things seemed to be running pretty quiet and smooth under Bruno and didn’t seem like anyone was starving and from what I heard he was pretty well liked, a nice guy, as far as those guys go.. Arillotta is a fucking moron for trying to make that move.. eventually that crew would have been his but nope he needed it right that second, and set every angle of it up like it was amateur hour.. seriously. Why the fuck would you farm the hit out to some probably half cocked junky, when you’re a killer yourself and you got the geas brothers????? Why wouldn’t Arillotta just do it himself. At least then no one could point the finger at him, or at least 1 less person... Arillotta was literally just trying to find any tiny thing he could blow out of proportion to get the nod to hit Bruno... honestly I’m shocked as fuck that Artie gave him the ok with such bullshit evidence.. the only thing I can possibly thing of as to why nigro would give him the ok is so that he would basically own the Springfield crew for giving arrilotta the ok, hence putting him in as skipper of the crew... but I just can’t see a seasoned Westside guy like nigro being that greedy and short sighted.. the pros and cons are not even close.... I feel like if arrilotta brought that bullshit to any other Westside higher up they would probably go along with bingy and then turn around and double cross him and have his ass killed for trying to stir up some bullshit power play....
I completely agree! Goes to prove one thing. Nigro was not that sharp or intelligent a guy.... realizing that fact. You have to wonder who would “allow” him to lead?..... I think it shows cracks in the armor of the Westside as well. That “Ivy league” bullshit only goes so far. Guys are guys, some sharper than others,..... but NOBODY or ENTITY Is infallible period!
So true.. sometimes I feel like people gas up the Westside as being so savvy and sophisticated... as a whole I agree but like you said they have some grimey ass greedy street guys just like everyone, bad things always happen when you let greed cloud your judgement ... as savage as the Westside is I wonder if they would have clipped nigro if he didn’t get life from the Bruno shit... in all honestly I think it would have been deserved... that Bruno shit really stirred the pot.
And clipped a good guy for no reason!
