New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

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Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:31 pm

CabriniGreen wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:41 pm
West Coast1 wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:47 pm what is dystopia
I looked it up but the definition doesn't really make sense in this context to me.
Kinda the opposite of a perfect world, Utopia..

Any Sci-Fi you've seen where the future is all fucked up and miserable, that's Dystopian shit....
you just spoke my cheating in school mind, cliff notes

thank you sir

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:30 pm

Hired_Goonz wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:11 am
West Coast1 wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:47 pm what is dystopia
I looked it up but the definition doesn't really make sense in this context to me.
Think 1984/Brave New World. We quite literally already have a Big Brother type of surveillance system that observes us in our own homes and tracks where we go and what we do, although rather than being run by the state it's run by multinational corporations. With that being said though the lines are kind of blurry sometimes where the corportocracy ends and the government begins. The elites are getting richer and more powerful, the middle class is evaporating, the poor are getting poorer. People are becoming more polarized and radicalized and encouraged to rat out their family members and friends. This doesn't end well. I'm sorry if this is a bit much for a mafia forum and I don't mean to derail the thread lol but this is what I think is happening and this thread about the near-total surveillance of the streets made me think of it.
yeah thats the shit ive been saying thanks I just didn't know the word
i wasn't agaisnt it all in the beginning but now it's affecting good people

I remeber it being sold when I was a kid that more survailance was a good thing as long as you arent a bad guy.

now look where we are. I don;t lock my house or my car... if today is my day, then its my day fuck everything else

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by Hired_Goonz » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:11 am

West Coast1 wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:47 pm what is dystopia
I looked it up but the definition doesn't really make sense in this context to me.
Think 1984/Brave New World. We quite literally already have a Big Brother type of surveillance system that observes us in our own homes and tracks where we go and what we do, although rather than being run by the state it's run by multinational corporations. With that being said though the lines are kind of blurry sometimes where the corportocracy ends and the government begins. The elites are getting richer and more powerful, the middle class is evaporating, the poor are getting poorer. People are becoming more polarized and radicalized and encouraged to rat out their family members and friends. This doesn't end well. I'm sorry if this is a bit much for a mafia forum and I don't mean to derail the thread lol but this is what I think is happening and this thread about the near-total surveillance of the streets made me think of it.

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by CabriniGreen » Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:41 pm

West Coast1 wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:47 pm what is dystopia
I looked it up but the definition doesn't really make sense in this context to me.
Kinda the opposite of a perfect world, Utopia..

Any Sci-Fi you've seen where the future is all fucked up and miserable, that's Dystopian shit....

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:06 pm

When I posted the 3d house
I was thinking how many construction workers will get laid off?
How many people will cash in on this because they have the most cash?
When will the gov take it over?

I bet they the gov, build housing for the homeless with this at some point down the road and it makes everything even worse because no one is making money for doing the work

man i think i'm nuts

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:47 pm

what is dystopia
I looked it up but the definition doesn't really make sense in this context to me.

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:46 pm

Hired_Goonz wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:33 am First these technologies spell the end of OC, but it eventually it will mean the end of free society as we know it. We're already living in a dystopia and it's only gonna get more fucked up in the coming years.

oc will do better because everything is changing, the real people will move to the same places, like when they moved the usa or were born here and saw all the bullshit and then they will meet up aka move to certain parts of the usa
and then maybe leave this country united as people not from their place of birth but just as a band of people that want to live free is not the right word but I think we want to live as a community you can trust, let the kids out without supervision, if you catch my kid doing something bad, fuck him up. Bad meaning bad not breaking a stupid rule.

it's going worse for the nice normal people, they are fucked

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by Hired_Goonz » Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:33 am

First these technologies spell the end of OC, but it eventually it will mean the end of free society as we know it. We're already living in a dystopia and it's only gonna get more fucked up in the coming years.

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:12 am

Truman Show

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by NJShore4Life » Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:54 am

This Ring doorbell cameras that everyone and their Mother now has these days are really aiding law enforcement.

I know in my city in New Jersey Law Enforcement canvasses the neighborhood for everyone’s Ring Doorbell camera as soon as any crime happens. They also have a program in place were you can sign off access to your Ring Doorbell Camera to Law Enforcement.

Besides there now being cameras everywhere at every traffic intersection and at every business, you now have cameras at every private citizens main door entrance to their home. I feel like that’s the biggest game changer for crime in general, now if they don’t catch you on camera committing the actual crime they catch you on someone’s doorbell Ring Camera going to commit the crime or leaving after you committed the crime, GAME CHANGER!

You are most likely on some kind of camera anytime you step outside your home in a city here in New Jersey I figure.



Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:16 am

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by CabriniGreen » Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:26 pm


Spot on my man.... Chicago is fucked because of the pensions, and crooked politicians robbing the state blind... Even the LOTTERY went red for awhile.....couldn't pay out winnings properly...

And the Unions and politicians/crooked businessmen are hand in glove....

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by UTC » Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:56 pm

bert wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:39 pm
Pogo The Clown wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:47 am
500YearReign wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:17 am Interesting thoughts guys. Pogo you may be right on the system failing moneywise and not being able to implement...

It is already happening to a degree. Many small towns and municipalities across the country are already broke. There was a story recently on some town/small city (forgot where but it was somewhere in the Midwest) where the cops are telling the citizens to buy a gun, a guard dog and install some new locks because they were no longer able to respond to most of the calls coming in.

Ditto for several big cities. Chicongo is damn near bankrupt at this point. So much so that the local government is considering legalizing gambling and marijuana in order to bring in some much needed funds. Their clearance rate in already in the toilet with something like less than 10% (or some rediculous number like that) of shootings being solved and the murder clearance rate not much better. Same for NY with the local government looking to tax everything and anyone to stay above water. Crime has been also been increasing there as well. The financial strains are only going to get worse as time goes on.

Funny you mention Chicago, only a few minutes ago on radio they mentioned a record number of shootings this weekend, 52 I think, 8 dead.

You also said: "The financial strains are only going to get worse as time goes on"

Pogo, it's going to happen only if they keep bailing out citied and states with insane tax and immigration policies. Connecticut was always considered safe, but crime has risen there over the past years, and they are taxing people more. They want to tax residents for driving. Meanwhile they cannot build schools fast enough to keep up with immigration, so all the tax and lottery money goes to that. In other words, you are right on the finale strain.
CT is going to have to declare bankruptcy due to the pensions it promised public sector employees. The public sector unions are huge and well organized, and they get out the vote for the Democratic governors. Then the governor pays them off at the bargaining table. Imagine have the rep on your side of the table getting their position due to the other side. A couple of years ago a couple of mid-level cops retired in New Haven with life time insurance and $90,000+ annual pensions--one in his early 40's and one in his mid-40's. It is a vastly more economically damaging racket than LCN.

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by West Coast1 » Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:51 pm

Re: New Technologies that spell the end of O.C.

by CabriniGreen » Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:25 am

I saw this article on the other boards....

A weapons factory at home
Terrebonne citizen accused of using a 3D printer to make gun parts

A restaurant owner accused of helping an alleged hitman during the murder of an ex-biker would have used a 3D printer to make firearms in his home in Terrebonne.

This is the astonishing hypothesis raised by the Montreal police (SPVM) in court documents the seizure of an arsenal and a printer in three dimensions in the bungalow Giovanni Presta Jr, February 23, learned the Newspaper .

It would be the first time in Canada that a murder investigation leads to such a discovery.

The 33-year-old man, detained for two months, is charged with premeditated murder, manufacturing and illegal possession of weapons and possession of drugs for the purpose of smuggling.

Sébastien Beauchamps, a former Rockers and Hells Angels supporter, was shot dead near a service station in the Saint-Léonard neighborhood on the afternoon of December 20, 2018.

The alleged hitman Frédérick Silva is suspected of firing "several projectiles at the victim, reaching vehicles occupied by innocent citizens" during the shootings filmed by surveillance cameras, reads in a request of SPVM filed in court this week.

There is no charge, however, since the gunman "wore a mask" and could not be identified by other means of investigation.

However, "the totality of the evidence leads to the conclusion that Giovanni Presta Junior is the driver of the vehicle used for the murder," the SPVM alleged to Judge Hélène Morin.

Three silenced guns were dropped at the scene of the crime, including a Cobray pistol identical to one of the 12 firearms found at the former owner of the Le Villagio's Terrebonne resto-bar.
The famous 3D printer was "behind the kitchen" and was used to "manufacture" accessories and firearms, according to the court documents we consulted.
In particular, the police found 13 black plastic "handgun pieces", a pistol gun and a charger also made of plastic, all of which could have been reproduced with this technology.

To find out, the police wait for the results of analyzes of the contents of the memory card of the printer.

Silencers and masks

The shed contained a "machine shop and storage of materials used to manufacture prohibited devices such as silencers".

Documents showing how to make a machine gun and a pistol were also seized.
Presta had also set up a cache of weapons in the wall of a bathroom in the basement, behind a removable cabinet.

It contained "a hand-crafted black P80 gun with a gray silencer," three empty magazines, a license plate, and GPS tags that could have been used to track Beauchamps' real-time movements.

Presta also had rubber masks - "face and hair," according to the police - identical to those seized at the condo that Frédérick Silva lived in Old Montreal when he was also arrested on February 23.

A fingerprint of Presta was found on the packaging of one of the masks found at Silva on Duke Street.

Presta's spouse, Sonia Langlais, is also charged with guns and drugs found in their home worth $ 251,000.

Considered an "offending property", the house could be handed over to the state in the event of guilty verdicts against the couple.

Between 2007 and 2016, Presta ran Projection SEXXXTASS, a company specializing in the "distribution of exotic films online", according to the SPVM.

Without a judicial record, he went bankrupt in January 2018, having reported to the tax office revenues totaling just $ 43,600 in the previous six years.

- With the collaboration of Félix Séguin, Investigation Office

The so-called Megalo investigation project targeting alleged hitman Frédérick Silva could lead to charges for other organized crime murders.

However, the SPVM specifies that "several analyzes and expertise remain to be done" before reaching that point, according to new court documents related to this case.

It could take several months before the police get the results of expertises on the contents of the computer equipment and the cell phones seized.

The same is true for comparative DNA analyzes of several potential pieces of evidence taken on murder scenes and inside the condo where Silva was hiding.

A dozen contracts

The police, who tracked Silva for two years before capturing him three months ago in Old Montreal, suspect him of having executed up to a dozen murder contracts, has already revealed Le Journal
.For now, Silva is accused of two murders - Alessandro Vinci, killed in Laval on October 11, 2018, and Daniel Armando Somoza Gildea, who died outside the bar Les Amazones in Montreal, May 24, 2017 - and attempted to murder on the mafioso Salvatore Scoppa, Terrebonne, February 21, 2017.

This same Scoppa was shot dead in a family reception at the Sheraton Hotel in Laval on May 4th.

"This is one of the best organized crime killers in recent years," according to a police source, referring to the 38-year-old man, who used at least three false identities and different looks to escape the forces. of the order.
