Ranks before becoming boss

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Ranks before becoming boss

Post by B. »

Back in the old days pretty much everyone assumed all of the bosses were captains or underbosses before becoming boss. That's true sometimes but not the rule by any means.

Trying to list some names out in general succession. Not meant to be a perfect or complete list but feel free to add to / correct any of this.



Ignazio Lupo
? -> Boss

Salvatore D'Aquila
? -> Boss

Manfredi Mineo
Boss -> Boss (Appears to have switched Families, though some imply he was D'Aquila's underboss for a time)

Vincenzo Mangano
? -> Boss (Strong indications he was a high-ranking member by mid-1920s)

Albert Anastasia
Underboss -> Boss

Carlo Gambino
Consigliere -> Acting Boss - > Boss

Paul Castellano
Captain -> Acting Boss -> Boss

John Gotti
Captain -> Boss

Peter Gotti
Captain -> Ruling Panel -> Acting Boss -> Boss


Joe Masseria
Soldier? -> Boss (Believed to have been made only a short time before becoming boss but it's murky)

Charlie Luciano
Captain -> Boss (Can't remember if Masseria's underboss was ID'd after Morello murder but Luciano was ID'd as a captain near this time)

Frank Costello
Consigliere? -> Acting Boss -> Boss (Bill Bonanno says he was consigliere)

Vito Genovese
Underboss -> Boss (held acting boss position decades earlier)

Frank Tieri
Captain -> Underboss? -> Acting Boss -> Boss? (Obviously some sources say he was only acting for Phil Lombardo)

Vincent Gigante
Captain -> Consigliere? -> Ruling Panel -> Boss

Barney Bellomo
Captain -> Ruling Panel -> Boss (held acting boss position earlier)


Paolo Orlando
Boss? -> Boss (May have been boss of Tunis before NYC)

Sebastiano DiGaetano
? -> Boss

Nicolo Schiro
? -> Boss

Salvatore Maranzano
Soldier -> Boss (was Trapani capoprovincia in Sicily before NYC)

Joe Bonanno
Captain -> Boss

Gaspare DiGregorio
Captain -> Boss

Paul Sciacca
Consigliere -> Acting Boss? -> Boss

Natale Evola
Captain? -> Boss (A solid member source said Rastelli was already underboss when Evola became boss)

Phil Rastelli
Underboss -> Acting Boss -> Boss

Joe Massino
Underboss -> Boss

Michael Mancuso
Acting Boss -> ? -> Boss (became official in prison, unknown what rank, if any, he held in interim)


Giuseppe Morello
? -> Boss

Fortunato LoMonte
? -> Boss

Salvatore Loiacano
? -> Boss (succession up to this point could apply to the Genovese/Masseria Family too)

Tom Reina
? -> Boss

Joe Pinzolo
? -> Boss

Tom Gagliano
Underboss? -> Boss (Can't remember if he's been definitely ID'd as an underboss but it's strongly believed)

Tommy Lucchese
Underboss -> Boss

Carmine Tramunti
Captain -> Acting Boss -> Boss?

Tony Corallo
Captain -> Acting Boss -> Boss

Vic Amuso
Captain -> Boss


Manfredi Mineo
? -> Boss (Family may have been created for him after arrival, position in Sicily unknown)

Salvatore DiBella
? -> Boss

Joe Profaci
? -> Boss

Joe Magliocco
Underboss -> Boss (not recognized by Commission)

Joe Colombo
Captain -> Boss

Tom DiBella
Soldier -> Boss (previously a captain)

Carmine Persico
Underboss -> Boss

Andy Russo
Soldier? -> Acting Boss -> Boss (Not fair to say soldier as he was basically permanent acting boss)


Salvatore Sabella
? -> Boss (Believed to be first boss of merged Philadelphia Families)

John Avena
? -> Boss

Joe Bruno Dovi
? -> Boss

Joe Ida
? -> Boss

Domenico Pollina
Captain -> Acting boss -> Boss (Not recognized by Commission)

Angelo Bruno
Soldier -> Boss (Given option of underboss and captain positions, turned them down)

Phil Testa
Underboss -> Boss

Nicky Scarfo
Consigliere -> Boss

John Stanfa
Soldier -> Boss (Not recognized by NYC)

Ralph Natale
Associate -> Boss (Promoted immediately after made)

Joey Merlino
Underboss -> Acting Boss -> Boss


Joe DiCarlo Sr.
? -> Boss

Stefano Magaddino
Captain? -> Boss (He mentions being a captain in the early Bonanno Family, not sure in Buffalo)


Al Capone
Captain -> Boss (Switched Families from Genovese, unknown if he held official rank in Chicago before boss)


Phil Amari
? -> Boss

Nick Delmore
Soldier? -> Acting Boss -> Boss (Was not Amari's underboss and believed to be inactive before becoming boss)

Sam DeCavalcante
Underboss -> Acting Boss -> Boss

John Riggi
Underboss -> Acting Boss -> Boss

Los Angeles

Jack Dragna
? -> Boss

Frank Desimone
Soldier -> Boss

Nick Licata
Underboss -> Boss

Dominic Brooklier
Underboss -> Boss


Joseph Vallone
Underboss -> Boss

Sam Ferrara
Soldier -> Boss

John Alioto
Soldier -> Boss (Became a captain after stepping down as boss)

Frank Balistrieri
Captain -> Boss

San Francisco

Frank Lanza
? -> Boss

Tony Lima
Soldier -> Boss

Michael Abati
? -> Boss

James Lanza
Underboss -> Boss

New Orleans

Carlos Marcello
Underboss -> Boss (One source said he was Trombatore's underboss)


Stefano Badami
? -> Boss (Became boss shortly after arrival to US)

Gaspare D'Amico
? -> Boss
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by scagghiuni »

in Sicily there are examples of mafiosi who have become bosses directly from the rank of soldier
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by eboli »


Masseria: captain (de facto) -> boss [ circa 1922 ]

Luciano: captain -> boss [ September 1931 ]

Costello: consigliere (acting boss) -> boss [ circa 1946 ]

Genovese: underboss -> boss [ May 1957 ]

Catena: underboss (acting boss) -> boss [ April 1969 ]

Tieri: captain (acting underboss) -> boss [ October 1972 ]

Salerno: underboss -> boss [ October 1980 ]

Lombardo: captain (panel member) -> boss [ March 1981 ]

Gigante: consigliere (acting boss) -> boss [ November 1981 ]

captain (panel member) -> boss [ circa 2012 ]
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by OcSleeper »

Soldier ->Captain ->Panel ->Underboss ->Boss
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by thekiduknow »

Cool list, some quick thoughts on the Bonannos.

Was Bonanno a captain? I assumed that he as a soldier who was elected. He does say he was Maranzano’s “chief of staff” during the war, so he could have been promoted after.

Rather than acting boss, I’d count Sciacca as the official boss starting in 1967. It was reported he had the backing of the Commission, but very quickly crumbled under the pressure.

I’m also not convinced Evola was a captain before becoming boss, he was described by informants as being inactive after coming out of prison in 1966. If he did keep his rank while in prison, I doubt he kept it when he was released. I could be wrong though.

I hadn’t really thought about it, but your note about Rastelli got me thinking. He was underboss to Mari, but kept it under Evola, which is interesting given that a lot of sources claim Mari usurped Sciacca. So I wonder how/why he was kept on as underboss?
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by eboli »

thekiduknow wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:05 am Cool list, some quick thoughts on the Bonannos.

Was Bonanno a captain? I assumed that he as a soldier who was elected. He does say he was Maranzano’s “chief of staff” during the war, so he could have been promoted after.

Rather than acting boss, I’d count Sciacca as the official boss starting in 1967. It was reported he had the backing of the Commission, but very quickly crumbled under the pressure.

I’m also not convinced Evola was a captain before becoming boss, he was described by informants as being inactive after coming out of prison in 1966. If he did keep his rank while in prison, I doubt he kept it when he was released. I could be wrong though.

I hadn’t really thought about it, but your note about Rastelli got me thinking. He was underboss to Mari, but kept it under Evola, which is interesting given that a lot of sources claim Mari usurped Sciacca. So I wonder how/why he was kept on as underboss?
I've read that Rastelli was in a position similar to that of Tony Corallo. Both of them were 'picked' as the heir apparent, and it was a waiting game until they were free to assume the role. In Corallo's case, he waited out Traumunti because the latter did a good job, and in Rastelli's case - Evola was fighting cancer, and I assume everybody knew he wasn't a long-term option.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by B. »

Rastelli was basically the one running the Family from the time Mari died until he became boss himself, guessing that's why he stayed in place.

Bonanno refers to himself as one of the "group leaders" (his term for capodecina) who attended the meeting where Maranzano was voted in as boss and says Maranzano met with each "group leader" individually, including Bonanno. So Bonanno was actually a captain before Maranzano took over. I think we speculated years ago he may have taken over Vito Bonventre's crew when he was killed given the timing but he doesn't say.

Last time I read the book I got the impression they all might have been in Bonventre's crew before that too... when he has the sitdown with "Mimi" he says Bonventre is the "group leader" over their "district" and was the "arbiter" of the dispute. The other high-ranking members were from the Philly and Buffalo Families, and Maranzano was a soldier who Bonanno says he was "with". Sounds like Maranzano and Mimi Sabella could have been soldiers under Bonventre.

Another indication is Maranzano initially went to Bonventre when Schiro stepped away. If Maranzano was in Bonventre's crew it might make sense he first urged his captain to do something rather than go over his head to become boss. Bonventre balked and was killed then Maranzano had the election.

Maybe the "chief of staff" is like the "senior captain" position we were talking about elsewhere that the Bonannos had between the 1950s-1980s

Bonanno also says Luciano was a "group leader" under Masseria. More evidence of that is an FBI report that says Tommy Greco took over Luciano's crew. Valachi said Vito Genovese was a captain under Masseria too, with Tony Bender taking over shortly after he was made.
Last edited by B. on Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by eboli »

B. wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:24 am Bonanno also says Luciano was a "group leader" under Masseria. More evidence of that is an FBI report that says Tommy Greco took over Luciano's crew. Valachi said Vito Genovese was a captain under Masseria too, with Tony Bender taking over shortly after he was made.
Both Luciano and Genovese became group leaders around 1923-1924. Something like that. Genovese was likely 'sneaked in' Cosa Nostra by an unnamed former high-ranking combaneesh member who got his button in the late 1910s or early 1920s. It seems like Tony Bender got inducted and immediately promoted to capo of Vito's former regime in 1931 after Vito's promotion to underboss.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by B. »

eboli wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:55 am
B. wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:24 am Bonanno also says Luciano was a "group leader" under Masseria. More evidence of that is an FBI report that says Tommy Greco took over Luciano's crew. Valachi said Vito Genovese was a captain under Masseria too, with Tony Bender taking over shortly after he was made.
Both Luciano and Genovese became group leaders around 1923-1924. Something like that. Genovese was likely 'sneaked in' Cosa Nostra by an unnamed former high-ranking combaneesh member who got his button in the late 1910s or early 1920s. It seems like Tony Bender got inducted and immediately promoted to capo of Vito's former regime in 1931 after Vito's promotion to underboss.
I know about the combaneesh reference from the DeCarlo tape, but where does it come from about a member from the 1910s/1920s doing it? Don't remember that part, they just talk about a few guys being "sneaked in". What about the 1923/1924 part? Haven't seen that -- thanks.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by thekiduknow »

B. wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:24 am Bonanno refers to himself as one of the "group leaders" (his term for capodecina) who attended the meeting where Maranzano was voted in as boss and says Maranzano met with each "group leader" individually, including Bonanno. So Bonanno was actually a captain before Maranzano took over. I think we speculated years ago he may have taken over Vito Bonventre's crew when he was killed given the timing but he doesn't say.

Last time I read the book I got the impression they all might have been in Bonventre's crew before that too... when he has the sitdown with "Mimi" he says Bonventre is the "group leader" over their "district" and was the "arbiter" of the dispute. The other high-ranking members were from the Philly and Buffalo Families, and Maranzano was a soldier who Bonanno says he was "with". Sounds like Maranzano and Mimi Sabella could have been soldiers under Bonventre.

Another indication is Maranzano initially went to Bonventre when Schiro stepped away. If Maranzano was in Bonventre's crew it might make sense he first urged his captain to do something rather than go over his head to become boss. Bonventre balked and was killed then Maranzano had the election.

Maybe the "chief of staff" is like the "senior captain" position we were talking about elsewhere that the Bonannos had between the 1950s-1980s
Thanks for the correction, I must have glossed over that part in the book.

Benny Gallo is another who might have been under Bonventre, when he was killed I seem to remember it was mentioned Gallo was the new “King of Williamsburg”, replacing Bonventre. Could be the crew got split up, I remember you saying the Bonannos crew succession can be murky/non linear.

It’s been awhile since I’ve read the book, but Bonanno wasn’t made during that sit down right? That’s why Maranzano represented him?
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by thekiduknow »

eboli wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:18 am I've read that Rastelli was in a position similar to that of Tony Corallo. Both of them were 'picked' as the heir apparent, and it was a waiting game until they were free to assume the role. In Corallo's case, he waited out Traumunti because the latter did a good job, and in Rastelli's case - Evola was fighting cancer, and I assume everybody knew he wasn't a long-term option.
B. wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:24 am Rastelli was basically the one running the Family from the time Mari died until he became boss himself, guessing that's why he stayed in place.
Makes sense, thanks for the responses. Rastelli was reportedly supported by “Senior Captain” Marangello, so he must have had widespread support in the family, and supported the right people prior to becoming boss.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by eboli »

B. wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:04 am
eboli wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:55 am
B. wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:24 am Bonanno also says Luciano was a "group leader" under Masseria. More evidence of that is an FBI report that says Tommy Greco took over Luciano's crew. Valachi said Vito Genovese was a captain under Masseria too, with Tony Bender taking over shortly after he was made.
Both Luciano and Genovese became group leaders around 1923-1924. Something like that. Genovese was likely 'sneaked in' Cosa Nostra by an unnamed former high-ranking combaneesh member who got his button in the late 1910s or early 1920s. It seems like Tony Bender got inducted and immediately promoted to capo of Vito's former regime in 1931 after Vito's promotion to underboss.
I know about the combaneesh reference from the DeCarlo tape, but where does it come from about a member from the 1910s/1920s doing it? Don't remember that part, they just talk about a few guys being "sneaked in". What about the 1923/1924 part? Haven't seen that -- thanks.
Vito was introduced to Cosa Nostra alcohol smugglers by a cheese merchant who was a member of the organization and Vito's boss before that. It was in either Strollo or Eboli's files. I can't remember exactly where, but unfortunately, it was vague, like most of the information from the period.

The NYPD identified Genovese as a gang leader in 1924 when he was a suspect in a homicide investigation for a murder carried out in Brooklyn. They knew he was active in organized crime since coming to America in 1913, but they didn't know his exact activities. The cops thought he was a blackhander, but he was likely in that combaneesh organization DeCarlo mentioned in the tapes.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by B. »

thekiduknow wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:06 pm Thanks for the correction, I must have glossed over that part in the book.

Benny Gallo is another who might have been under Bonventre, when he was killed I seem to remember it was mentioned Gallo was the new “King of Williamsburg”, replacing Bonventre. Could be the crew got split up, I remember you saying the Bonannos crew succession can be murky/non linear.

It’s been awhile since I’ve read the book, but Bonanno wasn’t made during that sit down right? That’s why Maranzano represented him?
I suspect Benny Gallo may have been a captain of another crew. Because news reports had no idea what went on inside the organization, they probably just knew Gallo and Bonventre were both important men in Williamsburg when the reality is so much of that Family was in Williamsburg they no doubt had multiple crews there. Most of the guys arrested with Gallo were from Salemi and that area.

I go into him in one of the sections in this long article but Bonanno doesn't mention him so we can only speculate who he was and why he died: https://mafia.substack.com/p/a-different-set-of-gallos

The guys from Salemi, Santa Ninfa, and Partanna go back to the earliest days but they were closely linked for generations (you and I have talked about it) so I wouldn't be surprised if they had their own little group under Gallo. Would be interesting if Gaspare Messina was an earlier leader over them.
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by Browniety86 »

Mush Russo was a captain... Michael Franzese was in his crew
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Re: Ranks before becoming boss

Post by johnny_scootch »

Is it possible ‘combaneesh’ is just a reference to the renegade group under Masseria & Morello that was making Sicilians and non Sicilians alike unbeknownst to the NY families in an effort to build up their power base so they could eventually challenge D’Aquila?
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