Bios for Long Island mobsters circa 1969

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Bios for Long Island mobsters circa 1969

Post by Ed »

Great series of old mob articles by Tom Renner of Newsday about the mafia on Long Island circa 1969. Gives brief criminal bios of dozens of mobsters from the Five Families, including their rap sheets, crew affiliations and some photos. Similar to the Mafia Black Book. Great Intel for researchers despite some misinformation like Fatico was a Genovese or Dellacroce was boss, etc. Didn’t know Paul Vario was nicknamed the “The Veil”.

I like this nugget from Christopher Furnari’s bio: “At the height of Gallo-Profaci gang wars in Brooklyn, he was found by police to be carrying a Bible that contained the photographs of the entire Gallo gang. He told police that he was planning to sell life insurance to the Gallos.”

Adjust the scale at the top to better read the articles. ... 2&tab=page
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