Frank Cali shot dead

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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by maninblack »

For anyone who says the mob wouldnt do it outside someones home
#1 That was 20+ years ago when people were getting whacked a lot
#2 Cali was very low key and never talked on the phone it might of been the only spot to get him
#3 You couldn't just kill him out somewhere or at his workplace anymore too many camera's everywhere + tons of witnesses
#4 The guys in Canada kill people outside their house all the time
#5 the gambino associate who just got caught killing that 77 year old bonnano guy got him at his home
#6 If it was someone in the family who did it they could of wanted it to look like it didn't come from them since people actually believe the dumb theory they wouldnt do it outside his home
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Re: RE: Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by Lupara »

SonnyBlackstein wrote:Doubts about Gene:

Why hit the Underboss in a power play? If it was Gene then Cefalu would’ve been hit. Not Frank. Or both. But just Frank?

In a power play move what’s Gene going to do, say to Dom ‘I clipped your UB, so now hand over the reigns’?

Cef has to hit back in this case just to save face. And he’s old school, from the old country, a slap in the face like that and Gene knows it’s war.

It’s the worst possible strategic move in a play you could make.

Point two:
And war with the Sicilian faction? In the words of Tony Soprano ‘This is a business’. Things have been running smoothly for over a decade. Little LE interference, a full admin on the street. The Gambinos haven’t had this sort of run since Carlo.
Every Captain on the street has never even met Gene and they’re going to throw their livelihoods away and suffer unheard of LE pressure for a GOTTI?

The move by Gene is nonsensical in itself and for the life of me I can’t see how he’d get any semblance of support if he was to make this (idiotic) play.

Just a few thoughts.
Mostly good points, but I think Frank was really the one running the family even if he was officially just the underboss. Didn't Capeci say that he turned down the top spot? He must've done that for the same reason Casso didn't want the title even though he was effectively pulling the strings.

Cefalu is old and I think he let Frank run things while he was taking a step back. Hitting Frank was the logical move to make for any usurper because he was the face of the administration.

I would be very suprised if Cefalu and co. were behind this. If they killed Frank for disrespecting his wife then they did one hell of a job by disrespecting her even more. Even if they killed him for another reason, he was still part of their faction, and they could've taken him out somewhere more secluded than in front of his family and neighbours. I don't think he would've been difficult to get by his own people. They could've lured him to a meeting and make him disappear without drawing in this media circus. If Cefalu as the boss would've him sent for Frank had to show up.

Your arguments concerning Gene are pretty solid, but it doesn't make any sense to me at all that Cefalu, who likes to operate in the shadows, would sign off on a hit like this and put the spotlight on himself and the rest of the family. He could then as well hand it all over to Gene after being responsible for this epic failure.
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by maninblack »

stubbs wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:48 pm
Lupara wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:22 pm
scagghiuni wrote:
Lupara wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:32 pm His brother only killed Paul (and Bilotti since he happened to be with him) and that was enough to take over.
in canada they did the stupid thing to kill rizzuto and look what happened
They fucked up by going to war with each other instead of maintaining a strong coalition. The take-over was basically a succes until Montagna and Desjardins had their falling out and everything fell apart, giving Vito the momentum to regain his foothold.

Anyway, this got me thinking today (no shit sherlock)...

I may look like a bit of a hypocrite for disagreeing earlier with the suggestion of others that the Calabrians from Toronto may have done this. I still don't believe they would do something like this, not because they aren't capable, but because it goes against their work ethic of operating below the radar and not stirring up a hornet's nest by going to war with another Mafia organization. However, that being said, I posted this on Gangsterbb and wanted to share that here too:

The brutality of the hit is typical Canadian. There's a war going on in Ontario now and the Gambinos are active over there and they seemed to have played a role in the Montreal mob war too. Perhaps Cali was stirring things up over there and some of the groups there had enough of it and wanted to make a statement. The old Rizzuto group might be desperate enough to pull off something like this with all the hits they endured themselves with New York most likely sanctioning these attacks since they are all part of the same organization (LCN). Perhaps they felt they had nothing to lose. Just thinking out loud here. 

There's no denying how similar this hit is with many in Montreal and now in Hamilton. Mobsters getting killed in front of their home seems to be the norm there nowadays.


As we know Cali might have played an important role in the Canadian affairs. Felice also said a few years ago how the Gambinos were involved in Montreal and that some Rizzuto guys even went to the Gambinos in New York to ask for help, which was refused. Then there was the Toronto meeting in October 2012 between Vito and New York emissaries. I'm inclined to believe Cali was one of those reps, I mean who else than him right? Vito's guys were even provided with a hostage from New York to ensure Vito's safety when he entered back into Canada, which is prove of their involvement in the purge against his family. Then after he died the Rizzuto group was yet again targeted and is now weakened, but not defeated. Then recently we've seen a resurgance of violence in Ontario and Hamilton in particular, with murders very similar to Cali's. Some here suggested those may have been revenge killings tied to Montreal. Who knows this one might be part of this too.

Montagna was killed by a French-Canadian non-member so anything's possible nowadays.
I was thinking this today as well. Cali was meeting with Vito Rizzuto aledgedly in Toronto and told him he had a problem in New York. Then if the Gambinos turned him down for help, I mean holy shit I hadnt heard that!

Imagine Vito sitting in jail for ten years and his son and father being killed. They killed Nicolo in front of his family, so I’m sure Vito was stewing for years waiting for revenge. Which would make sense why some of the killings up in Canada have been so disrespectful, in front of families, at their houses.

Like SonnyB just said, anyone can be hit at any time. Vito may have been pissed that his family was getting torn up by war but the bosses in New York never had to worry the past twenty years or so about getting clipped, everything is so safe. Very little violence while in Canada gotta look over their shoulders every day. They can’t even find comfort at home with their families! Like 10 straight years of going to the mattresses. That has to take it’s toll mentally and piss a man the fuck off.

So maybe the Rizzutos decided to hit Cali to send the Gambinos a message, a “fuck you” for not protecting their fellow Sicilians. Because I bet the Gambinos backed the Bonannos against the Rizzutos according the LCN protocol. And hitting Cali also serves as sending a message to the Bonannos, because it puts them on notice that the far more powerful Cali got hit they could be next.

And the Rizzutos are from Agrigento, whereas Cali is Palermo. Another possible angle, considering the history of animosity back in Sicily between Palermo and the smaller towns like Corleone.

Also, the Rizzutos had Gallo killed in Mexico and Joe Bravo in Sicily. As weakened as they are in Montreal they obviously still have connections and hitters in multiple countries, across multiple different gangs, bikers, cartels, etc. It only takes one hitman to pull off a hit.

Seems a bit unlikely it would come from Canada, but if Cali can be clipped like this in 2019 anything is possible.
Yeah you're spot on even if the Rizzuto's had nothing to do with the hit Cali partnered with the Canada Ndrangheta for his drug business while Vito was away and Montagna partnered with the Ndrangheta
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by scagghiuni »

Lupara wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:22 pm The brutality of the hit is typical Canadian. There's a war going on in Ontario now and the Gambinos are active over there and they seemed to have played a role in the Montreal mob war too. Perhaps Cali was stirring things up over there and some of the groups there had enough of it and wanted to make a statement. The old Rizzuto group might be desperate enough to pull off something like this with all the hits they endured themselves with New York most likely sanctioning these attacks since they are all part of the same organization (LCN). Perhaps they felt they had nothing to lose. Just thinking out loud here. 
yes, i also think it's related to canadian mob war and rizzuto faction could be behind it
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by CabriniGreen »

Lupara wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:14 pm
SonnyBlackstein wrote:Doubts about Gene:

Why hit the Underboss in a power play? If it was Gene then Cefalu would’ve been hit. Not Frank. Or both. But just Frank?

In a power play move what’s Gene going to do, say to Dom ‘I clipped your UB, so now hand over the reigns’?

Cef has to hit back in this case just to save face. And he’s old school, from the old country, a slap in the face like that and Gene knows it’s war.

It’s the worst possible strategic move in a play you could make.

Point two:
And war with the Sicilian faction? In the words of Tony Soprano ‘This is a business’. Things have been running smoothly for over a decade. Little LE interference, a full admin on the street. The Gambinos haven’t had this sort of run since Carlo.
Every Captain on the street has never even met Gene and they’re going to throw their livelihoods away and suffer unheard of LE pressure for a GOTTI?

The move by Gene is nonsensical in itself and for the life of me I can’t see how he’d get any semblance of support if he was to make this (idiotic) play.

Just a few thoughts.
Mostly good points, but I think Frank was really the one running the family even if he was officially just the underboss. Didn't Capeci say that he turned down the top spot? He must've done that for the same reason Casso didn't want the title even though he was effectively pulling the strings.

Cefalu is old and I think he let Frank run things while he was taking a step back. Hitting Frank was the logical move to make for any usurper because he was the face of the administration.

I would be very suprised if Cefalu and co. were behind this. If they killed Frank for disrespecting his wife then they did one hell of a job by disrespecting her even more. Even if they killed him for another reason, he was still part of their faction, and they could've taken him out somewhere more secluded than in front of his family and neighbours. I don't think he would've been difficult to get by his own people. They could've lured him to a meeting and make him disappear without drawing in this media circus. If Cefalu as the boss would've him sent for Frank had to show up.

Your arguments concerning Gene are pretty solid, but it doesn't make any sense to me at all that Cefalu, who likes to operate in the shadows, would sign off on a hit like this and put the spotlight on himself and the rest of the family. He could then as well hand it all over to Gene after being responsible for this epic failure.
A lot of this has been subject of speculation before. I made a thread, " Gambinos in Canada", there is actually a thread entitled, " Are the Gambinos and Bonnanos backing the Violis in the Canadian mob war" or some shit....

I've posted literally ad nauseam about the connections between John Gambino and the Rizzutos, and the cream of the sicilian mafia. The drug routes, the ongoing transatlantic cooperation...... The emerging rivalries amongst all the clans.... All this shit....

People look at me like I'm fuckin nuts..... I just hope people start paying attention....

You see Calis drug connects, and how the sicilians and Calabrians used them. I saw the Bonnanos as trying to use the Violis contacts in a similar way. NOT THE SMUGGLING ROUTE, THE CONTACTS.....
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by chin_gigante »

George Anastasia and Dave Schratwieser are producing a Mob Talk to discuss the theories
'You don't go crucifying people outside a church; not on Good Friday.'
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by I 25 I »

My two cents;
first i remember Joey Cantalupo describing honor that the italians have over other cyndicates. He said that they killed a guy sitting in his car with his family. He then proceeds to talk about how the cartels or blacks would just shoot the wohle car or blow it up. "This ist honna."

So to say LCN dont hit ppl in front of their family is utterly bs.

Second thing is, i dont really think Cali knew his shooter for the reasons followed: if they had a close realtionship why stage a fake accident? Just call that guy to come Out. Also they start with talking and then shaking hands. Its usually the other way around.

I really dont think Gene has anything to do with it, i would put my money on the sicilians. Unfortunately. Would love some more drama, but the sicilians showed they know how to run things smooth and how power hungry they can be. (Canada, Europe)
Especially doing a hit in Germany that has no Rico or anti Mafia laws, which is considered an absolute nogo and against their rules.
It was really the last time they trusted us street guys that kind of money
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by I 25 I »

Oh an also staging an accident... Mh... If Seen this before! :D
It was really the last time they trusted us street guys that kind of money
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by CabriniGreen »

I 25 I wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:14 am Oh an also staging an accident... Mh... If Seen this before! :D
Lmao..... Point Taken.... Clean hit definitely
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by John W »

All this talk of rules being broken because of where they hit him, these are criminals, there are no rules, he was hit outside his house because it was the easiest and safest place to hit him it’s as simple as that, what do you want them to do - hit him outside of a steakhouse in the middle of Manhattan
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by Pogo The Clown »

FOX news just quoted LE as saying that the murder was not sanctioned by the 5 families. They also said Gene Gotti remains a suspect. Take that for what it's worth.

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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by Hailbritain »

If it turns out Gene Gotti did this , it’s gotta be the biggest mob story of all time , the fuckin balls on the guy . Spends 30 years in prison . He’s not been out a year and puts this together 😱
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by John W »

I’m still not convinced Gene was behind this but wouldn’t completely rule it out, eveyone needs to remember that he refused to go into a halfway house for the last year of his sentence, he’s still 100% for the life and maybe he wants to come out from under his brothers shadow, he was inside a long time and thinks he deserves the top spot, maybe one of his prison pals done it on his behalf, we know the shooter has balls and it probably wasn’t his first time
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by willychichi »

About 12 minutes of audio and video from the crime scene;

More on the story: ... -boss.html
Obama's a pimp he coulda never outfought Trump, but I didn't know it till this day that it was Putin all along.
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Re: Frank cali shot dead

Post by jmack »

Strax wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:11 pm
slimshady_007 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:01 pm Idk why people r so shocked Cali got clipped in front of his family home. Why would the hitman or the people that ordered the hit care about Cali’s family?
Well its against 'rules', do not kill anyone in front of his house/family.
Christ! We break more rules than the Catholic Church!
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