Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

Lupara wrote:Desjardins has a large following of both French-Canadians and Italian-Canadians. Lots of young guys willing to work for him. He's gained a big reputation and respect over the years. And don't forget the influence of Vittorio Mirarchi, who 's very close to Desjardins and who has strong connections to Ontario. They'd probably want to avenge the murder of Di Maulo too.
Desjardines power was only ever as powerful as the Italian he was aligned too/under at the time.

Who he could be 'advising' at this stage is beyond me. Or that he could have so much to offer that he himself could be considered to head a faction is a far reach.

Keep in mind where he resides on the totem pole.
toto wrote:
SonnyBlackstein wrote:GO CANADA!

So your contention is Joe Saunders is sending hit teams up to Monreal eh?

Or what, Cali see's a weakness and is waging a war?


I'm not sure Americans understand how different Montreal is. Montreal is a European city. It is not American. There are 4million people in Montreal. Of which exists a sizeable Italian community. Those of you who have been to Montreal would understand how different it is and how far away (in every respect) it is from NY. Culture, language, everything. Hell, Toronto is vastly different from US cities, to say nothing of Montreal.

This is not 1960. That NYC could exert anything if it chose to is far fetched. Hell, I doubt joe Saunders would even know who to call, let alone have a phone number.

To assert that it's childish to state Montreal's Mafia war is not being waged from Staten Island is actually a sadly ignorant comment. And obviously so.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

Lupara wrote:I never got this whole anti-New York sentiment though. When Daniel Renaud would say it's New York you guys would still deny it. It's just weird.

Saying that it's unlikely that a major city in a foreign country which, after various commonly agreed upon reasins loses ties to a shell of a family in a dwindling Mafia, is HARDLY being 'anti-NYC'.

It's called logic.

To deny such is to simply be a NYC fan boy.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by OlBlueEyesClub »

There's no anti-NY sentiment, but the Frank Cali thing is the same thing Giacomo Vacari tried to say, and it was bullshit most likely. He claimed Cali was backing Ontario guys and they were responsible for all this and that Salvatore Catalano , of all people were backing the guys in Montreal. Its simply hard to believe any NY Families are involved in this. And Joe Cammarano Jr? I also find this theory highly unlikely.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

And before it starts about the Gambino's, the article stated, my understanding, that the Gambino's were establishing drug ties with the Ndrangheta, primarily located in Toronto.

It does NOT state the Gambino's were behind, or were involved, causing, instigating etc etc the war in Montreal.

So because an article uses the Gambino family and Montreal in one sentence let's all keep our heads and not start shouting Cali is making a move...
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by OlBlueEyesClub »

Laurentian, you posted this article , after the Giordano murder. In which it states both Arcadi and Del Balso were taken into custody for their own safety. Which one is the case, was it then. Or was he really reprimanded last Friday?

Laurentian wrote:For securty reasons, Arcadi and Del Balso sent back to prison. ... ction_POS1

And may I ask, what made you change your mind in regards to Rocco Sollecito, because I remember stating that I believed he was the one holding things together for the Montreal Mafia while his son and Leonardo were in custody, AND that he was the one who possibly ordered the murder of Lorenzo Giordano, along with his son and Leo Rizzuto, and you called it "theories" and "what-ifs" and said you didn't discuss those things...

Laurentian wrote:
OlBlueEyesClub wrote:I'm not sure he did either, but if he did, I think he wouldve been comfortable with his son, and perhaps had planned on grooming him more, before his unforeseen passing. But I was just saying, from what we learned through Project MAGOT & MASTIF, as well as that passage, Leonardo stepped up to replace his father, and it appears that he had the backing of his fathers companions and those within the Milieu of Montreal.

I will say since the indictments of Leonardo Rizzuto & Stefano Sollecito, and the death of Lorenzo Giordano and the reported forced imprisonment of Frank Arcadi & Del Balso, it seems Rocco Sollecito is the one trying to keep things together. I found that article you posted on the RD very interesting where it says that Giordano may have been murdered for keeping crime profits for himself, Arcadi & Del Balso, something I've theorized since news of Giordano's murder broke. And where it says Rocco Sollecitos decisions from here on out will determine the future of the Sicilian clan and if they'll survive or not. I get the assumption from that article, and I could very well be wrong, but I just feel like with all the article said, the implication is that the hit may have come from Leonardo & Stefano and possibly his father, or atleast by their friends within the milieu (Montreal's underworld alliance). And that those loyal to them, maybe within the Montreal Mafia, or outside of it, perhaps maybe the bikers. This is just a theory.
Of course Nicolo Jr. would have been a natural choice, had he not been killed in December 2009.
With respect to Rocco Sollecito, I have the feeling that considering the recent events, particularly the arrest of his son, that it is against his will he has been called as you say : "to keep things together". I personally think that the man wants to stay away from the heat, given the fact that he is quite aware that he is under close scrutiny from police and parole board officials.

Of note, you allude to theories and the likes. I am not too found in arguing or discussing about theories, or the "may be", or the "perhaps", or the "it could be". I rather like discussing on true facts. :-)
Laurentian wrote:I have no ground to prove that, but I am in the opinion that Lorenzo Giordano was murdered on orders of Rocco Sollecito, last March. I think that at that time Sollecito was the eldest most senior member of the former Sicilian faction, until his death last Friday.

The exact thing that I theorized what happened, which you weren't fond of discussing or arguing then , it seems you now share the exact same opinion. What made you change your mind in regards to Rocco Sollecitos role in all of this? Was it the murder, or was it something prior to it that you discovered and thought about?
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by OlBlueEyesClub »

And in regards to my Scoppa theory, which I'm now calling "theory #2", second to my initial theory I stated after the Giordano murder, that this may just be a civil war, here's what a poster on RD said...As said, take this with a grain of salt, as I don't know who this guy is or how he gets his information...

eurodave164 wrote:For what it's worth and please take this with a grain of salt, apparently the Scopas, mainly Andrew are becoming more and more prevalent. They have alot of sway and contacts and practically low key besides the occasional mentioned by police.

They are know the have significant influence in the central part of the city, mainly mile end, park ex little Italy and surroundings.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by dixiemafia »

Also Laurentian, the bit about Del Balso/Arcadi being sent back to prison is in a link from Montreal that I posted to Blue Eyes at the end of page 6. It states there that both were sent back to prison for their safety when Giordano was killed. Nothing else was ever put online that I seen that said they were getting back out again. Like I said to Blue Eyes, they could have been wrong in the papers, or the story was released and they chose not to run with it but I doubt that with anything Rizzuto selling good these days paper wise.

But even with all of that and right or wrong, it's going to be very interesting once Leonardo and Stefano get out of prison. We might see that whole Rizzuto family get killed minus the girls all in mafia gang lore. All of them seem like they will die by the gun except Vito Rizzuto.
If I didn't have my case coming up, I would like to come back with you gentlemen when this is over with and really lay the law down what is going on in this country.....
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by toto »

SonnyBlackstein wrote:GO TEAM CANADA!
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by OlBlueEyesClub »

If we were to believe Sal Montagna and if you think that the attempt on Desjardins life was a Rizzuto call, then the women may be playing a role in this as well. As it was Montagna , who supposedly tried to convince Desjardins that it was Libertina Rizzuto whom was behind the attempted hit on Desjardins. I think Montagna was just trying to save his ass though, lol. And idk, the guys who reportedly sat at the "roundtable" with Leonardo & Stefano are still alive and on the street. So the old Sicilian/Rizzuto clan may still have some allies. I know Liborio Cuntrera is basically intermarried into that family. And it remains to be seen if he was really down with aligning himself with Giordano or if it wasn't just a scheme created by the three or four (Rizzuto, Rocco & Stefano, and Pancho) to make Giordano feel safe before they finally had the chance to remove him from the picture completely. Spagnolo is still around, but for some reason, he's a name hardly mentioned in these things. And early reports claimed he took over with the blessing of the Rizzutos and that he was groomed by Vito, but he wasn't mentioned at all in Project MAGOT & Project MASTIF. So it remains to be seen what role, if any, he plays in all of this as well.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by Laurentian »

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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by Laurentian »

OlBlueEyesClub wrote:Laurentian, you posted this article , after the Giordano murder. In which it states both Arcadi and Del Balso were taken into custody for their own safety. Which one is the case, was it then. Or was he really reprimanded last Friday?

Laurentian wrote:For securty reasons, Arcadi and Del Balso sent back to prison. ... ction_POS1

And may I ask, what made you change your mind in regards to Rocco Sollecito, because I remember stating that I believed he was the one holding things together for the Montreal Mafia while his son and Leonardo were in custody, AND that he was the one who possibly ordered the murder of Lorenzo Giordano, along with his son and Leo Rizzuto, and you called it "theories" and "what-ifs" and said you didn't discuss those things...

Laurentian wrote:
OlBlueEyesClub wrote:I'm not sure he did either, but if he did, I think he wouldve been comfortable with his son, and perhaps had planned on grooming him more, before his unforeseen passing. But I was just saying, from what we learned through Project MAGOT & MASTIF, as well as that passage, Leonardo stepped up to replace his father, and it appears that he had the backing of his fathers companions and those within the Milieu of Montreal.

I will say since the indictments of Leonardo Rizzuto & Stefano Sollecito, and the death of Lorenzo Giordano and the reported forced imprisonment of Frank Arcadi & Del Balso, it seems Rocco Sollecito is the one trying to keep things together. I found that article you posted on the RD very interesting where it says that Giordano may have been murdered for keeping crime profits for himself, Arcadi & Del Balso, something I've theorized since news of Giordano's murder broke. And where it says Rocco Sollecitos decisions from here on out will determine the future of the Sicilian clan and if they'll survive or not. I get the assumption from that article, and I could very well be wrong, but I just feel like with all the article said, the implication is that the hit may have come from Leonardo & Stefano and possibly his father, or atleast by their friends within the milieu (Montreal's underworld alliance). And that those loyal to them, maybe within the Montreal Mafia, or outside of it, perhaps maybe the bikers. This is just a theory.
Of course Nicolo Jr. would have been a natural choice, had he not been killed in December 2009.
With respect to Rocco Sollecito, I have the feeling that considering the recent events, particularly the arrest of his son, that it is against his will he has been called as you say : "to keep things together". I personally think that the man wants to stay away from the heat, given the fact that he is quite aware that he is under close scrutiny from police and parole board officials.

Of note, you allude to theories and the likes. I am not too found in arguing or discussing about theories, or the "may be", or the "perhaps", or the "it could be". I rather like discussing on true facts. :-)
Laurentian wrote:I have no ground to prove that, but I am in the opinion that Lorenzo Giordano was murdered on orders of Rocco Sollecito, last March. I think that at that time Sollecito was the eldest most senior member of the former Sicilian faction, until his death last Friday.

The exact thing that I theorized what happened, which you weren't fond of discussing or arguing then , it seems you now share the exact same opinion. What made you change your mind in regards to Rocco Sollecitos role in all of this? Was it the murder, or was it something prior to it that you discovered and thought about?
What has made me change my mind? I don't know. I think in reality that I had no real opinion in March about who was behind the murder of Giordano.
However, the murder of Sollecito had just provided me the answer as who was the author of the murder of Giordano.
I base my rationale on the fact that in the traditional mafia, only a made member can kill another made member. And this is what happened in March and last Friday, May 27.
And, of course, I expect a retaliation to the Sollecito's murder, in the course of a traditional vendetta.

In the such a bloody war as Montreal has been witnessing in recent years, we have to figure that this is far from being over. There will other murders. It will end only the day when all potential still living ennemies won't have been rubbed out. And the list can be long.

Time will tell.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by OlBlueEyesClub »

Renaud is guessing and theorizing like the rest of us. But didn't I say watch out for the Scoppa's? Didn't I say don't be surprised if their name pops up in future articles and investigations in relation to leadership? Seems like my self education and thorough reading of the Montreal Mafia is beginning to pay off for me. Lol....Interesting that Desjardins is still being mentioned and may be apart of this new leadership alliance. Also interesting that neither Arcadi nor Del Balso's name was mentioned in that latest update. Maybe they represented the "old guard" after all.

And Laurentian, I agree with you on the overall scope of things. As we've seen in the past and knowing the Montreal Mafia, this fight is far from over. I expect some guys won't give up the fight if my second theory proves correct. Its going to take the murder of every member who represents the "old guard" in order for this to stop. Arcadi and Del Balso may be lucky they're in prison right now.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by antimafia »

dixiemafia wrote:Also Laurentian, the bit about Del Balso/Arcadi being sent back to prison is in a link from Montreal that I posted to Blue Eyes at the end of page 6. It states there that both were sent back to prison for their safety when Giordano was killed. Nothing else was ever put online that I seen that said they were getting back out again. Like I said to Blue Eyes, they could have been wrong in the papers, or the story was released and they chose not to run with it but I doubt that with anything Rizzuto selling good these days paper wise.

But even with all of that and right or wrong, it's going to be very interesting once Leonardo and Stefano get out of prison. We might see that whole Rizzuto family get killed minus the girls all in mafia gang lore. All of them seem like they will die by the gun except Vito Rizzuto.
My guess is that Laurentian is privy to information that no one else on these boards is. I believe what he wrote regarding Arcadi's and Del Balso's return to prison.

Hours after Giordano was murdered on March 1, Arcadi and Del Balso had their parole suspended, resulting in their being imprisoned. I forgot that Arcadi was in jail for only about 48 hours before being released--so he had been out and about before and after Giordano's murder. Del Balso, on the other hand, was the one who had to spend at least 30 days in jail, after which the authorities had to make a decision as to whether to cancel the suspension, i.e., release him. If parole wasn't going to be suspended, Del Balso's case was to be referred to the Parole Board of Canada. If Del Balso was put back in prison last Friday, that means his parole suspension had been cancelled and was out and about between April 1 (or so) and last Friday.

With Arcadi and Del Balso being out of prison when they were, this is all scary stuff. But I imagine that certain safety considerations had to be weighed against Arcadi's and Del Balso's rights. It's intriguing that Arcadi was released so soon in early March while Del Balso had to wait till March 31 or April 1 for his eventual release (which may not have even happened). I wonder whether those two were also put back in prison after Giordano's murder because of parole violations that specifically involved associating with known criminals.

Link to Daniel Renaud's April 1 article: ... iberte.php
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by OlBlueEyesClub »

I knew I read somewhere that Del Balso was reprimanded only after Sollecito was murdered.
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Re: Montreal: Rocco Sollecito has just been shot dead

Post by toto »

Lupara wrote:
Wiseguy wrote:So is the above translation basically saying the Gambinos now use the 'Ndrangheta in the drug trade more than the Sicilian Mafia?
Very much seems like it, and it makes sense doesn't it?
There's long and deep connections between John Gambino/Inzerillo's and Calabria. Carini family especially is involved closely with 'Ndrangheta. Some of the main guys in the family are deeply connected to Inzerillo's and actually escaped to New York at the same time in 1981. In fact one guy came from Calabria to Sicily to find funding and loans and was caught on a bug.
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