Bonanno 1960s chart

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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

thekiduknow wrote: Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:20 pm Pretty sure our Daguanno was Alberto Daguanno/D'Aguanno, born around 1905-1908. His WWII draft card, 1940s census, and his alien registeration have it as 1908, but passenger manifests have his birth year as roughly 1905/1906. His parents were Pietro Daguanno, and Elizabetta “Lizzie” Basirico. It does look like his family came from Paceco. In 1920, he arrived in the US with his mom and brother, and they were headed to his father's address at 135 Meserole St in Willamsburg Brooklyn.

An obit of his sister lists him as still alive in 1971.

Back to his drug arrest, he's described on one of those Senate committee reports as also associated with Cristofo Rubino, who hung around/was killed at the same democratic social club that DiGiovanna hung out at.
Got some immigration files on D'Aguanno. He was deported back it Italy in 1957 after serving time for his narcotics conviction. He was arrested in 1954 in Northern California with a James LaSala

The FBN said that he would get it from Bonanno member Vincenzo Moresellino, who got it from Cristoforo Rubino who got it from Settimo Accardi, and D'Aguanno would drive it from New York to California. There was another guy named Andrew Ingoglia from Partanna who was arrested in Oakland in 1948 that D'Aguanno apparently replaced. Ingoglia, also spelled Engoglia, lived in Bushwick and was busted in the 1920s and 30s also narcotics. One of his witnesses to his naturalization was Carmelo Bivona, who was partners with Giovanni Bonventre in gambling. Bivona also "employed" Bonventre at his real estate firm, which was really just a front for their gambling operations.

Certainly it wasn't all Trapani guys running dope, but there is a chain of Trapanese guys working this NY to California route.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

Excellent info, brother!
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by JoelTurner »

There was an Anthony Ingoglia who was involved with Sam Accardi. He was originally from Brooklyn, raised in NYC, and later moved to NJ.

This was his census information: ( ... 63933:2442)

I don’t think that they were related, but it’s interesting that Accardi was involved with both Ingoglias
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

Utica-based Buffalo member Serafino Grio mentioned being involved with an amico nostra from "the Family in Brooklyn" named "Stefano Ricco". Any guesses? Not sure it's a Bonanno but might be.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by JoelTurner »

Was Salvatore Grippi ever explicitly named as a Bonanno member?

I know that his wife was related to Schiro, but other than that, was he ever on any lists or named by a source?
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

Another guy who could have been an elderly Bonanno member at this time was Giovanni Ruisi who died in 1966, but there's not enough evidence to include him as suspected. Putting it out there in case anything else surfaces though.

He was a Bushwick guy from Alcamo who went to Sicily in 1928 with Gambino member Giovanni Salica and an older Palermitano named Giuseppe Pecoraino. Pecoraino has never been mentioned outside the Garofalo crew article but he came to the US with future Colombo consigliere Giuseppe Buffa from Carini so he was evidently well-connected among Palermo mafiosi and no doubt affiliated with either the Gambinos or Colombos. Salica and Pecoraino were Gravesend guys so not from the same part of Brooklyn as Ruisi whose hometown and Bushwick residence would place him w/ the Bonannos if he was a member or associate.

Ruisi was a professional musician but we know that doesn't rule him out as the Bonannos made a music teacher and Chicago member Joe Priola was a professional musician as well. A likely descendant of the same name John Ruisi, potentially his namesake grandson, was a drug dealer murdered in Ridgewood by the Bonanno-affiliated Giannini Crew in 1992 so the name continued to be involved on the periphery of the Bonanno Family.

Giovanni Ruisi going to Sicily with two Palermitano mafiosi also indicates the trip involved at least two Families and possibly three, similar to Jimmy DiLeonardo going to Sicily with the Castellammarese Paolo Palmeri of Buffalo a few years earlier, DiLeonardo being with the same crew as Salica.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

thekiduknow wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:57 pm
thekiduknow wrote: Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:20 pm Pretty sure our Daguanno was Alberto Daguanno/D'Aguanno, born around 1905-1908. His WWII draft card, 1940s census, and his alien registeration have it as 1908, but passenger manifests have his birth year as roughly 1905/1906. His parents were Pietro Daguanno, and Elizabetta “Lizzie” Basirico. It does look like his family came from Paceco. In 1920, he arrived in the US with his mom and brother, and they were headed to his father's address at 135 Meserole St in Willamsburg Brooklyn.

An obit of his sister lists him as still alive in 1971.

Back to his drug arrest, he's described on one of those Senate committee reports as also associated with Cristofo Rubino, who hung around/was killed at the same democratic social club that DiGiovanna hung out at.
Got some immigration files on D'Aguanno. He was deported back it Italy in 1957 after serving time for his narcotics conviction. He was arrested in 1954 in Northern California with a James LaSala

The FBN said that he would get it from Bonanno member Vincenzo Moresellino, who got it from Cristoforo Rubino who got it from Settimo Accardi, and D'Aguanno would drive it from New York to California. There was another guy named Andrew Ingoglia from Partanna who was arrested in Oakland in 1948 that D'Aguanno apparently replaced. Ingoglia, also spelled Engoglia, lived in Bushwick and was busted in the 1920s and 30s also narcotics. One of his witnesses to his naturalization was Carmelo Bivona, who was partners with Giovanni Bonventre in gambling. Bivona also "employed" Bonventre at his real estate firm, which was really just a front for their gambling operations.

Certainly it wasn't all Trapani guys running dope, but there is a chain of Trapanese guys working this NY to California route.
Edit: I accidentally swapped Morsellino and Rubino. Accardi would supply it Morsellino, who passed to Rubino who gave it to D'Aguanno to drive to California.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Angelo Santino »

Do you have a list of living members you can copy and past for 1963, just the names, don't need rank. Confirmed and suspected.

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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

Chris Christie wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:07 pm Do you have a list of living members you can copy and past for 1963, just the names, don't need rank. Confirmed and suspected.

Adamo, Anthony
Adamo, Michael
Adamo, Peter*
Adragna, Joseph*
Alese, Pietro
Alfano, Nicolo
Allegato, Michael*
Andaloro, Rosario "Russ"
Angelino, Michael "Mike Angelo"(Died 5/63)
Aquaro, John
Asaro, Giuseppe Sr(5/63)
Asaro, Jerome "Jerry"
Asaro, Joseph Vincent "Josie"
Asaro, Vincenzo
Badalamenti, Antonio(Likely transferred from Sicily)
Barranca, Stefano
Battaglia, Charles "Charlie Bats"
Bello, Antonio
Bivona, Carmelo
Bonanno, Joseph
Bonanno, Salvatore "Bill"
Bonomo, Frank
Bonventre, Giovanni
Bonventre, Martin
Bonventre, Pietro
Bonventre, Vito
Bruno, Salvatore
Bucaro, Andrew "Curly"*
Buccellato, Giuseppe
Bucci, Romeo
Busciglio, Antonino "Nino"
Buttafuoco, Nicholas
Cacioppo, Antonio
Campanella, Mario*
Candela, John*(JD?)
Candela, Filippo*(Madison?)
Cannone, Stefano
Capasso, Vincent "Jimmy Fort Lee"
Caradonna, Vito*
Carlino, Leo
Caruso, Angelo
Castello, Nicholas
Cinquemani, Peter
Cocolicchio, Giuseppe “Big Pep”*
Colio, Nicola “Zio Cola”
Consolo, Michael
Cosenza, Michael
Cotroni, Frank
Cotroni, Giuseppe
Cotroni, Vincenzo
Crisci, Anthony
Crociata, Francesco
Crociata, Pietro "Skinny Pete"
Curatolo, Antonio*
D'Angelo, Epifano "Frank/Fauney"
D'Angelo, Gaetano "Thomas/Smitty"
D'Angelo, Jerome "Jerry"
D’Angelo, Anthony “Scotty”*
Dara, Vito "Willie the Tile Maker"
Dasti, Frank
DeFilippo, Patrick
DeFilippo, Vito
DeMarinis, Alfonse "Big Al"
DePasquale, Iganzio
DePasquale, Natale
DePasquale, Vincenzo
DiBella, John
DiCocco, Paul "Legs"*
DiFilippi, Joseph
DiGiovanna, Anthony "Tony DeJohn"
DiGregorio, Anthony*
DiGregorio, Gaspare
DiGregorio, Matteo
DiIorio, Nicola “Cola”
DiMaria, Joseph
DiStefano, Nicholas
Domingo, Antonio
Evola, Natale
Farrugia, Salvatore
Fiordilino, Giovanni
Galante, Carmine "Lilo"
Gallo, Ciro
Garofalo, Frank
Garofalo, Vincenzo*
Genna, Leonardo*
Genovese, Joseph
Giaccone, Philip "Phil Lucky"
Giardina, Elia “Leo”
Giarrusso, Sam*
Giganti, Pasquale
Giglio, Salvatore
Greco, Luigi
Grimaldi, Giuseppe
Gulotta, Barney
Ippolito, Salvatore
LaBruzzo, Frank
Lanzo, Angelo*
Leone, Anthony
Licata, Pietro
Licata, Vito(ID by a source as being a member after his death)
Licavoli, Vito
Lisi, Gaetano "Tony"
Lorenzo, Nicholas "Nicky Red"*
Lucido, Anthony
Manfre, Santo*
Marangello, Nicholas "Nicky Glasses"
Marchese, Salvatore
Mari, Frank
Mastraccio, Diodato*
Mastricola, Joseph*
Messina, Anthony "Pat"
Messina, Frank*
Messina, Joseph
Mione, Gaspare
Mirabile, Salvatore "Toto"
Mistretta, Frank*
Monte, Angelo*
Morale, John "Johnny Burns"
Morale, Rosario "Sally Burns"
Morsellino, Vincenzo
Mule, Felix*
Mule, Vito
Notaro, Joseph
Parisi, Anthony*
Passalacqua, Peter
Petrone, Giovanni
Pollastrino, Armando "Buddy"
Prisinzano, Angelo "Little Moe"
Prisinzano, Frank
Puma, Joseph*
Puma, Sam
Raimondi, Anthony
Rastelli, Philip
Renda, Calogero
Restivo, Biaggio
Riela, Antonio
Rizzuto, Antonio*
Rizzuto, Nicolo
Sabella, Domenico
Sabella, Dominick
Sabella, Michael
Salvo, Angelo
Saputo, Giuseppe*
Scardino, Thomas
Sciacca, Joseph
Sciacca, Paul
Sciortino, Peter
Sciuto, Anthony
Scordato, John*
Silinote, Giuseppe*
Silionote, Russell
Silionote, Steve
Simari, Carl "Buddy"
Sinacore, Frank(ID by a source as being a deceased member by the early 1970s)
Sinacore, Joseph
Soccio, VIncenzo
Sorrentino, Salvatore
Spadaro, Antonio
Spadaro, Joseph
Sparaco, Angelo*
Spinelli, Salvatore*(More likely he was made post 1963, not sure if we should keep him)
Tagliagambe, Mario
Tarantola, Vincent
Tartamella, Francesco
Tartamella, John
Tartamella, Sereno "Bobby T"
Titone, Joseph*
Valvo, Benjamin
Valvo, Matteo
Venza, Joseph
Vigneri, Anthony
Zaffarano, Michael
Zicarelli, Joseph "Bayonne Joe"
Zirpoli, Pasquale

177 Names.

Forgive me, I haven't been working on this much of late so I'm a little rusty. Some of these names might get removed, some may be added or the status change. I'm still getting photographs from the FBI for some these guys.

Any input/edits is appreciated.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by motorfab »

thekiduknow wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:24 pm Any input/edits is appreciated.
I think you can put an * next to Dasti & Di Iorio, not quite sure they were made in 1963, at worst they were on their way to be. Cococlicchio & Mastraccio however were definitely made, they were old timers in Vic's inner circle and Di Iorio was under them anyway
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by B. »

We were talking about Santa Margherita di Belice in anther thread -- it looks like Tony Rabito's father's heritage comes from there. An old Anthony Rabito, possibly his grandfather, was a Brooklyn/Queens resident who was part of a political club with Bonanno connections in the 1930s.

So that's a few older Bonanno guys plus Phil Giaccone's father and probably Rabito's heritage in Santa Margherita. I think Tommy DiFiore's father's side comes from Santa Nina and were originally from those same neighborhoods. Always interested in later members who fit into these patterns.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by JoelTurner »

Was this Salvatore Ippolito?


The birth & death date (from his SSDI) are a match, but MM Charts says he was from Racalmuto, rather than Gibellina.

If this is the right guy, he moved from NJ to NYC at some point between 1940 and ‘50. Interestingly, he lived at 268 Ampere Pkwy, Bloomfield which was a couple of houses down from John Misuraca (298 Ampere pkwy)
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by thekiduknow »

JoelTurner wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:28 pm Was this Salvatore Ippolito?


The birth & death date (from his SSDI) are a match, but MM Charts says he was from Racalmuto, rather than Gibellina.

If this is the right guy, he moved from NJ to NYC at some point between 1940 and ‘50. Interestingly, he lived at 268 Ampere Pkwy, Bloomfield which was a couple of houses down from John Misuraca (298 Ampere pkwy)
Yup, that's him. Interesting to know that he lived close to Misuraca, I haven't dug into his time in New Jersey that much so if you find out more please let me know. There seems to be another Salvatore Ippolito from Racalmuto, but the Bonanno member was definitely from Gibellina.

In the 1950s he lived just at the edge of Bushwick and Ocean Hill. By the mid 1970s he lived in Queens, but was active in the Knickerbocker area. There's a NYPD report from 1974 that suggested Joe Buccellato "works directly under" Ippolito. I'm pretty sure Buccellato was still a captain at that time, but they could have had some kind of operation going that Ippolito was in charge of. They list a lot younger guys, some sons of made members, that drove Ippolito around so he must have carried respect in the neighborhood.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by Antiliar »

268 Ampere Pkwy is a 4 minute walk from where Cola Schiro lived at 265 N 15th Street.
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Re: Bonanno 1960s chart

Post by JoelTurner »

A lot of people were within a 15-minute walk from his place. I guess it helps that the neighborhood was dense and walkable.

Here’s some of them::

- Sam Accardi - 86 Peck Ave, Newark
- Marco LiMandri - 195 Heckel St, Belleville
- William Malanga - 208 N 10th St, Newark
- Frank Longo - 109 N 15th St, Bloomfield
- Charles Matranga - 90 N 15 St, Bloomfield
- Sam Monaco’s widow - 92 N 15th St, Bloomfield
- Anthony Ingoglia - 21 Edison St, Bloomfield


Is it known when Ippolito joined the Bonanno family?
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