Feds are considering indicting Michael Coppola for the Larry Ricci hit

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Re: Feds are considering indicting Michael Coppola for the Larry Ricci hit

Post by CornerBoy »

Don't you think that's messed up? Same thing happened with Francis BF Guerra. He went to trial for a murder, the jury voted not guilty, but guilty on selling OCs and got 20 years.

total miscarriage of justice. these judges have unfettered autonomy and the justice system is capricious and arbitrary.

20 years for selling a few pills? it was his personal prescription so we're talking a grand or two a month?

How do they have the discretion to put a guy away for 20 years due to their personal opinions --there is a prescribed set of parameters that these judges shouldn't be able to deviate from.

I don't care what a 80 year old WASP who was born rich and 9th generation american thinks based on god knows what. Lying Rats.

Invariably, these rats don't change their lives and continue to be scumbags.
Q: What doesn't work when it's fixed?
A: A jury!
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