John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Amershire_Ed »

Tonyd621 wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:34 pm
funkster wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:06 pm
bluehouse wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:30 am
Amershire_Ed wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:44 am
Wiseguy wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:16 am
bluehouse wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:45 am Hootie was on a podcast saying John alite name should be above greg scarpas roy demeos and gaspipe casso
If he said that, his credibility definitely takes a hit there.
I have a hard time believing he said that. He may have misspoke but I don’t think that’s what he was trying to say. He did say the Alite would’ve been made if he was Italian, which is probably true. cut to 14 mins he also says noone has more bodies than john
That story he tells about Trucchio, first they had no weapons so they had to use pens to chase two guys out of their bar...then at the end Ronnie get's his pistol and shoots one of them? Something's not adding up.
Yeah he said Ronnie got stabbed 170 times, jamming a knife through his balls. However Ronnie managed to crawl to to the back of the bar get his pistol and kills one
My question is where is Hootie in the midst of all of this?
Hootie has no loyalites. Alite bashes Ronnie, Hootie talks both of them. But he never really verifies what ppl say he just kind of says what they want to hear after being on their podcast.
You guys didn’t watch the clip closely enough. He started telling a story about an incident Ronnie had at a bar that he owned that was getting robbed by 2 people. And he says, “Ronnie just couldn’t let them get away with it. I owned a bar with Ronnie...” and then Hootie gives an example of a time of he and Ronnie didnt let people get away with it. That’s the Bic pens story. *Then* he gets back to the original story about Ronnie trying to stop the 2 people from robbing his bar and getting stabbed 170 times. He was just trying to say, “I’ve been with Ronnie in that situation, I know he’s not gonna let that slide”. Hootie wasn’t saying he was there for the robbery. He was just using another incident he had with Ronnie to help explain Ronnie’s action during the robbery.
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Amershire_Ed »

He was just saying “me and Ronnie had a bar and we fought people for being scumbags in you know if someone tries to rob *his* bar he’s not gonna stand for it”. If you listen to the actual words coming out of his mouth, there’s nothing inconsistent about the story, unless you quibble with the 170 stab figure. Which is totally fair...that does sound high lol
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by funkster »

Apparently i need a transcript with his ass, cause i watched that thing three times lol.
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Amershire_Ed »

Yeah, Tom Brokaw he’s not. That is one thing all these guys have in common—sometimes it can take them forever to get to the fucking point. They start telling a story that involves a guy and then they mention who that guys cousin is and then they tell a story about the cousin shooting’s like 4 goddamn minutes before they get back to the original story lol
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by bluehouse »

Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:17 am
bluehouse wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:30 am
Amershire_Ed wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:44 am
Wiseguy wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:16 am
bluehouse wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:45 am Hootie was on a podcast saying John alite name should be above greg scarpas roy demeos and gaspipe casso
If he said that, his credibility definitely takes a hit there.
I have a hard time believing he said that. He may have misspoke but I don’t think that’s what he was trying to say. He did say the Alite would’ve been made if he was Italian, which is probably true. cut to 14 mins he also says noone has more bodies than john
If you watch his full answer, he’s talking about their neighborhood. Not like, the whole tri-state area. He was talking about how Ronnie and Alite were partners before Ronnie got made, and they had a club together. My issue with Alite is his exaggerations/lies about other stuff, like the heroin business with Gotti Sr, like claiming he knew Castellano was gonna get hit, etc. Most of the violence stuff with Alite seems fairly credible.

It’s the exact same with Franzese. He was a captain and *huge* earner no doubt. But did Chin really ask if he wanted to switch families? Did Persico really approach him about an acting administration position?

I think both these guys did a lot of the stuff in the streets they claim to, but they both throw in these exaggerations about their status at the time that call their credibility into question.
He clearly said Johns name should be above demeos scarpas gaspipe tommy karate
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by jimmi_beans8 »

that sitdown with john mention of frankie or sammy being present
would sr have a situation like that 1on1
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Philly d »

Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:20 am
Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:58 pm
newera_212 wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:03 pm
PaddyWhack wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:08 pm
Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:03 pm I thought the most telling interaction between Hootie and Pennisi was when Hootie was talking about the Genovese Family and how he loves their structure. He said he went to pick up his check for a no-show job he had, and when he got there he saw a Genovese captain working his ass off covered in cement. He was like “there I am, brand new sweat suit, brand new sneakers, collecting my no show check—and I’m just an associate!—but there’s a Genovese captain grinding away at the job site”. He said then he found out how many Westside captains and soldiers got up and went to work every day and was blown away. And I don’t mean “work” at a bar or restaurant that essentially doubled as a social club, but actual job sites and places of business.

Then Pennisi chimed in and basically said “now Hootie, who do you think draws more collecting that no show check in your track suit and fresh kicks, or the captain covered in cement putting in 40 hours a week?” And Hootie agreed with him and was like “no you are absolutely right”. And Pennisi was basically trying to say he shared the same mentality as those Genovese guys did. Low profile, under the radar, etc.

I thought it was an illuminating convo into both their mindsets, then and now.
This stood out to me as well, very intelligent way to go about that life in this day and age. There are people here talking trash about a guy working a 9-5 job while being in the mob, when the Genovese is doing that very same thing lol, guess they ain’t true mob guys lol.
The crazy thing is that Hootie said no matter what he always wanted to be with the Gambinos. A lot of guys are just attracted to that loud shit and don't just want to be a gangster, but also want everyone to know they are a gangster. Him saying that the Gambinos were like Madison Square Garden, the biggest arena, seeing Gotti Sr., etc. it's almost like a NBA player still saying they'd rather been playing in Miami in 2014 instead of San Antonio. The Spurs won with boring fundamentals and strategy basically, but all eyes were on Miami.

Any idea if the Genovese still have a presence in HB / OZP today? I'd love to know who Hootie and Gene are talking about when they mention the Genovese they've encountered (besides Ciro)
I thought I remember Hootie, or maybe it was Gene, saying the Genovese and Colombo’s didn’t have too much of a presence in HB/OP. It’s mostly Bonanno and Gambino, and a little Lucchese. Hootie did say in one interview that before Gene got with Ronnie G, there was a Genovese crew recruiting him hard. But apparently Gene really wanted to get with the Gambinos but the captain of the crew he was trying to get with (I can’t remember who) straight up told Gene he was too wild. So that’s when Gene got with Ronnie.
The Genovese used to have a pretty big presence in OZP through Steve Buscemi and Ciro Perrone ,Mike DeLuca etc . Back in the 90s and 2000s on 101 Ave Romanelli funeral home ,For awhile they were very powerful and respected
And had a big presence in the area . But yea all Gambino n Bonanno , For whatever reason the Luccheses don't get the respect, Everyone knows lil Joe ain't doing shit
Was there ever a colombo crew in HP?
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Bklyn21 »

Philly d wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:10 pm
Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:20 am
Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:58 pm
newera_212 wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:03 pm
PaddyWhack wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:08 pm
Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:03 pm I thought the most telling interaction between Hootie and Pennisi was when Hootie was talking about the Genovese Family and how he loves their structure. He said he went to pick up his check for a no-show job he had, and when he got there he saw a Genovese captain working his ass off covered in cement. He was like “there I am, brand new sweat suit, brand new sneakers, collecting my no show check—and I’m just an associate!—but there’s a Genovese captain grinding away at the job site”. He said then he found out how many Westside captains and soldiers got up and went to work every day and was blown away. And I don’t mean “work” at a bar or restaurant that essentially doubled as a social club, but actual job sites and places of business.

Then Pennisi chimed in and basically said “now Hootie, who do you think draws more collecting that no show check in your track suit and fresh kicks, or the captain covered in cement putting in 40 hours a week?” And Hootie agreed with him and was like “no you are absolutely right”. And Pennisi was basically trying to say he shared the same mentality as those Genovese guys did. Low profile, under the radar, etc.

I thought it was an illuminating convo into both their mindsets, then and now.
This stood out to me as well, very intelligent way to go about that life in this day and age. There are people here talking trash about a guy working a 9-5 job while being in the mob, when the Genovese is doing that very same thing lol, guess they ain’t true mob guys lol.
The crazy thing is that Hootie said no matter what he always wanted to be with the Gambinos. A lot of guys are just attracted to that loud shit and don't just want to be a gangster, but also want everyone to know they are a gangster. Him saying that the Gambinos were like Madison Square Garden, the biggest arena, seeing Gotti Sr., etc. it's almost like a NBA player still saying they'd rather been playing in Miami in 2014 instead of San Antonio. The Spurs won with boring fundamentals and strategy basically, but all eyes were on Miami.

Any idea if the Genovese still have a presence in HB / OZP today? I'd love to know who Hootie and Gene are talking about when they mention the Genovese they've encountered (besides Ciro)
I thought I remember Hootie, or maybe it was Gene, saying the Genovese and Colombo’s didn’t have too much of a presence in HB/OP. It’s mostly Bonanno and Gambino, and a little Lucchese. Hootie did say in one interview that before Gene got with Ronnie G, there was a Genovese crew recruiting him hard. But apparently Gene really wanted to get with the Gambinos but the captain of the crew he was trying to get with (I can’t remember who) straight up told Gene he was too wild. So that’s when Gene got with Ronnie.
The Genovese used to have a pretty big presence in OZP through Steve Buscemi and Ciro Perrone ,Mike DeLuca etc . Back in the 90s and 2000s on 101 Ave Romanelli funeral home ,For awhile they were very powerful and respected
And had a big presence in the area . But yea all Gambino n Bonanno , For whatever reason the Luccheses don't get the respect, Everyone knows lil Joe ain't doing shit
Was there ever a colombo crew in HP?
Back in the70s 80s 90s there was I think 2 -3 crews in Ozone pk and the surrounding areas ,Dominic Cataldo was a Capo of one crew his brother Joe was a member of his crew and there was at least 2 other crews who operated and lived in the area, I don't remember names off the top of my head
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by newera_212 »

Overall I like that there are lot of insiders out there, importance notwithstanding, giving interviews and telling never heard before stories. I liked some of Hootie's interviews to especially hear more about Queens back in the day and hear about the Trucchio crew, etc. - and he seems like a good guy - but lately some of the interviews I've heard, he's coming across way too gangster crazy. Talking about these guys and the families like they are athletes and teams. It sounds like he'd be trading Capo Cards if they had printed them. "I'll trade you a Ruggiano Rookie for your Asaro mis-print!"

He did admit that his whole life all he ever wanted to do was be in the life, and he grew up being gangster crazy and interested in the history of LCN, but it's kind of funny. I figured these people who are in it for real just simply did it and lived with with no self awareness and that's what it was. But with Hootie you kind of see that the younger guys were not just influenced by the neighborhood and the guys around them, but they were ALSO influenced by the glamor and reputation of the mob that the media had created. Can you imagine right now the younger guys coming up who are actively hitting licks, running half sheets, reporting to a connected or made guy while also following LCN based instagram accounts and reading Wikipedia entries on some of the guys they are loosely connected to? It's just crazy how "meta" and full circle everything is
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Dave65827 »

newera_212 wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:06 pm Overall I like that there are lot of insiders out there, importance notwithstanding, giving interviews and telling never heard before stories. I liked some of Hootie's interviews to especially hear more about Queens back in the day and hear about the Trucchio crew, etc. - and he seems like a good guy - but lately some of the interviews I've heard, he's coming across way too gangster crazy. Talking about these guys and the families like they are athletes and teams. It sounds like he'd be trading Capo Cards if they had printed them. "I'll trade you a Ruggiano Rookie for your Asaro mis-print!"

He did admit that his whole life all he ever wanted to do was be in the life, and he grew up being gangster crazy and interested in the history of LCN, but it's kind of funny. I figured these people who are in it for real just simply did it and lived with with no self awareness and that's what it was. But with Hootie you kind of see that the younger guys were not just influenced by the neighborhood and the guys around them, but they were ALSO influenced by the glamor and reputation of the mob that the media had created. Can you imagine right now the younger guys coming up who are actively hitting licks, running half sheets, reporting to a connected or made guy while also following LCN based instagram accounts and reading Wikipedia entries on some of the guys they are loosely connected to? It's just crazy how "meta" and full circle everything is
Honestly I believe all those movies are a big way the mob recruits people and it ain’t exclusive to just the mob. In my city all the gangs make these “rap songs” and distribute them to all these dumbass kids to give them a sense of direction and to hook them up . Media is a big way these organizations get dumbasses to get them to join

And all of the legit LCN accounts I found on Instagram either follow Wiseguy channel,Philly LCN and all these mob movie actors like Chazz Palmeteri and I even found one that follows Michael Franzese lmao
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Hired_Goonz »

Of course the mystique and glamour created by the media and mob movies/Sopranos etc is a big factor as to why a lot of these idiots want to be a part of "the life". A glaring example of this would be Tuccio. Same psychology behind someone from a first world country like the USA or UK wanting to go join the French Foreign Legion.
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Uncle Pete »

I agree. The number 1 enemy of the mob has been attrition and for all the talk of how John Gotti ruined the mob, which I understand, but he may have prolonged the life by being an inspiration for a whole new generation of aspiring gangsters like Hootie who said John Sr. and the Gambino’s were the Madison Square Garden for the life.
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Philly d »

Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:13 am
Philly d wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:10 pm
Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:20 am
Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:58 pm
newera_212 wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:03 pm
PaddyWhack wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:08 pm
Amershire_Ed wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:03 pm I thought the most telling interaction between Hootie and Pennisi was when Hootie was talking about the Genovese Family and how he loves their structure. He said he went to pick up his check for a no-show job he had, and when he got there he saw a Genovese captain working his ass off covered in cement. He was like “there I am, brand new sweat suit, brand new sneakers, collecting my no show check—and I’m just an associate!—but there’s a Genovese captain grinding away at the job site”. He said then he found out how many Westside captains and soldiers got up and went to work every day and was blown away. And I don’t mean “work” at a bar or restaurant that essentially doubled as a social club, but actual job sites and places of business.

Then Pennisi chimed in and basically said “now Hootie, who do you think draws more collecting that no show check in your track suit and fresh kicks, or the captain covered in cement putting in 40 hours a week?” And Hootie agreed with him and was like “no you are absolutely right”. And Pennisi was basically trying to say he shared the same mentality as those Genovese guys did. Low profile, under the radar, etc.

I thought it was an illuminating convo into both their mindsets, then and now.
This stood out to me as well, very intelligent way to go about that life in this day and age. There are people here talking trash about a guy working a 9-5 job while being in the mob, when the Genovese is doing that very same thing lol, guess they ain’t true mob guys lol.
The crazy thing is that Hootie said no matter what he always wanted to be with the Gambinos. A lot of guys are just attracted to that loud shit and don't just want to be a gangster, but also want everyone to know they are a gangster. Him saying that the Gambinos were like Madison Square Garden, the biggest arena, seeing Gotti Sr., etc. it's almost like a NBA player still saying they'd rather been playing in Miami in 2014 instead of San Antonio. The Spurs won with boring fundamentals and strategy basically, but all eyes were on Miami.

Any idea if the Genovese still have a presence in HB / OZP today? I'd love to know who Hootie and Gene are talking about when they mention the Genovese they've encountered (besides Ciro)
I thought I remember Hootie, or maybe it was Gene, saying the Genovese and Colombo’s didn’t have too much of a presence in HB/OP. It’s mostly Bonanno and Gambino, and a little Lucchese. Hootie did say in one interview that before Gene got with Ronnie G, there was a Genovese crew recruiting him hard. But apparently Gene really wanted to get with the Gambinos but the captain of the crew he was trying to get with (I can’t remember who) straight up told Gene he was too wild. So that’s when Gene got with Ronnie.
The Genovese used to have a pretty big presence in OZP through Steve Buscemi and Ciro Perrone ,Mike DeLuca etc . Back in the 90s and 2000s on 101 Ave Romanelli funeral home ,For awhile they were very powerful and respected
And had a big presence in the area . But yea all Gambino n Bonanno , For whatever reason the Luccheses don't get the respect, Everyone knows lil Joe ain't doing shit
Was there ever a colombo crew in HP?
Back in the70s 80s 90s there was I think 2 -3 crews in Ozone pk and the surrounding areas ,Dominic Cataldo was a Capo of one crew his brother Joe was a member of his crew and there was at least 2 other crews who operated and lived in the area, I don't remember names off the top of my head
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Amershire_Ed »

newera_212 wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:06 pm Overall I like that there are lot of insiders out there, importance notwithstanding, giving interviews and telling never heard before stories. I liked some of Hootie's interviews to especially hear more about Queens back in the day and hear about the Trucchio crew, etc. - and he seems like a good guy - but lately some of the interviews I've heard, he's coming across way too gangster crazy. Talking about these guys and the families like they are athletes and teams. It sounds like he'd be trading Capo Cards if they had printed them. "I'll trade you a Ruggiano Rookie for your Asaro mis-print!"

He did admit that his whole life all he ever wanted to do was be in the life, and he grew up being gangster crazy and interested in the history of LCN, but it's kind of funny. I figured these people who are in it for real just simply did it and lived with with no self awareness and that's what it was. But with Hootie you kind of see that the younger guys were not just influenced by the neighborhood and the guys around them, but they were ALSO influenced by the glamor and reputation of the mob that the media had created. Can you imagine right now the younger guys coming up who are actively hitting licks, running half sheets, reporting to a connected or made guy while also following LCN based instagram accounts and reading Wikipedia entries on some of the guys they are loosely connected to? It's just crazy how "meta" and full circle everything is
I think one thing with Hootie to keep in mind is that his parents immigrated from Sicily, and they died when he was 13. And when Hootie grew up “admiring” the mob, it was all neighborhood lore type stuff. There was no internet or social media or documentaries floating around about the life. By the time Goodfellas and Casino came out, he was well into his teens. It’s not like he watched some show on Roy DeMeo and then got hooked. All that shit was happening right outside his window.
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Re: John Pennisi Sighting / Sit Down News

Post by Dave65827 »

Penisi does a interview with The men’s journal ... s-journal/

They identify him as a “Lucchese Capo”

Also says shows like Jersey shore and Mob wives are more damaging to the Italian American image than the mafia
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