Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by jimmyb »

Antiliar wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:07 pmThanks, jimmyb
Oh forgot to mention, multiple sources identify "Liborio Munna" as the boss of CDG before Gaspare Magaddino. I find this interesting because this is the only context I see this name. Munna was close to Mattarella and related to Diego Plaja (who's related to Magaddino).
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

Yes, I have him listed as the first post-WWII boss. It's a big gap between him and Felice Buccellato, and I'm not positive about Maranzano (who would have been boss for no more than four years anyway). I'm also not certain if Michele Mercadante is in the correct order.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

17/06/2020 06:00:00
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L'operazione "Cutrara" smantella la famiglia mafiosa di Castellammare del Golfo

11,50 - Due fucili doppietta calibro 12 perfettamente conservati e funzionanti e 38 proiettili di diverso calibro, sono stati trovati dai carabinieri, nascosti sottoterra in diversi punti della proprietà di "Tempesta", Francesco Domingo, boss ritenuto a capo della famiglia mafiosa di Castellammare del Golfo e arrestato ieri nel corso dell'operazione antimafia "Cutrara". (Qui l'articolo).

06,00 - Una ritrovata centralità della famiglia mafiosa di Castellammare nelle attività di Cosa nostra, il coinvolgimento della politica, lo stretto legame con la consorteria americana di New York, che ha gran parte delle sue radici proprio in personaggi della città del Golfo, e non ultimo il forte legame con il boss di Castelvetrano, Matteo Messina Denaro.

Ha messo in luce tutto questo l’operazione antimafia “Cutrara” che, ieri mattina, con l’impiego di 200 militari dell'Arma, il supporto di unità navali, aere e reparti specializzati come lo Squadrone Eliportato Cacciatori di Sicilia e unità cinofile per la ricerca di armi, ha smantellato la famiglia mafiosa castellammarese con 13 arresti e 11 denunce in esecuzione dell’ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere emessa dal GIP del Tribunale di Palermo nei confronti degli affiliati alla famiglia mafiosa di Castellamare del Golfo.

Gli arrestati - Gli arrestati sono 13. Al centro dell’intera indagine c'è Francesco Domingo, detto "Tempesta", boss scarcerato nel 2015. I nomidegli arrestati: DOMINGO Francesco, cl. 56 di Castellamare del Golfo; ANGILERI Diego, cl. 37 di Marsala (domiciliari); BUCCELLATO Felice, cl. 41 di Castellamare del Golfo (domiciliari); DI STEFANO Rosario Antonino, cl. 69 di Castellammare del Golfo; DOMINGO Camillo, cl. 57 di Castellamare del Golfo; LA SALA Daniele, cl. 80 di Castellamare del Golfo; MERCADANTE Salvatore, cl. 85 di Castellamare del Golfo; MULE’ Maurizio Gaspare, cl. 66 di Castellamare del Golfo; SABELLA Antonino, cl. 57 di Castellamare del Golfo; STABILE Sebastiano cl. 47 di Castellamare del Golfo (domiciliari); SABILE Francesco, cl. 59 dei Castellamare del Golfo; VALENTI Carlo, cl. 78 di Castellamare del Golfo; VIRGA Francesco, cl. 70 di Trapani. Il provvedimento era diretto anche nei confronti di SOTTILE Benedetto cl. 48, che però è deceduto nel 2018.

Le accuse - Le accuse a carico dei tredici arresti eseguiti dai carabinieri del Nucleo Investigativo del Comando Provinciale di Trapani, guidato dal tenente colonnello Antonio Merola, vanno dall'associazione di tipo mafioso, estorsione, furto, favoreggiamento, violazione della sorveglianza speciale e altro, tutti reati aggravati dal metodo mafioso. Nell'ordinanza era inclusa una 14esima persona ma nel frattempo è deceduta. Altre 11 persone sono state denunciate a piede libero. Eseguite inoltre decine di perquisizioni, tuttora in corso.
Le indagini - Coordinate dal Procuratore Capo Francesco Lo Voi, dal Procuratore Aggiunto Paolo Guido e dai Sostituti Procuratori Gianluca De Leo e Francesca Dessì, «hanno permesso di disarticolare la famiglia mafiosa di Castellammare del Golfo, che nonostante i dissidi interni, vede saldamente al vertice il pregiudicato Francesco Domingo, soprannominato Tempesta, già condannato a 19 anni di carcere per associazione di tipo mafioso ed altro e ritornato in libertà nel marzo del 2015», dicono gli investigatori.

Indagato il sindaco di Nicola Rizzo - C'è anche il Sindaco di Castellammare del Golfo, Nicola Rizzo, tra gli indagati dell'operazione. L'abitazione del primo cittadino è stata perquisita all'alba. Rizzo ha ricevuto un avviso di garanzia per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, con contestuale invito ad essere interrogato. Non si sa in quale contesto si inserisca l'episodio riferito a Rizzo che, bisogna dirlo, ha sempre fatto della legalità e della lotta alla mafia un punto fermo della sua amministrazione. E' in carica dal 2018. Secondo fonti di Tp24 l'episodio contestato a Rizzo si riferisce ad una concessione edilizia richiesta dagli arrestati dell'operazione di oggi. Sarebbero coinvolti anche alcuni tecnici comunali. “Ho piena fiducia nella Magistratura e nel lavoro delle Forze dell’ordine. Sono sereno. Sono assolutamente disponibile ad essere sentito immediatamente dalla Magistratura per chiarire la mia posizione poiché ho sempre operato con la massima trasparenza”.
Ha dichiarato il sindaco di Castellammare del Golfo, Nicolò Rizzo, raggiunto dall’avviso di garanzia nell'ambito dell'operazione antimafia “Cutrara”

Gli altri indagati – Oltre al Sindaco di Castellammare del Golfo, Nicola Rizzo, tra gli indagati dell'operazione antimafia "Cutrera" c’è l'ex vice presidente del Consiglio comunale di Castellammare del Golfo, Francesco Foderà, scoperto a rivolgersi al capo mafia locale dopo aver subito il furto di un suo mezzo agricolo, e all'avvocato trapanese Francesco Di Bono, ex presidente del consiglio comunale di Trapani, intercettato a discutere di vertenze da risolvere con il capo mafia di Trapani Francesco Virga che in carcere ha ricevuto la notifica di questa nuova ordinanza.

Stretti rapporti con la mafia americana - Passa da Castellammare del Golfo il nuovo patto tra la mafia siciliana e quella di New York. E' ciò che emerge dall'operazione antimafia di queste ore. Gli emissari della mafia americana si incontravano con Francesco Domingo, 64 anni, detto "Tempesta", punto di riferimento del latitante Messina Denaro, e già condannato due volte per associazione mafiosa. D'altronde, le origini del clan Bonanno di New York sono proprio a Castellammare, al Flower Cafè E i Bonanno si relazionavano anche con i mafiosi di Sciacca, come dimostra un incontra del 30 Luglio 2018 a Castellammare del Golfo: da Sciacca arrivano il capomafia Accursio Dimino e Sergio Gucciardi, proprietario di due bar a New York, dove sono installate slot machine; incontrano Stefano Turriciano, “originario di Castellammare – scrivono– ma dimorante perlopiù negli Stati Uniti e dalle informazioni acquisite dalla polizia giudiziaria, è stato controllato nel 2007 all’aeroporto di Palermo con Franco Salvatore Montagna, originario di Alcamo e fratello di Sal Montagna, affiliato alla famiglia newyorkese dei Bonanno e assassinato il 24 novembre 2011 a Montreal”. Puntavano a nuovi investimenti nel settore del gioco, sempre con la complicità di Antonello Nicosia, il collaboratore parlamentare dell’onorevole Giuseppina Occhionero, arrestato nel novembre dell’anno scorso.

Le indagini sulla famiglia di Castellammare - Le intercettazioni delle conversazioni telefoniche ma anche i classici servizi di osservazione, pedinamento e controllo, hanno consentito di ricostruire l'attuale assetto e organigramma della famiglia mafiosa di Castellammare del Golfo. In particolare, a capo vi è ancora l'ultimo capo storico Francesco Domingo ed è composta da un nutrito numero di soggetti a sua disposizione, ha esercitato sul territorio di riferimento un controllo diretto e indiretto delle attività economiche, in particolare nel settore agricolo ed edilizio. Ciò attraverso una serie di estorsioni commesse mediante l'intimidazione mafiosa e finalizzate all'acquisizione dei lavori commissionati da privati; è stato accertato l'intervento mafioso sulla risoluzione delle questioni, economiche e non, fra privati, in totale sostituzione alle Istituzioni a ciò preposte. Infine, è emerso come il controllo sul territorio di riferimento è stato tale da rimettere in capo all'associazione mafiosa le decisioni in ordine alla commissione di furti e danneggiamenti nonché l'individuazione degli autori degli stessi reati qualora non autorizzati dal medesimo sodalizio.

La storia della famiglia mafiosa di Castellammare del Golfo – Quella di Castellammare fa parte del mandamento di Alcamo, unitamente all'omonima famiglia e a quella di Calatafimi Segesta. Fino ai primi anni '80, il mandamento di Alcamo faceva capo a Filippo Rimi, cognato di Tano Badalamenti di Cinisi e legato alla famiglia mafiosa da lui diretta; la famiglia di Castellammare del Golfo era in quegli anni retta da Cola Buccellato, che rivestiva altresì la carica di rappresentante dell'intera provincia di Trapani nella Commissione di Cosa nostra. Con la prima guerra di mafia, conclusasi nel 1983 con la vittoria dei corleonesi guidati da Salvatore Riina, la famiglia di Castellammare del Golfo venne "aggregata" a quella di Alcamo e l'intero mandamento fu retto prima da Vincenzo Milazzo e, dal 1992, da Giuseppe Ferro (poi divenuto collaboratore di giustizia); con la morte del Milazzo, 1a famiglia di Castellammare venne ricostituita e capeggiata da Gioacchino Calabrò, diretto referente dei corleonesi, poi arrestato nel 1993. Dopo il 1993 la guida fu poi assunta da Michele Mercadante, Agostino Lentini e Nino Valenti, al vertice di un gruppo formatosi all'interno dell'articolazione in esame di cui facevano parte, fra gli altri, Antonino Bosco, Diego Ruggeri, Michele Sottile, Mariano Saracino e giustappunto Francesco Domingo.

Chi è Francesco Domingo, detto "Tempesta", a capo della famiglia di Castellammare - Francesco Domingo assunse la reggenza della famiglia, falcidiata nel frattempo da numerosi arresti, e fu poi a sua volta arrestato nel novembre del 2001 per il reato di partecipazione ad associazione mafiosa, commesso fino al 1997. In quel procedimento Domingo era accusato nello specifico, di aver favorito la latitanza di diversi mafiosi, di aver concorso alla commissione di estorsioni nonché di aver partecipato alla fase esecutiva dell'omicidio di Ambrogio Farina (fatto quest'ultimo per il quale era stato tuttavia assolto nel separato processo d'appello avverso la sentenza della Corte d'Assise di Trapani che lo aveva invece condannato alla pena dell'ergastolo). Francesco Domingo è stato poi nuovamente processato e condannato ad oltre diciannove anni di reclusione per aver diretto l’organizzazione mafiosa di Castellammare del Golfo dal 1997 e fino al 13 luglio 2004, nel processo scaturito dall'operazione nota come "Tempesta', appellativo con il quale Domingo era da sempre conosciuto.

La sentenza, in particolare, ha accertato che quest'ultimo, anche nel corso della propria detenzione a seguito del primo arresto nel novembre 2001, aveva mantenuto la reggenza della famiglia mafiosa, gestendo direttamente dal carcere le estorsioni in danno delle imprese e percependo gli introiti da riversare nella "cassa" dell'associazione e ciò attraverso la collaborazione della propria moglie Antonella Di Graziano che, in occasione dei colloqui in carcere, riceveva le direttive e le veicolava poi a Diego Rugeri. Uscito dal carcere il 17 maggio 2016, Francesco Domingo è stato sottoposto alla misura di prevenzione della sorveglianza speciale di pubblica sicurezza con obbligo di soggiorno nel Comune di Castellammare del Golfo.

Domingo, "ha una particolare inclinazione alla violenza, che ha sempre caratterizzato le sue condotte associative, tanto da avere egli ricevuto dagli allora vertici del sodalizio, nel corso della sua lunga militanza in Cosa nostra, in più occasioni il compito di organizzare gravi atti dinamitardi a scopo estorsivo e tanto da essere riuscito a dirigere e organizzare un'attività estorsiva capillare in danno di tutti gli imprenditori del territorio". "È proprio in ragione di tali caratteristiche e del pericolosissimo profilo criminale di Domingo che, all'atto della sua scarcerazione, è stata avviata l'attività investigativa nei suoi confronti, apparendo altamente verosimile che lo stesso Domingo, tornato in libertà, acquisisse nuovamente il controllo della famiglia mafiosa, che mai aveva tradito e dalla quale mai si era dissociato", scrive il gip nella misura cautelare. ... &videoId=0
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

English translation:

11.50 - Two 12-gauge shotguns perfectly preserved and functioning and 38 bullets of different calibers, were found by the carabinieri, hidden underground in different points of the property of "Tempesta", Francesco Domingo, boss believed to be the head of the mafia family of Castellammare del Golfo and arrested yesterday during the "Cutrara" anti-mafia operation. ( Here the article ).

06.00 - A rediscovered centrality of the mafia family of Castellammare in the activities of Cosa Nostra, the involvement of politics, the close link with the American faction of New York, which has much of its roots in characters from the Gulf city, and not least the strong bond with the boss of Castelvetrano, Matteo Messina Denaro.

All this has highlighted the anti-mafia operation "Cutrara" which, yesterday morning, with the use of 200 military personnel, the support of naval units, aircraft and specialized departments such as the Sicilian Hunters Helicopter Squadron and dog units for the search for weapons dismantled the Castellammarese mafia family with 13 arrests and 11 complaints in execution of the precautionary custody order issued by the GIP of the Court of Palermo against affiliates of the mafia family of Castellamare del Golfo.

The arrested -The arrested are 13. At the center of the entire investigation is Francesco Domingo, known as "Tempesta", boss released from prison in 2015. The names of those arrested: DOMINGO Francesco, cl. 56 of Castellamare del Golfo; ANGILERI Diego, cl. 37 of Marsala (domiciliary); BUCCELLATO Felice, cl. 41 of Castellamare del Golfo (domiciliary); DI STEFANO Rosario Antonino, cl. 69 of Castellammare del Golfo; DOMINGO Camillo, cl. 57 of Castellamare del Golfo; THE Daniele room, cl. 80 of Castellamare del Golfo; MERCADANTE Salvatore, cl. 85 of Castellamare del Golfo; MULE 'Maurizio Gaspare, cl. 66 of Castellamare del Golfo; SABELLA Antonino, cl. 57 of Castellamare del Golfo; BUILDING Sebastiano cl. 47 of Castellamare del Golfo (domiciliary); SABILE Francesco, cl. 59 of the Castellamare del Golfo; VALENTI Carlo, cl. 78 of Castellamare del Golfo; VIRGA Francesco, cl. 70 of Trapani. The measure was also directed against SOTTILE Benedetto cl. 48, who died in 2018.

The accusations - The charges against the thirteen arrests carried out by the carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Trapani, led by Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Merola, range from mafia-type association, extortion, theft, aiding and abetting, violation of special surveillance and more, all crimes aggravated by the mafia method. A 14th person was included in the ordinance but has died in the meantime. Another 11 people were reported on the loose. Dozens of searches were also carried out, which are still in progress.
The investigations - Coordinated by the Chief Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi, by the Deputy Prosecutor Paolo Guido and by the Deputy Prosecutors Gianluca De Leo and Francesca Dessì, "have allowed the mafia family of Castellammare del Golfo to be disrupted, which despite internal disputes, sees firmly at the top the offender Francesco Domingo, nicknamed Tempesta, already sentenced to 19 years in prison for mafia-type association and other and returned to freedom in March 2015 ”, say the investigators.

Nicola Rizzo mayor investigated -There is also the Mayor of Castellammare del Golfo, Nicola Rizzo, among the suspects of the operation. The mayor's home was searched at dawn. Rizzo received a guarantee notice for external competition in the mafia association, with a simultaneous invitation to be questioned. It is not known in what context the episode referring to Rizzo fits, who, it must be said, has always made legality and the fight against the Mafia a cornerstone of his administration. He has been in office since 2018. According to Tp24 sources, the episode disputed in Rizzo refers to a building permit requested by those arrested in today's operation. Some municipal technicians would also be involved. “I have full confidence in the judiciary and in the work of the police. I am serene.
Declared the mayor of Castellammare del Golfo, Nicolò Rizzo, reached by the guarantee notice in the context of the "Cutrara" anti-mafia operation

The other suspects - In addition to the Mayor of Castellammare del Golfo, Nicola Rizzo, among the suspects of the "Cutrera" anti-mafia operation there is the former vice president of the municipal council of Castellammare del Golfo, Francesco Foderà , who was discovered to turn to the mafia leader local after having suffered the theft of one of his agricultural vehicles, and the Trapani lawyer Francesco Di Bono, former president of the municipal council of Trapani, intercepted to discuss disputes to be resolved with the mafia leader of Trapani Francesco Virga who received the notification of this new ordinance.

Close relations with the American mafia -The new pact between the Sicilian mafia and that of New York passes through Castellammare del Golfo. This is what emerges from the anti-mafia operation of these hours. The emissaries of the American mafia met with Francesco Domingo, 64, known as "Tempesta", the reference point of the fugitive Messina Denaro, and already convicted twice for mafia association.

On the other hand, the origins of the Bonanno clan of New York are precisely in Castellammare, at the Flower Cafè And the Bonannos also related with the mafia of Sciacca, as evidenced by a meeting of 30 July 2018 in Castellammare del Golfo: the mafia boss arrives from Sciacca Accursio Dimino and Sergio Gucciardi, owner of two bars in New York, where slot machines are installed; they meet Stefano Turriciano, "Originally from Castellammare - they write - but mostly residing in the United States and from the information acquired by the judicial police, he was checked in 2007 at the Palermo airport by Franco Salvatore Montagna, a native of Alcamo and brother of Sal Montagna, affiliated to the New York family of Bonanno was assassinated on November 24, 2011 in Montreal ”.

They aimed at new investments in the gaming sector, always with the complicity of Antonello Nicosia, the parliamentary collaborator of the honorable Giuseppina Occhionero, arrested in November last year. affiliated with the New York Bonanno family and murdered on November 24, 2011 in Montreal ”. They aimed at new investments in the gaming sector, always with the complicity of Antonello Nicosia, the parliamentary collaborator of the honorable Giuseppina Occhionero, arrested in November last year. affiliated with the New York Bonanno family and murdered on November 24, 2011 in Montreal ”. They aimed at new investments in the gaming sector, always with the complicity of Antonello Nicosia, the parliamentary collaborator of the honorable Giuseppina Occhionero, arrested in November last year.

Investigations on the Castellammare family - The wiretapping of telephone conversations but also the classic observation, shadowing and control services made it possible to reconstruct the current structure and organization chart of the mafia family of Castellammare del Golfo. In particular, the last historical leader Francesco Domingo is still at the head and is composed of a large number of subjects at his disposal, he has exercised direct and indirect control of economic activities in the reference territory, in particular in the agricultural and construction sector .

This through a series of extortions committed through Mafia intimidation and aimed at the acquisition of works commissioned by private individuals; the mafia intervention on the resolution of economic and other issues between private individuals in total replacement of the institutions in charge of this. Finally, it emerged that the control over the reference territory was such as to leave the decisions regarding the commission of thefts and damage to the mafia association as well as the identification of the perpetrators of the same crimes if not authorized by the same association.

The history of the mafia family of Castellammare del Golfo - That of Castellammare is part of the district of Alcamo, together with the homonymous family and that of Calatafimi Segesta. Until the early 1980s, the Alcamo district was headed by Filippo Rimi, brother-in-law of Tano Badalamenti di Cinisi and linked to the mafia family he directed; the Castellammare del Golfo family was in those years headed by Cola Buccellato, who also held the position of representative of the entire province of Trapani in the Cosa Nostra Commission.

With the first mafia war, which ended in 1983 with the victory of the Corleonesi led by Salvatore Riina, the family of Castellammare del Golfo was "aggregated" to that of Alcamo and the entire district was run first by Vincenzo Milazzo and, since 1992, by Giuseppe Ferro (who later became a collaborator of justice); with the death of Milazzo, the first family of Castellammare was reconstituted and headed by Gioacchino Calabrò, direct referent of the Corleonesi, then arrested in 1993. After 1993 the leadership was then taken on by Michele Mercadante, Agostino Lentini and Nino Valenti, at the top of a a group formed within the articulation under examination which included, among others, Antonino Bosco, Diego Ruggeri, Michele Sottile, Mariano Saracino and, juxtaposed, Francesco Domingo.

Who is Francesco Domingo, known as "Tempesta", at the head of the Castellammare family - Francesco Domingo assumed the regency of the family, in the meantime decimated by numerous arrests, and was then arrested in November 2001 for the crime of participation in association mafia, committed until 1997. In that proceeding Domingo was accused specifically of having favored the inaction of various mafia members, of having contributed to the commission of extortion and of having participated in the execution phase of the murder of Ambrogio Farina (the latter done for which he had, however, been acquitted in the separate appeal process against the sentence of the Court of Assizes of Trapani which had instead sentenced him to life imprisonment). Francesco Domingo was then tried again and sentenced to over nineteen years of imprisonment for having directed the mafia organization of Castellammare del Golfo from 1997 and until 13 July 2004, in the process that resulted from the operation known as "Tempesta ', an appellation with the which Domingo had always been known.

The sentence, in particular, ascertained that the latter, even during his detention following his first arrest in November 2001, had maintained the regency of the mafia family, directly managing extortion to the detriment of companies from the prison and receiving the proceeds to be poured into the "cash" of the association and this through the collaboration of his wife Antonella Di Graziano who, on the occasion of the interviews in prison, received the directives and then passed them on to Diego Rugeri. Released from prison on May 17, 2016, Francesco Domingo was subjected to the preventive measure of the special public security surveillance with the obligation to stay in the Municipality of Castellammare del Golfo.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

Interesting connections: / Provinces / Agrigento / Mafia contacts between Sicily and the US That day they killed Calì
Mafia contacts between Sicily and the USA
That day they killed Calì

The murder of Frank Calì on March 13, 2019
Business in progress for the boss of Sciacca Accursio Dimino and the bag holder Antonello Nicosia

by Riccardo Lo Verso

PALERMO - They wanted to move to America. Accursio Dimino and Antonino Nicosia maintained the communication channel with some emigrated mafia members. They aimed at the slot machine business “in California or Texas or some other place - said the bag holder - we don't necessarily have to do it in New York… in Canada, can't you prepare for Canada? There are those of Cattolica Eraclea ”.

Among the American contacts of the two arrested on Monday were Sergio Gucciardi and Stefano Turriciano , "originally from Castellammare - reads the provision - but mostly residing in the United States and from the information acquired by the judicial police, was checked in 2007 at the airport of Palermo, with Franco Salvatore Montagna, a native of Alcamo and brother of Sal Montagna, as a well-known affiliate of the New York family of the Bonanno and murdered on November 24, 2011 in Montreal ”.

According to Leonardo Zinna, another character from Sciacca who peeps into wiretapping, Gucciardi was even affiliated with the Cosa Nostra by Accursio Dimino, who would have "baptized" him

Dimino was willing to do anything to leave Sicily , even to be a paid killer: "Otherwise I will tell him if there is any need to coax someone, I will tell him give me the money and I'll take care of it". Dimino after "twenty years in prison" would have liked to carve out a role in the American mafia. In fact, on May 15, 2018 Dimino and Nicosia left for the United States of America, where they remained for about a month.

Sometimes it was Gucciardi who showed up. On 14 March 2019 the "environmental" installed in Massimiliano Mandracchia's fruit and vegetable kiosk, another stopped in the blitz, recorded the arrival of Leonardo Zinna. "There is someone who wants to talk to him," Gucciardi said.

Really disturbing ”wrote Palermo prosecutors Paolo Guido, Calogero Ferrara and Francesca Dessì who on March 14th Frank Calì, of the Italian-American Gambino mafia family, was murdered in New York. Calì was in close contact with Zinna who that day had refused any contact with Gucciardi.

Zinna believed that Cali had been killed for a settling of scores: “… who knows what they've done… do you know how many fall if it's not as they say? If he's in the family then… do I have to remind you of everything?… He's the one who came to sleep there in your mother's house… with Gianni Gambino's son do you remember when they came with my (nephew) Nik? ”.

A few months ago it was discovered that Cali's murder had thrown Tommaso Inzerillo, boss of Passo di Rigano into a panic, before it was discovered that the killer had acted for sentimental reasons. Inzerillo feared that it was the beginning of a feud: "... but we have to remove this doubt as soon as possible ... ask before I give him the ticket, I'll let him go ... I have to remove this doubt because ... or not? We can't stay with these ... ".

Tensions subsided when the killer of the boss was arrested. It was a young man, Anthony Comello, who hit him in front of the Stane Island villa because Cali had not given the wealth to the relationship between the 24-year-old and his niece, daughter of the boss's brother. The contacts between the Sicilian mafia and the Italian Americans, who escaped during the mafia war of the Eighties, are always alive. ... rono-cali/
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

by Riccardo Lo Verso

History repeats itself. After Palermo also in Castellammare del Golfo the existence of a strong link with the United States emerges. Mafia connection. Francesco Domingo, arrested today on charges of being the regent of the mafia family, was the guarantor of the contacts. When an American needed something, he turned to him.

First of all by virtue of the relationships of Ciccio Domingo. Linked to the first Italian-American mafia leader Salvatore Maranzano, originally from Castellammare del Golfo, killed in New York on 10 September 1931. His aunt, Angela Domingo, was married to a Maranzano. And again: Domingo is the “godson” of Antonino Giuseppe Montagna, father of Salvatore Montagna, known as “Sal the blacksmith”, believed to be at the top of the Bonanno family, headed by Maranzano's successor, Joseph Bonanno, who was assassinated on November 24, 2011 in Montreal.

The carabinieri of the operational team, under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Merola, placed a bug in the country house of Domingo, in the Gagliardetta district. And the meetings with the Americans came out. Crossing the data collected by the FBI, the conclusion reached by the investigators is that Francesco Domingo "was found to be the main point of reference for US affiliates in the territory of Castellammare del Golfo and that, therefore, his role as mafia leader is recognized even overseas ".

The first meeting between Tempesta (Domingo's nickname) and Antonino Mistretta was already recorded in the summer of 2016, whom the FBI considers very close to Baldassare Amato, already convicted in the United
States for the murder of the boss Carmine Galante.

"We take a walk," says Domingo. Mistretta immediately understands: "... I picked up the phone and I left it at home, what the fuck when I arrive and then ...".

What did they talk about? Domingo later explains it to a friend: "... this little boy, the one you were talking about the other day, the American one" went to Domingo to ask about his relations with a certain "Gaetano". "Gaetano" is identified in Gaetano Camarda,
condemned for having fictitiously registered an activity referable to Domingo and with which disputes arose: "... you are at fault .. because you did not go to my wife and at fault because, I told him the other time to them Christians .. . this little boy who comes here, this American, he wanted a confirmation from me, he says, but what has he done? Could it be… like… I would have walked away from him because I was wondering but he is repentant is not repentant? He fucked up, he didn't fuck up I told him he fucked up, he says, he told me but if you want I don't even say hello, no I told him you can say hello, I told him he can do whatever he wants for me he ".

Domingo discusses the affair with his brother Michele, who also returned from the United States in 2016. It is the conversation in which Ciccio confides to him that a certain "Jo '" has ordered Mistretta to contact only the two Domos in Castellammare del Golfo: "... with Jo ... and he told him ... if you have to go to the town you have to go to find them… he says… you must not go and find any other Christian ”.

Muistretta himself, in October 2016, returned to Ciccio Domingo, in the company of Giovanni Carollo (resident in the United States of America and, according to information from the American police, affiliated with the Bonanno family). Mistretta needs the intervention to obtain a concession from the Municipality of Castellammare del Golfo to build a swimming pool ". Domingo reassures him: he will contact a former manager of the municipality. On the occasion, Mistretta informs Domingo that someone "gets caught", that is, repentant.

Who are you talking about? Investigators believe that the reference is to Antonino Pipitone, Mafioso di Carini "who knew all the things about Palermo ... fuck but ... pieces of useless things".

Another character Domingo met several times is Giuseppe Vultaggio, a US citizen of Alcamo origin. In August 4 years ago he went to ask for help for "a picciutteddu" who had to fly for a company in the waste sector. In the same summer there is also the meeting with Salvatore Montana, namesake of the former head of the Bonanno family who was murdered in Canada.

Not only Trapani, even the Agrigento mafia have contacts with the Americans and Domingo. On 30 July 2018, the mafia boss of Sciacca, Accursio Diminon and Sergio Gucciardi, owner of two bars in New York, where slot machines are placed, move to Castellammare del Golfo. They meet Stefano Turriciano, "originally from Castellammare, but mostly residing in the United States and from the information acquired by the judicial police, he was checked in 2007 at Palermo airport, with Franco Salvatore Montagna, a native of Alcamo and brother of Sal Montagna, as known affiliated with the New York family of the Bonanno and assassinated on November 24, 2011 in Montreal ”.

Some time later Gucciardi telephones Michele Domingo, Francesco's brother, who advises him: "Tomorrow, don't come down to come here, until I tell you ... because there is a mixture for now". It is better to postpone a meeting that takes place on the following 28 August. In a bar we see Francesco Domingo and Gucciardi.

Dimino wants to leave Sicily. He is willing to do anything, even to be a paid killer: "Otherwise I will tell him if there is anything to bother someone I tell him give me the money and I'll take care of it". On May 15, 2018 he flies to America in the company of Antonello Nicosia, the former parliamentary assistant of the Honorable Giuseppina Occhionero, arrested for mafia ... -lamerica/

[Thanks to CabriniGreen who originally shared these articles]
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by B. »

B. wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:42 pm Historic:
Gaspare Messina (Salemi) [Possible leader over this element; became Boston boss]
Baldassare Gallo (Santa Ninfa / Salemi) [Likely a capodecina; many of his close associates were from Salemi]
Giuseppe DiMaria [Capodecina]
Giuseppe Grimaldi (Santa Ninfa / Carini) [Capodecina]
Paul Sciacca (Salemi) [Boss]
Biagio Restivo (Partanna) [Capodecina]
Louis Restivo (Partanna) [Capodecina]
Nicola DiStefano (Salemi) [Capodecina]

Vito Grimaldi (Santa Ninfa) [Capodecina]
Joseph Grimaldi (Santa Ninfa) [Capodecina]
Natale Mule (Partanna) [Acting Capodecina]
Anthony Fasitta (Partanna) [Capodecina]
?-Damiano Zummo (Gibellina?) [Acting Capodecina]
Another might be former acting boss Tommy DiFiore. He looks to have grown up in the same areas and DiFiores intermarried with the Camporeale / Santa Ninfa branch that produced Salvatore Marchese. I found DiFiores in that area from the same part of inland Trapani.

I thought acting captain Vincenzo Masi might be from this area as he associates closely with them but his family comes from Piana degli Albanese in Palermo.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by jimmyb »

Antiliar wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:36 am Yes, I have him listed as the first post-WWII boss. It's a big gap between him and Felice Buccellato, and I'm not positive about Maranzano (who would have been boss for no more than four years anyway). I'm also not certain if Michele Mercadante is in the correct order.
Felice was killed in 21 (and several other family members killed). Plus Francesco Buccellato was on the run. So the Magaddino/Bonventre alliance definitely became the hegemonic group there. But who was the official capo is a great question. I think candidates would be Maranzano, Giuseppe Magaddino, and Stefano Magaddino. These were the elder Magaddino brothers (the undertaker's uncles). I also suspect the famiglia went dark for a while---once Mussolini put the smack down on Sicily. An Italian govt report from the 60s said the old school families in CDG were repressed by the Fascist regime, whereas some upstart families cozied up the government. But no specific family names were given.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

I'm going to speculate on the caporegimes in 1931 after Bonanno became boss. I'm probably missing a few.

- Gaspare DiGregorio
- Vincent D'Anna
- Sebastiano "Buster" Domingo
- Calogero DeBenedetto
- Frank Garofalo
- John Tartamella
- Joseph Colletti
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by thekiduknow »

Didn’t DeBendetto move to Buffalo after the war?

Garofalo was Bonanno’s underboss from the beginning, so not sure if he would have been a captain in 1931. Although Tartamella was said to have a crew underneath him as consigliere, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything to suggest Garofalo had something similar.

Pietro and Giovanni Bonventre may have been captains under Bonanno.

Joseph Stabile was another “Boy of the First Day”, he may have been a caporegima.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

thekiduknow wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:54 am Didn’t DeBendetto move to Buffalo after the war?

Garofalo was Bonanno’s underboss from the beginning, so not sure if he would have been a captain in 1931. Although Tartamella was said to have a crew underneath him as consigliere, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything to suggest Garofalo had something similar.

Pietro and Giovanni Bonventre may have been captains under Bonanno.

Joseph Stabile was another “Boy of the First Day”, he may have been a caporegima.
It's essentially a guessing game at this point.

- Not sure if DeBenedetto went to Buffalo immediately or waited a few years. If the latter it's certainly possible that he was a capo for a little while.

- Bill has Caruso still holding the underboss position through 1932 before he stepped down or was demoted. At that point Garofalo replaced him.

- Joe Bonanno seems to suggest that Pietro Bonventre wasn't made, and didn't Giovanni arrive later? Bill Feather has that Giovanni arrived in 1933 then spent a couple years in Endicott under Joe Barbara.

- I'll add John Stabile to my list.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by thekiduknow »

Definitely a guessing game.

For some reason I thought Joe said Garofalo became underboss when he became boss, but he doesn’t. Interesting he kept Caruso on for around a year before Garofalo.

I think you’re right about Giovanni, at least that he arrived later on than I thought. In Giovanni’s file there’s mention of a 1940s report that Pietro was involved in the Mafia, I’ll see if I can find it. Not sure what evidence there was but given his family connections it’s possible I think.

Edit: Found it


The Iganzio Bonventre turned out not to be related to them.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by Antiliar »

Good find. Will add Pietro to the list. I also think we have enough information to come up with a list of capos from the mid-1950s. If we can do that, it might be possible to formulate a succession list of capos.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by thekiduknow »

I can post what I have for crew succession in the 1960s, and we can go from there.
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Re: Bonanno Family Lineage Chart

Post by B. »

Some things from the investigation into the 1883 CDG / Trapani mafia's kidnapping of Duke Calvino:

- Alberto Genna and Giacomo Spadaro both influential members in CDG, possibly high-ranking. Both surnames show up in the Bonanno Family, with one and possibly two Gennas becoming Bonanno members -- those guys had at least two relatives in NYC named Albert/Alberto so this could be an ancestor. The Gennas of NY were intermarried with Stefano Magaddino and the Bonanno Tartamellas. Two Spadaros also became Bonanno members, including Joe Bonanno's brother-in-law. Member Epifanio "Fauney" D'Angelo's mother was also a Spadaro.

- Giambattista Tartamella was a name mentioned during the investigation. He may have cooperated but it's hard to say, as many defendants / people involved in the case testified in their own defense so hard to gauge what is meant when these ancient reports call someone a "witness".

- The Renda brothers were taking orders from Genna. Antonino Renda, who did fully cooperate, seems to say they were re-assigned to Giacomo Spadaro and Genna was bothered by this. Antonino Renda doesn't seem to have been a member but his brother Tommaso (who cooperated then recanted) was more deeply involved and brother Leonardo seems to be as well. When Antonino Renda was reporting to Genna he mentioned Family leaders Paolo Valenti and Giuseppe Bonanno to Genna and Genna told him not to mention them as their involvement was supposed to be secret.

- Antonino Renda said Giuseppe "Peppe" Bonanno (he uses the same nickname Joe Bonanno gave his uncle) was of similar or the same stature as acting boss Paolo Valenti. Bonanno shows up in the 1896 investigation as a top member too so seems JB was correct his uncle was a powerful member / leader.

- Alberto Genna's uncle Sebastiano Ditta also mentioned in the investigation.

- An Asaro was involved with the major players in this case but it doesn't reference his first name. Girolamo Asaro was old enough to be involved but we know other Asaros were connected to mafia-like activity in CDG as far back as the 1860s.

- Paolo Valenti's brother Andrea appears to have been a member or figure of influence.

- Giuseppe Nobile cooperated. He wanted to marry Paolo Valenti's daughter but Valenti refused the offer, which the defense lawyer claimed was incentive for Nobile to cooperate against Valenti. One of the Rondello brothers, likely Felice but maybe his brother Paolo, was engaged to or married Valenti's daughter. The Rondellos were naturally closely associated with Valenti.

- Partners of Valenti in the Inici countryside (the mountain area) were the Scavuzzo brothers and someone named Puma. Puma shows up later in Bonanno circles. There were Scavuzzos from Vita in the Vita/Calatafimi Family and Newark/San Jose but these ones might be Castellammarese. I assume they were partners with Valenti in land or agriculture.

- Valenti supervised the "work and workers" at the Saint's feast in Castellammare. So like NYC, the mafia in Castellammare controlled the feast.

- Ruvolo of Alcamo was in a feud with Abbatello of Corleone. No other clarification given. "Campiere Felice" of Corleone also attended a mafia banquet in Castellammare.

- The Castiglione brothers Giuseppe and Francesco were involved with the Castellammarese but not sure if they were from there. The investigation included many other Trapani towns (working in concert) so sometimes it's hard to tell which hometown someone comes from.


Some translated quotes from the case that make it clear these weren't simply bandits but a fully-organized Cosa Nostra Family:
This is why, in art. 427, he adds that this crime exists solely for the fact of the organization, and he talks about its
leaders, correspondences and conventions
tending to return account, distribute or divide the product of the offenses.
This is why in articles 428 and 429, according to the quality of the criminals and the object of the design, the penalty is applied and measured for the authors or directors, and for those who are part of the association itself or who knowingly and voluntarily administer them weapons, ammunition, tools, acts of the crime, accommodation, hospitalization or meeting place.

" one of the components of the famous association of criminals, together with thirty-three others, among which there was also that of his brother Andrea, of Giuseppe Bonanno meant Valenti and of a certain Barone, born and domiciled in Castellammare.
Now, nearly a third of the accused came by the bridle police, arrested; but Paolo Valenti, despite the suspects was let loose, and did not flee, and remained quiet in his own country.

Universally, he wrote, it is believed that the organization of the crime that concerns us took place in Paceco by an association of criminals, ten
teeth to commit a crime against people or property, and whose ranks would extend to Trapani, Monte S. Giuliano, Salemi and Castellammare; but then, having reviewed the individuals who compose it, he closed his famous report with the following words:

“This office has no facts, or special elements
to be administered to justice against the aforementioned individuals, because none of them has been denounced; but he can confidently say that they are retained capable of being ugly in any filth, and their names
are indicated with the utmost reserve and circumspection
“In the ears of all officials as perfidious and affiliated
to the mafia and therefore feared in the town ".

It is certain, gentlemen, that the vitality of an entity is moral
or immoral that it is, it is inferred from the structure of his
parties, which must be in intimate relations with each other. Now the prosecution has never demonstrated the mutual friendship between all the members of the crime group, divided into districts and
common, by age, by habits, by professions and by condition
Has it ever been known, for example, what the relationships between the natural ones of Paceco and those of Monte S. Giuliano? between those
from Castellammare and the others from Trapani? among all the members of the famous association of criminals with Plescia? And
then, why, without mutual bonds of friendship, deduct the
community to crime?

A simple and fleeting acquaintance would not be enough to make a criminal pact, as true
and perfect constitution of the association, it is necessary to have a partnership
they give each other mutual respect and are sure of mutual silence and courage

Yet there are many judges who do not even know each other, and they even ignore who the Duke Calvino was and where he was kidnapped!
From conjecture to conjecture, the accusation has come up to
admit as a meeting place for the criminal association
tavern or the warehouse of Michele Tedesco in Borgo dell’Annunziata. How ! a conspiracy house is considered indispensable for the association of criminals and a tavern or warehouse is chosen at the gates of this city, on the left side
of a wheel public road, animated by shops and
industries, a short distance from the guards' barracks in
P. Sicurezza safety!
And in what way the partners of the various
districts and the most distant municipalities will be able to easily gather and discuss freely?

They won't have to fear prying eyes and ears
intent of a crowd of people who flock to it and renew itself
at all hours of the day, and the presence of several individuals, often unnoticed and unknown, who meet there, to
different professions, from all the towns of the province and live there even at night?
This is all strange and unlikely, and
we will allow ourselves to add, absurd. But it has been tried,
or gentlemen, who will meet in that place, at least one only
time, all the partners bound to the crime? The prosecution said that,
in more or less remote times, they were seen at the tavern
or the warehouse of Tedesco two or three of the judicable, which
after all, they banned their home and family in those surroundings, but
did not dare to assert and demonstrate that in that warehouse, or
in that tavern, and before November 3, 1883, they met almost in a fraternal banquet, directed by an evil
Nume still unknown, the fugitive Plescia, Genna, Valenti,
Rondello, the three brothers Pace, Gambicchia, the Castiglione and
. Therefore the main elements of the as are missing
association of criminals, and, to admit it, it is really a laughable loophole to seek refuge and dwell on a generic word of disaffection that escaped the old source Pace in the first threatening letter. We are a gang of thugs - and interpret it ominously, when all the accused are silent on the existence of the association, even though the vast majority confess themselves guilty of a more serious crime,
that is, that of extortion with seizure
. What shall we say at last, gentlemen, about the nature and purpose of this sect of villains? It is claimed that he had no blood intentions,
but only for the purpose of attacking other people's property. Well, all but one or two of those who can be judged have never been convicted of crimes of theft, and it is very rare to find many citizens, without any charge even with respect to
life and the integrity of people, suddenly formed into a criminal partnership. I am told that the association can arise without precedent crimes, and that, in this case,
its existence is demonstrated by the blackmail Calvino and by
other crimes he would have consumed, if force and justice
had not reached him at the right time in the path of the law.

It is curious that a powerful association, solidly
just own a mule for the long journey
of the prisoner, and his followers are therefore forced to
walk slowly, by dint of feet and legs, the difficult one
road, when they need to proceed quickly up
to Mafi.
^^^ The mafia in Salemi was mentioned as involved with the Castellammare and other Trapani Families, showing the Salemi / Santa Ninfa / Partanna relationship to the Bonanno Family wasn't a brand new development in the US.

^^^ They noted that while conspirators were willing to admit to the crime of extortion, they remained silent about the organization they belonged to.

^^^ Keep in mind these quotes are from the POV of defense attorneys, so they're refuting the claims made by the prosecution that this was a highly-organized group with a distinct hierarchy, code of secrecy, rules/protocol, who spanned various professions/backgrounds and met clandestinely in warehouses, taverns, and at banquets.
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