News from Italy

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Re: News from Italy

Post by aleksandrored »

11 July 2018 - Mafia of Marsala, a century of prison for the support of Matteo Messina Denaro

The operation of the carabinieri who had struck a hard blow to the supporters of the fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro in May 2017 was called "Vizier". An operation conducted by carabinieri and Dda that disrupted the new arrangements of the Marshalese mafia family.

The prosecutors Piero Padova and Gianluca De Leo had requested the conviction for 10 of the 14 arrested accused in various capacities of mafia and extortion. This afternoon, the Nicola Aiello gup sentenced them to more than a century in prison.

These are the condemnations: 16 years for Vito Vincenzo Rallo, considered the alleged regent of the Marsala thigh; 14 years for his right-hand man Nicolò Sfraga; 9 years for Calogero D'Antoni; 12 years and 8 months for Vincenzo D'Aguanno; 10 years and 8 months for Giuseppe Giovanni Gentile; 12 years for Simone Licari; 12 years Ignazio Lombardo, called "the captain"; 12 years for Michele Lombardo; 10 years for Aleandro Rallo; 5 years and 4 months for Massimo Salvatore Giglio. Arranged compensation to the anti-racket and anti-corruption Association Trapani, Sicindustria, the Pio La Torre study center, La verità vive association. The quantification of compensation is remitted to the civil court.

The investigations have outlined the assets and hierarchies of the Cosala di Marsala, also uncovering internal tensions on the Strasatti-Petrosino axis (which were about to result in serious bloodshed) for the division of financial resources deriving from illicit activities.

Vito Vincenzo Rallo - 16 years

Nicolò Sfraga - 14 years

Calogero D'Antoni - 9 years

Vincenzo D'Aguanno - 12 years and 8 months

Giuseppe Giovanni Gentile - 10 years and 8 months

Simone Licari - 12 years

Ignazio Lombardo - 12 years

Michele Lombardo - 12 years

Aleandro Rallo - 10 years

Massimo Salvatore Giglio - 5 years and 4 months
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Re: News from Italy

Post by Strax »

According to the turncoat Sergio Macaluso (acting boss of Resuttana 'mandamento'), some months before the death of Toto Riina last year, a new provincial and probably regional commission of Cosa Nostra was formed.
Paolo Calcagno, acting boss of Porta Nuova 'mandamento' and Filippo Bisconti, acting boss of Misilmeri 'mandamento', said him they were going to be part of the new-born provincial commission.

Credits to Hollander for original post.
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Re: News from Italy

Post by aleksandrored »

July 16, 2018 - The mafia after the Riina, blitz with 28 arrests in Palermo: in prison also Corona, king of recycling


Twenty-eight arrests, including four under house arrest, in the Guardia di Finanza as part of an investigation into the mafia gangs of Palermo coordinated by the DDA of the capital. For 19 suspects, a dwelling ban was ordered. In the viewfinder mafia, nominee and extortion of different clans of the city.

The investigation, which photographs the mafia after the Riina, a mafia in search of balance, new leaders and new business, has brought to light above all the role of Giuseppe Corona, emerging boss in the new assets of Cosa nostra after the death of Totò Riina and able to recycle rivers of money.

According to the investigators he was the one to manage investments in shops but also bars and tobacconists on behalf of the mafia families with the complicity of unsuspecting nominees.

Among the four at home also Nico Riccobene, well-known lawyer, already investigated in the past for having managed the treasure of builders boss Graziano.

The operation, called "Delirio", and coordinated by the DDA of Palermo, was conducted by the currency police of the Guardia di Finanza from the early hours of this morning. Also searches and seizures of companies and properties for several million euros are underway.

THE KING OF RECYCLING. The key character of the investigation of the DDA of Palermo is Giuseppe Corona, Rivers of dirty money earned by drug trafficking have passed through his hands, the "king" of recycling, capable of cleaning up illegal money and reinvesting it in a legitimate business

Corona, who was formally cashier of the Aurora cafeteria, today seized by the finance guard, is not an unsuspecting one. His name appears in the proceedings of an investigation that, last year, led to the top of the mafia clan of Resuttana always led by the boss bosses of the Madonia family.
Sentenced to 17 years for a murder committed after a trivial quarrel for the return of a bracelet, the son of a murdered mobster, he the headmaster Gregorio Palazzotto said "is my brother". The Madonia would have entrusted their treasure, a lot of money to clean up, and betting the racecourse, then seized by the mafia. Bars, tobacco, real estate, Corona has made many investments over the years. With the money of the gangs, according to the pm.

THE SON OF PENTITO. There is also Raffaele Favaloro, the son of the repentant mafia Marco Favaloro, among the 24 arrested (4 suspects are at home) in the blitz of Finance. Marco Favaloro, mafia member of the Resuttana clan, who passed into the ranks of collaborators of justice in the 90s, was among those responsible for the murder of the entrepreneur Libero Grassi, killed because he had opposed the racket of lace.
The son to whom the investigators contest the mafia association and the recycling through the activities of the Compro Oro, obviously did not follow in his footsteps.
Although he had never been formally affiliated, Marco Favaloro was a trusted man of the Madonia bosses. "I was not combined, but I was very close, I did not miss anything, I was directed with the mandate I belonged to," he told the magistrates when he began to collaborate.
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Re: News from Italy

Post by aleksandrored »

July 16, 2018 - Mafia, 28 arrested in the "Delirio" operation in Palermo: all the names

Twenty-eight arrested as part of the anti-mafia operation '' Delirio '' conducted by the Guardia di Finanza coordinated by the Palermo DDA. In jail

At home: Nicolò Riccobene, 74, Michele Siracusa, 74, Giuseppe Mandarano, 75, Antonino Salerno, 33 years old.

The ban on staying in Palermo was taken by Rosario Armetta, 55, Pasquale Fantaci, 44, Giuseppe Abbagnato, 56, Francesco Paolo Trapani, 21, Massimiliano Cocco, 49, Salvatore Giglio, 59, Giuseppe Pecoraro, 44 years, Giosuè Lo Piccolo, 42, Giovanni Russo, 32, Aurelio Perrino, 72, Salvatore Calabrese, 44, Aldo Calandra, 35, Francesco Calandra, 58, Giuseppe Tarantino, 48, Domenico Milazzo, 75 years , Emanuela Milazzo, 51, Roberto Bonaccorso, 47, Maria Laura Bonaccorso, 48, Salvatore Sanfratello, 62.
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Re: News from Italy

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July 16, 2018 - Mafia, Operation Delirio in Palermo: here are the activities seized

Real estate, companies, shares, commercial establishments. The list of assets seized by the Guardia di Finanza on the orders of the DDA of Palermo in the investigation that today led to 28 arrests is long.

In the list of recipients of the provision there are also the old managers of three known confectioners: the Albas srl of Piazza Don Bosco 7 C / D, the Bar Alba srl, Piazza Don Bosco 7 C / D and the Pastry Alba srl, viale Margherita Of Savoy.

Local known in the city "then kept alive even with the money of the clan," said Lieutenant Colonel Saverio Angiulli of the currency police unit of the Guard of Finance. By means of a press note, the company Apr srl (which currently manages the Alba Bar in Piazza Don Bosco and the Viale Regina Margherita), has specified "not to have any connection or economic or legal continuity with the previous one, so much so that predicta Apr srl has had to restart from scratch all activities, requesting new authorizations and licenses, and even signing new contracts for the lease of buildings and new contracts for all utilities, as well as buying a lot of equipment and furnishings to the public ".

Among the finite goods under seizure several properties in Via Isidoro Carini, in Via Francesco Omodei, Via Giuseppe Impastato, Via Giuseppe Loria, Via Sampolo and Via Barbarigo.

There are numerous companies that sprout in the investigation, including the company Cotasa srls, piazza Don Bosco 7 / H, the Cabo srl, via Cala 64, the Debo srl, via Agostino de Cosmi 47/47; the Medi Games srl, via Biagio Petrocelli 3A; the individual company Gnoffo Angela, via Alfonso Amorelli 12 and via Malaspina 102/104; the individual firm Giannotta Gianpiero, alley Appalto and via dei Materassai 3; the individual company Oliveri Nunzio, via Cappuccini 124 and via Papireto 39/41; the Aurora bar srls company, via Francesco Crispi 290 and via Ruggero Loria 62.
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Re: News from Italy

Post by aleksandrored »

July 18, 2018 - Mafia, the Day: "After the death of Riina, it risks strong tensions and acts of force"

After Totò Riina's death, Cosa Nostra goes through a "phase of transition and remodulation, marked by the risk of strong tensions that could lead to acts of force, with dangerous repercussions on the entire mafia organization".

This is what emerges from the last semi-annual report of the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department. For Dia "it is very unlikely that it will be succeeded by Messina Denaro" and it is "reasonable to believe that Cosa nostra will tend to a collective management, in line with the strategy pursued in recent years".

In the capital, among the criminal groups, there are more and more organizations that can be assimilated to the modus operandi of mafia associations, such as those in Sicily, Calabria and Campania. According to the document, in some areas of the Capital there are criminal formations which, "based on close family ties, always show more modus operandi similar to the case envisaged by art. 416 bis ".

"The investigative and judicial outcomes of recent years - read again in the report of the Dia - continue, in fact, to account for a reality, the Roman one, particularly complex in terms of criminal infiltration, which see the work qualified projections of organizations Italian mafia type (Sicilian, Calabrian and bells in the first place), which have easily managed to adapt to the socio-economic characteristics of the territory of election. If necessary, these criminal groups know perfectly how to intersect their interests not only with foreign-based partnerships, but also with the indigenous delinquent formations that, although different, in terms of structural model and action related to the exercise of criminal power, have adopted the organizational and operational model of the mafia type, to acquire more and more spaces in the territorial environment of reference ".
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Re: News from Italy

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Don't give me your f***ing Manson lamps.
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Re: News from Italy

Post by Wiseguy »

Police raids target powerful Casamonica clan in Rome and southern Italy
The Local
July 17, 2018

At least 250 carabinieri, Italy's military police, were involved in a series of operations across Italy on the morning of Tuesday July 17th against Rome's powerful Casamonica clan.

The operations resulted in 31 arrests, including one of the alleged heads of the organized crime institution, Giuseppe Casamonica, who was released from prison earlier this year. Italian champion boxer Domenico Spada was also arrested.

Spada's gym in Rome was also shut down and seized, reports Repubblica. The daily had previously reported that Spada's gym was frequented by the Movimento 5 Stelle Senator Emanuele Dessi. Warrants for six other members of the clan have also been issued.

The Italian police's raids began at dawn on Tuesday morning and targeted key Casamonica organized crime members in Rome and the southern provinces of Calabria.

The suspects are accused of setting up an organization dedicated to trafficking and dealing drugs, usury, illicit granting of loans, racketeering and extortion – all with "a mafia character," a specific crime under Article 416 of the Italian Penal Code.

The Casamonica clan were originally an organized crime family of Roma ethnicity that migrated from southern Italy but have since spread their tentacles – and affiliations – to control, according to Italian prosecutors, large parts of organized crime in the Italian capital and beyond. Its members have threatened journalists on live television and are accused of a spate of murders.

Journalists from Repubblica and TV news Tg2 were threatened with sticks by family members today in their stronghold in Rome.

The head of the clan is said to be Giuseppe Casamonica, released from prison just this year after serving a ten year sentence.

The 2015 funeral of the clan's founder, Vittorio Casamonica, attracted widespread attention for its lavishness – a Rolls Royce hearse, flowers sprinkled over Rome from a helicopter and other ostentatious gestures before the authorities' eyes. Vittorio Casamonica's coffin was carried away soundtracked by the theme tune from the film The Godfather.

The clan became famous for extortion and charging huge interest on loans, in some cases demanding up to €600,000 payback for a €10,000 loan, according to Repubblica. Victims have traditionally been afraid to testify or come forward because of the fear of violent repercussions.

The Casamonica clan and affiliates control large swathes of the east and coastal area of Rome and have reportedly built a crime empire worth €90 million from illicit activities. Along the way they have beaten up a disabled woman in a bar, according to the Italian police, while spreading fear throughout the Italian capital.

Authorities admit they largely overlooked the Casamonica clan's rise in the 1980s and 1990s, remaining instead focused on other organized crime gangs. Such negligence led to the rise of an organization that, according to a Corriere delle Sera investigation published in 2015, counted more than 1,000 members across 43 families. None have ever turned against the clan, making it particularly difficult for the authorities to tackle the organization.

This isn't the first major raid against the group. In 2012, the Italian police arrested 39 members of the clan for drug trafficking, but failed to dent the organization's power structure. In 2010, a police raid led to the seizure of €10 million in assets – luxury cars, properties, land and bank accounts. Previous raids in 2002 and 2003 also failed to finish off the clan. ... hern-italy
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Re: News from Italy

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Obviously the Anacleti clan in the Suburra TV series is based on these guys.

Rome mafia ever more like Sicily
'MO like counterparts Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta, Camorra'
July 18, 2018

Rome's mafias are ever more like the Cosa Nostra in Sicily, the Camorra in Campania and the 'Ndrangheta in Calabria, according to a new report from the National Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate. The six-monthly report, issued the day after a major mafia bust in the capital against the Casamonica clan which was allied to the 'Ndrangheta for drug pushing, said "organisations similar for MOs to mafia associations like those in Sicily, Calabria and Campania are ever more evident in Rome".

In some areas of the capital there are criminal groups which, "based on close family ties, ever more show the modus operandi of groups of mafia associations", the report said.

Following the mass arrest of members of the family heavily involved in organized crime on Tuesday, a Rome prosecutor warned that the mafia is very powerful in the Italian capital. Calling Rome mafia territory "is not an exaggeration", prosecutor Michele Prestipino said in an interview with Italian daily Corriere della Sera. "I do not think that Rome is comparable to Palermo, Reggio Calabria or Naples, since here groups using mafia methods interact with others that are not involved in the mafia.

The main problem here is still corruption, which in other locations is secondary to traditional mafias. However, we see a code of silence and non-collaboration from the victims of crimes," he stressed. "Neither here nor in Milan are people lining up to report intimidation and abuse of power."

The Casamonica family-based mafia group, which was targeted by Tuesday's operation in which over 30 were arrested "is a galaxy" that is more frightening than traditional clans, he said. "They are different groups bonded together by blood ties that stand out for their iron-clad control of 'their' territory," he said, "and have become one of the most frightening criminal realities of the city." He stressed that several types of criminal activities were involved.

Italian police on Tuesday made 31 arrest as they hit the Casamonica Roman crime family, saying it had links with the 'Ndrangheta for drug trafficking.

Six people are missing and presumed to be on the run, police said.

The arrests were made in the Italian capital and in the provinces of Reggio Calabria and Cosenza in Calabria, police said.

The suspects are accused of creating an organisation dedicated to drug trafficking, extortion and loan sharking, all aggravated by using mafia methods.

Among those arrested is Domenico Spada of the eponymous Rome and Ostia crime family, aka Vulcano and a former boxing champion.

"They didn't need to use violence, the Casamonica name was enough," said anti-mafia prosecutor Michele Prestipino.

Locales in Rome including a disco in Testaccio and a restaurant near the Pantheon were sequestered.

Searches turned up 50,000 euros in cash, current accounts, cars and dozens of luxury watches.

The so-called 'Romanina clan', from the eastern district of the Italian capital, held sway over criminal activity in much of Rome, investigators said.

Because of their Roma and Traveller origins, they were also known as the Gypsies.

The clan was bust wide open, police said, thanks to the State's evidence of 31-year-old Debora Cerroni, the partner of Massimiliano Casamonica, brother of clan chieftain Giuseppe Casamonica.

Never accepted by the clan, she is now under police protection, investigators said.

The second crucial informant is a Calabria-born man who has lived in Rome for many years. He is said to have managed drugs operations for the Casamonicas.

Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi said "the Carabinieri operation went very well, my compliments".

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said "we are winning against organised crime".

Defence Undersecretary Angelo Tofalo said "I'd like to thank the Carabinieri for a laudable operation at the end of a probe that started in 2015".

The Casamonicas have long been the most powerful mafia-style group in Rome and there was a scandal three summers ago when one clan boss had a Godfather-like funeral complete with music from the iconic film and rose petals dropped onto a horse-drawn hearse from a helicopter. ... df1a8.html
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Re: News from Italy

Post by aleksandrored »

19 July 2018 - Mafia, seizure of half a million to the heirs of the boss of Mazara Agate: even a cottage in Kartibubbo

Seizure of half a million euros to the heirs of the boss Mariano Agate of Mazara del Vallo. Among the assets there is a cottage of the tourist village "Kartibubbo" of Torretta Granitola in Campobello di Mazara and an elegant apartment. The investigators of the Dia di Trapani believe that the assets are attributable to the children and the wife of Mariano Agate, considered the historical mafia boss of Mazara del Vallo, who died in 2013.

The villa of "Kartibubbo" Agate would have received it in "gift", in the seventies, by alleged international mafioso dealers Vito Roberto Palazzolo at the conclusion of the real estate operation managed by our mazarese thing that led to the transfer of ownership of the tourist complex from investors foreigners to the builder of Monreale, Calcedonio Di Giovanni, also a recipient in the past years of a measure of personal and patrimonial prevention.

The property has never been registered to any member of the Agate family, but when in 2014 the men of the Dia of Trapani broke into the tourist village of Kartibubbo found inside, to spend the holiday guests, the children of Mariano Agate, who they reported that they had always used that villa without ever knowing who the formal owner of the property was and without ever paying the electricity and water utilities.

An elegant apartment in Mazara del Vallo was also seized that a daughter of the mafia boss would have bought using the conspicuous salaries that were given to her in the face of a vague work collaboration from Calcetruzzi Mazara spa, a cement conglomerate company today definitively confiscated, which for several decades has been the tangible symbol of the economic and mafia power of the Agate family.

The seizure order was issued by the penal section and preventive measures of the court of Trapani, on the proposal of the director of Dia, who applied the anti-mafia code that allows the seizure of illicitly accumulated assets by the mafia even after their death.

Mariano Agate, also called the "papetto" was one of the most dangerous Sicilian mafia bosses, convicted of illicit drugs trafficking, by mafia association, for several murders. The murder of Giangiacomo Ciaccio Montalto and the involvement of the Capaci massacre were attributed to Agate.

There are numerous irrevocable sentences of condemnation that have attributed to Mariano Agate, for over thirty years, the role of head of the mafia mandate of Mazara del Vallo. Agate was considered a loyal ally of the mafia Corleonesi and strove to ensure in the area of ​​Mazara del Vallo long and safe inaction to Totò Riina, which was provided with logistical support as well as false identity documents belonging to the farmer Giuseppe Bellomo , cousin of Agate.

The judges considered Agate involved in the international traffic of drugs and foreign tobacco products. Numerous irrevocable judgments have ascertained its decisive role in the deliberation and execution of numerous mafia murders.
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Re: News from Italy

Post by aleksandrored »

19 July 2018 - Mafia, confiscation of assets for 5 million to Boss of Vittoria

Confiscation for a total value of 5 million euro against Giacomo Consalvo, 60 years old and originally from Vittoria. The provision, carried out by the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department of Catania, involves three companies, apartments with attached parking spaces, buildings, agricultural land, vehicles and financial resources.

The assets are considered as the result of the revenues of Consalvo, owner of a packaging company for fruit and vegetables. The decree was issued by the Court of Ragusa - Prevention Measures Section - on a proposal for the application of personal and financial prevention measures formulated by the Director of Dia.

Consalvo is held at the head of the flock family contiguous to the mafia clan of the stiddarios called "Dominant" and had already been convicted of association mafia, criminal association aimed at trafficking and drug dealing. Pluripregiudicato and already supervised special with the obligation to stay, he was arrested by the State Police of Ragusa together with his sons Giovanni and Michael as part of the operation called "Box" coordinated by the DDA of Catania.

On that occasion, the agents carried out an order for precautionary custody on charges of having imposed on the companies operating in the fruit and vegetable market of Vittoria the purchase of boxes and products for packaging at their companies with the aggravating factor of the Mafia method.
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Re: News from Italy

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19 July 2018 - Assumptions and commercial choices imposed by the bosses, the hands of the mafia on businesses in Messina: 8 arrests

They would have imposed with the threats and the strength to some entrepreneurs the people to assume but also choices to make, as for example to stop the sale of meat. Thus a criminal group linked to the Spartà clan kept the area of ​​Messina Sud in check in the area of ​​Santa Lucia Sopra Contesse.

Eight people were accused of criminal association, mafia, extortion, usury, fictitious heading of assets and violations of special surveillance obligations, all aggravated by the mafia method.

For seven people the provision for precautionary custody was ordered in prison by the carabinieri of the provincial command of Messina. This is Angelo, Bonasera, currently held at the Messina Gazzi prison, for another reason; Antonio Caliò; Giuseppe Cambria, Antonio Cambria Scimone; Tommaso Ferro; Lorenzo Guarnera, currently held at the Caltanissetta prison for another reason; Raimondo Messina, currently held at the Milan-Opera prison, for another reason. While the house arrest was arranged for Alfio Russo.

According to the investigators, the mafia group would have been able to interfere and influence the activity of some Messinese entrepreneurs, not only by imposing recruitment of personnel indicated by the members, but also by imposing their entrepreneurial choices on them. In particular, it was ascertained during the course of the investigation that, to eliminate entirely the competition at the bar "il Veliero", attributable to Saro Messina, a pastry chef would have been obliged to stop the sale of drinks and coffee inside his pastry shop , adjacent to the aforementioned bar, because, in the opinion of today's suspects, it would have been responsible for a drop in revenues.

In a further episode, an entrepreneur active in the food wholesale business would have been forced violently and threatened to interrupt meat supplies and processed butcher shops to some city restaurants to encourage the nascent butchery business of one of the suspects. Another source of interference in the normal course of business of the victims would have been identified in the custom of imposing the recruitment at their shops, relatives and acquaintances of suspects, as well as preventing their dismissal.

The restrictive measure arises from a complex investigative activity, conventionally called 'Polema', launched in October 2014 by the investigative nucleus of the provincial carabinieri of Messina, coordinated by the prosecution, which started with statements made by the collaborator of justice Daniele Santovito . So it would have been proven the existence of a mafia group active in the south of the capital Peloritano and attributable to Giacomo Spartà, uninterruptedly detained since 25 March 2003, head of the homonymous clan, hegemon in the racket of usury and extortion to the detriment of traders and patrons of betting shops, whose proceeds would have helped feed the mafia group's cash desk.

Investigators have tried the relationships between Raimondo Messina and members of the Spartà family. On one occasion the boss's wife, on the occasion of the cessation of the semi-liberty to which Messina was subjected, would have personally gone, accompanied by her children, to visit him at her home. In addition, Messina would have expressed on several occasions explicitly his respect towards Antonio Spartà, brother of the inmate, even if they were not recorded, during the investigation, telephone reports meeting face to face with his brother. The investigation is coordinated by the Messina DDA led by the Chief Prosecutor Maurizio de Lucia.

As part of the operation, a round of extortion to the detriment of the players was discovered, frequenters of some gaming rooms in Messina controlled by the same coterie. It was documented, in fact, that in one case some of the suspects would have forced the owner of a betting room to give them the property, due to the financial difficulties of the same, also claiming the payment of the sum of 5,000 euros, for a series of bets made with "credit" money of the betting companies. Players would have been forced to pay gambling debts contracted with theaters managers.

In particular, numerous incidents were recorded in which the debtor would have been explicitly threatened with physical violence and retaliation ('I'll break your legs') and then, when the threat proved unsuccessful, the associates would have explicitly referred to their criminal reputation. as well as their membership in the mafia association. So the suspects would have managed systematically, to recover all the claims claimed, which could vary from 3,000 up to 10,000 euros. Significant is the story that involved a trader, a visitor to one of the arcades that, in the face of a debt contract at an illegal poker table, of about 6,000 euros, would first be forced to pay 10,000 euros in cash, then to deliver a ring worth 6,000 euros and finally a brand watch worth 4,000 euros.

During the course of the investigation, an alleged wear case was reported to the detriment of a trader who in obvious economic difficulties. In particular, the victim, owner of a well-known city jewelery, to deal with small debts with suppliers for a total amount of 4,000 euros, should have delivered in only six months the sum of 8,500 euros, of which 4,500 as interest. Not satisfied, some of today's investigators forced the entrepreneur to deliver some precious items, for a total commercial value of a further 1,000 euros. The woman, encouraged by having managed to cope with the claims of the moneylenders, would continue to resort to the same money lenders on other occasions: in particular in one circumstance, in the face of an initial loan of 2,000 euros, in six months she had to deliver 4,500 euros, while in another episode requested a loan of 5,500 euros, repaying, within thirty days, 9,000.

The organization had identified its logistics base, a safe place to meet to talk privately about illicit affairs, to the Il Veliero bar managed and managed by Raimondo Messina, although formally owned by its mother. In fact, during the surveys, a corporate change was totally orchestrated by the latter, the only point of reference for the professionals who formalized the transaction without having ever been asked any opinion to the mother, sole partner of the company and administrator of the same.

Raimondo Messina has also dealt with the renovation of the premises, always following personally the relationships with employees, deciding layoffs and hiring, but also suppliers.
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Re: News from Italy

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July 21, 2018 - Mafia a Troina, a century in prison for 11 members of a clan of Cosa Nostra

Over a century of prison and almost 50 thousand euros of fines for 11 of the twelve defendants of the "Discovery" anti-mafia trial, belonging to a clan of Cosa Nostra linked to the Santapaola of Catania. The Court of Enna imposed the sentence during the first degree hearing that closed yesterday.

The members of the clan would try to take control of the extortion in Troina. The sentence, after ten hours of the council chamber, was issued by the collegiate tribunal, chaired by Francesco Paolo Pitarresi, adjudicators Nelly Gaia Mangiameli and Andrea Agate. The first comment outside the Court is of the mayor of Troina, Fabio Venezia. "Justice is done".
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Re: News from Italy

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July 21, 2018 - Mafia, final sentence to 5 years allegedly belonging to the Santapaola family

Carmelo Motta was arrested in Belpasso, in the province of Catania, allegedly belonging to the Catania family of "Santapaola-Ercolano", already under house arrest. For him a definitive sentence of 5 years imprisonment for Mafia association, a crime committed up to 2012.

The military executed an order for the incarceration of the Attorney General of the Republic at the Court of Appeal of Catania. The man was locked up in the Bicocca prison.

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Re: News from Italy

Post by Strax »

$2.6 million has been awarded to the family of boy nabbed by the Mafia to silence his turncoat father. The victim, Giuseppe Di Matteo, was strangled and dissolved in acid at age 13.
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