Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

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Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by NYNighthawk »

Gravano is quoted from what I understand. But no posting yet. Is Dellacroce responsible for this fuckup?]
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?


Surprised Sammy Bull Sez A Mob Boss Prez Would Be A Good Thing
Gang Land Exclusive!James ComeyThey worked pretty well together 25 years ago, but mob turncoat Salvatore Gravano was as surprised as the next guy — along with several former FBI agents — when he learned that fired FBI Director James Comey cited "Sammy the Bull" and argued in his tell-all book that President Trump sought the same loyalty from him that mob bosses demanded from their troops.

Nothing wrong with that, Gravano tells Gang Land.

"The country doesn't need a bookworm as President, it needs a mob boss," said Gravano, who famously brought down his Mafia boss, John Gotti, in 1992. That's especially so today when the President has to deal with powerful demagogues with nuclear weapons at their command, says the 73-year-old Sammy Bull, who said his health is "much better" since he got out of prison in September.

"Truthfully speaking now," said Gravano, "if you're gonna deal with the guy who runs North Korea, or the people who run Iran, or the Russian president, do you want a fucking bookworm to deal with them? Or do you want a gangster? You don't need a Harvard graduate to deal with these people. These guys are real gangsters. You need a fucking gangster to deal with these people."

Salvatore GravanoGravano said all of that — and much more — in an exclusive interview with Gang Land. The talk was sparked by Comey's new book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, in which Comey writes that during a private White House dinner a week after the inauguration Trump told him, "I expect loyalty. I need loyalty." Comey concluded: "The demand was like Sammy the Bull's Cosa Nostra induction ceremony."

During the interview — Gravano's first since his release after doing 17-plus years for drug dealing — the former mobster insisted that he was not endorsing Trump as he declared that a Mafia boss as Commander in Chief would be a good thing. Instead, he focused on the main point of the book by Comey, who as a prosecutor, used Sammy Bull as a witness in a 1993 case in which the mob defector helped the feds wrangle convictions of three mobsters for a John Gotti-ordered rubout.

"I don't want this to sound like I'm tooting Trump's horn," said Sammy Bull. "I'm saying you need a guy like me. A real gangster. No matter who it is. When you deal with people on that level, you gotta be a gangster," said Gravano, who insisted that his real-life gangster days are over.

Higher LoyaltyHe opined that a President needs the same toughness and moxie to beat back the likes of Kim Jong un, Hassan Rouhani or Vladimir Putin that Sammy Bull used when dealing with murderous mobsters in his own family, as well as mob rivals during the bloody 1980s and early 1990s, years when dead gangsters from three crime families littered the streets of New York.

"When I dealt with other families, their bosses, underbosses and guys like Roy Demeo and Gaspipe Casso, and all kinds of other crazy nut jobs," Gravano continued, "if I wasn't a gangster, and they didn't know I was a gangster, they would have swallowed me up."

"If you (the U.S. President) ain't going to act like a fucking gangster with them, (Kim, Rouhani, Putin) you are never going to get their respect, number 1, and number 2, they'll eat you up," he said.

One topic Gravano refused to go near, however, was whether he had any dealings with Trump in the 1980s — or ever met or spoke to him — while both were major players in the New York City construction industry. It seems likely they might have, since each had close ties to the convicted leader of Teamsters Local 282, John Cody. But Gravano would only state "no comment" on possible meetings or dealings with Trump.

Roy DeMeoFor the record, as the Gambino crime family's main man in the industry, Sammy Bull controlled Local 282. And for years, while Cody's members worked on Trump building projects, Cody's girlfriend had a rent free apartment in Trump Towers, according to Wayne Barrett, who detailed Trump's ties to Cody and other wiseguys in his 1992 book, Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.

During his mobster days, Gravano owned a Brooklyn construction company. He also ran one in Arizona when he got out of prison in the 1990s before his arrest in 2000 for dealing ecstasy. Today, he says he pays close attention to the economy as he pursues other business "options" and believes, he said, that major issues like unemployment, education and health care would also improve if a mob boss was President.

"Politicians are always lying and they are robbing the country forever," said Gravano, echoing what Trump, and many of his staunch supporters said during and after The Donald's surprising victory over Hillary Clinton 17 months ago.

Comey's words in his book, and the amplification of them to ABC-TV's George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that Trump's loyalty remark was an "amica nostra" moment to him, may make Sammy Bull's ideas about the President, and the economy, somewhat relevant. But Gang Land thought that even the disgruntled Gravano would agree that a Mafia boss would worsen the bread and butter issues that affect most Americans.

Paul Castellano"You gotta be kidding," Gang Land retorted, "Wouldn't a mob boss do the same thing, rob the public blind?"

"Not to the same extent," said Gravano. "I'll give you an example. We had the bread association. So we went to the bakers and told them to raise their prices. We told 'em everyone's going to make more money. You, the union, everybody's going to make more money. And we're going to make a little money. So a loaf of bread, hypothetically (he really used that word) goes up four cents or a nickel. We take a penny or two out of that, and everybody eats."

"The politicians do the same thing the mob does," said Gravano, "but they're the Mafia on steroids. They don't rob pennies. They want the whole loaf of bread."

"I'll give you another example," Sammy Bull continued, recalling a staged 1981 labor dispute between workers in a mob-controlled union who toiled for private sanitation companies that were controlled by an association headed by Gambino capo James (Jimmy Brown) Failla.

John Gambiino"I was in Paul Castellano's house one day, and there was a garbage strike. Jimmy Brown came up, and Paul told him, 'Listen. I was watching TV. Don't overdo these things. We got garbage piled up in front of schools, and hospitals. Go get that the fuck out of there. We don't want to hurt the general public. We want to make a few dollars more. Don't cripple the fucking city.' That was Paul's words to Jimmy Brown in front of me. And that, to me, is the mob."

When Gang Land noted that Sammy Bull was intimately involved in Big Paul's demise and was on the scene when his mob cohorts killed him, Gravano declined to go back on either his current remarks or his involvement in Castellano's murder, stating that he testified about "those reasons" at Gotti's trial, and several others back in the 1990s.

Gravano was Comey's key witness in a 1993 case in Manhattan Federal Court against wiseguys John Gambino, his brother Joseph, and Lorenzo Mannino, a trio charged in the 1988 murder of a rival gangster in Queens. The jury hung 11-1 for conviction on the murder, but the trio took 15-year-plea deals rather than take their chances a second time. But Gravano said he couldn't hazard a guess as to why Comey invoked his name to bash the President, noting that he had told numerous callers, including former FBI agents, the same thing in recent days.

Aniello DellacroceThe Bull said he hadn't spoken to Comey since the trial, and that he didn't recall ever telling Comey about his own induction in 1976 or a special one he handled for Gotti the same year he supervised the Queens slaying. (See below)

Gravano also declined to discuss the opinions that former G-men voiced to him about Comey's book. But three former agents told Gang Land that his book was a "disservice" to all current and former agents and that Comey and they would have been better served if he left the fallout of his firing and Trump's Presidency to special counsel Robert Mueller.

"If Comey knows so much about mob bosses," said one, "he should have taken the advice" that former Gambino underboss Aniello (Neil) Dellacroce gave FBI agents who tried to flip him in the emergency room of Beekman Downtown Hospital on February 26, 1985 when they arrested him on racketeering charges in the historic Commission case.

"The silent tongue is the golden tongue," said Dellacroce, whose death 10 months later, eased the way for Gotti and Gravano to whack Big Paul Castellano and take over the Gambino family.

Judge Gives Break To Mastermind Of $20 Million Bank Heists
Michael MazzaraA Manhattan federal judge known for handing down tough sentences cut a break last week for the mastermind of two spectacular 2016 bank heists that netted him and three cohorts more than $20 million in cash, jewels and other valuables from bank vaults and hundreds of safety deposit boxes.

Judge Katherine Forrest sentenced mob associate Michael Mazzara to 135 months last Friday, a term far short of the maximum 20 years he faced for pulling off the second largest bank job in U.S. history. Her leniency, the judge explained, was thanks to Mazzara's decision to give back all the cash and jewelry he had left from the massive burglary, along with a trove of collector's item baseball cards worth many thousands of dollars.

Even though Mazzara said he had just $400,000 left from the massive heist, prosecutors went along with a pitch by defense lawyer Sanford Talkin for the milder sentence.

According to latest court filing in the blockbuster case, the total haul of the April 2016 burglary of an HSBC branch in Brooklyn and the heist a month later of a Maspeth Federal Savings in Queens — which is still growing — is $20,887,360.38.

Katherino ForrestCourt records indicate that Mazzara, 45, was largely responsible for the return of nearly 200 baseball cards of Hall of Famers going back to the 1950s. The list includes a 1958 Ted Williams card, a 1969 Reggie Jackson card and scores of others of superstars, including many New York 1950s stars like centerfielders Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, and Duke Snider, whose cards are undated in the court file.

Two days earlier, Judge Forrest showed no mercy for first time offender Charles Kerrigan, who declined to return any stolen loot and who also pleaded guilty to assaulting his former girlfriend. Kerrigan dug himself an even deeper hole by threatening to kill her and her nine year old son. The result was a sentence of 200 months — more than 16 years and a year more than the high end of his "guidelines" of 188 months.

Forrest ignored an impassioned plea for leniency — or at least a term within his guidelines — by lawyer Patrick Parrotta because they already included five years for his admitted assault on his ex-girlfriend. That charge was viewed as a "misdemeanor" crime calling for a year in prison by cops who had arrested him and state prosecutors who had charged him.

Charles KerriganParrotta noted that Kerrigan was "not the mastermind" of the burglaries and argued that since he had not been involved in fencing any of the stolen jewelry, there was no way he could return them. "He doesn't have any information regarding the whereabouts of physical objects after the burglary," said Parrotta. "If he doesn't have the information to give, he cannot give it."

It wasn't difficult for Forrest to make short shrift of the lawyer's plea for Kerrigan.

His client's former girlfriend, Heather Kornhaber, and her son, who was present for his mother's beating and called 911 as Kerrigan was choking his mother, both showed up in court prepared to testify about the assault to buttress the government's contention that he deserved more than the stated guidelines for his crime.

Even though both ultimately declined to address the judge, a government prosecutor told Forrest that Kornhaber's son,"wants you to know that this assault has changed his life forever. He says that he is incredibly impacted by what the defendant, Charles Kerrigan, has done and that he hopes that he is very sorry for what he did."

In addition to the 200 months, Forrest also gave Kerrigan three years of post-prison supervised release. But the judge agreed to recommend that prison officials enroll him in an alcohol counseling program because Kerrigan was inebriated when he assaulted his ex. If he completes it, that could shorten his prison stay.

A Special Christmas Eve Induction That Didn't Work Out Too Well
John GottiOn Christmas Eve of 1988, in a Little Italy apartment on Mulberry Street not far from the Ravenite Social Club where he and John Gotti would be arrested two years later on racketeering and murder charges, Salvatore Gravano conducted a very special induction ceremony on behalf of his boss, the Dapper Don.

The assignment was for Sammy Bull to officially induct John A (Junior) Gotti into his dad's Gambino crime family. Even before he got his button, the 24-year-old wiseguy was already the heir apparent, the son that Gotti hoped would ultimately take over the crime family from him.

Gravano, who later famously became the devastating witness for the prosecution who sent the Dapper Don to prison for life, told the story of the induction for the first time this week.

"John didn't think that he should conduct the ceremony when his own son was going to get made, so he asked me to handle it," said Gravano. In a careful show of mob protocol, Gotti didn't even attend the ceremony. Afterwards, Sammy Bull performed the next stage of the ceremony, officially introducing Junior as a "made man" to his father and the elder Gotti as the Representante or boss to Junior.

Junior Gotti, Crime FighterGravano had his doubts, however, about the whole thing.

"I didn't think he should have gotten made," Gravano opined, "but John was the boss, and he wanted it to happen, so it did."

Sammy Bull, along with the family's consigliere, Frank (Frankie Loc) Locascio, later arranged meetings with other members so they could formally introduce Junior around as a captain when his father decided to elevate him the following year, Gravano said.

"And then I officially introduced Junior to John as a captain," said Gravano, who couldn't resist taking a few verbal shots at the erstwhile Junior Don, whose biopic movie about him and his father five or six years ago is due for release in June starring John Travolta.

"John must be rolling over in his grave," said Gravano. "I just read in some men's magazine, Men's Journal, that Junior says he's a crime fighter. Plus, years ago, he did a proffer meeting with that first lawyer he had. He cooperated. Then he denied he cooperated. Now he's a crime fighter. John must be doing flips in his crypt."John Alite

"And it seems like he can't get involved in these things unless he mentions people's names," said Gravano, noting that in the February Men's Journal article, in which Junior says he's "not bitter," he rips Sammy Bull and mob turncoat John Alite, as lying sacks of garbage who got away with murder.

As Gang Land readers, and Gravano know, Alite, who testified in 2009 against the erstwhile Junior Don in the government's fourth and last try to convict him of racketeering charges, and Junior have squared off against each other not only in court, but in rival 2015 books.

"With him and Alite, it's like a love-hate thing, he can't stop," said Gravano. "It's ridiculous. And Junior mentions me a lot too. I don't know why he does that, because I know he's a pussy. That's my opinion of the kid," he said, adding dismissively: "He's like a rag, didn't belong in the life."
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by Villain »

I cant fucking get this in my head, meaning even today people still believe that the president is running things...and fuck Gravano and his opinion on everything, since I would rather listen to Gotti Jr and Travolta lol
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?


Villain wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:31 am I cant fucking get this in my head, meaning even today people still believe that the president is running things...and fuck Gravano and his opinion on everything, since I would rather listen to Gotti Jr and Travolta lol
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by Wiseguy »

SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:07 am
Villain wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:31 am I cant fucking get this in my head, meaning even today people still believe that the president is running things...and fuck Gravano and his opinion on everything, since I would rather listen to Gotti Jr and Travolta lol
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?


Wiseguy wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:29 am
SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:07 am
Villain wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:31 am I cant fucking get this in my head, meaning even today people still believe that the president is running things...and fuck Gravano and his opinion on everything, since I would rather listen to Gotti Jr and Travolta lol
Deep State (aka Bilderbergers) run things world-wide


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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

Love it how Gravano tries to justify mobsters with his bread and garbage examples. Because it’s a good thing when a criminal extorts someone who actually produces a good or provides a service to the community and that community and the service or good provider gets fucked by either paying a higher price or getting threatened or assaulted.
But the guy who provides or does nothing gets paid.
Nice logic fucko.
Or better yet, you need a gangster to talk to Putin. Yeah, real good idea, get a thug to threaten a guy with 5 thousand nuclear weapons under his thumb.
Well thought through.

These fucks still try to justify themselves as being a ‘good’ bad guy. Sammy, if you’re listening ‘you’re a theiving, murdering low life who never gave back one thing to the world you robbed and murdered. Everything you did you did for yourself. You push drugs. You have no honour and never did. Your daughters a sick bloated Vietnamese pot bellied pig. Have a great day.’
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by Wiseguy »

SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:04 pm
That chart is missing:
-Knights Templar
-Scottish Rite Freemasons
-Priory of Sion
The State of Utah Child Probation Officers Guild
I see what you did there. :lol:
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by BillyBrizzi »

Wiseguy wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:04 pm
SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:04 pm
That chart is missing:
-Knights Templar
-Scottish Rite Freemasons
-Priory of Sion
The State of Utah Child Probation Officers Guild
I see what you did there. :lol:
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?


Wiseguy wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:04 pm
SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:04 pm
That chart is missing:
-Knights Templar
-Scottish Rite Freemasons
-Priory of Sion
The State of Utah Child Probation Officers Guild
I see what you did there. :lol:
Just having fun on a Friday! :)
Have a good weekend WG.
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by Snakes »

You've accomplished something in life if you can get a laugh out of Wiseguy.
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

Snakes wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:33 pm You've accomplished something in life if you can get a laugh out of Wiseguy.
Funny, how? Like I'm a clown. I'm here to fuckin amuse you?
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by willychichi »

SonnyBlackstein wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:41 pm
Snakes wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:33 pm You've accomplished something in life if you can get a laugh out of Wiseguy.
Funny, how? Like I'm a clown. I'm here to fuckin amuse you?
I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? Great movie :lol:
Obama's a pimp he coulda never outfought Trump, but I didn't know it till this day that it was Putin all along.
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

You really want to hear something funny? Last year this prick asked me to christen his kid. Yeah, 5000 I charge!
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Re: Where is Gangland for 4/19/18?

Post by NickyEyes1 »

SonnyBlackstein wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:06 pm You really want to hear something funny? Last year this prick asked me to christen his kid. Yeah, 5000 I charge!
*$7,000 you schmuck on wheels
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