Could you be a wiseguy???

Discuss all mafia families in the U.S., Canada, Italy, and everywhere else in the world.

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Re: Could you be a wiseguy???

Post by willychichi »

SonnyBlackstein wrote:Didn't want to start a new thread and posted with little success in BB so a question if anyone can kindly assist:

Anyone know the status of Joseph Baudanza?

Powerful Columbo capo of many years, released in 11 after serving 5 for stock racketeering. Thinking with Farese in Florida and the Claw away he could be a contender for an admin spot?

Any word on this? His crew etc?

My thanks in advance.
I haven't read anything about him, his brother or his nephew down this way. He is around 70 now so maybe he invested some of his cut of that $20 million from the stock scheme in something legit like Meals on Wheels or the South Beach diet.
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Re: Could you be a wiseguy???

Post by Cheech »

I forgot to answer.

Thought I could. Found out, I couldn't.
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Re: Could you be a wiseguy???

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

Cheech wrote:I forgot to answer.

Thought I could. Found out, I couldn't.
Avatar should be chuckles, not cheech.

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Re: Could you be a wiseguy???

Post by Slava »

Even if you take almost inevitable jailtime away from it the criminal lifestyle as in the mafia/OC is not worth it. In most of Europe you can still get away with it easier because there's no RICO-stlye anti-mafia repression, but I'd never want to live that life. It's parasitic and it surpresses any real talent you may have. You hang around with idiots all the time in bars/social clubs/restaurants because you have so much spare time and eventually you become an idiot too. Criminal underworld is full of scum and good-for-nothing losers, if you deal with these people on a regular basis you adopt at least some of their habits. Certain sociopathic attitudes become normal to you, it also reflects in the way you talk and behave. There's a reason why everywhere your regular "mafioso" is associated with idiotic stereotypical behaviour. Sure you have some exceptions here and there like the intelligent mobsters who end on the top and earn millions, but even those guys would be way better in regular life as sucessful businessmen or something. Like Pistone said in his book, mobsters are essentially quite boring. Yeah it's fun to watch characters like Paulie in the Sopranos, but imagine hanging out with people like him all the time and only with people like him.
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