Fazzini Sentencing Notes

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Fazzini Sentencing Notes

Post by Chucky »

I don't know if some of this stuff has been posted before, but there's a few interesting things in there...

LICATA tells the Gambino members that the Philadelphia LCN Family always had a crew in North Jersey and Trenton going back to the time of Angelo Bruno. LICATA explains that he is now the caporegime of this crew, is content with that, and has no aspirations to be anything more (consigliere, underboss or boss): “I don't want no… Caporegime - I'm happy with that. That's it. I don't want no… that belongs to them. I'll help them up here.”

LICATA talks about how Tony Proto (a Gambino LCN Family caporegime) went around him directly to defendant JOSEPH MASSIMINO: “And I told him, which I gave it to all of them. I said, listen, I told TONY, don't you send any messages to Philadelphia unless it goes through me, or if I'm not around, you go to LOUIS (referring to defendant FAZZINI). We don't need nobody insulted. I told that to MO--, MOUSEY. I said MOUSE, we don't want that.”

FAZZINI never withdrew from the conspiracy, kept faith with the Philadelphia LCN Family, and resumed his career following his release from prison. As reflected in the Stefanelli consensual recording of May 19, 2010, FAZZINI recounted how Nicky Scarfo, Jr., then a made member of the Lucchese LCN family, approached his brother shortly before FAZZINI was released from prison and told FAZZINI’s brother to tell him to come and see Scarfo and the Lucchese’s when he came home from prison. FAZZINI proudly stated that he told his brother to tell Scarfo to stay away and assured everyone that he knew who his “friends” (mob family) were.

During the Stefanelli consensual recording of October 21, 2010, LICATA tells Stefanelli that he’s proposing Vito Malgeri who is an associate of Vincent “Beeps” Centorino, a made member of the North Jersey crew, but he doesn’t know him quite well enough. He proposes to take away Malgeri from Centorino and put him under FAZZINI for a while to see how ready he is to become a “made” member. FAZZINI states: “But I don’t know yet with him.” LICATA concurs: “We don’t know.” FAZZINI adds: “I really don’t know him, ah, like that... You know, I wanna first make sure. You know (UI)... First, we wan–, I wanna, you know, I’ll keep him around me for a while maybe.” LICATA approves: “Yeah. That’s why. I wanna put him with him (referring to putting Malgeri under Fazzini).”

FAZZINI has an elevated role in the North Jersey crew above other “made” members in the same crew. FAZZINI serves as LICATA’s second-in-command in conducting the important affairs of the North Jersey crew on behalf of the Philadelphia LCN Family. In LICATA’s absence, FAZZINI is authorized to act for LICATA and to function independently in making decisions about the manners and means in which communications between the New York LCN families and the Philadelphia LCN Family are allowed to occur. The fact that FAZZINI accompanied LICATA to the meeting between the leaders of the Philadelphia LCN Family and the leaders of the Gambino LCN Family on May 19, 2010 offers further proof of FAZZINI’s elevated role as a leader and organizer in the commission of the racketeering conspiracy.
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Re: Fazzini Sentencing Notes

Post by B. »

Thanks for posting these notes. Here is the topic about his detention memo: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1525
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