Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by Rocco »

If I had to speculate. Capo was a NY guy. His allegiance would be to NY leaders not NJ. I believe it was a murder consipiracy driven by a power vacuum to remove D'Amato and replace him with Vinny Ocean. Riggi was out. They managed to shelve his son. D'Amato was the next guy to be removed. Only one problem. D'Amato was close to the GOtti crew and Gotti supported him leading the Decav's. Typically one is wrongfully called a rat to get a murder conspiracy off the ground against someone. I believe since he was supported by Gotti calling D'Amato a rat had massive repercussions and would need proof. Which Capo and his NY cronies didn't have. But calling him gay ...people would distance themselves from D'Amato and they certainly wouldn't defend him in anyway. There was no evidence that he was gay other then Capo saying D'Amato's girlfriend(one of many girlfriends). Its been said that Capo was banging her and both were total Cokeheads. But it in the end it was a genius move calling him Gay because after that the Gotti crew would not retaliate.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by moneyman »

There used to be a documentary on Youtube that had Capo's girlfriend being interviewed and she talks about D'Amato being gay, I just tried looking for it but I can't find it.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by LcnBios »

B. wrote:The Bilotti situation is pretty crazy. Amazing that he would strike another made member, but then chastise associates for joining in. I have to wonder if got mad at the associates because they were setting themselves up to be killed, not so much that they broke the rules. It shows the level of dominance the Gambinos had over the DeCavs that Bilotti got away with attacking a member because of some associates from another family. Any idea who they were or what their relation was to him?
Don't have the names right now, but William Cutolo was approached to check if they were with him and his response was he never heard of them.

Just to clarify on the D'Amato/Riggi incident, the NY trio didn't actually know a hit team was set up on the meeting until years later. Palermo got the info from James Gallo and went to Vitabile to confirm it. Vitabile said yes those guys were there, but tried to explain away their presence as just being protection for the whole group, not to potentially kill the accused.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by Chaps »

I realize that this post is mainly DeCavalcante info from 1980's to 90's, but it has elicited alot of discussion on the early history. This group has always been fascinating to me. I'm posting this FBI memo up that from 1960 that discusses the Family pre Sam:

On December 30, 1960 the FBI's Newark field office submitted to Director J. Edgar Hoover a four-page memorandum concerning the so-called "Nicholas Delmore Group" out of New Jersey which later became the DeCavalcante crime family. The memo provides as follows:


I. Characterization and Origin

Nicholas Delmore, whose true name is Nicholas (Nicolo) Amoruso, maintains he was born in San Francisco, California, September 23, 1888. The United States Immigration and Naturalization Service endeavored to deport him, claiming that he was born in Sicily. On October 3, 1955, United States District Judge Foreman at Trenton, New Jersey, declared Nicholas Delmore, then residing at 364 Westward Avenue, Long Branch, New Jersey, to be a native born citizen of the United States.

On September 19, 1930, during a raid by Federal Prohibition Agents on the Sunrise Brewery in Elizabeth, New Jersey, John G. Finiello, a Prohibition Agent, was shot and killed. It was alleged that Nicholas Delmore shot Finiello and a warrant was issued in Union County, New Jersey, charging him with murder. On June 19, 1931, Federal Grand Jury at Trenton, New Jersey, returned indictment, charging Delmore with assault upon a Prohibition Agent, willfully assaulting a Prohibition Agent in the execution of process. Delmore became a fugitive immediately after the shooting and surrendered himself and was placed under arrest on October 19, 1933, by the Union County authorities. His surrender took place after one of the main witnesses in the case had been shot and killed.

On November 28, 1933, Delmore was acquitted in Union County, New Jersey, and on February 1, 1934, he was also acquitted in Federal Court in Camden, New Jersey, for violation of the National Prohibition Act. During 1941 and 1942, it was reported that Delmore was operating as a gambler in and out of locations in the Elizabeth, New Jersey, area, and during that period, he was associated with others in the operation of Dill's Monkey Farm and had an interest in other establishments known as the Speedster which were both gambling operations. In 1947, he resided in Florida and was reported to be involved in gambling activity in the Miami area. For several years he has lived in the Long Branch, New Jersey, area and has been considered to be "retired" until the summer of 1958 when he again became personally active in the Elizabeth, New Jersey, area. He is presently reported to be involved in gambling and is reported to exhibit control in the operation of Local 394, Hod Carriers and Common Laborers Union, Elizabeth. He continues to reside in Long Branch, New Jersey.

[Redacted] Union County, [redacted] furnished information pertaining to the investigation of the murder of John De Biasa in that County in 1948.

During the above investigation, [redacted] was questioned. He furnished a statement indicating that he had previously worked for Nicholas Delmore in the operation of a "crap" game in Miami, Florida. At the time of the above investigation, he advised the officers that he was operating a "crap" game at Marlboro, New York, with Frank Majuri, who had gotten a $2500.00 bankroll from Nicholas Delmore.


On August 26, 1958, Newark T-1 advised that Nicholas Delmore had recently moved back into the Elizabeth, New Jersey, area and had "taken over" all types of gambling in the New Jersey area. Informant advised that Delmore had used strong-arm tactics to cut into many of the operating horse parlors and numbers books. He had threatened to bring in inside help to bring some of the dissenters into line.

On October 6, 1959, Newark T-2 advised that Delmore and Joseph Stassi were engaged in numbers and horse booking activities in the Elizabeth, New Jersey, area, and advised he understood that some persons had been threatened with bodily harm if they did not cooperate with this group.

On September 24, 1959, Newark T-3 advised that he had learned from confidential sources that the Union County "mob" under Nicholas Delmore was considering joining up with an Essex County "Italian mob." The informant advised that he did not know which Essex County "Italian mob" was involved. Informant advised that he did not know the extent of Delmore's operation in Union County but understood that he was the "boss."

On September 29, 1959, Newark T-4 advised that he had learned through reliable sources that Nicholas Delmore and Joe Stassi have gained complete control of the gambling operations in Elizabeth, New Jersey, during the past several weeks. Informant advised that it was "common knowledge" among the gambling element in Elizabeth that this group had been guaranteed some protection from the Union County Prosecutor's Office.

On September 23, 1960, Newark T-2 advised that he had heard that Delmore's group had obtained financing from Jerry Catena of Newark who was one of their old associates in Union County during prohibition days.


A. Gambling

Delmore's background is in the gambling area and on December 6, 1960, Newark T-4 advised that in addition to the gambling activity being carried on in the Elizabeth, New Jersey, area, Delmore had recently taken over part of a floating crap game by investing in the financial end of it in Bayonne, New Jersey.

B. Unions

During the past two years, Delmore had been observed on numerous occasions meeting with members and officers of Local 394, Hod Carriers and Common Laborers Union, including Emmanuel Riggi, who on November 28, 1958, commenced serving a two-year sentence for extortion from a contractor in connection with his job as Business Agent of the above local. [Name redacted] who replaced him as [redacted] in the above local. Newark T-5 had reported that Delmore meets with [name redacted] almost every Tuesday at De Martino's Lounge, Elizabeth Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey. They are also met there by [name redacted] Welfare Fund of the Union County Joint Labor Council of which Local 394 is a member.

On July 28, 1960, Newark T-6 advised that it had become apparent that [name redacted] is merely a figurehead as [redacted] of Local 394, Hod Carriers Union. He advised that common knowledge among the members of the local that [name redacted] meets regularly with Delmore and apparently takes orders from him. He advised that the following person, who are members of the union and are usually assigned as foremen, also appear to have influence over [name redacted]:

Frank Majuri and Louis Larasso, who attended the meeting at Apalachin, New York, on November 14, 1957.

Sal Caternicchio and Joseph Sferra, who are both known to be long-time associates of Delmore.

IV. Identity of the Leaders and Upper Echelon

Newark T-7 advised that he had known Delmore for many years and while he had only in the last two years become active in the Elizabeth, New Jersey, area, there was no doubt in his mind or among the Italian element in Elizabeth, New Jersey, that Delmore was still "boss." He advised that it was taken for granted by people in Elizabeth that Delmore was boss, that Filippo Amari was next in line (informant advised Amari is presently in Sicily), mEmanuel Riggi, and then other lieutenants would be Sal Caternicchio, Joseph Sferra and a few other members of Local 394, Hod Carriers Union. Informants have advised in the past that Delmore is closely associated with Gerardo Catena and Vito Genovese, both of whom attended the meeting at Apalachin, New York, on November 14, 1957. During the past two years, Bureau Agents have observed Delmore meeting with Louis Larasso, Frank Majuri and [name redacted].

V. Official Protection

Newark T-7 advised on June 29, 1960, that it appeared that Nicholas Delmore had dominated Local 394 of the Hod Carriers Union, and in the last few months it was rumored that Gerry Muscatello, who operates a used car lot in Elizabeth, New Jersey, is an important man in the Delmore group and is considered the "fix man."

On October 6, 1959, Newark T-2 advised that it was apparent that the Delmore group also obtained some type of protection operations in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and that it was known that [name redacte] Union County Prosecutor's Office, had always been a close associate of Delmore and has been referred to as Delmore's "eyes and ears" in the Prosecutor's Office.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by LcnBios »

Random incidents:

- Murder of John Suarato (Gambino Associate): Suarato was uncle to the Palermo brothers. He got involved in a dispute with the Palermo's mother (his sister) and Patsy, a Colombo Soldier under Charles Panarella, decided to kill him. He told Vincent about it, and Vincent was told to get involved as well by his captain Jimmy Rotondo and then by Underboss John Riggi. In July 1978 Suarato was shot to death while sitting inside his car in Bay Ridge, the Palermo brothers were the shooters. The driver in the hit was identified only as Donnie with no last name. [Speculation on my part: This is very likely Dominic 'Donnie' Somma, another Panarella crew member who was part of the first wave inducted early 1976. Somma and Patsy Palermo were part of Mimi Scialo's personal crew of hitters in the early 1970s, most were given to Panarella after Scialo's murder. Somma was himself killed in 1980 by Scarpa]

- c. mid-1980s: John Riggi was involved in a union dispute and believed he was being targeted for a hit by his rivals. There were people sitting in a car outside Riggi's house so the DeCavs threw together a plan to kill these guys before they could make a move on Riggi. Vincent Palermo and Salvatore Timpani were ordered by Riggi, Vitabile and Jimmy Rotondo to drive up and open fire. They got to Riggi's house and saw a car with people in it and were about to carry out the shooting but were stopped by Vitabile driving up and telling them it was the FBI and they needed to leave. They went to a nearby diner and Timpani immediately ran out of the vehicle and left Palermo sitting in the parking lot with the guns. Rotondo later mentioned they 'took care' of the union guys but no details given.

- c. 1987: Anthony Mannarino, Vincent Palermo and a greek named Spiro were partners in a diner on Queens Blvd. The property was right against another greek named Pete and there were feuds between the two. One night the DeCavs brought a construction vehicle over to the diner and drove it right through Pete's fence and into his house. He reached out to a Colombo member known as Chubby [Speculation: probably Philip Rossillo] and multiple sitdowns were held between the Colombos and the DeCavs. Sometime in the middle of these meetings, Spiro believed a Colombo hit squad was casing his diner. In response the DeCavs sent a group of guys to guard the diner. Jake Amari, Rudy Farone, Giuseppe Schifilliti and Tony Hooks DelPriore (Farone associate) were inside the diner, Anthony Mannarino and Paul LNU set up in the parking lot. Vincent Palermo was given a sawed-off shotgun and sat lookout in a parked car. At one point a carload of guys drove up and were chased off by Palermo with the shotgun. In the end no one was hurt and it got squashed by Riggi and whoever was representing the Colombos.

- At some point in the mid-1990s Amari and Schifilliti visited Sicily and were invited to attend a meeting of the Ribera Family. They came away impressed and were later talking about how the Ribera members took it very serious and it had a more formal atmosphere than the average DeCav meetings.

- The relationship between DeCavs and the Tampa Family: Steve LNU, described as the Tampa Underboss, was close with the local DeCavs. At some point prior to the mid-1990s the Tampa Family (maybe Steve included) killed someone and the DeCavs, including Stefano Vitabile and Jimmy Palermo, helped out by providing a burial site. Steve LNU and Frank Polizzi were from the same town and Polizzi was used to negotiate territorial disputes between the two Families in the mid-to-late 1990s. The Tampa guys tried to move in on a couple of businesses operated by the DeCavs both legal and illegal, usually involving Philip Abramo and his crew. At one of these meetings Steve LNU was accompanied by Frankie LNU, a Tampa Soldier. [Anyone familiar with Tampa have an idea who Steve and Frankie are?]

Small pieces of info:

- James Gallo was part of Emanuel Riggi's crew, moved to Schifilliti's crew after Riggi was demoted.

- Re Anthony Carubia: Earlier I posted he was a captain, but going over it now the rank isn't explicitly stated. Here's the exact quote: "Originally he [Virgil Alessi] was with Tony Carubia, and then when Tony died, the guys that were with Tony went over to Larry [Schiro]." Doesn't specificy if he was a captain and his crew was absorbed into the Schiro crew, or if he was just a Soldier and the guys 'with' him as associates etc were transferred. This is the only time his name is mentioned at all. Before the 1970s the only CI's that knew about him thought he was a Gambino member under Tony Baker Napolitano (another Gambino connection for this Family).

- Speaking of Gambinos, the only NY Family member from Ribera I'm aware of is Vincent 'Jimmy' Sarullo, a Gambino Soldier in the Traina crew. Long-time friend of Anthony Capo's family in Staten Island.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by felice »

JD, Steve LNU is Steve Raffa.
Frank Scarabino in his testimony talks about Raffa being really close to Polizzi. He was often in NJ along sicilian mafiosi from Florida. Raffa was heavily involved in narcotics along Polizzi. Scarabino talks about two made guys close to both Raffa and Polizzi, a Joe De Santis and a guy who was introuced to him as "Gerard". the guy was later identified as Nicolò Amari, a made guy from Ribera. Another made guy heavily involed in narcotics, according to Scarabino, was Frank Guarraci

Raffa is agrigentino, he born in Alessandria della Rocca, his cousins were made members there. I don't understand when you say they are from the same town, Polizzi family should be from San Giuseppe Jato.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by felice »

Raffa was close to the Ligammari's who were also from Alessandria della Rocca
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Frank LNU has to be Frank Albano. He is the only Traficante member from that era with the name Frank that I can recall.

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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by felice »

JD, do you know Vincenzo Sarullo's DOB? maybe is just a coincidence but Gennaro Sortino's daugther was married to a man named Vincenzo Sarullo.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by LcnBios »

felice wrote:JD, do you know Vincenzo Sarullo's DOB? maybe is just a coincidence but Gennaro Sortino's daugther was married to a man named Vincenzo Sarullo.
Vincent Sarullo (1917-2002), father was Biaggio (1895-1978).

Re Polizzi/Raffa, it specifically says 'same town' but looks like they got it wrong then. Not the same town or even the same province. Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by felice »

ok, that's not him then.

Frank Guarraci once suspected his wife was cheating on him with a man named Filippo Milano. Milano was from Ribera and was living in Elizabeth. One day he discovered him being close to his house so he slapped both the guy and his wife. The following day Jack Amari visited Milano and told him to leave the country or he would have get killed. Milano got back in Ribera where he was killed some weeks later. Guarraci sent his wife to Venezuela for a short period
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by B. »

Would be curious which Ribera members they met with. Great info all around.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by B. »

Couple of other reasons Joe Sferra was demoted from captain:

- He was picking his daughter up from school and thought a male student was being too close with a girl who was in his car, so he cut them off with his car and confronted the boy. He pushed the kid and the kid returned the favor by knocking Sferra off his feet which caused him to break his foot.

- He had a drinking problem and had gotten drunk in Atlantic City where he caused a commotion and damaged a bar or club. He denied it to Sam DeCavalcante but DeCavalcante said witnesses confirmed it.

- DeCavalcante brought Riggi into his office after demoting Sferra and told him he was giving him Sferra's role with the union and promoting him to head of Sferra's former decina, saying he was responsible for seven men. He made it clear that Sferra was still to be respected even though he was demoted.

Other note:

- Phil Genovese, son of Vito, was the accountant in a business co-owned by Frank Cocchiaro and Bobby Basile Occhipinti. I believe the business was labor related.
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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by Pogo The Clown »

The best part of that was when he Sferra started cryning, "this is awlful", after DeCavalcante demoted him and took away his position in the union. :lol:

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Re: Some DeCavalcante Family Info (1980s-1990s)

Post by JeremyTheJew »

I know david did a piece on Frank polizzi in his little archive of gangster profiles... I believe he had him as acting boss... I dont even remmember his site anymore... I just don't really like him..