General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

The way that the consigliere came to be seen as, basically, a “number 3” in the NYC Families is itself a shift from how this position functioned traditionally in the mafia. This is a symptom, IMO, of increasingly dictatorial powers of bosses in the NY Families. As B noted above, we see that same tendency taken to an extreme with Maggadino. Consiglieri (and in Sicilian Families it was possible for there to be anywhere form 1 to 3 official consiglieri at a time) are supposed to function not just as “advisors” to the boss but as a means of checks and balances against the boss becoming a dictator, helping to ensure that the latter doesn’t run roughshod over the rights and interests of the membership as a collectivity. A powerful and highly respected former boss (and former acting boss) like Accardo was very much in the position of being able to use the respect and influence that he was accorded to support the interests of the Family. Though I would also say that we have little evidence to support that he was in the practice of overruling or interfering with the authority of the boss, who ultimately was, in fact, the executive, apart from exceptional circumstances such as demoting Giancana for dereliction of duty (and we can presume this was a collective decision of the Consiglio rather than just Ricca or Accardo pronouncing a decision to everyone else).
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by NickyEyes1 »

For the Chicago guys who like to see the viagra triangle in action.. Tavern on Rush is coming back at end of month lol
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