Italian-Canadian paid police agent says the darnedest things

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Italian-Canadian paid police agent says the darnedest things

Post by antimafia »

The police agent I'm referring to is Carmine Guido.

Below is a link to the Dec. 19, 2023 Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) of Canada file Reasons and Decision with respect to the May 8 and 9, 2023 IRB hearings for Vincenzo De Maria. ... 31335.html

Following are some excerpts (in some places below I entered hard returns that were not present in the file online):

Excerpt 1:

[46] For example, in the May 2012 debriefing with the RCMP, Mr. Guido was asked about his knowledge and connection to an individual by the name of Tom Polsinelli, a criminal affiliated with the ‘Ndrangheta. Below is an excerpt of that interview^23. “CG”refers to Mr. Guido and “GW” refers to the initials of the RCMP interviewer.

GW: Have you ever committed any illegal acts with Tom?
CG: No.
GW: None?
CG: No.
GW: Um. ..when you met him, let’s say five years ago through his cousin Pino.
CG: Right.
GW: Uh...and he periodically came by your bar, what was the nature of the conversations that you had with him?
CG: One was about money that I had stolen from Mike MARRESE, that cheque that went to Jimmy DEMARIA.
GW: And the value of that?
CG: Three hundred and forty thousand.
GW: Okay. And what, what did you talk to him about that for?
CG: Because...Mike MARRESE was supposed to pay money to Pat MUSITANO. So he had came by there and said that you know Pat was partners with Mike MARRESE and I says, well I told your cousin Pino before I took this cheque that if he wanted to come with me, he can bring his portion, whatever portion he had to the Pat but he didn’t want to so he goes, oh I didn’t know that and then Pino said yeah, tell him I told... I brought it, went to your wife and I told her ‘cause you were still in jail, right? And uh.,.she had said to leave it alone because his wife was doing business for Tom at the time. And uh...and that was it. He says, that’s why, he goes, so whatever he took is his. Nothing to do with us because you know we turned it down. So that’s what that was about. And then that was it, then he just used to come by just for a coffee and…
GW: Okay sort of gave me the impression it was more than one conversation you had about criminal activity with him.
CG: Yeah was uh...trying to know what I don’t remember

[Footnote below appears only in the protected PDF, not in the CanLII file online]
^23 M-1, p. 503

Excerpt 2:

Evidence of Enzo Commisso:
[62] The Minister also submitted a transcript of an intercepted conversation between Mr. Guido and an individual by the name of Mr. Enzo Commisso, whose identity according to the Minister, “is not fully confirmed”^35 and where one Intelligence Report lists him as a “confidential human source” and another report lists him as “a significant member of the Figliomeni traditional organized crime group.”^36 In that conversation, Mr. Commisso reported that he was alerted by police that Mr. DeMaria and another individual by the name of Peter Scarcella are trying to kill him, to which Mr. Commisso commented that “Me and Jimmy okay.”^37

^35 Minister’s submissions at para. 22
^36 Ibid. Cited from M-1, p. 278
^37 M-1, pp. 561-562

Later I'll post other interesting portions of the Reasons and Decision file. You should feel free to as well.

I'll note here that significant details of Mike Marrese's identity were misidentified in the February 7, 2008 "Old Bridge" document prepared by the Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia of Palermo (PDF still available all these years later at I'll post an excerpt from the document later to show why several years ago I developed suspicisions about Marrese's DOB and supposed Sicilian ancestry -- suspicions I should have had back when I finally got around to reading the document in 2011.
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Re: Italian-Canadian paid police agent says the darnedest things

Post by Moscone65 »

He just came by per nu cafe… no lo so…. noi facciamo na partita di briscola e basta
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Re: Italian-Canadian paid police agent says the darnedest things

Post by antimafia »

Carmine Guido or Mike Marrese?
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