James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

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James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by JohnnyS »

Conversation between soldier James Maffucci and associate Robert Spinelli dated February 26, 2013.

JIMMY MAFFUCCI: All your Brooklyn boys are coming home soon.
CW-1: I know it. I know it. Georgie and Georgie. I'm gonna go see Mike soon. I want a go see Mike --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Who's the other one that's coming home?
CW-1: Jimmy gotta be coming home soon, Jimmy Galione (phonetic).
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Where's the old man?
CW-1:Which old man?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: The skipper.
CW-1: Buwatt's (phonetic) home.
CW-1: He's off the count, right?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Yeah. He's on the shelf.
CW-1: Huh?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He's on the shelf.
CW-1: He's on the shelf. They put all the wrong people on the shelf.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Did you like Buwatt?
CW-1: I love Buwatt. Frankie Lesterino (phonetic) on the shelf. It's (indiscernible). Cause he didn't want to kill his brother and Oscar. Now Georgie Savoli (phonetic), he's gonna put him on the shelf too when he comes home.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: You think so?
CW-1: Oh yeah.
CW-1: Georgie's the one they said orchestrated that whole thing.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: You think they -- you think they're gonna put him on the shelf? I don't know.
CW-1: I don't know.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I think he would have been shelved already. I'll be honest with you.
CW-1: You know what? Georgie could have -- it ain't gonna be easy for Georgie to come around.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: It ain't gonna be easy for him not to take him around.
CW-1: No.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I think he's gonna push his way in.
CW-1: Georgie Conte (phonetic) is.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Oh, without a doubt.
CW-1: Conte's coming in hard. He calls me, he's coming -- we're going in hard.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: That's what he said?
CW-1: I'll fucking -- listen.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Oh, he hasn't --
CW-1: Big John --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: called you yet?
CW-1: There's Meatball. No, I'll go see Georgie as soon as he comes home. Big John's retarded brother Boobsy (phonetic).
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Mother fucking Boobsy.
CW-1: Is he a jerk off?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I don't like him.
CW-1: Straight jerk off?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I'm gonna tell you a story that nobody knows.
CW-1: Is he acting like a big shit cause he --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I believe -- I'm gonna tell you a story that nobody knows. And I don't want you telling Brian, because you do, you have a tendency to --
CW-1: I won't say, I won't say nothing.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Somebody -- some -- I go up to the Bronx and they tell me that they want me to go see Boobsy.
CW-1: Okay.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Give a message.
CW-1: Okay.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Now this is coming from the Bronx. The Bronx gives me his phone number.
CW-1: Oh, you had told me that, I think.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Actually, the Bronx didn't give me his phone number. They gave Boobsy my phone number and told him to call me.
CW-1: Okay.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: So now he's calls me and I go see him. I make an appointment to see him. So, he goes, how do I know who you are? I said, what's this, mob 101.
CW-1: Yeah
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I said you, where did you get my number from.
CW-1: He's a jerk off.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I said you got my number from the Bronx.
CW-1: Kids a jerk off.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I said you got my number from the Bronx. Apparently, they trust me.
CW-1: That's right.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: So wait a minute. Then, then he goes yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right, you know.
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: So then he says this, that and the other thing, and he said, well I ain't paying nobody.
CW-1: You told me that.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I said to him buddy, you don't have to pay nobody. I don't give a fuck. I'm giving you the message. That's all I'm giving you, and you know where it's coming from. So you --
CW-1: Why didn't they just -- why didn't they go to his brother John?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: John was away.
CW-1: Oh, you mean John was gone. Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: So, I -- I said, you do what you want. My hands -- my -- I washed my hands. You don't want a do nothing, that's your business. I said you got the badge, not me.
CW-1: I understand. When he came in --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: So wait a minute. So.
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He goes, you know, we could be friends --
CW-1: Yeah, yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I said, we can be friends? I said two minutes ago you didn't even want a talk to me, because you --
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: You wanted to give me mob 101. I said, buddy I'm so -- at the time, I was probably 62. I said I'm 62 years old. I said I've been here and I've been doing that -- been doing this a long time.
CW-1: A little bit, yeah. How's Anthony doing, the old man?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He's all right.
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He's old. He's old.
CW:1 He's gotta be old. Where you got his son? He's still over there in Brooklyn. You gonna bring him over there with you?
CW-1: Yeah, he's a fucking meatball.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Well, he's not a meatball. He's just a legitimate, straight, jerky kid, you know. It's like you're son. Well, what if someone called your --
CW-1: I know. I know.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: -- son a meatball?
CW-1: I know, I know what you're saying.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: You know what I mean? They never did anything and they've never been in street before. What do they know?
CW-1: How's your brother John doing? Big John's doing good?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Big John's -- Big John knows how to make money.
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He's got the dump trucks, right.
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He's got everything.
CW-1: How did he get the fucking license?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I don't know.
CW-1: He definitely ain't under his license.
CW-1 Once you gotta record, you -- the BIC, you can't get a fucking license.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Well, however he got, with whomever he did it --
CW-1: Yeah, he's doing it.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: He's doing good.
CW-1: At the end of the day the Bronx is still --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: That's right.
CW-1: He's going to the Bronx.
CW-1: John.
CW-1: They're not coming to him.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Oh, no. But I tell you what. Mattie still likes him. I think Mattie likes him. I know they can't stand Boobsy.
CW-1: No. definitely not.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: They hate Boobsy, but they do like Big John.
CW-1: John was shocked when he saw me, I told him to tell Mattie. What do you do, sit down for fucking weed. He's like Robert, you want me to tell him that. I said yeah. John likes me.
CW-1: He knows who I am.
CW-1: He knows I ain't taking no shit.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by chin_gigante »

Thanks for sharing! Interesting stuff.
CW-1: There's Meatball. No, I'll go see Georgie as soon as he comes home. Big John's retarded brother Boobsy (phonetic).
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Mother fucking Boobsy.
CW-1: Is he a jerk off?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I don't like him.
CW-1: Straight jerk off?
CW-1: He's going to the Bronx.
CW-1: John.
CW-1: They're not coming to him.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Oh, no. But I tell you what. Mattie still likes him. I think Mattie likes him. I know they can't stand Boobsy.
CW-1: No. definitely not.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: They hate Boobsy, but they do like Big John.
Seems like it wasn't just Pennisi who didn't get along with Boobsie.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by johnny_scootch »

CW-1: There's Meatball. No, I'll go see Georgie as soon as he comes home. Big John's retarded brother Boobsy (phonetic).
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Mother fucking Boobsy.
CW-1: Is he a jerk off?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I don't like him.
CW-1: Straight jerk off?
I have a great Boobsy story from the old days hopefully it translates over text. I’m working in a spot that’s owned at the time by a Lucchese associate and the guy that he’s with at that time we will call him Mike is in jail. Mike would call the spot all the time and shoot the shit with whoever was hanging around cause there was always someone or another there. This one day Boobsy happens to be there and it was very random that he was there because he’s not one of the people who ever hung out there. Mike calls and is on the phone with we’ll say Joe, Boobsy tells Joe he wants to talk to Mike and he says tell him it’s me but don’t use my name. Now if anyone knows wiseguys you know they’re good at saying something without actually saying it but this Joe ain’t that and he's struggling to convey to Mike he’s about to hand the phone to Boobsy. He’s saying all sorts of stuff like ‘it’s one of your friends from Brooklyn’ ‘the bald guy’ for 5 minutes it goes on which feels like an eternity I gotta say it was pretty funny and finally Mike gets the drift and Joe hands the phone to Boobsy who opens the conversation with Mike by saying ‘Hey pal it’s your friend Boobsy!’
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by JohnnyS »

:lol: He doesn't sound the sharpest.

Another thing I found interesting in that conversation is where they talk about the two George's. Sounds like Conte was ready to jump right back in and Spinelli thought that Georgie neck was going to be put on the shelf.

In my opinion, Big John being made the Brooklyn crew captain was a strategic move by Crea and Madonna like in the Sopranos where Tony puts Gigi in as the Aprile crew captain. As much as Pennisi talks shit about big John he definitely was in good graces with the Bronx admin and I think they wanted somebody there to keep an eye on all the Brooklyn guys that were about to get out. Big earner too.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by JohnnyS »

Discussing Matty Madonna, Stevie Crea and the Lucchese leadership.

CW-1: How come Mattie's not here yet. Jimmy, what's going on?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I don't know. I think they're a -- I think it's gone be soon now.
CW-1: Yeah.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: It was in gang land a couple of weeks ago.
CW-1 Oh, was it?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Somebody told me that. I don't, I don't know how to read that. It's coming to -- it's coming to a head.
CW-1: Coming to a head. Stevie taking the reins?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Did Steve ever not have the reins?
CW-1: Oh, he's had it.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: (indiscernible)
CW-1: He let Mike, you can let Mattie say what he wants.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Brian doesn't believe that though.
CW-1: No. I ain't never --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Did you ever tell Brian that?
CW-1: No, but I will. (indiscernible) with Stevie. Stevie's a tough guy. Sharp, very intelligent. I'm not saying Mattie ain't. Mattie's a heroin dealer.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: That's all he is.
CW-1: That's all he is. I (indiscernible).
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: A smart (indiscernible).
CW-1: Nothing but a drug dealer.
CW-1: And Louie Dedon (phonetic) kept him down.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: You're right.
CW-1: I know, and he wrote Victor Muso (phonetic) letters. That's how he got straightened out, 64 years old. He begged for it.
CW-1: He begged for it from jail. Anyway. You give, give Stevie -- give him my regards. Give Meldish my regards. I want to stay with the people who are in the streets, who make money, who don't give a fuck. That's who I want a stay with.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Well, then, you just -- you just named two of them.
CW-1: I know protocol.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Meldish does not have any protocol.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by B. »

Excellent. Confirms some of Pennisi's info/takes for sure.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by Little_Al1991 »

Wow this is great information. Thank you for sharing.

Pennisi revealed to us that Lastorino was put onto the shelf because he participated in a plot to kill Vic’s brother Bobby and Patty Testa.

Pennisi also said the same exact thing about Crea and Madonna, that Matty was a junk dealer and Stevie was viewed as the boss on the street

Pennisi said that Mikey DeSantis was worried when Robert Spinelli flipped. A lot of this info gives Pennisi even more credibility. He’s underrated, he’s given us a lot and is a good source, today is also proof of that
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by newera_212 »

When they were getting sentenced for shooting Chiodo's sister, didn't it come out that Robert Spinelli was borderline retarded? Just a legal strategy?

They kinda painted this guy as a dim witted hanger on of his brother, while everything here shows that wasn't the case. You got a guy who wasn't made and had been away a long time meeting with made guys, knowing who is in what position, knowing what who said about who, what this one is like, what this one is up to, etc. - and still in contact with old Brooklyn crew heavy weights

Any info on Maffucci? I think he was from Manhattan IIRC or at least owned an apartment/lived there. Also think I read in something that he was close with Meldish and also with Terrance Caldwell.

I skimmed this convo pretty fast, but the part about Maffucci meeting Boobsie made it sound like Maffucci wasn't made at the time? Or do I have that wrong lol
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by johnny_scootch »

newera_212 wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:58 pm I skimmed this convo pretty fast, but the part about Maffucci meeting Boobsie made it sound like Maffucci wasn't made at the time? Or do I have that wrong lol
You're 100% correct at one point he says 'You got the badge, not me'
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by PolackTony »

newera_212 wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:58 pm Any info on Maffucci? I think he was from Manhattan IIRC or at least owned an apartment/lived there. Also think I read in something that he was close with Meldish and also with Terrance Caldwell.
Yes, at the time of his arrest it was reported that Maffucci was living in the City. From my info, he had an address on 2nd Ave at 23rd St, but also had an address on the UES on 64th between 1st and York (CornerBoy should like that one).

If I have the right guy, which I think I do, he was originally from BK, however. As a kid he lived next to the Navy Yard, right by where the Wegman’s is at now. After this, the family moved out to the Island and I believe that Maffucci went to HS in Merrick.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. I have James Allen Maffucci, born 12/1947 in BK, which matches Maffucci’s reported age of 69 in 2017, and this was the only James Maffucci in NYC of the right age that I found. His father was Canio Maffucci Jr, born in 1911 in BK to Canio Maffucci Sr of Calitri, Avellino province. Canio’s Jr’s mother, however, was Mary Cunningham, born in Ireland. Canio Jr married Helen Savitsky, born in 1913 in Wyoming, PA, to Polish-Lithuanian parents. This would make Jimmy Maffucci only 1/4 Italian, though he at least had the surname. From the 2017 bust, his nickname was apparently “Jimmy the Jew”. While there were plenty of Jews back in the day in Vilnius, where his mother’s family was from, based on their names I would presume that they were Catholic, so maybe guys just thought he was half-Jewish (or maybe it had no relation to his ancestry and he was just called this because he was tight with money or whatever).

Now, as newera pointed out, it seems that Maffucci wasn’t made when he met Boobsie. He was reported as a soldier in 2017, but was it 100% confirmed that he was in fact made? Because if so, the Luccheses seem to have inducted a 1/4 Italian guy (with the caveat of course that if I’m wrong, I hope someone proves me wrong).
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by OcSleeper »

Thanks for sharing all of this Johnny.

Could this be the same Maffucci? Name matches and it looks like he has the same birth month that Tony provided but the year is off by one.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by PolackTony »

OcSleeper wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:04 pm Thanks for sharing all of this Johnny.

Could this be the same Maffucci? Name matches and it looks like he has the same birth month that Tony provided but the year is off by one.
This was a James Andrew Maffucci who was born in 1946. From the records I’ve seen, he did not have an address in Manhattan in the 2010s, unlike James Allen Maffucci who I discussed above (rather, he had addresses in Huntington and Venice, FL, in 2017).


I will add that the James Andrew Maffucci who died in 2022 may have been the one who moved to LI and went to HS in Merrick. It’s difficult as they were close in age and had the same middle initial even. I say this because James Allen Maffucci’s mother Helen Savitsky died in 2009 and had her funeral in BK, so that Maffucci family may have remained in BK. Additionally, there is a record for Canio Maffucci, James Allen’s father, on 50th St in Boro Park.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by JohnnyS »

Talking about Michael Meldish and Matty Madonna. October 30, 2014.

JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Michael Meldish took the money to Mattie. He gave it out. He put the money on the street.
CW-1: Yeah. Then he told Mattie go collect it.
CW-1: You can't do that.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Well, that's what -- you know that.
CW-1: You can't do that.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Well, he did.
CW-1: But why'd he tell him to go collect it because he couldn't collect his own money?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: No, no, he did -- Michael Meldish -- if Michael Meldish comes in here today and you owe him $300, $400, and you go give him the $400. And he's supposed to bring it to Mattie. He don't ever give it to Mattie. He'll spend it.
CW-1: But he's getting -- Mattie gave him 100?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Now, Michael, you know, when he heard that Mattie was mad at him, you know, Michael said so.
CW-1: Fuck him.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: No, I'm -- this is where I live. Come and see me.
CW-1: Exactly.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: But you got to remember something, they grew up together.
CW-1: But they grew up together, you know.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: They grew up together. You know how many times Michael Meldish saved Mattie's life.
CW-1: Well --
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Huh? What? Huh? Mattie was stuck in a bathroom. They wanted to kill him. He got word out to Michael. And guess who came with an army?
CW-1: Mattie.
CW-1: Oh, Michael, right.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: With -- loaded to the hill. Three guys didn't leave that bar that night, and Mattie did.
CW-1: And yet, for that, he makes an example out of him. You know, it's him or somebody close because Meldish hasn't gone on him, and he ain't gonna let nobody sit in the car with him that he don't know.
(Indiscernible conversation)
CW-1: You know what, it's done.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: It's all over. It's done. And it's none of our business.
CW-1: Right. It's not my business.
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I mean, this is conversation --
CW-1: We're having -- we're gossiping.
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by JohnnyS »

Discussing the Meldish hit, the Crea's and Matty Madonna. September 13, 2016.

CW-1: Yeah. Then he’ll be done. Guy, my friend Carmine told me, um did I um -– I think it’s a fact that – that Caldwell flip.
JM: Oh, yeah? he had cancer. He’s a *****. He’s this, that.
CW-1: I know, I know.
JM: Well, what’s against him? Did anybody give him money?
CW-1: Ain’t nobody giving him nothing.
JM: Okay.
CW-1: They’re -– they’re all running from him. Now the problem is – is uh Chris.
JM: What’s he gonna do?
CW-1: I don’t know. Who was his skipper?
JM: Uh, Stevie’s son.
CW-1: Oh. really. What’s his name?
JM: Who?
CW-1: Stevie’s son.
JM: I think it’s Steven.
CW-1: Oh, his name is Steven? Oh, you didn’t know him?
JM: I met him once, twice. That’s it.
CW-1: But he’s (SL) friendly -- I mean he -– he didn’t go to the club like every week with Stevie?
JM: No.
CW-1: Why?
JM: He just didn’t. His father didn’t want him part of it (IA).
CW-1: Kept him away. Yeah, he had to straighten him out though.
JM: Here’s what happened with him. They straightened him out and made him a captain right away.
CW-1: Immediately.
JM: (UI) brought him down.
CW-1: They knocked him down?
JM: They brought him back.
CW-1: What do you mean they brought him?
JM: In other words, they -- he just became a regular soldier.
CW-1: Why?
JM: Cause he was getting in the limelight.
CW-1: He was getting in the limelight and Stevie didn’t want it?
JM: Exactly right.
CW-1: He must have been pissed when he knocked him down.
JM: Nicest kid in the world.
CW-1: He’s a good yeah.
JM: (TS) Oh.
CW-1: I didn’t know him.
JM: Robert that’s why Stevie wasn’t –-
CW-1: Yeah.
JM: He didn’t want nobody to say he was the boss.
CW-1: Yeah, no.
JM: Oh, no, I’m not the boss.
CW-1: Nope. Absolutely. That’s a fact. Never wanted that card. He’s not stupid.
JM: What for?
CW-1: I’m surprised as, as smart as he was, I’m surprised that he made his son.
JM: He had to.
CW-1: Why? He didn’t have to.
JM: He could go places and do things. He wanted to be correct, politically correct. You follow me? But Matty wanted to make the his son a skipper and this and that, you know. The, the Stevie said to him nah that’s all right.
CW-1: Because he was probably kissing Stevie’s ass, Matty.
JM: Of course.
CW-1: He knows Stevie’s smarter than him.
JM: And more treacherous.
CW-1: Yeah. Matty was treacherous himself, you know. You know.
JM: Listen, anybody in that position can be treacherous.
CW-1: Yeah, no. You’re right about that. He killed Meldish. (Laughs)
JM: He didn’t do it.
CW-1: No, I know that.
JM: And he wouldn’t have done it.
CW-1: No, he wouldn’t have the balls.
JM: Michael told him, come and meet me out in the street, anywhere you want.
CW-1: Did he really?
JM: Oh, yes, he did.
CW-1: Why’d he threaten him like that though?
JM: Because he didn’t give a fuck.
CW-1: I’m saying what -–
JM: (TS) Michael saved his life five times.
CW-1: Yeah, I know. But weren’t they -– were they beefing in the end that bad?
JM: Matty made a big issue out of it. Michael didn’t ever make an issue out of it, he did.
CW-1: What’d he make an issue out of the money? If you make an issue out of money, why’d you lend the guy the money?
JM: Exactly. He didn’t lend it to him.
CW-1: Oh.
JM: I keep telling you, he didn’t lend him a dime. Your partners are putting money in the street.
CW-1: Oh. But he had -– but Mike had no money.
JM: No. But Mike, uh but Matty put the money up and they were partners on collecting. And Michael told him, after like six months or four months, he said, listen, I can’t collect.
CW-1: I can’t do it.
JM: Every time I collected, I spend it.
CW-1: I’ll fuck it up.
JM: He said send one of them fucking stooges you got and let them collect it and just give me my end.
CW-1: And, right.
JM: He said no, you’re responsible. You’re the blah, blah, blah. Then Michael said why don’t you go fuck yourself.
JM: I’m telling you where the money is. Whose got it. How much. This, that. Send somebody.
CW-1: Michael was closer to you than he was to Matty.
JM: Michael was always close to me.
CW-1: I know. Driving you around.
JM: He drove me around for two years.
CW-1: Yeah, I know.
JM: He came to my house every day, what do you need? What do you got -– what do you (UI).
CW-1: (TS) I know he did. I know. I know. I know.
JM: Cause Michael and I were on the same wavelength, uh
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Re: James Maffucci and Robert Spinelli discussing the release of Lucchese Brooklyn faction members (2013)

Post by CornerBoy »

johnny_scootch wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 3:13 pm
CW-1: There's Meatball. No, I'll go see Georgie as soon as he comes home. Big John's retarded brother Boobsy (phonetic).
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: Mother fucking Boobsy.
CW-1: Is he a jerk off?
JIMMY MAFFUCCI: I don't like him.
CW-1: Straight jerk off?
I have a great Boobsy story from the old days hopefully it translates over text. I’m working in a spot that’s owned at the time by a Lucchese associate and the guy that he’s with at that time we will call him Mike is in jail. Mike would call the spot all the time and shoot the shit with whoever was hanging around cause there was always someone or another there. This one day Boobsy happens to be there and it was very random that he was there because he’s not one of the people who ever hung out there. Mike calls and is on the phone with we’ll say Joe, Boobsy tells Joe he wants to talk to Mike and he says tell him it’s me but don’t use my name. Now if anyone knows wiseguys you know they’re good at saying something without actually saying it but this Joe ain’t that and he's struggling to convey to Mike he’s about to hand the phone to Boobsy. He’s saying all sorts of stuff like ‘it’s one of your friends from Brooklyn’ ‘the bald guy’ for 5 minutes it goes on which feels like an eternity I gotta say it was pretty funny and finally Mike gets the drift and Joe hands the phone to Boobsy who opens the conversation with Mike by saying ‘Hey pal it’s your friend Boobsy!’
thats a funny little story lol. i can picture it. Some of these guys are borderline retarded and a quarter of 'em are legitimately highly intelligent
Q: What doesn't work when it's fixed?
A: A jury!
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