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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

This is getting to be a headache, and frustratingly difficult. Honestly, I look at the verified, in-depth scope of the research B. and Villian achieve in the Chicago thread, and think about the level of scope and detail the Archeologists achieve; and, well, I feel like there’s a level that I’m trying to get to with Australia and it’s only juuust out of reach.

On Trove, I’ve managed to dig up stubs from as early as 1910 that make mention of “Black Hand” activity, in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. But they don’t fit the pattern. For one, they mostly reference anglicised names. Secondly, the mythical “Black Hand” is so sensationalised that the purple prose is used to reference all kinds of groups and societies. There’s a stub from 1912 that refers to a gang of juvenile “Black Handers”.

Chris Christie/Santino is right. It HAS to be there, somewhere. I’m going to contact some of the authors I know. See what they think/know. Frustratingly, it’s established as “fact” that the Australian mafia “started” in 1922.

I’ll keep digging. Much respect to guys like B., Villian, Antiliar, motorfab, antimafia, calabrianwatch, Laurentian, Santino, too many guys to name. But I thank you all for your fantastic work and research. Much respect to my brothers on the BHF.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by B. »

Keep digging and something will surface I'm sure. Respect to you, Mickey.

With the "Black Hand" era stuff, what seems to be best is looking up the heritage of the people arrested and look for familiar hometowns and/or surnames for leads. Hard part is how often the names are butchered in newspapers. I also don't know what kind of databases exist for Australian genealogy. At least you might be able to recognize Calabrian surnames.

Sometimes you get lucky too and an early paper will refer to a guy being involved in similar activity back in Italy and offer a few details that help shed light.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by motorfab »

Thank you Mickey.

Regarding the Black Hand thing, I'd be very cautious with this when it's on newspapers, especially during the 1900s/1910s because everytime an Italian made a offense, he was a black hander. But that doesn't mean there was no Black Hand or Mafia type activities these years. Honestly I don't know maybe you're right gents.

Trove is definitely a great ressource regarding everything related to Australia that's for sure
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

Thank you, my brothers, for the reassurance. I definitely needed it. I will keep at it.

Motorfab, your blog is fantastic, and I definitely feel a kinship with you. And B., you wouldn’t know it, but over the years I’ve learnt so much more about research and methods from you.

We’ve all been at this for years. We pick up ways and means from each other. I will keep at it, as a part of the BHF and the bigger picture.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

Hey fellas,
I’m working on a chart as a small break from the other project, as it is increasingly likely I will run headfirst into a brick-wall before I find a credible example of ‘ndrangheta activity prior to 1922.

Anyway, I have a picture that’s labeled as Bruno Morabito, an enforcer for the Canberra/Sydney ‘ndrine that operated under the Griffith locale’.

The thing is, I’ve always had a sneaky suspicion that it’s actually a photo of Phil Chicken Man Testa, the Philly mobster. Maybe it’d jus the moustache, because the skin doesn’t seem as scarred and pock-marked as Testa seemed. If anyone can help me out to clarify, I’d be thankful.

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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

It’s not Testa right? Besides the moustache and bulbous nose, it’s my guy Morabito, yeah? I’m like, 90% certain, but I want to be 100% before I use it.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by motorfab »

No no, I confirm you It's Bruno Morabito, 100%. This mugshot is on Getty Images as part of the Fairfax collection. Here it is with his name

Bip me if you need pics or something ;)
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

Ah ha! You’re a legend mate. I’m good with Trove and the National Archives, but I struggle with Gettys because it’s a new resource to me.

I might actually take you up on the offer of the pics. Expect a dm 🙂

Hey, just fwiw I read your piece on the Grenoble underworld last night and it’s fantastic. I obviously have to use the translate function, and if it’s that good when it’s translated to English, I wish I could read it in the original French. You’re doing great work brother.

Thanks for the confirmation f
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by motorfab »

MickeyMeatballs wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:51 am Ah ha! You’re a legend mate.
The Man, the Myth, the Legend. That's what I keep telling to my girlfriend but she doesn't believe me, I will show her your post. Thanks for the confirmation bro :mrgreen: :lol:

More seriously, you're welcome, glad to help !

And thanks a ton for having read my article about Grenoble OC. As I'm from Grenoble, I must say -with all modesty of course- I'm quite proud for having be able to wrote something about it, especially it's not really a very well know topic when you think of the French mob. If you don't want to bother with the translator, there is an English version below the French. Fortunately for your eyes (you guys suffer enough like this on the forum), it's not me who did this but thekiduknow ;)
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

I know, I guess I was trying to read it the “original” language, and my phone automatically translates French and Italian etc which is handy.
I’ve started a thread in the Mugshots section for Australian ‘ndrangheta figures, just as a resource for the handful of guys on here who do take an interest in Australia.
Also, I’ve never seen several of the pictures on your board, so that’s awesome brother. Thanks so much for sharing, that picture of a young Danny Luppino is great, I’ve only ever seen him in present day, when he’s ancient and grizzled.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by motorfab »

Cool, glad thee is something new for you. I also started a thread in the mugshot section some years ago viewtopic.php?f=31&t=7741

Maybe a mod can regroup them together to have one thread ?
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

Shit I missed it! It was started during a time I was away from the boards. I’ll message the mods to combine the links.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

Colin McLaren, one of the police officers that went undercover to infiltrate a Griffith ‘ndrine in the early 90s has released a new podcast in conjunction with Podshape that details the operation that took down Antonio Romeo and Ross Trimboli.

Its called The Sting, and it’s on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. It’s only four episodes in, but so far it’s pretty good. One criticism I have is the erasure of Damien Marrett’s contributions to the investigation. He is constantly written off as being next to useless posing as Mclaren’s younger brother.
I understand that he some kind of mental break, but it also seems like there was some conflict between Marrett and Mclaren during the operation. Maybe they’ll go into it a bit more later in the podcast, but it’s a constant thread in the narrative that Mclaren did most of the work himself. Marretts memoir details his involvement, and in fact, he was the first of the two involved in with investigating IOC figures. He was involved in a buy/bust with Matteo Medici some years before the Griffith operation

Anyway, I’ll keep listening. It does cover some interesting ground. I’m back at my studies so I’ll be kept busy for a while, but in the next article series I’m hoping to cover some more activity in Canberra, and eventually cover Mclaren and Marrett and the Griffith ‘ndrine they infiltrated. Antonio Romeo was married to Maria Sergi, oldest daughter of Giovanni “Old Joe” Sergi, which made him a brother-in-law to Winery Tony. Romeo had an affair with Jenny Sergi, who also slept with Rocco Barbaro while married to cousin Young Tony Sergi. It’s a messy affair that led to Rocco Barbaro getting kneecapped and Romeo getting shot in the back while picking fruit in his orchid.
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Re: Mafia Down Under Discussion

Post by AustraliaSteve »

So recently a free-to-air tv channel aired a documentary on the murder of Donald Mackay. No new information, but I’ve heard it’s good. Haven’t had time to watch it, but it led to a massive spike in visitors to my blog.

Here’s the link for anyone interested, you have to download the app to watch it. ... /episode-5
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Il Crimine Australiano - Steve’s Blog: Australian IOC Thread

Post by AustraliaSteve »

Hey guys,
Inspired by Motorfab, I want to make a thread for Italian-Australian organised crime, and hopefully merge the Mafia Down Under thread and maybe start including biker stuff and other historical figures, like Lennie Mcpehson (aka Mr Big) George Freeman and Abe Saffron (aka Mr Sin).

I know it’s in my signature, but in any case, here’s a link to my blog. I’m proud to be a part of TBHF since it started, having been a part of the evolution of the forums since 2006.
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