Freddy Geas still in solitary after 3.5 years for Bulger murder

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Re: Freddy Geas still in solitary after 3.5 years for Bulger murder

Post by mike68 »

Hired_Goonz wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 5:10 pm
mike68 wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 12:51 pm
Hired_Goonz wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 7:07 am Why hasn't he been charged with the murder? I don't even see how this is legal. ... uthorQuery

This Globe article published yesterday seems to answer the question. Once again the Feds are covering up to protect themselves. If they charge Geas with the murder, then they will uncover why he was transferred to that prison to begin with. They are hoping it all goes away by ignoring it.
More than three years later, as my colleague Shelley Murphy reported, Geas has not been charged with Bulger’s murder and remains in the hole.

A bigger conflict of interest you cannot find. The federal government doesn’t want to charge Geas because a prosecution risks exposing the culpability the feds own for putting Bulger in a position to be murdered
Yep, typical shit from the US government isn't it? Oswald had to be killed to prevent a trial, but with a guy who's already in prison they can just effectively bury him. It brings to mind the treatment of the victims at Guantanamo Bay: kept in solitary for years with no charges ever brought forward. I have no love for guys like Bulger or Geas but the US is supposed to be a civilized country based on laws. These men were convicted of their crimes and have to serve their sentence but what has happened to them has undisputedly met the definition of cruel and unusual punishment. Speaking of Bulger, who knows if he would have even been such a ruthless murderer if he wasn't mind-raped by MK-ULTRA experiments back in the day.
You nailed it. Ironically, the only FBI agent who got close to what he deserved, John Connolly, is home now living out his days. What do you want to bet that he's going to live longer than his attorney's told the judge that he would.
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Re: Freddy Geas still in solitary after 3.5 years for Bulger murder

Post by Tonyd621 »

newera_212 wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 9:47 am I agree. Fuck this guy
Yeah well they should charge him with the murder or put him back in gen pop. But he's in solitary bc the officers of the prison and court look bad. If they spent 5 minutes doing some due diligence they would know not to put them together. If Geas didn't do it somebody else would. One of the most high profile rats to walk in prison and what nobody is going to assault the guy. They stuck him in gen pop bc they messed up. They already knew what he was capable of but they don't care about people or their jobs (correction officers) so what do you expect
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Re: Freddy Geas still in solitary after 3.5 years for Bulger murder

Post by JoeCamel »

Honestly Connolly didn’t deserve what he got nor did Steve Flemmi in the sense that they were acting under the parlance and assumption that everything they did was under the government umbrella. They probably let Connolly out because he agreed no books no media no nothing. Bigger secrets the just the Boston underworld. Hate to say it but it’s a conspiracy.
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