Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by joeycigars »

JCB1977 wrote:Cigars,

I've spoken my peace, I made my point, I gave my opinion. Different times, those guys "ran the city, true Godfathers." Joey never ran the city of Philadelphia...Bruno did. And so did all the others. Joey has a slice of Philly and a few things in NJ, he's a tough guy, not a businessman. Sophisticated he is the least bit. My two cents.
I agree , he is not a businessman , and it is different times , But he still has his title and adding years on, Thanks for the list... nice
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by JCB1977 »

joeycigars wrote:
JCB1977 wrote:Cigars,

I've spoken my peace, I made my point, I gave my opinion. Different times, those guys "ran the city, true Godfathers." Joey never ran the city of Philadelphia...Bruno did. And so did all the others. Joey has a slice of Philly and a few things in NJ, he's a tough guy, not a businessman. Sophisticated he is the least bit. My two cents.
I agree , he is not a businessman , and it is different times , But he still has his title and adding years on, Thanks for the list... nice
He does have some time. I agree with you there ("IF" he in fact was calling the shots the whole time.)
Last edited by JCB1977 on Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I figure I’m gonna have to do about 6000 years before I get accepted into heaven. And 6000 years is nothing in eternity terms. I can do that standing on my head. It’s like a couple of days here."

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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Handsome Stevie »

If anything I would say he was officially official boss in 1998-1999, when Natale got locked back up. Because even if they now say he was only a lightning rod, when he was on the street Joey was only official Underboss. So even if you count the years he was in prison its still only about 17-18 years. Hey maybe one day Joey will be up there with those guys but hes got a ways to go. The biggest part of being in the mafia is to make money. And I have yet to see people say how much money theyre making under Merlino. Merlino dont really seem like hes making much money. Shit i bet Mazzone and Johnny Chang are making more then Merlino. Them guys are the real deal. I have nothing against Joey but he didnt really know what he was doing before he went to jail. I think he probably matured a lot and realized he could have been much better as a boss had he done things differently.
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